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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I've been doing this for the last couple of years in big games trying to actually jinx the myself thinking the Bills will pull the upset. LOL. Nothing works. These types of things do work out nicely however, when you get so pissed off at the Bills but your winning money can soften the blow.
  2. I already put my money where my mouth is. I took NE - 11. I took it straight, and I took the over. I also coupled that with the Saints at -13 over Detroit, and took that one straight and the over. Then I took a four team parlay that pays 12-1 with NE -11, the over, and the Saints -13 and the over. Wayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy ahead of this post. If I win, I'll be very happy, and if the Bills win, I'll be even happier. I'll be in for a win win. Of course, with my luck and Buffalo football, the Pats will win the game, and only win by 10, meaning neither the Bills get a win, nor do the Pats cover.
  3. John, honestly, this is the stuff that cracks me up. You love Bell? Based on what? He was on the practice squad all last year. This year, he's been very limited and hurt almost all pre-season. So, based on what? No one has really even seen this guy play, but all of a sudden everyone LOVES this guy. I swear some of you try to act so smart about certain guys, even though none of you have really seen his body of work. I don't get it. What makes Bell so special at this point? I'm asking in all sincerity. And I'm not even saying Bell won't be able to hack it. But there's no way in hell anyone from this message board, most likely including Tim Graham and JW know anything about how successful Bell will be. No one. No one has seen enough of this kid to have any idea if he's any good. No one. And the Bills track record the last ten years isn't really stellar, so believing their judgement isn't really a comforting thought either. Especially the week before the opener, and a guy with ZERO experience coming off of an injury. I hope this time, they are right. Just doesn't seem likely to me. Having Langston Walker on this team was hurting nothing at this point. Even if they wanted to sit Walker, great. But right now, with no other acquistions pending, you can't tell me the Bills are better off without Walker on this team, even if he would strictly be depth.
  4. I love it. Finally we have a player with some balls on this team. What a welcome change. I have zero confidence we can win this game......but if we somehow do......
  5. Is this the same Belicheck that took the Patriots to an 11-5 record last year with a high school QB? The Patriots steadily improved all year and were one of the league's best teams at the the end of the year, but barely missed out with an 11-5 record. The same team that is now rebuilding their entire aged defense and are still Super Bowl contenders while doing it? Yeah, he sucks!
  6. Yeah, but instead, where the panic attack comes in is that they blew up the line a long time ago, and most fans felt it was an awful decision. And so far, it has been. They've been worse than awful, preseason or not. The Bills could have drafted almost EXACTLY the same and kept Dockery and Walker, and let the new guys battle for a job. They didn't. The line was average last year. It could have been about the same, with new guys fighting to make it better. But no, Jauron's brilliant idea was to move EVERYONE and now eliminate all competition AND kill whatever depth they could have had. That's where the panic attack truly came from, and now it seems like it's coming to fruition.
  7. Amen. Which is why some of us don't mind playing the game right back with them! At this present time, they are running their TV service like car salesman.
  8. I thought about that already too. I think it's inevitable that they will raise it again. However, if they stick with $270, PLUS, the Superfan, then I would be back to thinking hard about going to FIOS. The NFL is starting to become a joke, IMO. I mean, all the cool stuff that came out today from the Bills with the clothing in the "Legacy Collection". Tons of cool schitt. However, Hoody's at $96? $80? Long sleeve T-shirts at $38? I mean, it's a joke. Then, they charge you more shipping even at a time where the USPS is offering flat rate shipping on anything that will fix in the box. So in essence, you can get yourself an $88 hoody, and then pay $12 to ship it? Same with DTV's Sunday Ticket. You can get yourself the ticket and Superfan (which nobody wants) for $370? They are starting to get ridiculous with this crap. With the Bills being bad, and me living so far away, I've been contemplating just switching season tickets to Penn State and sinking into college football. T.O. saved me this year, and making the Bills #2 right now still isn't in my cards. However, I can tell you, in the past, this thought never would have crossed my mind. Now it is. Just like FIOS over DTV is, and it's all related to the greed flowing out of the NFL. I'm close. So, DTV can try me after this year, and they may be the one's that will see me call THEIR bluff. I'm close, but not quite there yet. Especially when I go to about 6 or 7 games a year.
  9. LOL. You would think Ralph would be sick and fuggin tired of paying deadbeat coaches that continue to burn him. That being said, I look forward to Jauron getting fired and us probably hiring the Cleveland Browns offensive coordinator next year to run our team. He'll most likely bring in the Lions secondary coach to be defensive coordinator, and the UFL's position player coach of the year to run the offense. Can't wait. Meanwhile Shanny, Gruden and Cowher all get welcomed back to the NFL at the same time.
  10. I thought about taking my business to FIOS about 450 times. FIOS is an awesome service, and their internet service is untouchable. I've had it now for three years. In those three years, DTV keeps skyrocketing in price based now around Superfan (which is garbage) and the ST. Then I realized you could call and get ST for $150 instead of $370......are you kidding me? I'm actually appalled that DTV would give this deal to thousands of customers but not call me and offer me the same. So, why not call them on it? If anything, take the $220 you save and buy your wife a nice gift, spend it on your kids, or put it away in a bond for your kids for later in life. The only reason DTV has about 5 million of it's customers is because of the monopoly on ST that they have. On top of that, they create something called Superfan which is a way to double charge their customers for HD signals who are already paying to receive the HD signal in their monthly fees? And I'm supposed to feel sorry for bluffing them? The problem with them calling our bluffs (not sure that's even a word), is that they are so dangerously close to pricing people out of ST, they actually can't call your bluff, or people will switch......especially to FIOS. If FIOS had ST, I would totally switch in a minute. The problem with the steak argument is that competitors are actually allowed to also sell steak. So complaining at one place about overpriced food, when other options are available is kind of ignorant, no doubt. However, DTV is the only one that can carry the NFL ST, obviously, and they are dangerously close to pushing away from the ticket toward superior products like FIOS. I understand your point, but I hardly feel sorry for DTV and it's monopoly on ST.
  11. Could be the Raiders though. Supposedly, their RT situation is actually worse than ours! The only reason I know this is because I took a flyer in my fantasy league on Darren McFadden and read about 20 articles on their Offensive Line and his status as a RB. Supposedly they have the worst RT situation in the league.
  12. I played in the same conference as the high school (Jeannette) that Pryor came from. If you saw that school, you wouldn't be surprised this came out of Pryor's mouth. Not exactly your Western Pennsylvania model school district down there by the river.
  13. Holy Mother of God...................... Major money on teasing the Saints to -6 at home over the Lions along with Pats to -3.5 at home over Buffalo. The only downer about this bet would be waiting until after Monday Night Collect.
  14. I'm pretty sure the Lions enjoyed all winless Sundays last year. It's been done before.
  15. This kind of cracks me up. How much of a distraction was he last year when he was a pass catching machine for one of the best offenses in the league? None. He may be a total jerk, and we don't have to like him, but he is one hell of a football player. If a coach would just sell something like this correctly to a group of three WR's like this, could you imagine? As if it's not scary enough for any of the three to be matched vs. a team's #1 cornerback, one of them would be on someone's nickel back every play. Bad things man. Then, next year, when Owens is gone, you still have Marshall and Evans. In a heartbeat.
  16. There isnt' a person in the world, unmedicated, who wouldn't do this trade. Denver isn't this stupid.
  17. Oh, cuz I could have sworn that Peyton Manning and Tom Brady PUBLICLY stated they care this preseason. Both QB's made public pleas to their Head Coach's to let them play more this preseason and both head coaches obliged. They both hit on something stupid like they would actually, and needed to, get more work in this preseason. But hey, none of em care, right?
  18. If I'm correct, that happened exactly one time right? At Tampa? What coach hasn't that happened to? Great, tenured players get old.....team struggles whether or not to keep them or not........team goes into decline. Whoa, big shock there. Kinda sounds like the end of Bruce, Thurman, Andre and company a little bit. Kinda sounds like the Steelers in the early 80's. Kinda sounds like......well, hell, mostly everyone.
  19. Dickie Boy never got caught beating off in front of a 60 year old's window in Florida. I respect the hell out of him for that. However, he also doesn't seem like he has ever stayed at a Holiday Inn Express before he takes the field as a head football coach either. I mean, is there another coach who presents himself as a bigger stiff than him?
  20. The Raiders were very good when he left, and he got Dungy's team the SB that Tony couldn't get. He is known to want QB's who know what they are doing.....not all players.....QB's. I could care less if the players like him, he is a winner in life. He'll also be a winner the next team he ends up coaching. Unfortunately he most likely won't be on our sideline. I'd take him any day of the week. Especially on this team. I don't need lifeless stiffs like Kelsay, Denney, Schobel and the boys thinking this is a country club. My head coach wouldn't be a guy that needs to become close friends with the employees he oversees (which includes players), but one that gets the most out of them. Any day of the week, I'd take Gruden on my team.
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