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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Cool. I live three miles from Brandermill across the lake from Woodlake. Little subdivision called Lakepointe. Man, if you would see what Hull Street looks like out there now, it would blow your mind. Many fancy things going in right across the road from Woodlake. Lots of good restaurants being built as we speak. The growth is annoying, but we are going to have some really cool choices soon. Anyway, the Gades are gone. Funny thing is though, originally being from Pittsburgh, I'm a huge Penguins fan. My wife teaches with another lady whose family is also from Pittsburgh. They came over for a Game Seven party for the Stanley Cup playoffs. We were outside grilling, and he said his son plays travel hockey here in town. He also said his coach was Scott Gruel, or I'm almost 95% sure that's what he said. He said he's a great coach and man and his son is lucky to play for him.
  2. Cool, I'll have to try that out. Big Al is definitely a southern windbag on the air. If you were driving down 95 from outta state, I could definitely see a "yankee" thinking to himself, oh my god....lol That being said, I can see Big Al running a great sports bar. I'm gonna have to try it out.
  3. It was the Mike Mansicalco (sp?), the former Richmond area broadcaster, who has since moved on to Raleigh to help broadcasts with the Carolina Hurricanes. I have no idea who the local guy here is now. This is the first time I've listened to local talk radio in about a year. I rarely stray from Sirius/XM to local radio in my car. But Mike was back as a guest, and I was trying to get a UVA College World Series report. It was awful, and I'm glad I don't have to hear the crap anymore.
  4. I'm a little miffed here as I listened to sports radio the other day in VA. We have a guy who tries his hardest to cram baseball talk down everyone's throat, even though for the most part, there is absolutely no interest in talking about it. Until the other day. I forgot to ask everyone here what they thought. So, this local hack was talking about Jack Buck and how great his broadcasting was when he was with us. OK, I can handle that. Then, he tries as hard as he can to make the 88 series where Gibson homers to be one of Buck's biggest moments ever when he simply exclaimed....."I can't believe what I just saw". OK, great. It was truly a great moment and a great call by Buck. Then, this local hack is talking and talking and talking about how great it was to hear that call as it happened, and glorious of a moment it is to share it with Buck. Then, every caller who called in, almost to a man, is agreeing and saying the same thing, and how great they thought the call was when it happened. So correct me if I'm wrong here. In 1988, most people had TV sets. Color TV in fact. And most people were watching that game on TV. I know I did, as did everyone else that I know. We all still remember the call from the game too. Only it went something like this. "High fly ball, deep to right, SHE IS GONNNNNNNNNNNNNNE" by Vin Scully. Scully was NBC's announcer along with Joe G. One of the greatest broadcasting combos ever. Buck was doing the game on radio. I remember going to school the next day and everyone imitating Vin. EVERYONE. Now, all of a sudden, it seems the whole nation heard Jack Buck. I guess at some point more people were listening to the radio than watching the TV. I call BOGUS. I think most of the people calling were all trying to act like they know baseball and going along with hearing Buck's call. Hell, a couple of them even said I remember watching the game, hearing Buck's call, which would be impossible, because Buck was doing radio. Bottom line: A lot of people are fake. lol. No biggie, just a little something different than football.
  5. I'm not joining, but I'm still gonna claim...... "Dumb Draft Date" for people into FF.
  6. Ummm, if you draft the week before the regular season, you already know what injuries have taken place. If you draft AP #1 on August 1st, and he blows out his knee on his last pre-season carry, you are penalized for your commisioner having a stupid draft date. Should be as close to the season as possible.
  7. You've gotta be kidding me. Jeez, besides Leon Washington of the Jets, how about fuggin Terrence McGee for KR of our own team. McGee has been one of, if not THE, best in the NFL for a few years until last year.
  8. This kind of stuff cracks me up. Believe me, if someone is willing to pony up 550 million for a NHL team, there will buyers for the Bills EASILY. Especially if they can move the team. Hell, if Jim Balsillie is willing to pay 230 for the Phoenix Coyotes, there will be buyers for the Bills. If the Bills are movable, they will get over a Billion easily. This recession isn't hurting everyone.
  9. Meanwhile in other news, Brandon Marshall is still beating down women in multiple states and jurisdictions. I'm just sayin... See ya on the field for the opener Brandon....ummm for whatever team you are playing on!
  10. Get a throwback Kelly, Thomas, Reed, Tasker, Smith or someone. That's the best thing to come out of this grim era of Bills football.....the gameroom jerseys. Guys who are Bills hall of famers. See what happens with the current crop and then buy one of em when you know they will be considered Bills for life. My throwback collection is now done, and I'm working on the cases to hang them in on the wall! NFL store has em all or the Bills store. You can usually google NFL coupons for the major stores and pick them up for AT LEAST 20% from a reputable store. Just my two cents!
  11. I don't recall anyone getting behind Fred Jackson until he played in games. This is different. I'll have to give the benefit of Greer. However, this situation is different. Everyone was all over Martin Nance's nutsack because he was a big WR, and nothing more. One person posted about how dominant he was, and then a bunch of people latched on. And, as it turns out, he sucked. But just because the dude was big (as in physically large), everyone annointed him. It's been done here in the past, and I'm assuming Bell was yet another guy that people think just because he's huge he's a great project. Maybe he will be (with someone else), but chances are, he sucks. This isn't the same thing as seeing Fred Jackson dominate pre-season games and the like. These guys are annointed right after the draft.
  12. It happens every year. Joel Bell is starting to take on the Martin Nance comparison. Bunch of wallers try to act like they know the hidden undrafted gem, and usually latch on to one per year. It's kinda like when Susan Sarandon latched on to Nuke in Bull Durham, except for the TBD dude never works out. This usually consists of the biggest UDFA at any one position, that someone calls a beast, road grader, project, or freak. Nance, who no one knew at the time, was an oversized WR out of the MAC. People claimed to see him dominate his league. Do things that never happened before in MAC. This, on top of, he wasn't even the best WR in the MAC at the time. Not to mention that the MAC's top WR's, for the most part, never make it in the pros. He was also one of these annointed ones. Most likely, Joel Bell just plain sucks as a pro. Nothing more, nothing less. They brought the behemoth in, and then they also realized there was a reason no one else drafted him either.
  13. Hossa has sucked in the playoffs almost every year except last year when he played for Pitt on Crosby's line. And he went back to his old self this year for the wings. Regular season stud, playoff dud. Hossa a piece of schitt.
  14. And one other thing that deserves it's own post......HOSSA CAN FUGGIN CHOKE ON CROSBY'S NUTSACK. They should have passed the cup to that pathetic piece of schitt, but he skated off the ice so fast, no one could find the sad sack of sh--. He tried to ride the nuts of Zetterberg and Franz and Ozzie, and it blew up in his face. It doesn't happen like that too often, and I gotta believe that most sports fans would root against a gutless chickenschitt like that anyday. Anyway, this one's for you MARIAN, you are now officially PIttsburgh's B word!
  15. I knew I shouldn't have started reading these posts on a Buffalo board, because they are so stupidly ridiculous it's pathetic. You and Ramius act like Sydney Crosby turned you both down for the prom and you are holding a grudge. As much as I love the Penguins, and just as much as I FUGGIN hate the Steelers, BOTH teams have fantastic fans. The jealousy from Buffalo fans toward other teams is what is truly hilarious. I can only hope we win a superbowl in Buffalo soon, so that all of you fans of all teams Buffalo can quit being so jealous of everyone else and learn how to enjoy life a little bit. And for the record, there was less than a zero chance the Penguins were folding. They were making a play to get a new arena when the city was claiming they were broke. And it worked. There was no chance in hell they were leaving. If you note history, the Pirates did the same exact thing to get PNC Park built. Lemieux got sick of waiting, played his cards, and it got done. Lemieux is a master at life, sports, business and is a god in Pittsburgh. Lemieux got Pittsburgh's building built. They weren't going to fold. The cup is back home where it belongs, and it's one of my teams first championships in 17 years of my life. It feels AWESOME. I can only imagine what it feels like to win the Superbowl someday. Someday the Bills will be champs.....someday!
  16. Just to answer the question, I don't think Lou Ferrigno has been tasered. I could be wrong, but I don't think he has.
  17. I dont' know the law, or pretend to like petty lawsuits, but this is one case that I hope Corey can sue the hell outta whoever ruined his repuatation. I'm not sure if you would go after the lady or police or what, but I hope he does. What a joke.
  18. It's also precisely why mine, I believe, was on Off The Wall. This however.....
  19. It's amazing that every time one of these rumors threads gets started, that is seems like it is a new poster with less than 10 posts. As if all of a sudden this guy wanted to come on here and start this rumor but never had anything to post in the past.....ever. This is total B.S.
  20. I live 600 miles away and have season tickets. It's not hard to buy season tickets and sell the games you aren't going to attend. The only game I have had trouble selling lately is the last game of the year. However, we are now such good friends with everyone around us that we almost always just swap around some tickets.
  21. John, Good luck to you and god bless you, but why in the hell are you always in some kind of turmoil with every facet of life? LOL. I mean, cmon man, it seems that you and your children are always in some kind of earth shattering crisis. I do enjoy seeing your posts, so this isn't another one of the "stop posting all your drama stuff" but man. Cmon!
  22. And there are other idiots who don't think this couldn't be taken care of. Gimmie a break. As a matter of fact, this contract could be broken, Ralph given the money and his games back as a way to get a "yes" vote in support of Rogers to get the Rams. Wake up. Jesus. Have any of you ever done business? That contract wouldnt' hold them up if they want them bad enough.
  23. Yeah brilliant. I'm pretty sure Rogers, who is eager to buy an NFL team, would work out the details of the Ralph Wilson deal to bring Bills game up there. Even if meaning getting an NFL team up there (which they want badly), would mean eating the money paid for the Bills games and giving them back to the Bills. To them the lost money would be part of the cost to buy the Rams. Ralph would let it happen because he then would get more games back at his stadium and he could then sell them twice. This would sweeten the deal to get the Rams and Rogers would most likely have Ralph in his pocket for a "yes" vote. Yeah, I'm sure the Rogers group couldn't figure that out I guess huh? Secondly, all of those southern Ontario fans wouldn't switch just because Toronto has a team. You kind of remind me of the defeatist attitude that the city of Buffalo currently has. Buffalo would virtually still have about the same amount of fans they do now. If they would just win, oh say more than once every ten years or so, they would have an even greater market share. Even though the Bills sellout most of their games while losing, alot of NFL cities fans would be sitting there like this:
  24. I think the number of Canadians at our games are a little bit exagerrated. And, we'll still get some Canadians. A football team in Toronto will be nice for that city, but it will still alienate some fans there as well. They will price out scores of fans and they'll still most likely come to Buffalo for games. Plus, as I said, there is one game that would be a definate sellout no matter where the game is located on the schedule (if we could be in the same division with them). I would love this. Buffalo needs to friggin win once in a while. A team that draws this good, but loses so frequently is a rarity. Buffalo would be fun if we just win a few games....then the Bills could even charge more to get into RWS (including suites).
  25. Like SF-Oak.....Balt-Wash..... I think it would be great.
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