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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Owens is a known workout guru, and has proven that he'll most likely be the most in shape on the Bills roster. So, big deal. The biggest question is whether or not fatass Jason Peters is there. I would bet not.
  2. Who gives a schitt who would go? The game is already paid for, and I for one, would be glad if it's Tampa. I not only would enjoy seeing Manning play in the Ralph, we could use a little home field advantage when the Colts have the ball. There would most likely be more Colts fans in Toronto than Buffalo. Give em Bucs. Screw Toronto. Go Bills.
  3. I knew nothing about Tennessee's roster until watching the game last night, thinking Ball State would be blown out by halftime. However, Tennessee has five freshman and a redshirt freshman on their roster.....they'll be fine most likely next year. Hell, with 6 freshman, they were already good enough to win 20 plus games. But for now, Ball State can forever hold in their lore that they were really the first team to knock down mighty Tennessee and pull off an upset of the ages. Not bad for their first tourney appearance!
  4. Absolutely. I'm not saying he'd come here, but he's way better than any of those three......easily.
  5. Couple of more stats.....Tennessee has been in, at least, the sweet sixteen every year since 1982! Two time defending champs. Ball State has done very well for itself this year by getting national expsosure for its athletic dept. Congrats Cards!
  6. And we routed them. Beat the all time winningest coach. Beat a Tennessee team that has advanced to at least the sweet sixteen in every year of the tournaments existence. Made up for a tank job by Nate Davis at the end of the football season. One of the biggest upsets ever. And yeah, it's womens bball, but if you beat Tenny or UConn, that's worth some well deserved press. WAY TO GO LADY CARDS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  7. I believe the original poster is talking about going to Ralph Wilson Stadium, not NYC. I was also wondering if it's worth it.
  8. And ladies and gentleman, yet another navy blue team in the league. Wonder when the Steelers will be incorporating navy blue into their uniforms?
  9. And again yet today with the Cutler article and headline. Does he actually even know that the Bills are entertaining the thought of Cutler replacing Edwards. Garbage again. Day after day after day.
  10. I don't really agree with this at all, but I do agree that 365 should be off of the website. Just call it what it is.....the articles are garbage because they are largely based on opinion and guesses with absolutely NO SOURCES. The guys who write for that site are no more qualified, and many times less informed than people who post on here. And they aren't comparable to Jerry Sullivan, etc, because Jerry is with a reputable daily that is connected to the Bills in a roundabout way. My actual favorite part of TBD is the front page because I get all my Bills news on a daily basis there. Then I tread over here sometimes to get entertained. Sometimes you log on to TBD and get excited because you see a news headline that gets the blood going about the Bills, only to find out that it is a glorified blogger stating opinion based on best guesses from someone with a glorified website. They have no sources. They have no more information than anyone on this message board has, yet their headlines can make you believe something big is brewing for the Bills. Connor Byrne was the same way. It's not how good they write, but everything they say has no more value than a post on a message board, because they have no legit sources or ways to get inside info. I actually could care less if they are positive or negative. It's absolutely garbage that this "news" source is on the front page.
  11. Yeah, or the morons who speak like this, when the choice comes down to Fire, Police, and EMS services or Libraries. Real tough choice. How about Economic Develoment Departments (which attract businesses so chronic whining citizens like yourself can have lower taxes) or libraries? How about social services or libraries? How about waste water management or manned trash sites or libraries? How about Comp Services or libraries? Hell, how about Parks and Rec where thousands of people use them a year or libraries? Uh huh, Libraries should be right up there with all of those, especially in tough times!
  12. Actually, I'm a recreation director for a county government in VA, and we house a branch library in one of our recreation centers. It's a rural county. The library is packed because of the reason that will most likely eventually be it's downfall. The county is still largely without high speed internet, but our recreation center has high speed wi-fi. The library is actually jam packed every night with citizens using high speed internet in it's computer lab. It's funny, because the only people in there looking at books are the one's waiting to get on an open computer to use the internet. But yeah, this library is adapting and making almost half of the library a computer lab. The people in there using the computers every night dwarfs the amount doing everything else though.
  13. One of my buddies lives in Charleston, SC, and he called me to tell me there is a lot of talk there too about the Bills. Apparently the Bills may open a ticket office there, so that we can start to be the official team of states that don't have NFL football. It's an official way to further our regionalization efforts except this plan is actually nationalization. Russ Brandon has supposedly been in touch with their governer. Hey, if it helps the team stay in Buffalo.... Anyone else hear this?
  14. I swear I was going to post this exact same thing a week or so ago when this came out. I fuggin the crazy looks he gives while getting pelted by those balls. Especially the last one. LMAO. Absolutely hysterical.
  15. Considering that my rep said it was 41% to 87 or 88% of his accounts that renewed after Owens, I think it's safe to say that the Bills front office felt like they needed to do something. Don't know if they really thought it was gonna be Owens, but they felt the heat.
  16. Ummmm, don't be picky. Take the job and if you need to, look for another one while you have one. Nothing wrong with that. Best time to look for a job, is when you have one. At least you'll be making some money until everything bounces back.....which it will. Good Luck, hope it works out OK for you! By the way, you aren't the guy I passed on 288 yesterday with the Sabres border around his license plate and Bills helmet next to it are you? lol
  17. I feel for you Pooj. I hope all the Buffalo transplants here will find work soon. But, I live here, and love it. Richmond is booming where I live, and I still think we are wayyyyyyyyy better off than most of the nation. They are building about 10 new upscale restaurants, that stupid upscale Wal-Mart (yeah, 2 fuggin miles from the other one.....and what exactly is an upscale Wal-Mart?), and about 20 shops right across the road from me. I still love it here, other than the fact that we don't have pro sports. Richmond, IMO, is the best spot to land in VA. It's not in northern VA (thank god), but has the ameneties of a big city (Short Pump and Western Chesterfield). Oh, the ocean and mountains are close by too. I'll say a prayer for all the Richmonders who need work......I wish you all the best!
  18. Boy wouldn't that be great? NE's fans would outnumber ours 2 to 1. Just like they attend Red Sox games in Toronto, it will be an extra home game for New England. Please god no.
  19. Anyone else coming in for a look, or are we sitting dormant for now? We're not worthy, we're not worthy!
  20. I think his car is in the shop over at the BMW dealership. Because he currently has a rental that isn't worth as much or more than a house in Buffalo, he doesn't get the same "inside info".
  21. Shanny will be able to work again when and probably where he wants. The other three coaches have probably run their course. I can easily admit that. However, the laughable defending of Tom Donahoe, is just plain ridiculous. The thing is, everytime someone brings up why Tom Donahoe got run out of Pittsburgh, there is no answer. Also, Donahoe can't hold Bill Polian or John Butler's jock based on what they did in Buffalo, so Donahoe doesn't deserve to even be mentioned in that group. Ralph may be the problem, so be it. I don't think many Buffalo fans would refute that. And again, no one is clamoring for TD now. I mean, really, if you are going to lump TD with John Butler and Polian, neither of those two guys had any trouble getting jobs, post Buffalo. No one said Mort doesn't have credentials to have an educated NFL opinion. His grudge against the Bills for getting rid of his buddy Donahoe is downright laughable though. If Polian and Butler were run out of here by Wilson (which they were), why doesn't he stick to those guys in bringing up he thinks Wilson is the problem, instead of bringing up TD every friggin question he answers about the Bills. After all, TD was awful while he was here. Polian and Butler were pretty good. Yet, he sticks to defending the guy who failed no matter what facts anyone throws at him. And there are a lot of things that measure TD's failures in multiple organizations. Football fans go to guys like yourselves for information on their team that maybe we can't get ourselves. The sickening thing about Mort is that everytime we go to him about Bills information, Tom Donahoe, who wasn't successful here, gets thrown in our face. All the time. That's a letdown to those of us who want opinions on the current state of our team. And if he thinks Ralph is the problem, say so. Man up, and say so. ESPN leads us to seek answers from whoever they deem good enough to give opinions to average fans. If they replaced Mort tomorrow with Tim Graham, we'd get better answers about the Bills from day 1. It just gets old. We get excited looking to you guys for answers or clues on our favorite team, the Bills. Unfortunately, Mort is one of the ESPN guys we have to get it from. And yes, he's locked in to a lot of different sources. Except the fact that he's beating this grudge to death for Donahoe. Mort blows when talking about the Bills. Hell, even Berman called him out on it last year on the air. It's really undefendable. I promise I'm done, and sorry to bring this up, but he deserves all the crap he gets from Bills fans. And sorry to highjack the thread for awhile. Sincerely, Tim, thanks for chatting with us here on TBD, you've been a breath of fresh air for Bills fans. I promise I'll shut up now, but damn this bugs me. LOL Carry on.
  22. OK, so look at it this way. Based on what Bill in NYC says, he's basing his "guess" on how the Bills would fare with a busted QB, a Head Coach that was less than stellar, and a GM that lost a power struggle and was let go in Pittsburgh, and who was terrible in Buffalo and run out of town, and who never got another job in the NFL. Now, Mort tells us different, and defends Donahoe like he's his dad or something. There's no basis to anything Mort says about Tom Donahoe. I mean, why does TD not have a job in the NFL? Which one of the above guys....Bill in NYC or Mort are going on logical facts? At least Bills fans have a basis for their guesses, on where the Bills would be with TD, JP and Mularkey here. The reason most Bills fans are sick and tired of Mort's act is that he throws Tom Donahoe's name in anywhere he can. And we get lectured on not letting Mort's opinion's ruin our day. I think Mr Mortensen should take the same advice and MOVE ON.
  23. Tim, It stinks to drag you into the Mort hates the Bills stuff.....but I mean, he's so ridiculous with some of the stuff he says it's just silly. I mean, really, I could ask him in his chat if he likes Chicken Wings and he'll somehow figure out a way to tie it back to Tom Donahoe being the man for the Bills job. I mean, today, he said that if TD was still in charge, he and Mike Mularkey would have this team in the playoffs by now. The guy was no good here, and morale was terrible. If Tom Donahoe and Mularkey are so damn good, why aren't they in charge somewhere else? No one else in the NFL seems to think TD is right for their jobs either. I don't expect you to comment on this, because if you keep commenting about Mort on a Bills message board, you'll just get sucked in deeper and deeper. But seriously, as a Bills fan, Mort is sickening to listen to anymore.
  24. Again, the title of thread says.......WGR550's little sports report that is at the top and bottom of the hour (I think)......I'm listening to the TO talk right now on the internet, and this little tidbit ran right after the TO stuff. I hadn't heard 9.75 million for Coles, but that's what the sports update guy said. That was definately news to me. It was actually on the 20/20 sports report.
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