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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Yes he was. Every play we had only two WR's on the field. Yes, he most certainly was.
  2. As a precursor to this post, I will say that I didn't concentrate on the defensive front at all, but I did study everything the secondary did to our WR's......almost all game. First off, the fact that anyone here says that they didn't double Owens all game was dead wrong. As a matter of fact, they doubled Owens and/or Evans EVERY play that the Bills ran when they didn't have their third WR on the field. And for this reason, AVP was overmatched yesterday because he stayed in that two TE, 1 RB, 2 WR set a TON of the time. Here's what the Saints did to bottle up our 2 WR set. They sat two safeties very deep in the secondary. One provided the double coverage on Evans, and the other one provided the double on Owens. This was true almost every down that the Bills ran out of their two WR set. EVERY DOWN. Same double coverage on both WR's. The frustrating part of this was that instead of using a friggin slant from one of the WR's into that soft middle and underneath of the deep safety, they just kept running sideline stuff or wide stuff right into both of them. The other thing that was noticeable was that Trent NEVER looked at the TE that sometimes ran down the seam in the defense. One TE would run the stupid 2 yard out, and one sometimes strectched and put pressure on the seam. Trent never even looked to the seam guy who was the guy open a lot. Totally on AVP and Trent for not adjusting/reading the coverage. Mind boggling actually. When the Bills were in their 3 WR set, they had modest success, BUT the Saints still doubled Owens and/or Evans EVERY play. The Saints had one safety back in this coverage. That safety did the best he could to disguise who he was going to double and then picked either Owens or Evans every play. So, one of the two in the 3 WR set was doubled each time. Trent never was able to process which one (Evans or Owens) to go to. Talk about frustrating. Add to this philospophy that Sean Payton had was that they didn't respect the slot WR at all. They took away the #1 and #2 WR's and were determined to let the non-playmaker TE's and Josh Reed beat them. It worked perfectly. They exposed multiple problems the Bills have. They obviously had no respect for Josh Reed, because they left the middle deep of the field wide open most of the time unless Owens or Evans ran patterns through there, which wasn't often. Lastly, when the Bills were in the 3 WR set, NO had their CB that didn't have the double coverage behind him hauling ass backwards to make sure he didn't get beat deep. It wasn't a traditional backpedal, it was an almost turn and run kind of thing, to where if AVP was making adjustments, and Trent could read the doubling safety, they could have had Owens or Evans just run hard 7 yards and stop and they would have ate NO alive. Well, NO would have had to come out of that coverage. But AVP never adjusted and Trent never read it. Lastly, and slightly off this topic was that Owens has every right to B word. AVP was awful, and Trent was bad. At the same time though, Owens really needs to also shut his mouth. For a guy that works out as hard as he does, he's very lazy. He doesn't run routes that great AND he almost NEVER comes back to the QB if the QB is flushed from the pocket. Every time Trent was flushed, I saw every other eligible Bill on the field fighting back toward the QB except Owens. T.O. pouted as soon as Trent was flushed out of the pocket and he simply quit on the play. Almost every time. He gave up. Several frustrating things yesterday, and all correctable with the right coaches.
  3. I grew up in Pittsburgh and am now a Bills season ticket holder. I have no allegiance to the Buffalo area other than me somehow becoming a Bills fan. I now live in VA. I'm about as impartial as you can get. I have never ONCE in my life thought about going to Jacksonville for any reason........ever. If it wasn't for the Jags, I wouldn't even know much about Jax, if at all really. Now Buffalo, with Niagara Falls lurking around the corner, and Canada right there.....and most of all, a city that cares about it's team....I'd take it anyday of the week. With the casino's, Toronto, the Bills, and the food, I'd take Buffalo any day of the week. ANY day.
  4. I know, right? LOL. I golf here in VA and there are some fabulous courses. I visit family. I also go for rides on nice days. These three things seem to be mentioned in this thread several different times. LOL. NONE of those things compare to going to the Ralph to see a live football game. My mom lives one block from the beach, with a crows nest on top of her house, and she goes to a smoky bar and watches the Bills in VA Beach every Sunday. You can still spend time with your family. Your friends. You almost always make some new friends. This crap cracks me up. The beach is there allllllll year. The Bills games are 16 glorious Sundays a year. It's awesome. I can't wait to drive up tomorrow for the game Sunday. Imagine that.....I could go to the beach this weekend at my moms.....or to a Bills game. I'm heading north. Funny thing is, my mom wishes she could also join my wife and I at the game.
  5. While I'm sure this helped, the Jets were the only team that didn't play scared and knocked Brady around all game. Tommy Boy wasn't so sharp when he had some heat on him, and didn't have Wes Welker running wild in the slot. Heat on Brady and the loss of Welker did them in.
  6. That's exactly what everyone was saying.....with the Air Force Base so close by, why the two lame copters? LOL It wasn't a huge deal, but just funny at how lame it was. Oh well. I'm still laughing at it though.
  7. While I understand what you mean by not spending big money, this isn't a good time to bring that up. This offensive line of ours right now has been the best O-line we've had in maybe 8 years. This line has already outplayed the Peters, Doc, and Walker line, hands down. So, with the production of Bell, Wood, Hanty, Levitre, and Butler, why do think they feel they need a high priced 35 year old? I have to admit, I thought the line play would be disaster, and they still might have their moments, but it hasn't happened yet. These young guys have been remarkable so far considering their experience level. And then, enter Jonathan Scott to boot, and they Bills look like they finally have the makings of a decent O-line for the first time in a while. This new guy is a continuation of that. Young, athletic, and hungry. Let's hope it keeps working.
  8. two traffic copter looking, helicopter flyover? LOL. I mean, how cheap did that look? I apologize in advance if they were someone important, but everyone was waiting for a flyover, and it didn't come. Then, it came, late, and when the two helicopters flew over.....(they looked like two copters that you take rides in over the falls or something).....everybody in our section starting busting out laughing.......like......is that all the better we could do. Was there any importance to those?
  9. Not really, but some people who want to keep this a story, have to keep it going somehow. It's a non-issue now. Let's just hope Leodis can all make us forget what happened against NE with some good plays on Sunday!
  10. Oh please. My neighbor had their house toilet papered last week as a joke, and aimed at their high school kids on the football team. Their trees and house were a mess. It was also drizzling all night and then the sun came out the next day and baked it on there. Tough to clean all of that up. It made them mad as hell, but they also laughed at how good it was. Same sort of thing happened to McKelvin, but some paint in the grass was most likely much easier to clean up. Get over it and move on. He has. It was pretty juvenile, and it was also done by a couple of 16 year old knuckleheads. It happens to a lot of people, in a lot of different ways, and in all walks of life. McKelvin even laughed. The story is over. People caught. And the majority of people could really care less now that everyone knows it was a couple of immature kids.
  11. I bet big on the Pats and Saints this weekend. So, I basically washed out. Funny enough though, I think I rooted for the Bills tonight harder than I have in some time. Ugh. Anyway, thought I would make some change on my pain. All I got instead was just some pain. Loss-loss on the game. Has nothing to do with not liking the Bills.
  12. Exactly, and as a coach, you realize that, and take that possibility away completly and put it in the hands of people who are paid to handle the ball. Not McKelvin. Your coach should put players in the best position to win the game. In that instance, the coaching staff made two mistakes....letting him bring it out as well as calling for a middle return. Right there alone, they greatly increased the chance of a mistake happening. Then, they didn't make it imperative, to McKelvin, to get down using the strategy they chose to use by calling for a middle return. It's almost RULE #1 in these situations. GET DOWN, GET DOWN, GET DOWN. I mean, yes, the execution was horrendous. The strategy was horrendous. And the coaching, for the strategy they used was horrendous. Both things, the player and strategy, failed miserably. And what's maddening, is that they didn't even coach up the strategy they used correctly. And this, from guys who supposedly spend 80 hours a week at the stadium? You've gotta be kidding me. Undefensible on many aspects.
  13. I have a grip. I put my strategy in the thread above. If Freddie would fumble after the KO fighting for extra yardage, then yeah, you can get all over him. McKelvin made flawed decisions that caused an error. The result occured because of his flawed decisions. As stated in my other thread, the mistake occured, because the Bills chose to allow for a play that could have a mistake by taking it out, and it happened. The player then compounded the chance by fighting for extra yardage, which happened. Then, the decision to call a middle return, was the last call by someone (coach or player) that even added more chance for a mistake to happen, and all three things contributed to a fatal play. All could have been avoided. End of story!
  14. It's not hindsight, it's coaching. It's taking away all possibility of making a mistake that could cost you. He made two there. THAT'S WHY YOU COACH AND MAKE SURE IT DOESN'T HAPPEN. 1. Don't bring it out = no mistake can be made. 2. Don't fight for extra yards = no mistake can happen Result, let's line up and play football. If playing offense doens't work, let's see you beat us, with about 1:48 on the clock and one timeout. If there is any instance you play safe, it is right there. However, I'm not real confident the defense would have stopped them had they chosen my way of playing football. What you can gather from that situation, and what is again more disturbing to me is that, McKelvin wasn't coached.....AGAIN. He obviously wasn't instructed to stay in the endzone. And OK, if you go that route, he should have been told 400 times to not fight for anything extra. That obvoiusly never occured. The last mistake on that play, if any of you ever coached football, is for the kick returner to always run toward the sideline so that if you do fumble you have a good chance the ball will go out of bounds. He didn't do that either, he went right up the middle where he can get hit from all angles and by multiple guys. It's dumb, period. No excuse for those three things to happen, and they aren't coached correctly. Just sickening......again. There's a reason this stuff happens to bad teams......it's not all luck, all the time folks. Multiple failures must happen, and they did in this case. Drives me crazy.
  15. No, it's smart football. I love when people argue something that just friggin failed in front of you. Brilliant.
  16. Yeah, I would, because one first down wins the game. One first down with Freddie playing well, TO now on your team, and AVP calling a decent game. Yeah I do. Or, even if they have one timeout left, yeah, I make them 60 or 70 yards with one timeout left. You betcha. And that's good, you shouldn't be surprised.....it's smart football in that situation, period. This way FAILED. Miserably.
  17. As of last year, my mom was attending all of the VBBB club at AJ Gators, and I'm pretty sure they still meet there this year. She quit going because of the smoke, but I believe they still meet there.
  18. I was listening to Sirius NFL Radio on Saturday and Pat Kirwan and Gil Brandt both said he's almost a lock to go back to the Eagles. While I could see this happening, neither guy had any idea that Runyan worked out in Buffalo on Friday. So, I'm not sure if they had information regarding Runyan, or they were just "best guessing".
  19. Ummm, yeah, Lemieux's argument would be cancer.....twice. Lemiuex was just as dominant, and a lot of times, moreso, than Wayne when healthy. If Lemiuex wasn't injury prone (which cancer is a good excuse), he would own most of hockey's records, IMO........easily. I believe he is still #1 in PPG, but I'm guessing.
  20. Part One - Check. I have 100 on each of these. I'm already up $200 with the Saints. Now, I have tomorrow to complete the freak nasty parlay that pays 12-1. If New England beats the Bills by more than 11 and goes over, I'll have won $1600. If the Bills beat New England, I'll lose only $100 and have bragging rights. My money is where my mouth is, and it's worked out glorious so far!
  21. I agree 100%. I can't stand watching any game that Phil Simms is doing. That team has to be most bland, dull tandem in the business. It's like watching tennis.
  22. No one would. This is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard of. Like anyone is going to care to watch a tape delayed game after midnight. Especially if you live in the market of the team and can see highlights of damn near every play in the game from the news. The NFL really sucks in a lot of ways.
  23. OK great, so if Jacksonville lowered, on average, their ticket prices $6, they would be sold out by now? You think that a mere $6 is the difference?
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