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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. It's on there because it's his #81. That's obvisously TO's number now, so that Hardy jersey is kind of worthless. I think the same thing happened to Mitchell's jersey and anyone else who ever switches numbers.
  2. One of the most amazing things to come out of this Super Bowl, and one thing that adds to the mystique of Bill Parcells is that despite the bad start the Giants had, Parcells didn't panic and stuck to his offensive gameplan, and it worked. There are good coaches who know what they do works, and then there is, well......Dick Jauron and staff.
  3. I noticed that today too. Amazingly enough though, the Raider game is worse. What's really noticeable about the Raider game is that nobody showed up on the sidelines either. Preseason is painful.
  4. Beat you to it. LOL. But yeah, I made the almost exact same point as this in the post above yours! I actually have told people that SB 25 was one of the most well played offensive SB's in the history of the game.
  5. Have you been to Pittsburgh? Cuz I've been to both PIttsburgh and the Bay area. Although not to Oaklands stadium. Yeah, bay area is bigger, but Pittsburgh is awful to navigate. Pittsburgh has the most bridges in a metropolitan area in the country. It also has a ton a tunnels. Traffic around the rushes in Pittsburgh are horrible as everyone gets bottlenecked into two lanes from about 4 or 5 to get through the tunnels to either enter or exit the city. Three Rivers Stadium was also a dump, and that area of the city (at the time) was a slum. It no longer is, but there really still isnt' much there. But Pittsburgh fans draw for their three teams. The fact that anyone goes to Pirate games is amazing considering what a sham their front office is. I'm not really ripping on Oakland, but it doens't really seem like a healthy place to have sports franchises.
  6. I just want to say that I think, by far, Bill Belicheck is the best coach in the game today. So, this isn't to belittle what he did by helping to beat us in the SB. However, the thing that really beat the Bills in the Superbowl was the Giants offensive gameplan. The Bills actually put up some offense in that game. It wasn't like it was shut down and ground to a halt. But, the fuggin Giants offense time consuming drives were incredible and painful. They kept the Bills offense off the field, and ate huge amounts of clock. That was one of the best executed offensive plans in NFL history. And while BB did his part in kind of slowing down Reed, his best defense that day was the Giants offense. If the Bills would have had three more possessions that game, they most likely would have scored in the mid to upper 20's.
  7. Yeah, but you know what......that doesn't really sound any different than Pittsburgh. It's all bridges and tunnels, and nobody stays aways from any of their sports teams really. I hear what you are saying though.
  8. I think the bigger question is....how are we going to stop them? Hell, if a miracle happens and we score 30 pts, where's the evidence that we can hold them under 40? This is basically the same defense. It was funny, I was watching the Bucs game and John Lynch was the color man. He kept saying that the reason their Tampa 2 defense was so successful was because of their four man pass rush. And he went on to say that other teams shouldn't really copy that defense unless they can bring heat with their front four guys..... Ummmmmmmm, ok then. I think this speaks volumes about our staff.
  9. The problem is that you are evaluating depth against other teams dolts. I mean, Lankster made plays and looked good. But, there were about 4 balls thrown almost directly to him. He should have looked good. This Stupar guy is now everyone's god at TE, even though he caught a bunch of 3 yard passes against bad competition. I mean, he looks almost exactly the same as our other non-athletic, stiff TE's outside of Nelson. I look for things that count. Andy Leveitre (sp?) looks bad. His form and technique is terrible, and he didn't improve it from week one. He also doesn't finish blocks...but that right now is basically because he's way too high and he's getting moved by the DT's he's facing. He's really young, but the reason he's so important to judge critically is because he's supposed to start for us. He's a huge worry. The starters have played so little that we can't yet make an evaluation. Hopefully, this next game, we'll see if they can do something with all of their weapons in there. I'm not impressed that Stupar can catch 3 yard passes and that Lankster caught balls thrown to him late in the game. I want to see the line block in the first quarter. I want to see the guys that count put a ball in the endzone. I want to see Freddie Jackson pick up the blitz, so I know he knows what he's doing in the opener. I want to see our first team special teams return units at least get some touches so that they can practice the new rules implemented this year. And if Roscoe takes one to the house during the preseason......good......then teams can continue to schitt their pants preparing for him. I want to see the first team offense GO FOR IT fromt inside the 5 in a meaningless preseason game on 4th down, instead of letting Lindell perform the most automatic kick in pro football. We could have gotten much more out of a redzone offensive play, then we did by letting Lindell kick a fuggin FG. I just have a whole different mindset than our coaches. And yeah, I coach myself, so I can actually say I do things much different in games that don't count. Work on the schitt we suck at during these games.......and while it's nice what Lankster and Stupar did.....it really isnt' all that impressive. Nice games, but plays that should have been made. The bar is set so low for the Bills now, it's pathetic. Steve Tasker was about to wet himself last night with the Bills first team unit. And that "impressive" showing netted 3 points.
  10. I mean really. I agree. I don't get it. Both the starting offense and defense looks painfully mediocre again. I'm anxious to see this week though, when hopefully the starting offense will get a half of football, and we can see a sustained drive with both TO and Lee out there. That may tell us alot. I also hope Freddie J gets to play with that unit. It's actually lunacy that Marshawn is getting most of the carries with that unit. Let Freddie in there a bit, and get him used to picking up some blitzers and such. The defense....well.....unless the pass rush fairy comes down and blesses our ends with better rush skills, it's going to be much of the same probably.
  11. OK, I'm an idiot, but I dont' get all this glee about the Bills looking good last night. As a matter of fact, who cares what anyone did after the starters went out of the game. Everyone is so giddy, and our offense has a total of three points in five series, and the running game still looks lethargic. I saw some improvement yesterday, but I don't see the glee that so many others are seeing yet. I hope I'm wrong, but it looks like much of the same so far this year. T.O. would have helped near the endzone though yesterday.....or at least we think he would have.
  12. the worst sports cities in America. I mean seriously. I'm watching this Oakland - Dallas game on NFL Network. It's only about 1/4 full. Now granted, it's preseason, but it looks like they are playing a high school football game in there. And it's Dallas to boot. So, you know there are Dallas fans there. This is a city that doesn't draw squat for A's games. They couldn't even sellout their playoff games when they were good a few years back. And the Raiders don't sellout games either. And I'm pretty sure the capacity isn't all that huge. And now, in this game (and again, I know it's preseason), there are gobs of empty seats. Not a smattering, but gobs. My question becomes....why is Oakland never mentioned as a crappy sports town? Why are the A's and Raiders never really seriously threatened to move? I know Al has done this before, but I think that had to do with the crappy stadium situation. The A's never drew well. So, why is this market considered so precious with SF right around the corner? I would think LA would be all over the Raiders as their target to find an existing franchise, no?
  13. And see, I learn something new every day. And here, I just went with common sense and fact that the jet stream patterns have pretty much dipped below and around the Northeast so far this year, and that has kept it relatively cool up there. After all, this article doesn't explain why Texas, the southeast coast and for a while the upper northwest has been sweltering. Hmmmm. If we are the cause of global warming, I wonder how all the previous Ice Ages ended. I mean, there were no idustrialized nations back then were there? Or did dinosaurs fart alot of hot air? I'm just sayin.
  14. How about that global warming all this summer in the Northeast? It's really been hot out there in the low 70's for the last 5 months. All you Al Gore nut sniffers.......I say.....
  15. WHY THE FUGG WOULD THEY NOT GO FOR IT? It's a preseason game, WORK ON YOUR RED ZONE OFFENSE. God, what a sickening head coach.
  16. Outside of a fumble......Roscoe looks like a pretty damn good WR to me. Again, he'd be my 3rd WR anyday over Reed. Any day of the week. But hey, some people like those WR's who are sure handed on 4 yard catches.
  17. I talked to Russ Brandon at Canton last week, and told him that. He wouldn't bite. He only smiled and nodded his head. I was all over him and Scott B about our uni's. Scott agreed that our current uni's suck.
  18. Tom Brady threw a pick this week too? Is he just a special teamer? I mean, he fumbled......but at least he was making a play DOWNFIELD. 8 million guys will fumble in the NFL this year. Roscoe's reception and run was one of our better plays on offense tonight until the fumble.
  19. No doubt. I just can't stand that he looks exactly the same as last week......a week where he was abused. And one of the major problems last week, was how he comes off the ball. Now.....you would think there would be major improvement this week, or at least some attempt to correct the problems. But no. Nothing. Nada. ZERO confidence. None at all. A good staff would have helped Andy get better from last week.
  20. This is what makes me wonder about this crap-ass staff we have. Levitre comes off the ball way too high. The average fan can see this. Now, does it looks like they worked on this at all this past week? Not one ounce. He comes out of his stance way too high EVERY snap. If someone like Wilfork gets up under his pads, he's going to get destroyed on opening day. It doesn't look like Andy has worked on this at all this past week. I don't know.....I just have ZERO confidence in this staff.
  21. Urlacher and Briggs are out there. This is the Bears #1 D
  22. I can say we are in great shape at RB. Dom Rhodes hasn't even run yet, and he runs hard too.
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