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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. They've been abused in two games so far, with new rules to get used to.
  2. I swear some of you need to at least coach pop warner. They need to work together as a unit SOME. The Bills are the only team not to take a longer look at some starters. AND NO SCHITT he is on there at WR. But, for the most part.....they have phased Roscoe out of the offense. The offense needs some work. IF ANYTHING, the guy who should be out there is Freddy Jackson with the starting unit, instead of Lynch.
  3. We need to see what our fuggin starters can do. See every other NFL team. This isn't a super bowl team. EVERY phase needs to work some together. God I hate Jauron.
  4. Why play Tom Brady too? I mean you already know what he can do. Why play anyone for that matter. This staff is fuggin awful.
  5. I mean seriously. THey won't let him play offense, but yet, now he can't get on the field for special teams either. This is the same guy they tried to deal. You would think he could at least see the field in preseason.
  6. Another lame excuse. I'm sure some of those same blockers will be in there. I'm also sure the Bills special teamers get burnt on the fake kick last week. It's amazing how some of you accept lackluster results. And as I say that, we have a broken coverage. This coaching staff sucks. Period.
  7. I mean seriously NFL network, do we need to see the end of this crap, or can we actually watch a game with fuggin starters playing?
  8. THis is unfugginreal. God. The last 5 minutes have taken about 40 minutes.
  9. Un-fuggin-real................now the Lions are calling god damn timeouts. You've gotta be kidding me.
  10. I'm sweating it out here on the NFL Network as they are carrying live the Lions and Falcons, and praying that this dumbass game ends in time to see the start of the Bills game. So, in my attempts to pray and see the clock continue to run I give you the crappy play of DJ Shockley, who is about as accurate as JP Losman in a snowstorm. This despite playing in dome. And the clock continues to stop with every missed open WR Shockley misses. JUST RUN THE FUGGIN FOOTBALL and stay in bounds PLEASE!
  11. This makes no sense. NFL Network has absolutely ZERO to do with the NFL package OR what reciever you have. ZERO. There is only one package DTV offers that doesn't have the NFL Network. And if you have that one (Family package), pony up the exztra couple of bucks and get to a package that has it. It has nothing to do with getting Sunday Ticket or what receiver you have.
  12. Shut up. Geez. What a pansy. You are the poster child of a fan of a team that plays in a dome. Then you can wear your khaki's and polo shirt, loafers, order sushi from the concession stand, and then leave midway through the 3rd quarter. Why not just stay home?
  13. Huh? IF you have DTV, you have the NFL Network and the game will be on. Channel 212.
  14. Noooooooooooooooooooo, just watch the tape, he'll be the first to tell you it's someone else's fault. Then, a couple of his jock sniffers will tell you the same.
  15. Cool, we were at Panini's before Saturday's induction.
  16. I'm at my hotel in Canton now. There were probably 10 Vikings fans there. America's team, Dallas, outside of the Hayes family....maybe 25. Chiefs had a nice contingent considering how far they had to come.....had maybe 200-300. Steeler fans totaled about maybe....1,000. The rest of the crowd outside of some stragglers were Buffalo fans. I'd estimate the Buffalo contingent at maybe 70% if not slightly more. Seemed like maybe 5,000-7,000 of us or so. This is a total guess, but when you looked up from our rows (E), it looked like the upper deck at Ralph Wilson Stadium. I did see two Tennessee fans though. LOL. They should be real happy tomorrow.,
  17. Yeah true, but really, Jauron probably isn't that tough a person. At least anymore. But I hear ya. But yeah, I'd say Jauron has lived a pretty successful life indeed. Still doesn't mean he's all that great a coach.
  18. I rest my case. This is all anyone needs to know!
  19. LOL. Seriously, get a grip. I used to play pick up football at Ball State with former Bill Keith McKenzie (who lived directly across the hall in dorm from me). Also played with Brad Maynard who now plays for the Bears. Very athletic for a punter. Ummmm, they are human, and while McKenzie was/is tougher than me, it still wasn't that hard to make him look stupid out there a few times. Some of these guys lack a lot of smarts, and come all out full speed at you....one little juke and they look just as stupid as you would....believe me.
  20. Cue the crickets hopefully...... My best friend is a Jets fan. I obvoiusly am a Bills fan. We've made the Jets-Bills game in Buffalo 17 years in a row, since we've been 20 yrs old. We aren't going this year. It'll be a could day in hell before I personally help that game sellout. True story.
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