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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. One of my friends got the same deal you did. He got 6 payments ofr 34.95, and Superfan for free. They told him they wouldn't give him the $20 credit per month, because HE WAS STILL ON THE STAND ALONE PACKAGE. Yes, he's still one of the lucky bastards that only has DTV for the Sunday Ticket and NHL package. He was one of the first subscribers to DTV, and every year they call him and tell him he needs to buy at least a base package, and every year he wins the battle with the supervisor to keep on the stand alone plan. The bastard.
  2. Thought the same thing JR, but I'm telling you.....if your account is set up online, you can see them posting the credits as you talk to them. Follow your payment activity online and you'll see them posting credits online as you talk. Sunday Ticket will still be charged at 44.99 but you'll see a credit for $20 immediately. Same for Superfan. Your bill is already charged $16.50 for the first month, but you'll see the credit immediately for $16.50. They give no hassle on dropping the price of ST. There is a little wrangling about Superfan. When you demonstrate that you know what they are selling you is BS....they'll make it free. Mine even acted like the credit should have already been given, but it wasn't. Total BS. I just hope this helps some of you save money. I know I'm grateful for the first poster who posted about this. I'm just verifying it works. I did it on my cell phone today on the way to work (at least the Superfan part of it).
  3. Oh. Hmmm. Don't know about how your case will turn out. I'd say 50/50 chance. If you have Superfan, I'd say you maybe could at least get that turned off. After all, you would already be paying to get HD, thus, you could tell them to stick the SF up their butts!
  4. I don't really think you would have to use the I'm going to cancel threat. You can probably just tell them you were looking at your bill and didn't know the price was so high and were thinking about cancelling unless they could do something to help you. I didn't use the cancellation thing to also get Superfan for free. I basically just told them that Superfan is a bogus way to get more money by making HD available only through SF. That one required some dialogue but still wasn't hard to get off my bill as well.
  5. Good Luck, I'm locked in at $150 for the year with Superfan. Now, so are two buddies of mine. I think Jim in Michigan was the first to post about this, however, I don't think he knows that you can also get the Superfan for free. That knocks off another $100 if you need HD. The Superfan took minimal wrangling, but the $20 off per month was painless. Better get it done, before this spreads across the net like wildfire.
  6. No, you aren't. I was already billed and they credited me $20 off for the first month immediately. When I called today to get the credit for the Superfan, they immediately credited my $16.50 for this month, and they told me the rest of the months wouldn't show up on there. I was already billed for both. If you pay online, you can see the credits immediately.
  7. All, If you call DTV now, whether you are already a customer or not, you can get big time savings on the NFL DTV package for the upcoming year. Bascially, call and tell them you would like to cancel your DTV Sunday Ticket because the price is too high. They will almost immediately, without hassle, discount the package $20 per month for six months. This means that you are getting the NFL package for $150 instead of $270. Now, comes the Superfan ripoff that DTV tries to force on you. I went crazy talking to the representative, only because she lied to me on why they charge you for the Superfan. The Superfan is the garbage add-on that justifies them to double charge you for HD broadcasts. If you have a HD TV, you are already paying DTV $10 a month to get the HD signals, so really, there shouldn't be a need to pay them the Superfan fee again if you would like your broadcasts in HD. They also know that almost nobody would get the Superfan add on without holding you hostage to get your HD channels through Superfan. If you call DTV and tell them that it's bogus that you are paying the $10 a month HD fee already, and that should include your football channels with the package in HD, they will give you Superfan for free too. A $100 value, even though it's a garbage charge anyway. So in all, if you play your cards right......you will get the NFL Sunday Ticket, in HD, with Superfan, for $150 TOTAL. That's a savings from the $370 it would cost you if you did nothing. Hopefully this post being first in the thread will ease your fears and let you know that you can get BOTH the Sunday Ticket AND Superfan, all in HD, for $150 total, which is a good deal! Good Luck and Enjoy!
  8. LOL, I know, I was thinking the same thing. My wife was staring at me, and I was like.....oh schitt......I don't think this is working, then BAM.......$20 off for 6 months. She actually asked me if I was cancelling because of cost, but I think she was testing me, and we were kinda playing chicken. Nonetheless, it works. Go get em Boys! This is one of the best heads up anyone has ever posted.
  9. HOLY CRAP.....ummmm, this works. I just called. The customer service rep lets you tell her that you would like to cancel the package. She makes you think she is cancelling it, so I was getting scared. She noticed that I also had Superfan and then she says what if I can give you $20 off per month for six months, and I was thinking to myself, HOLY CRAP this is working. So, I can verify this, I just did this ten minutes ago, and it's a good deal. $20 off for six months. Bascially a cut of $120. Good Luck to all.....this is friggin awesome.
  10. Authentic Ravens Jersey...... Took my, at that time, girlfriend (now my wife) to a Bills game in Baltimore. Told her how lame Baltimore's crowd was, and that their new stadium is kind of blah, and that the crowd won't give us much schitt because both teams sucked. I think the Bills were like 1-5 and the Ravens 2-3 or something. Can't remember. Anyway, we get up there to our seats, and I spot the typical douchebag with an authentic #69 Ravens jersey on. Now, one would ask themselves why in the hell someone would buy a $250 jersey and put #69 on it. And as we drew closer to our seats I started to realize that this tool might be sitting next to us. He not only was next to us, he also had Deez Nutz as the jersey name on the back of it. So, here we are, sitting next to a double fisted beer guzzling, #69 wearin', Deez Nutz sporting, idiot who ran his mouth the whole fuggin game about how the Bills sucked. I think it was the worst sporting event I've ever been to in my life. So, my vote: #69 Ravens - authentic - personalized - Deez Nutz
  11. I just did this about three weeks ago. I'll offer one opinion......if you keep the room off white, everything you hang on the walls look better. Seriously. Make your walls off white, and add color to them with your decorations. Banners, Colored Jerseys (not the white jerseys), pennants, pictures all look better on off white. Then, your memorabilia stands out more. The room will quickly take color, trust me.
  12. Sorry man. I was just like......damn......why did I get picked on for this question. lol. Anyway, I was in the beach house (Outer Banks, NC) because we were getting hellacious thunderstorms and we were having a discussion about Peters, and no one knew if he actaully got fined or not. I thought I would just ask here. As you can tell by the responses, I don't think any of us really know if the Bills collected (which I hope they did).......I thought Tim might know.
  13. Not sure why you would make a sarcastic reply with well over 7,000 posts. I must be missing what real fun actually is. I guess I should be glued to my computer hatin on others! Now really, can anyone settle our argument here? I don't seem to recall an article confirming whether or not Peters was made to pay. Anyone?
  14. Sitting here at the beach thinking about something with our group...... Did the Bills end up collecting on the fines for Jason Peters holding out last year. Seeing how things ended up, I hope they did, but I'm drawing a blank on whether it was reported if they collected on that or not. Anyone? Anyone?
  15. Leave us alone, kokksukkers! 7 teams
  16. Amen Pooj. Most people take this stance. And the other 10% will always wonder why they are the one's being "picked on" even though they are breaking the law. I backed out yesterday!
  17. I feel ya. I think I met you once at Mulligans watching a game or something, and when you said you had a joint.....I was like no way......if I'm thinking of the right you! Anyway, no biggie, but I'm still thinking you kinda got what you deserved. Others might have got away with more, which sucks, but still. Anyway, I guess I'll just say sorry bout your luck out there!
  18. Did you get it from Witten on Midlothian TP? We got a Tuscon and Sante Fe, and have had great luck with both. Good service too. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhh, I see......you are one of those "North of the James" people that don't like the southside huh? You better watch your back rollin through Woodlake, you know how hard we roll down here!!!
  19. LOL. Could be, but I don't think this girl is married. Imma get the make and model tomorrow, or sometime soon, and post it here. There are like 10 cars on 360 that are Bills fans. My wife drives a Tuscon, with the Bills throwback magnet from M and T bank on it. Another chick, pretty good looking too, drives a GMC Envoy or Acadia I think, that also has some kind of Sabres License plate....sabrchk or sabesgrl or maybe it's the one above.....I don't know. ONe of those. We're everywhere man. If we'd just win a damn playoff game, we'll take over Richmond similar to how Steelers fans do! GET ER DONE RUSS.
  20. Oh Pooj, by the way, I'm not sure what the situation is, but there is a lady who drives down 360 out toward Woodlake every day about 8:30 am (I guess going to work), in a white Camry with a Sabres License Plate holder and a Bills hat in the back window who is smoking hot. She's probably late 20's, blonde hair, trendy, and her license plate says something about Sabres Fan or Sbrgrl or something, I can't remember. Just be on the lookout, and have a Bills hat handy if you ever see her. Trust me, it's worth it. We are now thumbs up buddies on 360 the mornings we pass each other. Just starts the day off right, you know what I mean? LMAO.
  21. I can't wait til Asia. LOL. Had that one marked for quite a while.
  22. I'm sure it was a great crowd, and yeah, it sounded like they were a little more aggressive than usual. But, even if they are more aggressive, and you are doing something illegal, or handling pot for instance, you don't really have the right to get mad. But yeah, sounds like a great show last night. And great weather. I don't judge anyone who uses anything, nor does it bother me, but if you are doing something stupid, and get caught on it, take the punishment and move without trying to justify it or blame someone else.
  23. I've NEVER once seen anyone thrown out of Innsbrook for dancing. I've been going there for 5 years. Not ONE time. Go there, drink, party, dance, listen to music, stare at incredible women, and people watch, and you don't have a problem. Ever. Go there, and pass weed around as an adult, and slightly lippy with security, and yeah, I'd make your life hell too. Its gets old for the rent a cops I'm sure to deal with adults who are still acting like they are in high school.
  24. I was talking about Mr. Info. Jesus. No schitt. You are the biggest know it all on the board. The only stupidity here is for someone to think it's OK to have pot at a public event, of all places. Not only that, if you are an adult and someone passes you something illegal in a public place where security is all around, TURN IT DOWN. You've gotta be a moron, as an adult, to take that chance. Even if it is happening all around you. And lastly, if you decide, as an adult, to take that thing in your hand, be prepared for the consequences of what could happen. Reading comprehension is fine....and the stupidity and blaming of others for something that YOU did is typical of America today. I did something ILLEGAL.....had fuggin pot in my posession around cops and security...........and I have the nerve to angry cuz I got tossed. What a joke. And to attempt to defend stupid behavior like that, is even dumber. Deal with the consequences and move on. You were the stupid one, not security.
  25. Exactly, how in the hell could you even try to justify that? LOL. Jesus.
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