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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. lmao MMMMMkay T.O., we're gonna try a long pass now, MMMMKay.
  2. Jack Dundee? 1986 film, The Best of Times Cerrano? (Only against curveball and pre-chicken slaughter) Clinger?
  3. Al Gore? Robin? Is there a famous mime with an actual name? Rich Kotite? Joe Walton? Washington General?
  4. Yes, actually I am. If we go to next year with Fitzpatrick as the starting QB and Jauron as the head coach, this franchise will continue to suck for the foreseeable future. The last two weeks have done nothing for me except to show how bad the NFL actually is on the bottom. Trouble is, these other teams will correct their mistakes and then pass us up on their way to the playoffs.
  5. Amen. I've never seen three straight QB performances against us any worse than the last three weeks. And we still barely won two of them. The closer we get to a point that Brandon and Ralphie think they won't lose too many season ticket holders by keeping Jauron, the more this franchise will stay exactly where they are now.
  6. I couldn't agree more. LOL. It boggles my mind how in the hell the Bills are winning these games. On top of that, we've gone against three of the worst QB performances in the last decade and lost one, tried hard to lose one, and won one today. All the while, we've watched these terrible performances from the other team, our own QB's have also been just a little less horrible. Maddening. We are still playing awful. Our opponents are playing slightly worse than awful. Jauron must go, we are still playing terrible football.
  7. So maybe we tampered and can get his contract revoked?
  8. Everyone likes Dickie Boy. In this case, his family for being home to eat turkey by 5. He's so swell.
  9. Ralph, I'm telling you right now as a season ticket holder......you get Allen, then he gets Gruden, you can raise my ticket prices $15 per game, per ticket. It would be worth it, and then we could be at NFL average. I know everyone around my seats would agree. But of course it won't happen. Bring on the current Browns offensive coordinator to be the next head coach, and we'll be right back to where we are now, just four years from now.
  10. Again, they played the Giants, Ravens, Titans and Cowboys in those games. They are the Bengals, those other teams were contenders. What the hell do you think was going to happen? And yes, he was 23-39 in that last game with 2 TD's and 1 pick. Not horrible. Fitz lined up with a guy that caught 90 plus balls (I think) and #85. Those two guys are better at 50% than Evans and Reed. And Edwards outdid Fitz. Marshawn was definately better than Chris Perry, but when the Bengals discovered Benson, Fitz's numbers in the three wins were still awful. He's a BUM. Period. He's no more than a #2, and on most teams, he's probably not even a #2. He is not the answer. He's a garbage player. Period. This isn't even a controversy, this is a team with god awful #2 and #3 QB's and a starter that is regressing and scared to death for some reason.
  11. Paul Brown could probably have opened the windows in the front offices in the fall in order to not have to use air conditioning and heat and saved the 300K it would have taken to keep Fitz around. It's grasping at straws at this point. No one hates Fitz, but to think this dud is the answer is just awful. As bad as Edwards has been the last couple of games, he's still worth trying to straighten out more than playing Fitzpatrick.
  12. OK, let's fact check again, just so people won't believe made up schitt again. Palmer only played in FOUR games, and the fact that he was active in six means nothing. He didnt' play. #85 only caught 11 balls in those starts vs. the Giants, Ravens, Titans and Cowboys. Again, those teams were 45-19 last year. One would surmise that the bungles were going to be severely outclassed in those games. Fitz started TWELVE games three of which #85 didn't play. He caught 42 over those 9 games. He also gained over 57 yards only once in which he ended up with 79. I'm not even sure what this says other than Fitz clearly had better wideouts last year than did Edwards. There isn't a GM in their right mind that wouldn't take Housh and #85 over Evans and Josh Reed. And Edwards, as hard as it is to believe is/was better. He was better last year, and he's better now. The Bungles scored 15 or less points 9 of Fitz's 12 starts. They scored 16 in another. They also scored 10 or less points 5 of those games. He's garbage. Fitz is no better than Edwards. In fact, he's worse. We are all wondering if Edwards is ruined at this point, but to keep beating this Fitz drum is about the dumbest thing I've ever seen around here. HE'S GARBAGE. This team will most likely not be a contender until sadly neither one of them is on the roster, OR that Trent becomes the backup to someone other then RF.
  13. Yeah, this is obviously true. 300K is the equivalent of about a nickel in the grand scheme of things. And any GM? No, pretty much just the Bills. And I'm not sure we have the brains. After all, the Bengals (while they are still those same Bengals) are off to a nice start this year, AND they've made the playoffs in the last 10 years. Something our GM obviously, "with a brain", hasn't figured out how to do yet.
  14. LMAO. I was going to say the same thing. You've gotta be kidding me. This stuff is actually pretty hilarious.
  15. Yeah, imagine that, the hurt Carson Palmer lead Bengals lost his four starts, AT NYG, AT BALT, AT DAL, and vs. Tennessee. Those four teams finished a combined 45-19 last year. Gee, I wonder why a hurt Palmer couldn't lead the Bungles to a better record than that, especially on the road for three of them. And the totally made up of legend of Fitz continues on TBD, after the 5 quarter, 10-25, 116 yard, 13 point effort vs. the Jets in which he received 6 turnovers. He's the answer.
  16. And yet, knowing all of this, and not knowing if Carson would be able to come back from the injury that forced him out of the last 12 games, they let Fitzpatrick get away. This is apparently the second team to let this hidden talented gem of a QB get away.......again. But hey, with John Guy's track record, why not take his and everyone around TBD's word for how good he is, after his 10-25, 116 yard performance in 5 quarters vs. the Jets.
  17. Thanks......because this seems to be the last thing anyone can cling hope to. Nevermind all of the other stats, eyewitnessing, teams cutting him, him actually looking like more garbage, etc, etc, etc. He's garbage folks.
  18. Amen Revis. Somebody should buy a billboard and put this quote on there. Most of us feel the same way. He's my newest favorite non-Bill.
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