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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. This stuff cracks me up. You all love Tim Graham unless he writes something that isn't 100% pro Bills. Then, the love for Lynch is laughable. If someone was driving down the road and hit your daughter with their moving automobile, hard enough to break off the side mirror, and left the scene, as a father you'd be beyond pissed off. That's basically what Lynch did....hit someone's daughter in the world and left the scene of the crime, most likely because he was drunk. If any of you are out there, and you wouldn't defend your daughter after some !@#$ hit your daughter, and you didn't get mad or defend her......you are a flat out PUH-C. Lynch's actions are inexcusable. I'm not a hater myself, so I hope he bounces back from this and produces. But for some of you who try to downplay what he did, I can only hope that you all have daughters and they get hit by a someone driving a car hard enough to break the side mirror, and then run from the scene. Most of you would be livid. The one's who wouldn't be livid are total deadbeats.
  2. I remember last year as more and more people got HD signals, everyone in the Burgh about revolted because the Pirates and Pens weren't in HD. That didn't last long with FSP, and now the channel is in HD full time. I was just wondering if I was seeing things right about the Sabres.....but man, if I were a Sabres fan, I'd be pissed off. What a joke. I feel for you guys.
  3. As a Pens fan, I've been flipping through NHL Center Ice the last few weeks trying to watch some of the teams the Pens have passed, or teams that the Pens are chasing, and it seems that every Buffalo game is in NON-HD. Is this true? Do you all have any games in HD, ever? I'm being serious. Other than an opposite teams feed, do you ever have your home feed in HD? Man, I would be pissed if I were you guys!
  4. I gotta admit, I didn't read all of the replies yet, but I'm going to type this and I'll guarantee that when I do read the replies, you'll see countless "Friggin Lonnie" replies. Your either twenty years old, or you've only been a Bills fan for a few years. Because no one can forget the travesty of a TE that friggin Lonnie was!!!
  5. No, it was in Raleigh. I looked across the arena. Bunch of my buddies from Pittsburgh came down for the game....I live in Richmond VA. And me and my wife look over there, and I'm like, I think that dude has a Bills jersey on. LOL. Low and behold, there they are. Come on you bastard......who are you? I know you're here.
  6. Carolina Hurricanes - Pittsburgh Penguins hockey game last night? I look across the arena, which was about 30% Pens fans, and what do I see? About maybe 15 rows up or so, near the Pens blue line, maybe even closer to center ice....A dude, 4 seats in from the aisle with our road Terrence McGee jersey on, along with a chick wearing a throwback Sabres jersey. Way to represent the Bills. I loved it. Me and my wife, being originally from Pittsburgh, are Pens fans, but I spotted you two bastards right away and loved it.
  7. Good, have you ever sat in the club seats? LOL. They are Ralph Wilson Stadium's closest thing to most of the other boring fans in most other NFL cities. Now, wherever they stick the rest of us, you won't actually have people yelling at us to sit down....even if it is 3rd and one. lol. I will say, however, that I do plan on retiring to the club section someday, but it won't even be considered until I'm at least 60 years old. J/K club seaters.......well kinda!
  8. Lemme guess......"From your sources deep within the Bills......"
  9. So, in other words, if you really want the NFL season ticket, you still need to get it from Direct TV.
  10. If you look at the picture on NFL.com, the Patriots throwback jerseys are white. So, this will be natural that the Bills will be in their blue jerseys and the Pats will be in white. They have pictures of all the teams and their throwbacks!
  11. Nah, he didn't choke. Something just happened to him. I'm not sure what though. He played much better competition than the University of Buffalo and Tulsa and played lights out. He performed at Big Ten schools, B-12 schools, and at some other in state rivalries. I guess he could've choked because BSU had more and more importance on each game as they headed down the stretch. But he certainly didn't choke because it was UB and Tulsa. I'm telling you, he was lights out his whole career, until the last two games. Very weird. I'm not sure what to make of it. Loss for words, as was the whole BSU community. No offense, but if would have played to half of his potential that he showed throughout the previous two years of his BSU career, they would have crushed UB. And the Tulsa bowl game, he was even worse, if that's possible. And now this pro day was jsut pathetic.
  12. Don't know about that, but I will say that there is a pretty distinct have and have not line that divides the city. The haves are the one's with money, and the have not side are the struggling or out of work factory workers. Also, it makes for one hell of a high school rivalry. Amazing that the "have" high school is nice, and the "have not" pretty much sucks in terms of facilities. Pretty damn good bball rivalry though. At least 5,000 in attendance in those games.
  13. Bird's brother, Eddie I believe, played against Ball State when I was there. Talk about a goofy looking bastard without 99% of Larry's skill. LOL @ ISU. Letterman has a plaque on his t-comm building that reads: To all my fellow C- students, there is hope out there for all of you!
  14. How the hell do you know about Muncie??? And by the way.....you do know that Ball State students never, and I mean never, ever, stray into Muncie right? Unless of course, you are going to the Jokers Wild!!! LOL.....yes, Muncie is the pits......but BSU students really can stay on campus for all of their needs, uncluding nightlife! Again though, how do know about Muncie?? Just curious. And by the way, when I think of Indiana....I think of crap....period. Flat, ugly, monster wind in the winter, and hellacious T-storms in spring. I miss BSU, but not Indiana at all.
  15. He did fall off the face of the Earth. Even at the combine, there were virtually no reports about him. Then, one finally came out that he was a little erratic, but still OK enough for a team to take him in the mid rounds. This will be very interesting to see how it plays out. I sort of feel sorry for him. He was lights out for two years in a row until the MAC Championship game, where he was awful. And then came the bowl game, where he was even worse. Then the combine, where there was nothing written about him, including the local beat writer from the Muncie Star Press who couldn't locate him or his agent. I feel sorry for Nate. He is the product of some bad advice by coming out this year. Especially after how last year ended. I personally feel that he decided to leave early before the Buffalo game and decided to try too hard to impress everyone. The pressure was so great, that he even played worse against Tulsa. I've never seen anyone look so good for so long and then completely fall off the face of the Earth in a matter of two games. It's almost like when Chuck Knoblauch couldn't throw the ball to first base anymore. It's that bad.
  16. I already posted a link on the previous page showing the game in New England.
  17. SCHITT - It's in FUGGIN New England - DAMMIT. Buffalo at New England I mean, why not put the underdog at home. Much better chance for a good game that way!
  18. Why don't you just get Directtv? If you can't afford DTV, you do know that you could get a part time job.....for one week.....and afford the NFL package!
  19. Moss also quit on Minnesota. Moss was just as big of a douchebag before joining the Pats as TO is now. I went to google, and typed in "Moss quitting on the Raiders" and was going to post an article or two about Randy when he signed with NE to make my point. There were too many articles to link here about how bad of a qutting, unmotivated, lazy athlete Moss was. Articles also popped up about Moss also quitting on the Vikings. Moss was a douche and changed. Hopefully TO will do the same. I have my doubts, but the two are very comparable in that aspect.
  20. Ummmmmmmmmmmmm, who in the hell compared Muncie to Knoxville? Ball State gained national exposure this year, by virtue of being on ESPN or ESPN 2 almost every week of the football season. Now, alot of potential recruits saw last nights game also. This only helps what BSU is trying to do with it's athletic program. BSU is not Tennessee. However, this will get athletes looking at BSU in a much more positive light. I'm talking about Ball State recruiting period. Ball State has the best basketball facilities in the MAC, and it's not even close. We have a Big Ten caliber arena. When you combine that, with the national exposure they have gotten this year on ESPN, it will only help them win recruiting wars around the region vs. other MAC schools, and sometimes an in-state school. BSU's basketball program was run into the ground by Ronny Thompson, and is now finally recovering. Case in point, I played baseball at BSU in the 90's and grew up in Pittsburgh. I had no idea who Ball State even was until this fatass coach (Rick Majerus) and the Cards took out Pitt in the first round of the NCAA tourney in basketball. The next year, they went to the sweet sixteen and lost to eventual champ UNLV by two, and took a three at the buzzer to win the game. I thought, when getting recruited by BSU, that hey, if they are good enough to be a kick ass D-1 basketball school, they sky is the limit for baseball. I was recruited on the weekend that we played and smashed Purdue, in basketball, at home, and I was hooked from that point on. Ball State is actually a beautiful midwestern style country campus that is isolated pretty much on it's own on the outskirts of a smallish blue collar city. BSU has alot to offer students both academically and athletically. It's very safe, clean, and a great place to go to school. Although the state of Indiana is morbid. My point being, is that the exposure BSU got this year, will go far in recruiting for all sports at BSU. Not against the SEC, but in bringing athletes to BSU who might have never heard of the school before. All of the ESPN and Letterman coverage this year will work wonders for it's athletic program.
  21. And again, Moss was a quitter. That means he went on the field in Oakland and quit. He threw water at officials, pouted numerous times, and walked off the field during a game once. Owens is a bad teammate. Owens never once quit on the football field. Ever. Owens likes to throw guys under the bus, but always plays hard. Moss was just as bad as TO, and as a matter of fact, many declared that Randy's career was over before going to NE. He was being trashed just like TO gets trashed now. Moss might be better than TO, although both are superstars. Both are examples of bad behavior. Both are hard to live with. Moss corrected himself. I hope TO can do the same. Both are still playing at a high level.
  22. Randy Moss was always known to take plays off, both in Minnesota and even worse in Oakland. Moss was a cancer, that is why he was had for a lowly draft pick. The keeping him in line part.....I can agree with that totally. However, Moss was at about the same level of lowlife that TO is now. It's funny, when Moss was pouting and quitting in Oakland, he didn't seem to be catching everything thrown his way. TO never quit, ever. Two different ways of being a cancer. Both just as effective as being detrimental to a team. Very comparable. We can only hope finds the same Moss that Moss has found in NE.
  23. Ahhhh, but not unprecedented. See Moss, Randy in New England.
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