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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. LMAO. Jesus. Thank You. I mean, now I know how easy it is for Crayonz to get his good work done!
  2. That's what my sources say. Actually he was only $73,294.17 short, I just rounded it up, but now he's more than ready. My sources indicate that he is now worth more than Rogers Communication group and should be able to outbid them easily because of the sale of this house to Marshawn. My sources also say that if he has to, he will start to sell off bits of his Virginia real estate little by little to stay just ahead of Rogers Communication group if he has to. Jimbo is positioning himself nicely here. Long live Jim. And as the other poster asked......I drive a 1988 Cutlass Olds Supreme. Gold with brown cloth interior. The only thing that has happened to this beauty is the ceiling is falling sagging down on my head, but other than that, this kitty is still purring after all these years.
  3. Way cool. I was only 8 years old when I first saw Stargell play in the world series against Baltimore. I watched the Pirates religiously from that point on until about 2003 or so when I pretty much completely lost interest. I remember growing up a kid and imitating Pops doing the warmup swings or Dave Parkers, Bill Madlock, or Mike Easlers batting stance. And I can tell you that all my grandfather ever talked about was Roberto Clemente. Of course that's all both of the grandpas ever talked about as well as my dad, mom, and anyone else who grew up watching him. In some cases, it's amazing to think his legacy is still right up there in the city with any 70's Steeler player, Super Mario, or any Pirate that has come and gone since him. RIP Roberto!
  4. I agree with you 100%. I have gone to Bills games the last few years and have had no expectations that they would win most of the games they played. I honestly had no confidence they could do it. The thing that sucks the most is that I won't get to see the people around me as much as I used to. Case in point.....I've made some great friends in Orchard Park over the years. My wife and I got married 2 years ago in Richmond VA, and 10 season ticket holders (8 from Buffalo and 2 from Philadelphia) came to our wedding. We would have never known these people unless we had Bills season tickets. We have the reception hall all decked out and looking good.....well, all except for one table........THE BUFFALO TABLE. Their table had an authentic Bills throwback helmet on it with the stading red buffalo. It had the horns on it from the playoffs in the 90's, and a jersey on each chair for them to wear when they arrived to the reception. My wife and I entered the hall to the SHOUT song and went right to their table to sing and dance. One of the guys who came from Buffalo works for the city and actually got me one of the Jim Kelly Boulevard signs and had it hanging in the hall when we arrived. It was sweet. The other half of my family all had terrible towels waving as they are Steeler fans, but us 12 Bills fans still won that little battle. My wife's family, who really could care less about football, thought we were all nuts, lol. If it wasn't for the Bills, none of these memories that are dear to me ever happen. So, we all care......just not the fuggin Bills, and for the first time ever, it sickens me. Also, as a gauge from other fans, of the 10 fans around me who came to my wedding, 4 of them renewed already, and the other 6 are also playing the waiting game and have not yet as of today. We'll see I guess.
  5. I'm just reporting what I know here, but this is the last piece of the puzzle for Jimbo to buy the Bills and keep them in Buffalo. I heard from my "inside sources" (and no, I can't tell you who they are, because they won't give me anymore coupons to the Bills Store if I do), but they said Jimbo was only $100,000 or so away from being able to purchase the Bills and keep them here when Ralph dies. So, he sold this property to collect a little interest on the money he made from the sale and will now buy the Bills when Ralph passes. And no, don't ask me who the Bills are going to sign next in Free Agency, because my inside sources swore me to secrecy. Even if I did tell you, you wouldn't know their names anyway, because they are all backups and practice squad players from other NFL and CFL teams. WRITE IT DOWN, I SAID IT FIRST!
  6. LMAO. Come on Deano. They are already eliminated from the playoffs and it's only March. They are well on the way to 100 losses again. I'm not sure what your affiliation with Pittsburgh is, but focus on the Pens, they are now 7-1-1 under their new coach and are absolutely flying around. They will grab the 4th seed, after being in 10th place for most of about 3 months now. The Pens are back......the Pirates though.......well.......they are the "Bills" of MLB.
  7. Dean stop it. Really. They have no chance. It will be their 16th season in a row with a losing record. The Bills will be the next NFL team to become the "Pirates". Oh well, at least I have the Penguins. They at least have stars, and make moves in free agency. Translation: My sports life largely sucks. But seriously, let's not kill this thread with Pittsburgh Pirates trash. They might be the only team on Earth more depressing than the Bills.
  8. Yeah, and then you know what even makes it better? Drive through fuggin Pittsburgh on the way home, see all the Steeler schitt everywhere as you drive and see how happy they are. Year after year after year after year after year. And then hit the east coast and hear NY radio stations for the Giants, Jets, Eagles, Skins or Baltimore on your second leg home, and it gets even worse. Most of those guys B word because they don't look good while winning. Oh no wait, listen to national radio and NEVER hear the Bills even mentioned. I mean, by the time I'm home, I have it on RawDog comedy on Sirius or the Sirius Playboy radio to try and escape the pain and anger that is the Buffalo Bills. Pure Hell for about 10 years now.
  9. This might be about the stupidest post I've ever seen. I'm not sure if you are drunk, or just high....but I'll call your bluff. Here's the deal I have for you.........................Every week the Bills play at home, you drive to Richmond VA and then drive back, and I'll drive to the Bills game and drive back. That way, you'd be making the same committment as me. If you agree to drive here and back for every game I go to, which is usually 6-7 per year, I'll renew my tickets again. So, are you going to put up or shut up??? Oh and one of the days, you also have to miss work. So, what'll it be?
  10. Isn't it though? We usually drive to Pittsburgh on Sunday Nights and stay there after home games. It puts us at relatively half way to VA. The drive back anymore is so miserable. You listen to WGR all the way to Erie until it fades out and vent with the rest of the miserable Bills fans. Then you switch over to Sirius NFL radio and never hear a word about the Bills because they are irrelevant to everyone outside of Buffalo. It's just excruciating anymore. It makes you so miserable, and the whole time driving home on Monday, you keep asking yourself......."why in the hell am I still doing this for this horseshit team"? It's been like ground day for the last 10 years.
  11. You know, even in the marketing and merchandising aspect, they've lost me. I mean seriously....90% of Bills fans think the current uniforms are atrocious, so who really wants to buy them? But, we all do anyway, but no one itches to get the jerseys because they look good. Then, if you do decide to get a jersey, who in the hell do you even get? I mean, really, we have NOBODY on this team that really gets you excited. Nobody. We all think Lynch, Evans and Poz are better than they are, only because we just cling to some kind of ignorant hope that someone else in the league will say they are a superstar, but deep down in, we know they aren't. So, who do you even buy??? I've got the nicest collection of throwback sh-- over the last 7 years for my gameroom, because we don't have any fuggin players really worth investing in. That doesn't mean I don't like Lee, Marshawn, or someone like Poz or McGee, but jesus come on. The whole organization right now is a complete joke. From top to fuggin Copeland Bryan, we are a joke.
  12. When I called to tell my rep that I was cancelling, I actually think he's the one that pushed me over the edge. He got me so pissed off telling me to stay the course, blah, blah, blah, I actually told him to just shut up and quit talking to me like I'm an idiot. FUGG U, Inner circle!
  13. So, after a long time thinking about it, I cancelled my season tickets today. I've had them for 11 years. Before that, I was in college and high school and used to make as many games as possible. I'm still a Bills fan. And I will still have Direct TV's Sunday Ticket so I can watch every game. So, I'm not one of these dingbats that are saying that they are no longer Bills fans and such. I'm still a Bills fan true and true. However, my money will no longer be going for seats in the stadium. I do have to say, however, that this choice is a little easier for me as I live in Richmond VA. 9 Hours each way. I'll probably still go to the opener and that may be about it. Who knows. But I digress. The Bills finally broke me. I'm sick of the crap that has been spewing from their mouths over the last couple of years, and the product on the field, sidelines, and front office is, at best, amatuer. We are all here on this message board for a reason, the love of the Bills, so I don't have to point out that we've done absolutely nothing this offseason while the rest of division continues to get better. I don't have to point out Jauron, the "Toronto Series", or any other jackass thing this organization does. But they finally broke me. Today, my money won't be spent in Buffalo this fall and winter. I won't frequent their hotels, restaurants, bars or the Ralph, and it saddens me. Money has nothing to do with my decision as my wife and I lived a blessed life in that aspect. However, the crap that is put on the field year after year has gotten old for me. I played college baseball, and even coached in college when I was done. I used to have a partial season ticket plan for the Pittsburgh Pirates and went to every playoff game....home and away.......in the 90's when I was in college. Then, they became irrelevant. They busted apart their team from the early 90's and became nothing. They then built the best ballpark in baseball and we were told that would help get players to Pittsburgh and help keep thier own stars there. It didn't happen. Apathy set it, and slowly but surely, I stopped caring. I read a box score every now and then just to make fun of them, but largely baseball has become non-existent in my life. They are run much like our current Buffalo Bills. I tell that story, because I hope that never happens to me with the Bills. But I will say this, I never thought I'd cancel my season tickets, but I did. I'm just so sick and fuggin tired of sucking every year, and them not doing anything about it. Not holding front office people (modrak and guy) responsible for doing horrible jobs. I've had enough. Same thing happened to me with the Pirates. And folks, it does happen. The city of Pittsburgh is so apathetic about baseball, you most of the time wouldn't know it existed if it weren't for PNC Park. I hope the Bills don't get like that, but I think it's getting to that point. I still can't wait til opening day. Hell, I still can't wait for the draft. I somewhat look forward to signing more table scraps and them telling us how good these backups from other teams actually are. But instead, this fall and winter, I will sink my own money into my own gameroon opr some other project around the house, and not into Ralph's pockets!!! I'll probably regret it, but damn, this is just pure misery anymore. Scott Norwood missing that FG in SB wasn't nearly as bad as the state of our team is in right now. SHOVE THAT UP YOUR ASS RUSS, YOU DIDN'T QUITE MARKET THE TEAM SO WELL TO ME NOW DID YOU? Fix the fuggin football team for once.
  14. Take a look at the Bills history with these clowns in charge, and you tell me if we are destined to suck?
  15. LOL. I hear ya. But think about it with Coles. Here comes his free agency and the only two teams showing any interest are Buffalo and Cincinnati. Hell, would you blame him for locking down somewhere in a hotel room beating his head? LOL JUST SIGN ALREADY YOU FUGGIN PRICK!
  16. Bingo, and then eve.n at that, he isn't one of the best. See Breaston, Steve. But Reed being #3 means that the Bills actually then have a true #2, which is what this team really needs.
  17. Reed is not an excellent WR year in and year out. He just came dependable recently. He has very little playmaking capability. And OK, so he makes catches on third downs......lol......he's an NFL WR, he should do that. I mean, really, almost.....and I say almost every team in the NFL has a Josh Reed, yet we make him out to be a god because he actually catches a lot of catchable balls thrown to him. The only pass I give Reed is that he hasn't truly been used all season in the slot where he belongs. If the Bills actually open up the pocket book and get another damn WR who is worth a damn, then Reed will play an important role in this offense. Until then, Reed adds little to this team being able to get in the endzone which is what they need to do alot more of. I wouldn't mind a 4 WR set of Evans, Coles, Reed and Parrish. I actually think that would be pretty good. THen add Johnson in empty backfields, and you have three legit guys who could score on any catch and two guys who can make catches in Reed and Johnson.
  18. A giant need on this team? Giant need? I beg to differ. We have Evans, Reed, Parrish, Johnson, and Hardy. No way it's a giant need. ITS A GARGANTUAN NEED! I agree. This infatuation that Josh Reed is a good WR is a farce. Adding someone almost as good as Evans makes us better. Reed in the slot is tolerable, but I still we could do even better than him also. Coles would definately help. You aren't in the minority, you just aren't in the Josh Reed lovefest like many are on this board.
  19. in a lot of these mock drafts.......if some "expert" has the Bills taking someone other than Pettigrew at their spot in the draft (in round 1), I usually don't see Pettigrew mentioned at anyone else's pick in the first round. Could he fall to the Bills in round 2 if he isn't taken by us in round 1? I personally don't see it, but it's something I've noticed.
  20. Did I ever go? LMAO. When you live outta state part of the experience of Buffalo Bills football is Sundowner and Seuctions. So much so, that I could tell you about a time or two on many occasions where someone in our party was sitting right next to Eric Moulds or Pat Williams (Some other Bills as well on Sunday Nights) getting lap dances. Have we ever gone. OF COURSE we've gone! I actually have an Eric Moulds rookie card, still in my car glove box from his agent that gave them out when Moulds was in the club. LOL.
  21. That's the first thing I saw as well. Why in the hell would you even write that? Again, Please no.
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