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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. While I realize what rumors are worth on here, I would love this. Buffalo - Toronto would be a fantastic football rivalry. And if somehow you could get them with us in the same division, that would be one game that would be an automatic sellout every year no matter where the game fell.
  2. I once heard that Ed Roski climbed the Grand Canyon during a drought, pissed over the edge, and filled the Colorado River to normal, pre drought, levels. Despite this, and other similar "miracles" Roski has pulled off, he's still 0-1 against Tedi Bruschi in steel cage matches.
  3. This may be kind of a dumb response, but I'd say Andre Reed is underrated. He was a go to playmaker for one of the best offenses in NFL history for a long period of time. But, despite ending his career second in some categories only to Jerry Rice, he really isn't considered great outside of Buffalo. People know him yes, but he's rarely considered great, which I think he fantastic WR.
  4. LOL, wow.....severe homer alert here. Let's see, a case could easily be made for the following: Bears D-Line > Bills D-Line Bears LB's > Bills LB's (As for what you said about "top tier" LBs, Pisa going to the BEARS would make that corps top tier. Urlacher, Briggs and Pisa would be an awesome corps of LB's. Poz, Mitchell, and Pisa would be solid. Not top tier. Secondary - I have no idea, but the front seven make the secondary anyway. Offensively Bears QB > Bills QB Bears RB = Bills RB (Forte was a stud last year, with a non-existant passing game). I would take our RB's anyday, but I don't think there is a Bears fan who would trade Forte for any of our backs either. Bills WR's > Bears WR And the Bills O-Line??? Who the hell knows what will happen there. I wouldn't really say the Bills are easily closer to being a contender. And the fact that we play in a better division makes it even more of a longshot to make the playoffs. I mean really, we are all homers, but have SOME objectivity here....please.
  5. LMAO. A shark leaped from the body of water and took down a commercial airliner!!! Ummmm, ok. As bad and as stupid as this looks, I wanna see it, and will most likely get it when it comes out a week after it's released on DTV. LOL. It's worth $5 at home.
  6. I think you said this is a sim league, but why don't you play head to head over the net? Much more fun, and much more accurate.
  7. This can't be good. Courtesy - Chicago Sun Times Bears Blog from their OTA. Our boy Pisa in new gear!
  8. And if I'm not mistaken, Spikes was a fantastic LB and a playmaker on defense. The fact that he got hurt doesn't lessen what he accomplished on the field. Hell, anyone can get hurt on any play causing them to miss a season. If Spikes doesn't get hurt vs. Atlanta, he probably would be known as one of the best Bills LB ever. He certainly was a fan favorite as well.
  9. After even further review, looks like some more moronic tendencies here. Although I really have no idea. But if you calculate Buffalo attendance figures from this chart against the Ralph's old 80,000 capacity mark, you would land at the capacities % that this chart outlines here. It would be around 87-90 %. Could they be using the old capacity mark? I wouldn't put it by the moron who created this chart to not correctly look up the Bills capacity as to where it should be today and not some old media guide of RWS from 10 years ago. Of course, this also could be legit somehow! lol It's just hard to believe you sell out all seven home games and land at 89.2% capacity.
  10. OK, so let's see here......we sold out every game last year, and were on TV every home game, yet we are operating at 89.2%, correct? Yet, the Jags who have many games blacked out, because of non-sellouts are at 97%? Are we to believe these numbers? So, which seats didn't we sell last year that counted toward this 89.2% figure? That's what I'd like to know. I believe the Ralph's capacity is around 73,000 (could be wrong). They list us as averaging 71,000. That stat alone has us at around 97.2% capacity. So, where does the 89% come in?
  11. Yes correct, but I also realize that if we had the same stadium as the former Hoosier Dome, we most likely would be selling out games with a season ticket waiting list. You have teams like the Rams, Falcons, Jags, Raiders, Lions, and a couple more, in larger markets, that attendance struggles as soon as the team even hints at losing. Yet, the Bills are now growing. In a time where they suck, their season ticket base is going up, not declining. That's unreal. And again, over the playoff drought, the Bills have sold out the majority of their games. Period. That's undebatable. So, where's the stuggling at the gate part come in?
  12. Right, depsite the fact that they still outdrew more than half of the league on those Sundays correct?
  13. This actually isn't a fact, it was a passed on figure to me, actually, from my ticket rep that I ran with. So, here we have a 41% number that was floated by me on a message board. FACT. Although, I have no reason to think this isn't true. I worked in the Atlanta Braves ticket office for 4 years, and often chat with my Bills rep about ticket numbers. So, I don't think he would lie to me. However, are you sure I'm not the one who made this stat up? And I renewed AFTER we signed T.O., but never did I think the Bills wouldn't have sold out games, for the most part, over the course of a season. Hell, there would have been a spike, not as big as TO, but there would have been one, if we would have signed Lav. Coles. The Bills are a good football market. Pro sports are really the only game in town. After all, how would you describe the Sabres renewal rate?
  14. That is correct. I was told the same thing by my ticket rep. However, there is no evidence that the Bills don't sell out games. None. As a matter of fact, they are consistently among the leaders in attendnace, despite an awful product. However, everyone is painting a picture that TO is saving the Bills in Buffalo by joining our team. Simply not true. A more accurate picture to be painted would be to truly show the loyalty of the Buffalo fan base by telling how they consistenly sell out games, but eventually one would think that might tend to wane a bit if they keep losing games. You could make a case that this might have been the case this year with TO, however, the support has been outstanding over the playoff drought. A picture is being painted that the Bills are struggling at the gate, when the fact of the matter is that they were even selling out all 8 home games when the season ticket base was only at about 40,000 sold. It's just old already. Here's a news flash to the media, just get the facts correct. No one cares who breaks a story, because 2 seconds after whoever breaks it, it will then be on every other website in the country, and everyone will continue to just go to their favorite website to get the story anyway. It's kind of like who broadcasts games in the booth. No one fuggin cares, because people are going to watch the game anyway. But the networks like to think that the personalities get people to tune in. So stupid. People watch the games and put up with schitty announcers because they like the game, not who's calling the game. I've listened to the Penguins broadcast with their local announcer on Sirius XM in synch with my DVR for most of the playoffs. It's not about the writers name or the person on TV who is reporting, it's about the news......and all too much lately, the media is getting worse and worse in a lot of different areas. This is truly the case now, as fans are more and more educated about the games they watch.............it's so easy to spot goofballs who don't do their homework.
  15. Geez, the ignorance of the media today is astounding. Can someone from the Bills please send a message to all of the media outlets in the country just to let them know that the Bills aren't struggling to sell out games. I mean, today it's goofball Bayless, and yesterday on the NFL network, it was Soloman Wilcots saying that they need T.O. to help get butts in the seats so that they can sellout games. Last time I checked the Bills were selling out all of their home games despite sucking ass for the last 700 years. And even the oddball game or two that hasn't sold out over the years, has barely missed for the most part. The media just guesses nowadays. I've never seen anything so bad. Just look at the Anquan Boldin stuff. It changes everyday. This is no schitt, I'm a Penguins fan as I grew up in Pittsburgh. I read an article in the Raleigh paper about the Canes - Penguins series that gave the edge in the series to Pittsburgh based on the fact that Peter Sykora breaks the ties in the forwards matchup. Here's a hint to the genius who wrote the article, Peter Sykora has been a healthy scratch in favor of Miroslav Satan OR an extra 7th defenseman for most of the playoffs. It's just unreal how some of these clowns get paid for this crap. And the worst part is, people believe it as gospel. How about doing some actual research for a change. Peter Sykora has about a 35 game scoreless streak and hasn't sniffed anything close to resembling a useful forward in months. Yet, blah blah blah. Typical.
  16. I'm not usually one to harp on Ralph's tight ass not spending his money. However, I do think it's also weak and cheap that the Bills are one of nine NFL teams to opt out of the coaches pension. I also think it's weak that NFL teams were laying people off due to the "bad economy" when they are all making money. If you want to cut some fat, just cut some fat and man up to it. However, don't do it and blame the economy when you continue to hand out gigantic payrolls to players. Bottom line, I don't care how rich Ralph gets off of the Bills. However, some principles really suck that some NFL teams are implementing. The coaches pension is weak IMO. The NFL is doing fine, why take away coaches pensions? Lastly, one of the coaches said, in the original ESPN article, about maybe not going to a team that cut pensions? IMO, this is just a stupid way to treat your employees in a billion dollar business. I can't find the original, more generic article, that outlined assistant coaches getting their pensions dropped, but here is one from Mort about some of the details. The original article named the Bills as one of the teams to drop out without warning anyone about it. Weak if you ask me. Because a coach that makes a nice living loses his pension doesn't really effect me, but it can give an insight on how an organization works from the inside. Pretty weak. Mort (Still a schitthead on pensions) My two cents!
  17. Ummm, ok, so what in the hell did Stroud say? All the other stuff is old news.
  18. So, I'm checking out ESPN and I always check out the headlines of the day on right hand side of the page. Now, I understand that some of you actually pay for this service. I'm not knocking you. Maybe it's worth it. But for about 3-4 weeks now......only to be found on the ESPN Insider subscriber stuff........there's pretty mcuh a link per day that has Anquan Boldin going to just about every team in the NFL. Including what seems to be a different team each day. Then it circles back around to Baltimore and Philly. And then repeats. Who writes this stuff, SKOOB?
  19. This comes from the same idiot who has preached for two years that the Buffalo Bills are largely irrelevant. He wasn't talking about wins and losses, he just stated they had no stars, or no one to talk about, and it's simply Buffalo, so no one cares. So, now he rips us for being relevant. Nice. Belicheck would have never brought in TO, but yet, he got Randy Moss at a time where Moss was a quitter and headcase. Yeah OK Colin, brilliant. Lastly, I have no beef with anyone ripping Jauron. After all, would could he be praised for?
  20. LOL. Wow. Not to be critical here, but you do all know that tickets to the induction AND the game are still available on the Hall of Fame site? I mean, for those of you that want to go, have you even checked the site?
  21. LMAO, I'm glad someone pointed this out. I pointed it out earlier in the thread already. IGMO's don't even know that Peter King has been positive on the Bills for years. He about creamed himself when NBC took a flex game there vs. the Pats. All he did was gush, for days, about how awesome the atmosphere was for the Monday nighter vs. Dallas.
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