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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Pro Football Reference is the ultimate online bible for research on any NFL football player who ever did anything in the NFL. I only found about it from others, but once you know about it, you can check any player, any era, and it's very simple to navigate. Because your post was to do nothing more than to debunk what the original poster said, I thought I would actually strike back with facts, and to point out that you were not factual with everyone you posted. You actually helped out the original poster by making me double check your stuff. Diehl was never voted to the pro bowl period. Never made it. He's not indicated as a pro bowler, period. Even if he was an alternate, he wasn't an elite OT, because I would say only the voted all pro's are probably elite. The fact that Diehl was picked to replace people, if that's even true, means he was the what.....5th or 6th best LT in one conference? Deese wasn't a pro bowler either. Ever. He's right on the same website. Never voted in. Matter of fact, he was a guard for most of his career until recently. On the Matt Light thing......if he wasn't picked for the pro bowl in the seasons New England won the Superbowl, it means he wasn't elite or even among the upper top tier of Tackles. So, no, I'm not saying he wasn't playing well, but for statistical arguments sake, he wasn't a pro bowler in any of those SUPER BOWL wins that you based your post off of. Further on Light.....I think it's a joke when a fatass like Peters who had a terrible year made the pro bowl last year, and Light has only made it twice in his career. Tom Brady has been unpressured at QB since he has come into the league, yet not many of the New England lineman ever get recognized as elite year after year like some of these other "Peters" types. So, yeah, to help your argument, I think Light is terrific, however, he wasn't or hasn't been a pro bowler for a majority of his career. You can move on if you want.....I would just take time next time to actually post factual information and to do a little better of a job in who you classify as being elite next time. The fact that you completely whiffed on two guys and to a lesser extent on Light, means that you failed in rebutting the original poster. After all, you were trying to debunk him weren't you?
  2. This post is just as bad...... #1 Derrick Deese has never made the pro bowl according to Pro-Football Reference #2 Marvel Smith reinforces what the original poster said. #3 David Diehl has never made the pro bowl according to Pro-Football Reference #4 One a smaller note, Matt Light never made the pro bowl in any year New England won the Super Bowl. Source: Pro-football-reference.com I'm not checking the bottom list cuz it's takes too much time to do this petty stuff, but to recap.... In four of the years from your list, an average NFL tackle won the SB just like the original poster said. If you add Light's non-pro bowl years, it becomes that in 7 of 9 years a non-"dominant" LT won the Superbowl. Now, unless pro football reference is wrong, care to just make up anymore stats to help your argument?
  3. Yeah, cuz so many LT's fared well against James Harrison last season right?
  4. LOL, oh boy. Get ready for the wrath of bandwidth/space/taking up room on the board/moron it's already been posted 10 days ago / posters!
  5. I know I'm right, because Henderson was universally considered the better of the two when Stroud was dealt here. Now, imagine that possibility with both of them together again. Get er done Russ!
  6. Jags fans had the same things to say about Stroud too. We love him, but...but....but.... And how'd that turn out for us? Get er done Russ!
  7. While I understand his age is starting to get up there, this is the same Gonzalez that caught 96 balls last year on a horrid Chiefs team right? I personally don't know of any way past their prime players that caught 96 balls and scored 10 TD's.
  8. To me, yeah kinda. Hell, why not just give them 7 regular season games and we keep one. While we are at it, why not just send the rest of the business still in Buffalo up there too. Then, Buffalo could just be one big homeless ghetto, where everyone moves away or is homeless. All I know, is that if I lived there, and the politicians that represented me were this gutless, I'd be beyond pissed. I work for local government. We are also in a recession, but are actively still pursuing economic development in a very aggressive manner. While my area continues to always try and get more, Buffalo seems content and just letting everything just go away.....either without a fight, or by just making excuses because of the circumstances they are in. If those of you who think the Buffalo region is irrelevant now, just wait until the Bills are gone. They are the regions last saving grace between the spotlight and Toledo or Akron Ohio twins. I love the Bills, the people of Buffalo, and the blue collar nature of the area. What makes me sick though, is the defeatist attitude of the region as a whole. If you think the games will stop at four, you are turning your head. If this series ever approaches four games, the team is gone. And soon. Makes me sick. I've been to the Bills - Jets game with my best friend for the last 19 years in a row. That won't happen this year because of this horsecrap. If the Toronto area was rabid about the Bills like Milwaukee was rabid about the Packers, it would be different. Toronto is just faking it's interest in the Bills in order to eventually take them away. 4 Home Games a year for the Bills and 12 on the road in the near future. Yeah, sounds great. Next will be any or all playoff games and they'll be awarded a Superbowl. Gee, won't that be great. But hey, at least there will be football in Buffalo right?
  9. Ummm, yeah ok................now the politicians are even starting to give up. Which Western NY'ers do you think would breathe relief of 4 games in Toronto??? From the story.... "I think the community would say, ‘We want there to be a Buffalo Bills,' " Erie County executive Chris Collins said in an interview with the National Post last year. "How many games that would be played here versus Toronto becomes a negotiation, perhaps, over time. But I would say the overriding decision is to keep them here in some fashion. And if it was one, two, three or four games in Toronto, with four, five, six or seven here in Buffalo, I think most western New Yorkers would breathe a sigh of relief." Unreal. Way to go Chris, you gutless Fugg.
  10. No, that would assume Donahoe is ever OFFERED another GM job.....wouldn't it?
  11. LMAO, had to bump this again. It's raining here in VA, and I needed something to make me laugh again. This is it. With the crap that is the 50th logo, and the T-Shirts that are $40......this post and artwork is terrific. Again...... I say......well done.
  12. You watch, the Jets will have more fans there than we will. My prediction.... Jets Fans = 20,000 Bills Fans = 15,000 Curiousity = 18,000 The game will most likely sellout. I think one thing that may help those of us who can't stand games being in Toronto will be the fact that I think the Jets will suck this season. I have no idea where their offense will come from. Could be wrong, but if the Jets bomb next year, this game will be a dud again. I have my fingers crossed.
  13. He could only hope....because if it was business, accounting or the like, he'd be out of work collecting unemployment right now.
  14. Our pass blocking has been above average the last few years, and we got rid of two of the worst centers in the league in Preston and Fowler. And all of you "experts" ripped on Dockery all last year, and he's gone too. Assuming Peters is back, which I'll admit is a big if, we won't get worse. If some of you want to say our pass blocking was at least average, this cast of offensive talent, would put any average line over the top. Or, would we like to count on yet another Traveras Tillman type second round pick? You can give me TG with an average OL anyday....for two years.
  15. How's that second round pick James Hardy workin' out for ya this year? We have T.O. in his twilight, could have TG in his twilight, to go with multiple budding (or already have budded stars in Lynch and Evans) and we would-should be unstoppable. The pass blocking will be fine, as long as Peters is here. I say take our shot NOW. Some of you people act like we draft like we are the Patriots for gods sakes. I'll take the sure thing for two years......wouldn't even have to ask me twice.
  16. LOL, That's all I'm saying.......would be so nice!
  17. under it's little player notes that the Chiefs will be fielding offers for Tony Gonzalez. This is slightly different news than TG to the Falcons, although they do mention the Falcons as a good suitor for TG. The notes simply say that the Chiefs will be looking for a second rounder for TG. All I know is that the Bills 2nd rounder is higher than Atlanta's. What I really wonder though, is that if there is really interest in TG or not. One would have to think so. Could you imagine a lineup of: One back set.... RB: Lynch/Freddie WR: Evans WR: Owens WR: Reed TE: Gonzalez I mean, how do you stop that? COME ON, ONE MORE MOVE.......One more. Please, lol. Hey Russ, I'll buy TG's jersey!
  18. Parking is a little bit weird if memory serves me right (I remember parking in someone's lawn). But seriously, who cares, the game is at 8:00 pm, you have all day to get there. What else is there to do in Canton Ohio for fugg's sakes. Even at that, most people who go to the Hall of Fame building itself for the first time are pretty unimpressed. Rest Easy Bills Brother, for you'll find parking! When we pulled up for Kelly's weekend, it looked like driving through Orchard Park on Abbott or Southwestern. All Bills fans. parked in lawns, everywhere. GO BILLS!
  19. Canton is gonna look like Buffalo all weekend. I can't wait. It's hard to imagine that there could be more Bills fans at this one than were at Jim Kelly's induction, but with the Bills playing a game that weekend, and two Bills going in, I think it will eclipse Kelly's weekend. Not to mention, T.O.'s first game, albeit brief (if at all), will there even be a Tennessee fan in the stadium? I never go to pre-season games, but I can't fuggin wait for this one. Buffalo south for yet another time.
  20. Got eight of them in North 7, Row A, Seats 15-22. Could be anywhere from the 8 yard line to the 22 yard line. I know one thing, I'll be among the first to high five T.O. on the way back to the Bills bench after he scores his touchdown on the opening drive. Ummmm, either that, or when he implodes on DJ for not calling one play his way....... Either way, I'LL TAKE IT. LOL
  21. I'll be at the Ralph for the draft party also.
  22. I believe Tim Graham did just say that. I also believe a real life GM said this (quoted from the article): "One AFC general manager agreed Peters is a premium tackle and -- in theory -- well worth the Bills' asking price of multiple draft picks, including first- and third-rounders. But the GM questioned whether it would be a prudent investment to give Peters the money he seeks because of perceived dedication issues." "Once you give him the money, I'm not so sure he plays up to it," the GM said. Peters is getting horrible advice. It's pretty obvious.
  23. We're talking about the same guy who didn't even know Laverneous Coles was visiting with the Bills right? Adam Shefters are a dime a dozen. The next kiss-ass will come along, start getting scoops, and then move along too. Alot of the Shefter types, Mort, Clayton, etc, are so pathetic anymore in outscooping each other, that one can find the news usually on the internet somewhere, if not first, then 30 seconds after it comes out. It's fun listening to these guys, don't get me wrong, but they it seems like they tend to be guessing and grasping at straws more than 50% of time just like the rest of us are anymore. And you can tell, some teams won't talk to any of them. I wish NFL TV networks would quit thinking that the actual personalities draw people to watch their shows. We all watch only because it's the NFL. Just give us the news and quit making the shows about the people hosting them.
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