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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Then how does the first guy sign? Or how did the guy after Maybin sign? BS. Quit making excuses already. At this point, there is no reason to not be here. None. Someone is at fault big time. I can't imagine the Bills not paying him somewhere just above what the next pick got. Pretty damn hard to believe.
  2. Now this is certainly different. Could you imagine if something this crazy worked? Everyone in the league would be copying it like the wildcat! Funny stuff.
  3. Precisely what prompted my post in this thread. Unreal.
  4. Just asking....if you truly meant to order a 48, that isn't even big is it? Isn't a 48 like a Mens small or medium? I thought a 52 was an XL. Could be wrong.
  5. Q: Why would Levi want to come here? A: Because he's unemployed. Q: Why would the Bills want an aging tackle with a back condition? A: I don't know, that's why I actually asked if he's healthy, and you didn't answer. Again, I'm thinking if he's healthy, he would be just as good as Walker at LT. If that's the case, sign him and at least get Walker back to where he's above average at RT. LT would still be weak, but at least one position on the line would be fixed,with Walker at RT.
  6. Better pray that doesn't happen, because there is no way Levitre can play C. He plays way too high.
  7. This one was well done! I'm not sure which is funnier....the fact that you thought this one out pretty well, or the people that actually respond to you while thinking you are for real. Priceless.
  8. Well, you all know why. I like Langston Walker at RT. Period. I'm going to trust the Hangartner is ok at C, and Wood seems to be on his way to a good career in the NFL. So, judging by those three statements, we could be very solid at those three positions. That leaves one guard spot and LT. Obviously I'd move Butler back to G and let Levitre develop behind him. Then, I'd go out and get Levi Jones. Not because Levi is Levi. But, it seems to make sense to me. If Walker is a subpar LT, which 95% of fans and media think he is (OK, throw the Oakland Raiders in this mix too), then even if Levi Jones turns out a little less than mediocre, he'd still be about the same quality as Walker. Difference being, the other parts of the line have guys playing where we already know that we'd be at least solid. I mean, how much worse could Levi be than Walker? If that's the case......and I say IF Levi's healthy, get him in here, and move everybody back to where they are comfortable. The pass blocking the last few years has been OK.
  9. No doubt. But let me also add Dwayne Bowe to the list. High production....rookie year, crappy QB. Again, its being done a lot more recently. So, excuses for Hardy are just that.
  10. How old are those guys? That's why I started my post with this is a trend BECOMING less and less true..... I have cited three RECENT great examples. If it can be done by them, it can be done.
  11. I agree with you, but we maybe do have one weapon that can help against this. With the addition of TO, one of his main strengths is catching that short to intermediate slant and getting major yards after catch. One or two of these types of plays will tend to slow down those blitzes a bit. This is one area where TO can help this team immensly. Similar to the route he ran over the middle vs. Tenny in the hall of fame game.
  12. If you are leaving Pittsburgh through the Squirrel Hill tunnels, traffic is awful. It's lined up for miles every day trying to get through there. Same goes for coming into the city during any rush hour, sporting event, or concert. I don't think I've ever been to any kind of event or work downtown without sitting in monster traffic at the Squirrel Hill tunnels. But other than that, yeah, traffic isn't all that bad. However, that part of the parkway is unfortunately one of only a few major ways into the city. Hell, a Pirate game with 10,000 fans jams up the Squirrel Hill tunnels for some reason. Pens no different.
  13. I hear ya, but this is becoming less and less true. With Marques Colston, Eddie Royal and Desean Jackson the last few years, the good one's can definately play right away.
  14. Tell me how the WR corps looks after this year. If Hardy isn't here, and Roscoe is traded and TO doesn't come back....tell me how this strength now becomes a serious weakness again.
  15. Yeah blacked out for a team that sucks but yet still outdrew 75% of the league even with blackouts. This in a terribly small market, and depressed area. And still with a large capacity despite a small city. A Buffalo Bills blackout, when it rarely happens, means that 67,000 people still went to the game, most of the time, in brutal weather. Circa Bill Parcells however, the true fanship from Pats fans showed. Anyone can be a fan when the Pats have had success that they've had recently. Where was everyone in that huge market before they were good every year? Talk about bandwagon.
  16. It has nothing to do with how successful the franchise has been in the past. They don't sellout regular season home games, AND this preseason game looked like a high school football game in terms of fannies in the seats. Let me put it to you this way......their preseason game last night, looked like games in Foxboro before all of the fair weathered Pats fans jumped on the bandwagon after Parcells took over. Remember when nobody went to games at Sullivan stadium in NE? We all do!
  17. The KEY to the Tampa 2 is the rush. The KEY. One thing it MUST have to succeed....a pass rushing front four. That's the first thing that comes out of most people's mouth's as the key to this defense succeeding. Almost to to the point where it can't really be all that effective without one. I think we've seen that as fact thus far.
  18. Damn, that one round was better than most regular boxing matches I've ever seen. My only question is why in the hell did Carano get up off of Cyborg when she was sitting on her pounding her in the head. Dumb decision, and it looks to me that it cost her the fight.
  19. And what's yet worse.....other than everyone who gave the Bills glowing reviews for scoring a whopping three points yesterday with their first team O......Tom Brady comes back from a year off of football, and racks up points for the Pats like he never missed a game. Add to that fact, that the Eagles didn't get anywhere near Brady, as their line looks just as good as it always has. The only good thing one can take away from TB's game vs. Philly is that he wasn't fully stepping in to every throw during their game. He threw a few balls either flat footed or off of his back foot. However, the fact that he WAS stepping into most of his throws, means that he can, and as soon as his confidence comes back fully, he'll be the best in the league again. Sucks!
  20. Our starting offense has 3 points in five series this year. And no, with the guys who counted last night, we were not the better team. Again, great, they won. Do you think we should have won? We have a veteran cast of offensive weapons playing after everybody's starters going out. The lineman, Rhodes, Omon, Fitz, Hamdan.....they should have looked good. WE SCORED THREE POINTS! Why is the bar so low for this team? Jauron had them ready to play? Great. The team looked awesome......3 points at a time. I just don't get it.
  21. I hear ya. I'm not a Jauron and staff supporter, so I watch for things like this. In one week, Levitre made ZERO progress in playing high. None. Give this guy to Miami, NE or NY, and his ass would be playing lower by now. We'll see this week. Let's see if some progress is made.
  22. Yeah, it was kind of depressing hearing that. lol. The more Bucs you hear talk about that Tampa 2....including Warren Sapp and some of the coaches from it, the more all of them say you need a pass rush. ALL of them say that's the key. And there's the blueprint to our problem.......basically our roster!
  23. Ummm, Levitre has a ton of work to do before he can even think about being effective against someone like Wilfork. If Andy keeps playing this high against Wilfork, he will be tossed around like meat all game. I'm starting to see it with Wood though. At Canton, I saw him up close, and my god, he is a physical specimen. Love the guy.
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