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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. LOL, I forgot I posted this thread this morning. I also get a chuckle from the few replies it got. Thanks!
  2. LOL.....wow....looking at all the quotes in the bottom of your posts......well......I can see why this grabbed your attention. LMAO. Not saying I disagree, but yeah, you're all over Dickie Boy!
  3. Ummm, does anyone want me to yell that this Sunday? I have first row seats behind part of the Bills bench. LOL....ok, ok, so I'm fired up for this weekend and can't wait to get there. I just thought I'd ask! It's better than another Mike Vick post right?
  4. Yeah ok. Jason, is that you? It speaks volumes that you would defend this kind of athlete with about 44 posts in a row. I prefer to take a liking to athletes that respect the game, others and themselves a little more than Jason Peters. The guy is a dud, period. Keep making excuses to defend this tool, while ignoring the obvious. Usually when you have to defend a person that everyone is ripping on, there is usually something to that don't ya think? I don't hate Peters. I'm a pretty mellow person. But will I root against him? You bet, because it's funny to see a guy play like schitt, and then not only have people like you defend his poor play, but then listen to him evaluate his own poor play. Excuse, after excuse, after excuse. If Peters had the work ethic to match his self ego, he'd be the next Jackie Slater. Instead he'll be a guy that plays 13 games a year, and always thinks he's being slighted by someone. He's a tool.
  5. I'm thinking and hoping this is true too. He may be waiting to see how the behavior of Lynch is going to be so that he can then decide. He might have told Lynch this during their meeting also. We'll see.
  6. No, your actually normal. A very small minority try to act sophisticated and domesticated enough to seem like they have their schitt together in life and try to make you feel bad for hating Peters. Treat those people like they are professors at Columbia University or Cal Berkely or some other wacko school. But fear not bbb, you are in line with 90% of Bills fans. You know, not wishing death, but certainly hoping that a fat, lazy, tub of goo, eats his way into being miserable in Philly! Good start so far! But hey, most of us who know him well, knew this would happen.
  7. Getting better and better. For a couple of days it had storms on Saturday and Sunday. Now, it's sunny on Saturday and isolated storms on Sunday. Come on, being from VA, I want some cool weather and clear skies. It's fuggin been 95, muggy, and raining every day here. Can't wait to arrive in Canton.
  8. Yes, I would. It's a crock that they offer to everyone else but not you. Go for it.
  9. Me, my wife and my mom will be leaving VA on Friday night. Three season ticket holders from near Philly will be joining us, as well as two WNY'ers, on Saturday. In all, 8 of us all together. We'll also be tailgating at a bank across from a practice field on Sunday! Can't wait.
  10. Dude, seriously, that bolded quote above is just as bad. Are you kidding me? If this was even on this guy's mind, he's a putz. He wasn't focused on football, and didn't want to be here. If this is the player you would like to feel good about, great. To me, he's a loser. That whole attitude he displayed is disgusting. I'm not sure any of you ever played organized sports in your lives (which is doesn't seem like), but Peters is the type of teammate that any captain would most likely want to punch right in the face. This guy ate his way out of being a TE. He got his contract re-done a couple of times in Buffalo, and acted like an !@#$ with multiple years left on his deal. Yeah, let's all feel happy, cheery for this man.
  11. Your statement wasn't over the top, it was WAY over the top, and ignorant. And no, I'm not a cop, firefighter, soldier or FBI agent. I'm not a DOT worker, an alaskan crab fisherman, or a oil pipeline worker. I actually don't even do security for the president, spy on China or even a 24 hour night time convenience store clerk in a bad part of town. I'm actually a Director of a parks and recreation department, in which, incredibly, 11 parks staff members died last year while getting struck by lightning. Sounds pretty lame huh? Guess what, more dangerous than football. Track down Kevin Everett? We all feel bad for KE. But you know what.....there have been two motorist assistants KILLED this year in the state of Virginia while helping broken down motorists on I-95. Ask them, or wait you can't ask them, how dangerous they thought their PART TIME job was. Give me a break.
  12. Turn on him? Are you friggin serious? HE QUIT ON HIS TEAM. He was the poster child of me. He admitted to maybe not playing as hard because he wasn't being paid enough, DESPITE HIM SIGNING THE PREVIOUS CONTRACT. He also didn't get to Buffalo until AFTER REGULAR SEASON GAMES STARTED. Give me a break with the tree hugging Jason Peters crap. This guy was a complete asshat. MY greatest fear is that the above statement reflects a prevalent attitude among Buffalo sports fans. Grow a pair will ya? Jason Peters was far from a good person to have on one's team. That's why a lot of us can't stand him. You've gotta be kidding me. If he gets hurt, not paralyzed, but hurts his quad, well cover your ears while I laugh my ass off. He most likely was hurt from not being in shape.....AGAIN.
  13. Ummm, yeah ok....now they risk their lives. More people have died in my profession in a year than the NFL's entire lifetime, and they make millions. Peters is an asssshole, and I think it's hilarious. I hope he sucks royally the rest of his career.
  14. Really, how much better are the floor tickets to the cermony? None of the seats are all that close. Your looking at some guys on a stage talking. There really isn't that big a difference sitting in the stands or sitting on the floor. IMO, it most certainly isn't worth the price increase. Second, they aren't discounting any tickets to the game, except endzone seats.
  15. This is more acceptable than reading post after post from wallers that KNOW that they are Big, Tough, Nasty, Intelligent, Finishers, Road Graders, Filthy, Sick, Phat, Man Whores, etc.... Here's hoping they mature quick, and Eric Wood sure looks like he should be good,......but you never know. No one does.
  16. Ummmmm, yeah ok. And these same HIGHLY.....and let me say it again.....HIGHLY regarded scouts said about Tony Mandarich, and all of the other guys they whiffed on too. Don't give me the highly regarded scouts crap......these are the same highly regarded scouts that also praised Mike Williams, Ryan Leaf, etc. That crap easily works both way. Again though, as an aside, I don't not like this line at all, but some of you crack me up. Both of those guys have just as good a chance at busting as players as they do working out at this point. No one knows.
  17. Great, but no one even knows if they are good guards. THEY HAVEN'T PLAYED A DOWN IN THE NFL YET. And I don't care who Hangartner is, he was a backup. Period. The only thing that is fact about this line, is that two rookies, a backup, and two guys out of position will make up the Buffalo Bills starting line. Scary. As a note though.....I'm not a line hater at all............I just crack up when people on here talk like they KNOW these guys are good already.....and have no idea.
  18. I don't really think there is anybody out there that WON'T give them a chance. But you could more easily just spin things the other way. Two rookies, and a backup are the starters on our line. That's scary. I haven't and won't B word about the line yet, however, it cracks me up when people tell me Eric Wood and Andy are finishers. They're mean. They are tough as nails. Intelligent. LOL. Nobody on this board has any clue if any of that is true. You really can't even make a great guess about it. Most of us didn't even know who they were in college, or on Carolina's bench, but now all of a sudden, they are world beaters? I'm not hating the line, and I'm not loving it. However, the things some of you write about these unproven guys is hilarious. No one has any idea how good ANY OF THE THREE are yet. We'll find out soon enough.
  19. There was no reading comprehension on my part either, I didn't read the article.. I just read the posts and comment what I saw on Maybin. LOL. So, the comprehension on my point was fine, but I was only going on the posts. I could hardly stand another boring article about another rookie. I just wanted to chime in about Maybin.
  20. Gotcha. Makes sense when I saw their record. Just a little shell shocked from Richmond losing it's team this year. I interned there actually, so I was sad to see them go. Although, I was never one to care if an AAA team won or lost, your joke makes complete sense. Sorry, I was like.....there's no way Buffalo lost it's team. lol. Of course, Richmond was a pretty strong market for AAA, so I wondered.
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