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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I don't see where you think the Jags game is a possible win. Next week's game will follow the almost exact same blueprint as today. Just change Johnson's name with Jones-Drew.
  2. I'll ask what a previous poster asked......Link? And that's great, but this defense isn't exactly lighting it up either.
  3. The Droid is $299. Online discount is $100. New Every 2 Discount is another $100. $99
  4. He was kind of a tool and angry at Penn State too. This is one angry individual.
  5. Well, how'd you all like your Droid over the weekend? Thinking of ordering one online today. I can get it for $99.
  6. LMAO. Exactly. Because this was so hard to put together. 16 isn't too many. 16 teams will play a game they would have played in a bowl game anyway. 8 winners play one extra game. 4 play 2. 2 play 3. Now, seeing that this could be done in 5 minutes, why can't the NCAA do it? Unreal.
  7. Try to read and digest everything again. No one wanted to tell off George and Freddy. We want Russ on the line. He's fair game. Has he actually said 50 words since becoming the Bills GM/Cook/ProShopSalesman/TicketRep/PR Guy/Telemarketer?
  8. No, let the new head coach bring in his own staff. End of story.
  9. See, this is exactly why they did it. I thought it was done real well too. Everything sounded good. Two kids got to ask questions. Everything technology wise worked smoothly. It was done well. BUT, it does absolutely nothing to make sure the Bills are better on the field. It does nothing to add to the value of my investment in the team.....which is season tickets and the Sunday Ticket. It did nothing to answer any Bills season ticket holder questions about the team's direction. It was yet another pathetic marketing and promotional attempt to wow people with this kind of crap. Wouldn't it be nice if the Bills actually lead the NFL in something else besides marketing? Want to make the teleforum worthwhile, have Russ Brandon on there, not two guys that it's impossible to not like. George and Freddie are awesome and most of us cheer happily for them. They aren't the guys we want to talk to. Come on out from hiding little Russ. Answer some real questions or you won't have as many season ticket holders as this year to talk to next year.
  10. Yeah OK. Reed is just stellar. I can't believe he's not in the pro bowl. I can't believe this team's offense still sucks so bad with a guy as talented as Josh Reed. When's the last time Reed did anything of any kind of game changing play? I mean really, here comes the "Oh he's nails on third downs" garbage, even though, all 31 other NFL teams have guys catching passes alot more often than us on third downs too. OK, well maybe not the Browns. Josh Reed is so painfully average, it describes this team in nutshell. I have nothing against Reed. He's ok, and nothing more. Roscoe going to another team is much more scary to me than Josh Reed going to another team. Again, if Roscoe sucks so bad, why hasn't he been released yet?
  11. Or we can change coaches and win immediately. Like Miami did. Or like Baltimore. Or maybe we can even just switch coaches so that we would resemble a team that actually is playing the game of football. Like San Francisco did. Like the NY Jets did. Or maybe we could just switch coaches because......OUR COACH IS A LIFETIME LOSER AT THIS PROFESSION.
  12. Well, I'll take that quarter and ask you this. If Parrish sucks so bad, why don't the Bills just release him? I know why....cuz they are afraid he'll go to Miami, the Jets, or New England and come back and shove it up our asses. I mean, look around the league....when Coy Wire, Haggans, and all the other Ex Bills are out there contributing on other teams in a big way, it's not that far fetched to think Roscoe will go somewhere else and torch us. Obviously, the Bills are afraid of that, otherwise, he'd be gone by now.
  13. Please ban this poster immediately. Judging by the tone of this post, he was one of the season ticket holders just gushing with support last night on the teleforum. My god people FOCUS.
  14. Yeah, that's the only problem with Bruce's concerts. The political garbage. He does preach about the economy as he charges $80 a ticket to get in. LOL. Seriously Bruce, just shut up and sing. We all love your show. I could care less what you think about politics.
  15. THis is essentially a poor mans Bruce greatest hits tour. Fantastic concert. Fantastic energy. Well worth the ticket!
  16. LMAO. I just saw this thread now. It never gets old to see people react to Crayonz. LOL. I mean, to see people perplexed and trying to make sense of the first post is the best comedy this board can give to people in their everyday lives. Come on people.....you're better than this aren't you! Crayonz!
  17. In it's player notes, Scott appeared in there as just getting emergency reps. I bet he's taking them as a bit more meaningful than that. Scott seems to be a player that the coaching staff really likes, and now that the safeties are emerging, maybe they are trying to also keep him in the lineup somewhere. I don't know, something I just don't remember seeing anywhere else. Take it as you will.
  18. LMAO. I was just thinking that. Jeez o whiz. Anyway, yet another write in vote..... Have Youu Heard About the Lonesome Loser - Little River Band
  19. God, this is pretty much garbage. In the first 45 minutes so far, it's been a lovefest cheerleading show. Not a tough question yet. I think the screener is only put on softball questions. Nice effort, but totally worthless. Most of the suckfest comments are from people telling them how well they are doing. I'm about to get on pretty soon, and I'm gonna ask what all Bills fans want to know......WHERE"S RUSS BRANDON?
  20. So, I got called today from the Bills ticket office and the message from Chris Brown said that I will be patched in to a conference call with Freddie Jackson, George Wilson and Chris Brown. It's an open discussion about the state of the Bills and all I have to do is standby on my phone at 5:15 pm tomorrow. Any else get this? Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh, this is gonna be real good. LOL. Poor Freddy and George. My first question is going to be.....Why isn't Russ Brandon in on this call? Very interested in how this is gonna go.
  21. I agree 100%. There were some god awful teams in the era before expansion. Matter of fact, there were some HORRIBLE teams and the NFL was full of haves and have nots in terms of talent in the 70's and 80's. This, not enough talent for expansion is a myth.
  22. LMAO. This is gonna be a really big ego hit to a lot of people here that think Nate is that lockdown corner we dearly miss so much. Wish we had a coach like Singletary. Half of our guys wouldn't even be in the NFL anymore.
  23. It's a great article for the simple reason that it's not the usual drivel Chris Brown writes on the site. I'm sure Jimbo doesn't mind if he gets fired as he doesn't need the paycheck like Brown does, but my god, Chris, come on.
  24. Not true. You would also need Baltimore, Jacksonville and San Diego to all lose their games. And we would also have a worse conference record of all of them if we would tie any of them.
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