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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. NM, I see what you are talking about. Richmond lost it's team this year, because it wouldn't build a new stadium. Made me wonder.
  2. I have to admit, I am a Penn State fan (go to a decent amount of games), and I also don't see it in Maybin either. Although, the heart thing is kind of stupid. Maybin is so young, no one knows if he has heart or not. But, I even admit, that the "winning off of the edge against inferior competition" statement seems pretty accurate to me. I have nothing against Maybin, as he turned out to be a nice player at PSU, but damn, he only kind of did it one year, and one year when the Big Ten was pretty pathetic. Especially now that Michigan is down. I didn't want Maybin myself, but I hope he proves me wrong. The heart thing is retarded though. He's so young, no one has even had time to make that assumption yet.
  3. Yeah but Josh Reed blocks with the best of them downfield.
  4. Also, chiming in about other packages. I called today and cancelled my College Football Gameplan package. No deal there either. Seems like this will just be good for the NFL boys!
  5. So tell me, what's happening on the field? Our run game is anemic. Our YPC is low or has been low until it picked up SOME last year. So, tell me, how has Josh Reed's blocking downfield helped? He's made some nice blocks every now and then, but jesus people.....wake up. Maybe I'm different here. I actually want my WR to be able to make PLAYS in the passing game. Call me stupid, but give me Steve Breaston. Give me Wes Welker, who is OUTSTANDING in the slot. Mind boggling. Again, Reed is average. Period. Is it nice that he can block, yeah. But while he's blocking for one of the most anemic offenses in the league, other #3's are streaking downfield making plays. If this team had cut some deadweight, I.E. Kelsay, Denney, and maybe Reed (although he's not deadweight, he's average), we could have a third legit WR, and this offense would be unstoppable. The O-line would only have to be adequate. The game is about mismatches......and I for the life of me can't understand why teams don't try to get the third guy. All the teams that have a good third WR have good offenses. Josh Reed isn't really that guy. He's kind of like that major league baseball guy that hits .263, with 3 HR's, and drives in 44 RBI. He's just not that good really.
  6. No, they wouldn't. Only the Reed lovin Buffalo fans would give up higher than a 5th for the guy, if that.
  7. How critical has Josh Reed been on third downs since he's been here? We have one of the worst offenses in the league. So, tell me, how critical has he been?
  8. EXACTLY...............LMAO. Gee, wouldn't it be nice if he could actually make plays? He's not a bust, he's just not that good. Let the guys that are supposed to block fuggin block.
  9. Do you know why we all know that Reed is a good blocker? Because that's the kind of crap that comes out when you really are a mediocre WR. So great, there's a lot going on beyond three yards down the field. It just so happens that our line sucks, and his blocks rarely matter anyway. And furthermore, if one of our backs gets someone from the opposing defense one on one in space, I don't really want to count on a Josh Reed block to spring him for a TD. Our RB should be able to do that on his own. I want my WR's to make plays. Whether you are in the slot, the #1, #2, or #3.....I want them to change games. I don't want a medicore #3 WR on another teams medicore nickel DB. I want a mismatch. I want a guy with a clue abusing that nickel CB. Josh Reed is NOT that guy. He has a high completion PCT.......WHOOOOPEEEEEE. So, a pro WR can catch all the 6 yard passes thrown his way. Gee, way to aim high. He does zero after the catch, and rarely catches the ball moving. Josh Reed is not that good. Period. He's the poster child of mediocre.
  10. Please tell me you aren't serious about that last bolded part of your post. Please tell me that. Was there a rave or something last night, where some of you are still high from smoking weed or something?
  11. You've gotta be smoking crack this morning?
  12. It's a great idea actually. Josh Reed is the most overrated player by many people on this board. He catches balls in the slot. Great. Who doesn't do that on other teams? Reed adds almost nothing to this team in terms of game changing ability. Anyone can play this position with Evans and TO on the outside.
  13. Couldn't agree more. That's why I posted that I confirmed the original posters deal, and even got the additional SF for free. I'm fortunate enough that I can afford the Sunday Ticket, but I have a couple of workers who are huge NFL fans that I know would switch to DTV if the price was actually the $150 that you can get if you "call and B word". I mean, cmon, just offer it at $150, and I really think many more people would pick up DTV and the NFL package.
  14. It really was the dude in Michigan who passed this on first. I just wanted to confirm it, and take it one further. I didn't know you could do this either. I'm glad it's helped a bunch of us here. FINALLY, I feel like I'm actually paying something that is fair for what the service actually is.
  15. Timbo, Simple question..... Did the Bills collect the fines owed to them last year from Jason Peters?
  16. PIZ................like I said earlier, my friend down here in VA has the same thing as you. He called and complained about the deal over and over, to get this deal that alot of us have gotten. Every time he calls, they insist that he must get off of the stand alone package like you have, but he always bickers until they just let him stay. He goes through hell every year, but he still has the stand alone package. Don't know how it'll work out for you, but he hasn't gotten off of his stand alone package, but everytime he calls to get something new or free or installed, he goes through hell. Hope that helps.
  17. One aside to all of this if people are still reading this far......has anyone tried anything with the college football package yet? I'm stuck in VA watching the dumbass ACC (which is the most overrated college conference ever), so I have to buy the package to see all the big games. Well, either that or I get North Carolina vs. Virginia or some other crap. Anyway, has anyone tried to re-negotiate their college football package?
  18. This is correct. It's actually unreal. You would think they would be opening themselves up to a lawsuit of some kind. And the poor souls who don't know you can do this will pay upwards of about $400 for Sunday Ticket.
  19. I bolded what is most likely wrong here. Your locked in to a two year deal. They don't seem to deal as much with the people who are locked in to deals. Although, $20 off for 6 months isn't too bad though. I have no idea why, it just seems that way. Although, I'm totalling guessing. We'd know for real next year when Skoob is locked in, but he would never admit he made a mistake and locked himself in to a two year deal anyway as I was told today online. So, we may never know.
  20. You can actually just go to DTV online and chat with one of their reps without calling. IF, they decide that they will give you the deal that SKOOBY is talking about, which he said they wouldn't do, you DO get locked in to the deal for two years. I should have copied and pasted the chat here. At the same time though, SKOOBY's jock-sniffing toolness aside, you never know what deals you can make with them if you call. Although, I'm thinking you are locked in to 24 months, which is never a good thing. That's the only reason they would offer a deal like that.
  21. Gee, it's so great that SKOOBY was pointed in our direction. If you can do this deal that SKOOBY says he did, remember that you have to lock yourself into a 24 month agreement to do this. Also, if a lot of you are like me, your price for your regular programming package has been frozen as long as you haven't changed it in a while. For instance, I still only pay $39.99 for DTV's second best programming package. I think it is now $60. If I change to this deal, I lose my old pricing, which is good until I change to a different package someday. PLUS, I get locked into a 24 month contract in which next year, you can't call and say you "wanna cancel" again, because you lock yourself in and have no choice but to stay. So, next year, you'll be paying full price for the ticket, and for Superfan if you want HD. Beware, locking yourself into a contract isn't the best way to go. ONce you are out of your contract with companies like DTV, Verizon cellphones etc, that's when you can make deals. Notice the other "locked into their contract people who posted here".....they aren't quite getting the same deals as others. Do yourself a favor and don't lock into a contract. Or at least, I wouldn't. My advice is don't do it. You will be at their mercy next year, making your savings null. You'll actually end up paying more. You'll also lose grandfathered pricing if you have that too. NFL Sunday Ticket for $150 is a great deal. THink about it as being just a tad more expensive than renting one movie off of pay per view per month in HD.
  22. I agree with this 100%. I said the same thing about Sunday Ticket compared to the NHL package!
  23. Awesome! Great point about saying "Cancel Sunday Ticket". I did the same thing you did the first time also. I also heard the good customer, good standing bit too. Now, on to tomorrow. I've gotta get my college football package worked out as well! LOL I'm not holding my breath on that one though!
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