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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. LMAO. You've gotta be kidding me. So, you are mad at getting tossed from an event in public because you were smoking pot? Ummmm, ok. Hell, the should have arrested you. It's illegal. So, in other words, the RMC staff is actually doing it's job better than Henrico's police department. Although I don't smoke weed, I don't really judge people who do.....but to think you should have the right to do something in public is just ignorant. Sorry man, but I'm kind of glad they removed you!
  2. I can agree to some extent. However, LA is the gathering place for all of these chicks to come together. So, it doesn't matter where they are born, they all gather in LA eventually....that's the difference. I mean, it's not hard to see the difference between beautiful and naturally hot. Cameron Diaz is pretty ugly without makeup, and Jennifer Garner is average at best when she's not made up. Put makeup on them and they turn hot....not superstar hot, but pretty attractive. THOSE kinds of women are all over the place. Now, you look at TO's ex in that trailer shot, and she's naturally hot without much makeup on at all. Her facial features are also almost perfect. That's the kind of woman who wakes up hot without having to do anything to her herself except put her hair in a ponytail. TONS of hot women everywhere. Including in my office and interning for me right now. However, only a small few have that natural beauty....TO's ex is one of them.
  3. No, there are hot and then there are that hot as one poster put it. It's almost like the difference between a star and a superstar. Adriana Lima = that hot. Maria Sharapova = only hot. Denzel Washington = Superstar Jim Belushi = Star Big difference. This girl, when she gets to be known, has a chance to be, not just hot, but that hot.
  4. He probably loves it. I'm fortunate enough to have overachieved with a hot wife (meaning that she's wayyyyyyyyyy better looking than I am), and I love walking around places, restaurants, etc with her and watching dudes stare at her. What guy doesn't? I'm sure TO feels the same way, all except he doesn't have this chick anymore. LOL. This is usually when guys realize just how stupid they were to let them slip away. You know, where other guys are drooling over a chick that you no longer have. Of course, then there's TO and his celebrity status and bank account that will land with another chick similar to this one, where he'll be able to put this chick behind him. That's where he one ups all of us. If most of us lose a hot chick, we have to then go to the line of damaged Cougars with three kids, and a psycho ex-husband. DAMMIT. I think I hate TO again.
  5. Good Work Steely. While she looks good in her pics, if you watch her clips in live time, she's gorgeous on TV. Not as hot in pics.
  6. Ummm, yeah, ok. I thought I read something about Hollywood re-locating to St Augustine soon because of this.
  7. No, she pretty much is that hot! Really, watch the stream...she is. Alot of hotness is debatable, but she's at least to the point of hotness that if someone watched that TO clip and tried to say she wasn't hot, you could completely write them off as an utter fool. Yeah, she's that level of hot.
  8. LMAO............nice! Wow, so simple, yet says it all.
  9. lmao.....I was stunned. I was like.....damn T.O. how do you cheat on that? There isn't much better out there, than that. Although, I understand it. Most guys get bored with their women, even if they are hot. But damn, she's fine to look at! Imagine walking into a fine dining establishment with her on your arm. Wow. And yeah, the pause was hit a few times! Although I did backtrack some just to see her live and in motion a couple of times again! LOL
  10. Jeez, what is wrong with some of you. Relax, take a pill, go to the beach, on vacation....something. PUT THE SHOW ASIDE for a second. No one gives a rats ass if you guys like TV, watch TV, hate ESPN, VH-1, MTV or the Food Network. The real emerging topic here is to appreciate the beauty that was T.O.'s ex fiancee. She's on fire. Who cares about the other stuff. Her real name is Felicia Terrell, and I think she's more or less just starting out in TV/Film. Most of her work is new, so me thinks she'll be emerging soon. She looks gorgeous at the 1:00 mark. Fellas.....Fellas......today, we have a new emerging creature to view.....one that may not have been seen before! Enjoy. What a beauty!
  11. Who the hell is that woman? Is she famous, and if not, why not?
  12. I'm sorry, but it's worth another post......at the 1:00 mark, when TO's ex-woman is introduced.....HOW HOT IS SHE? Jesus. Made my day! LOL Where's she gonna be sitting at home games?
  13. WOW. Did you catch TO's ex-fiancee? UMMMM WOW. How fuggin hot is she?
  14. I might have replied earlier in this thread, but if I didn't I'll do it again here. I can't stress enough that RWS is one of the best football stadiums in the NFL. I've seen and worked in almost about 24 of the 32 stadiums in the league now, and RWS is one of the best, if you like to actually watch football. I used to do stats for Summerall and Maddens crew for FOX. I also worked on the crew for Dick Stockton and Matt Millen, so I got to travel around and see a lot of the NFL stadiums.....mainly in the midwest but as time went on.....all over the league. I got to see all of the NFC stadiums eventually and a good bit of the AFC stadiums. I never worked a game at the Ralph, but called in a favor to stand on the sidelines during a game....pre-9/11. There is no other stadium in the NFL that compares to Ralph Wilson Stadium as far as sightlines to watch a football game. Arrowhead is close, but overall RWS is better. Every seat is pretty good in RWS and the upper decks pretty much only span the sidelines. Most other NFL stadiums have upper deck seating in the endzone which gets to be pretty damn far away from the field. Not only do the upper deck seats only span sidelines at the Ralph, but they also overhang the lower bowl quite a bit meaning that they still aren't that far from the playing field. Not many other stadiums are like that. Whoever said FedEx field is nice must have hit their head. FedEx is probably the worst new construction stadium in the league. It's not only ugly on appearance, it's very steep and seats are far from the field for a new stadium. Obviously what you don't get at the Ralph is nice concourses and concession options. But who cares? This isn't baseball, where you are begging people to come to games by offering sideshows along with the price of admission. Football is America's game at the present, and most fans are there to see nothing but the game. So, football doesn't really need all of the frills to make the stadium attractive. The bells and whistles are nice, but not needed in football. People don't know how lucky they are with RWS. PLENTY of parking. Great setup for tailgating. Traffic really isn't all that bad. It's slow everywhere, but not terrible at the Ralph. Sightlines at the Ralph are great almost everywhere in the Stadium. Only one scoreboard is a drawback. Metal bleachers are a drawback, but the design of the stadium is awesome. The only places that compare overall are Green Bay, and Kansas City. To some degree the old soldier field was also close. Even new places like Pittsburgh, Cincy, and say Carolina aren't all that great. Yeah, you can eat in a spruced up concourse, but when you enter to your seats, the Ralph is by far the best.
  15. LB is the easiest position in football to fill next to the running back. Can we have a great defense with Ellison at LB? My answer is yes, but only if the Bills actually get an NFL caliber Defensive Line in front of him. Get Stroud some help, and we'd be in business.
  16. LOL, if you read the article, it's just another reason the Bills coaching and front office is known as one of the worst in the league. You can also go ahead and include all of the morons here who pick on our guys like Donte Whitner and everyone else behind the front four of our defense. 14 year, multi pro bowl guy Derrick Brooks gets it. He says so with this quote: "And what our primary zone defense did was Cover-2 because of the front that you had to rush the passer. Right now, you're not getting as many combination of rushers that can rush like we could in our heyday." There you have it folks. Now, does anyone here think that Kelsay, Schobel, Stroud, and Williams are the type of front four that can make the Cover-2 work in Buffalo? Our coaching staff is so fuggin stupid and behind the eight ball. It just shows they are copycats and can't think or innovate for themselves. So, week after week, we play our opponents and our own coaching staff. UGH!
  17. Just make sure we vote the Bills to the top. Hey, it probably won't mean anything, but you never know who may see it. Russ, marketer extraordinaire, might pay more attention to stuff like this rather than finding an established DE. Come on TBD, VOTE THE BILLS FOR THE WORST UNI'S Anything will help get us to the throwbacks permanently, right?
  18. Anyone who even debates how good of a football player Donte Whitner is until this clears up (Kelsay, Williams, Stroud, Denney/Schobel) is a moron. Whitner is a solid football player, and would be much better, if there was even an inkling of talent outside of Marcus Stroud up front. The pass rush is your pass defense. Period. The better the line, the better the people behind the line. Some of you really need to coach football, even if it's at the pee wee level, to better see just how a dominate line can be of help.
  19. I hear ya. Been here 9 years and absolutely hate late June through August.
  20. Have you not lived in VA very long? If you think 92 is hot, wait until July and August here.
  21. It's not odd at all. Let's think a second. The Bills and Titans kick off the season early. I'm thinking that maybe since the Bills and Tites are playing the extra game, they are starting a tad earlier. Maybe the Bills are starting a day or so earlier than the Tites. Thus, the Bills would be this year's first NFL team to start camp. I'm just guessing, but it would seem to be a strong theory. Thus, Mort mentions the Bills, instead of say, the Steelers who probably don't start until a few days later.
  22. OK, gotcha. His didn't do so hot in his core subjects. That's a whole new ballgame.
  23. Ummm, yeah, because as a former high school football coach myself, if your son has a 2.7, and he couldn't get into a Division 1 program with that GPA, believe me, he's not even close to a pro caliber player. Usually if he is on the 1-AA level (which is still pretty good football and talent), then yeah, I can see the JUCO route, because most of those schools are usually more stringent to get into. If most of the sure fire, high end, D-1 kids had a 2.7, they would be gobbled up quickly at any level. Although, the lower your GPA now, the higher your SAT has to be. But still, for a sure fire athete, a 2.7 is indeed well within school acceptance range. The school's coach could get that by admissions without much resistance at all if they really wanted the kid.
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