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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. How does he do that at the end of the year? Really, think about it. Let's say Ralphy wants to fire everybody and set up a real football operation with a real GM, coach, etc. How does he do that? At his age, one would assume that he isn't as tuned in to different hot assistant coaches, or have the great ability anymore to wooooo one of the bigger names out there. Does anyone think he'd have someone help him find a new staff, and who would that be? It's actually kind of scary to think that if Ralph cleaned house, who in the hell would help him find and put together a new staff. Any thoughts?
  2. Fitz already has a solid body of work to judge from. He played a ton last year. He's no more than a backup, and I'm not even really sure he would even be considered a solid backup at that. He was pretty brutal on Sunday other than he TRIED to make the throws that Trent doesn't even seem to look for. Most of the time, Fitz was inaccurate and the pass fell incomplete. What game in the NFL isn't really close anymore? Every bad team in the league is usually in a lot of close or winnable games for a good portion of their season. Then, they do something stupid, or make bad plays, or the real contender actually wakes up and trounces them late in the game. We are now one of those awful teams that plays terrible football. Add the fact that we have no depth on this team is abysmal. Flip flopping philosophies, bad coaching, terrible front office. It's over people. We have no chance of being even a decent team. This team needs way more than Fitz to be solid to take it to 9-7. A team like Baltimore has a legit chance to break from medicore to solid, not Buffalo
  3. Fitz already has a solid body of work to judge from. He played a ton last year. He's no more than a backup, and I'm not even really sure he would even be considered a solid backup at that. He was pretty brutal on Sunday other than he TRIED to make the throws that Trent doesn't even seem to look for. Most of the time, Fitz was inaccurate and the pass fell incomplete. What game in the NFL isn't really close anymore? Every bad team in the league is usually in a lot of close or winnable games for a good portion of their season. Then, they do something stupid, or make bad plays, or the real contender actually wakes up and trounces them late in the game. We are now one of those awful teams that plays terrible football. Add the fact that we have no depth on this team is abysmal. Flip flopping philosophies, bad coaching, terrible front office. It's over people. We have no chance of being even a decent team. This team needs way more than Fitz to be solid to take it to 9-7. A team like Baltimore has a legit chance to break from medicore to solid, not Buffalo.
  4. You've gotta be kidding me right? We are talking about the QB who came in and went 10-25 for 116 yards with one TD and one INT, right? The same inaccurate QB, who was less than average with Ochocinco and Housh last year right? Somehow this is the QB that is going to get DJ to 9-7, as you stated (possibly 9-7) while taking this god awful team we have to a 7-3 record the rest of the way. It's amazing that fans are so shortsighted. They kind of remind you of the ESPN poll that flucuates every time the Bills either win or lose a game. I watched a game Sunday, where the Jets were so absolutely bad at QB, that they tried numerous times to give us a win, yet, we failed to grab the reigns until the Jets finally rolled over and died. It had almost nothing to do with anything the Bills did on offense or defense. Then we have our fearless 1-4 head coach who plays it conservative AGAIN by setting up Lindell for a long FG with swirling winds to win the game, and he missed again, just like vs. Cleveland last year. Seriously, what does it take to break some of you? This team sucks. This coaching staff sucks. Period. They are one of the worst teams in the league, clearly. And yet, Fitzgerald, who was allowed to leave the Bengals, despite Carson Palmer coming back from a major injury will lead us to a respectable season? I bet we get steamrolled this week. The Panthers will run all over us, and Steve Smith made a statement and will most likely have a huge game. My goals have changed. I hope the kids on the O-line keep improving and gain much needed experience. I also hope our head coach continues to make himself look like an idiot so that he will be gone for sure, at the end of the year, if not sooner. Focus people. Our team is awful. It's way deeper than QB. Way deeper. Fitz is not the answer.
  5. Pooj, What is this baseball that you speak of?
  6. wear their throwbacks against the Jets this week? Every other AFL team that played another AFL team did. Did Ole Russ just pack the wrong uni's or what? Seriously though, I thought all games involving two AFL teams had both wearing the old uni's.
  7. Jauron coudn't hold Ryan's jock. Hell, just on coordinator abilities alone, Ryan runs circles around Jauron. I hear ya on your post, but there aren't many people out there that would have DJ over Ryan at this point to run their football team.
  8. So, you guys don't think that you can tell you are getting pushed around on the football field all game, even to the tune of 5 yards per carry? You most definately can. I'm sure he didn't know how many yards they gave up, but you can tell you are getting beat at the point of attack. He knew they weren't stopping the run. And, if anything, they should pride themselves on not giving up any big plays, which alone should have made him a bit testy. Poz is young, and the way writers hang and try to make a story out of nothing makes a lot of people not say anything anymore. But come on, get pissed off once in while that you sucked. It would be refreshing. But I also understand that this is why all we now usually get anymore is the standard....."well, I'll have to look at the tape". Blah blah blah blah blah.
  9. What's wrong with looking for a team leader that would have answered that question with a little more anger. Again, I ask you this......Do you think Ray Lewis would have answered the question the way Poz did? And I'm with Lori on this.....I know, from being a Penn State fan alone that Poz really cares about his team and his personal game, but my god, if the players aren't taking after their deadbeat coach, I don't know who is. Would it actually hurt for someone on this team to show some anger, self confidence, and cockiness? This team has ZERO swagger....you know....the way most losing teams do. In other words, they are an exact image of their head coach.
  10. I do because that's the typical excuse type crap that is usually fed to players from your typical "player friendly" coaches. Typical indicator. It's funny how Sirius radio was reporting on their training camp previews that, by far, the Bills and the Redskins had the least intense camps out there. Go figure.....Jim Zorn and Dick Jauron. Poz should have just said, they got their arses shoved down their throats and it needs fixed in a hurry. How do you think Ray Lewis would have handled that question?
  11. I hear ya on the copy editing 101 thing, but then why would the following paragraph start with quotation marks again? Doesn't seem to make sense. Nonetheless, I understand now.
  12. It kinda does, but if he truly still said the vast majority was on their two run plays, then no, it sounds just as dumb. I couldn't tell if that was actually added by the writer or Poz, because there are no quotes to end that sentence!
  13. This is probably exactly what you get when you play for a "coddling" coaching staff. Instead of looking at things and really finding out what went wrong, you get this crap. Wonder what Rex Ryan, Tony Sparano or Bill Belicheck would have told the Bills regarding their run defense yesterday? I bet none of the Bills would have said what Poz said. This whole organization lacks accountability. What a mess.
  14. And so it goes again. Jason Peters is making his annual trip to the bench as he gets hurt yet again, and will not return. So, his contract goes up even more, as he'll be again paid the full amount of money and not playing all the games! Here's to you Jason, you next Jackie Slater you.
  15. Some of you here know that I drive up from VA almost every game. I had no interest in going to today's game (thank god someone bought my tickets) and for the first time in about ten years, I really have no interest in going to anymore games again this season unless we change the ENTIRE front office and staff. I came close to cancelling my season tickets this year, but got em back when we signed T.O. I love going to games, but buying season tickets AND the Sunday Ticket to this mess is awful. The worst part is driving back on Monday after all of these pathetic losses in every way imaginable. I'm close to the brink of not renewing. I'll always root for them though, I just may not be spending as much money on them. My money might start going more toward the Penguins! I grew up all my life in Pittsburgh, btw.
  16. Haha, I made that my office laptop's wallpaper about 15 minutes ago.
  17. LOL @ Eastern Michigan. As a follower of the MAC, that was very funny to me for some reason. Maybe for no other reason than hardly anyone knows how bad Eastern Michigan is.
  18. Dumbest and most untrue post of the day. It happened almost the exact opposite of what you said here. Jesus man.
  19. And the greatest thing about you not liking what he did..............he doesn't give a schitt. He also doesn't care that he got rid of Cutler, or molded a new attitude in Denver and is installing what he believes will win. I want a coach, who could give a rats ass that you like it or not because he appealed to the fans with 50 fists pumps after he beat the King of Hill of this decade. Good for him. Rex and Josh aren't afraid of Bill Belicheck and it's refreshing.
  20. I agree totally. But they know their head man can do it, and he isn't afraid to cut loose babies like Cutler. He's also instilled some emotion and inspiration into a defense that was terrible last year. He also took it to the Pats, and didn't crawl up in a fetal position like a little baby today because the Pats came to town. They also have wins over the 4-1 Bengals and Pats. Far more accomplished than what the Bills did last year. He's a winner. Period. And he's already done more against the AFC East by beating NE than Jauron has done in three plus years. But hey, continuity is what matters.......obviously. Because football is such a hard game. Well, at least for some orgs it is.
  21. LOL. Yeah ok. They are 5-0. God, it must suck to have an arrogant prick. He obviously doens't know what he's doing.
  22. Those of you that don't think coaching can win you some games, look no further please. Win or lose this game, the players know McDaniel is there for a fight no matter who the are playing. God, I hate Jauron.
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