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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Proven GM Floyd Reese is out there "just walking around". He's also consulting BB and the Patriots now. He will be interviewing for the Seahawks job this week. Do you think he would have been a better guy to talk to than say.....John Guy. And if you cite the Rooney Rule, do you think that maybe he would be one that we could have talked to in addition to John Guy and Tom Modrak?
  2. How would it be even remotely possible that the Bills would be losing money when the TV contract covers player payroll, the Bills have no debt, and that's even before they sell one ticket or suite?
  3. Ummm, yeah, I think we already covered this. I really didn't mean to slip up and DOWNGRADE him to GM. He's even higher than that, which is even better. He is their Russ Brandon. Imagine that as fact. Sucks to be us.
  4. And the more you think about it, someone as inept as John Guy is not only still here, he gets an interview for the GM job. However, you have a fantastic assistant in Bobby April, but yet, you can't even give him a courtesy interview for the head coaching job? When, he was the assistant head coach even? Nothing ever makes sense with the clowns that run our team. I don't necessarily want April as head coach, but I wouldn't mind having him in for an interview, just to see what he thinks. He's been the ONLY bright spot for this franchise in a long time.
  5. And I can't stand Billick, but I think he'd be perfect for our situation considering how it played out. He's a major dikkhedd, and could also have a chip on his shoulder about being in Buffalo, like all of us. I think he would play up the us against the world mentality, because that's kind of his personality anyway. And if we did get good, we can use his condescending attitude to tell that world to kiss our ass, we did it without you. Billick would thrive on stuff like that.
  6. I thought for sure, when this whole ordeal started that we'd have hired Brian Billick already. For some strange reason I still think so. No basis for that thinking though, whatsoever.
  7. I actually saw this as they were showing replays. He actually grabbed it after the ball was out. Or from the brief time I actually cared about the replay it looked like the facemask was after the fumble. Weird play. Almost a facemask. Then, you actually had the facemask which could have been called, I think. Almost a tuck rule? Illegal kick, although the fumbling player kicked it. All kinds of stuff happened on that one play, that didn't really happen, making it so that everyone on both sides could throw a hissy fit about multiple things. LOL
  8. Somewhat true, I forgot. Holmgren is Cleveland's VP or whatever. Which is just as good. And no, there is no way in hell Buffalo hired a GM to get Cowher. There is about a 0% chance of that. If the Bills wanted Cowher, they would approach him first, BEFORE hiring a GM. Cowher almost certainly would want a say in who the GM is, and/or he'd want to be the GM and coach. If in the event Cowher wanted Nix, he'd be hired by now. If you have no GM, there isn't a smart team in the NFL who would hire one first, and then approach him. Cowher would have already signed off on Nix, if he truly was coming here. It just kinda stinks to be turned down by EVERYONE. I mean man, this city's fans are waiting to explode for a winner. What's so fuggin good about Cleveland? Cleveland. Seriously, the Browns. Crappy, dirty, bad weather city. Tradition of losing. I mean, I don't get all this "tradition" that the Browns supposedly have. Especially compared to Buffalo. Seattle, really? Yuppyville Seattle? Seattle isn't a football town. Great, they get loud every once in a while, which hasn't really got them squat. They have a tradition of losing. Long losing. And yes, their owner now has money, but he really doesn't spend like Jerry Jones. If we can't beat out those teams.....what does that say about us? I mean really. My god. The only thing I like is that if we guess right on the next coordinator, if he can turn it around, we will be sticking up everyone's ass. That will be sweet. But again.......we have to guess right.
  9. noooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo. It's amazing that the Jets had the draft we needed a couple of years ago. The Hawks can go out and bring in Floyd Reese, and three guys from the best orgs in the league. We, on the other hand, interview three from within. I'm so sickened by this team. And I really dont' even mind Nix. I would have even liked him more, if we would have even tried someone, anyone, from outside the org. Now, on to the coach. LOL. Skins fans are ecstatic. Hawks fans are kinda fired up and curious. We, on the other hand, look like we'll be guessing again on another assistant who isn't an innovator like Sean Payton or Rex Ryan. No, we'll get Leslie Frazier who runs someone else's crappy defense with great talent. I wish I just had one iota of confidence that our clowns are choosing correctly, but sorry, I really don't. Oh well. Here's hoping Nix can build a superstar roster for Frazier like he has in Minnesota. He's gonna most likely need it.
  10. It is, I hope Glazer keeps schooling these three tards on ESPN. I'm also glad for John Wawrow, as he seems like he's one of the only guys that's actually talked to Wilson. The only complaint there though, and sorry John, is that you really didn't get any information, and you had him on the phone.
  11. If this is true, Chris Mortensen is a piece of schitt. Seriously. I don't like him because of his Douche-Baggery on the Bills and the Tom Donahoe stuff. But, since I've really been paying attention to all of the ESPN idiots this offseason, they have been wrong, dead wrong, 90% of the time. It's unreal. Mortensen and Shefter actually seem like the least informed people out there. And they make up stuff daily, then turn around and change two minutes later. It's a joke. Pretty poor if you ask me. What a joke "the media" is. Clayton is now on the same network disputing what their other "insider" has reported.
  12. Really? Seems to me that Rex Ryan has taken what is still a lot of the same Jets players and made them a much much better defense in the NFL this year. One year. On the other hand, Leslie Frazier has a great DE, 2 pro bowl caliber DT's, a fantastic LB corps, and the best run stopping CB in the league in Winfield. Frazier to me, is a prime example of a coach that COULD be a product of his far superior talent provided to him. And the Bills have been going the COULD BE route for a number of years now. The Bills need a proven, successful on some scale of a head coach for once. Frazier is no such thing. Frazier is a guess. And a damn good case could be made that he is a product of his talent. Doesn't mean that will be the case, but a damn good case could be made. Not a smart move to take another chance on someone like that when you are in the Bills position.
  13. I think I'm gonna puke. I'd rather not endure yet another defensive scheme that counts on the other team making mistakes instead of the Bills being aggressive.
  14. Pics from last night. In this thread, look at pics #4 and #11. Especially 11. And even the one in the background of 11, you can tell she's hot too. lol There are actually threads from people from other schools posting on their message boards thanking TCU posters for their good looking chicks last night. LOL Scroll to Pics 4 and 11
  15. Something like this from some kind of what looks like to be a TCU girl. Notice all the comments of her looking like their dancer girls. TCU Chick
  16. Nice find biscuit, but those aren't the TCU girls we are talking about. We are mainly talking about the girls in the crowd, and the girls in the little spandex shorts in front of the band. While there are some cuties in your pic, those aren't the girls that rival Texas, USC and the like. Still, good find.
  17. OK, lets outline this again. Today's article SPECIFICALLY names only the Bills and Jags as their first two targets. And SPECIFICALLY says who they aren't going after at this time, because of their stadium situations maybe being in the works. All of the other articles from earlier are speculating, and always link a group of teams. Once again, this article, put out today, specifically says it will try to bring the Bills and Jags first. So, we're up. Not the Vikes, Rams, Raiders, etc......us. Doesn't mean we'll go, but this is the first article saying we are first and second. So, for now, the other are safe should be accept an offer. No other article has ever had a list stating this.
  18. I've not once, ever seen this article, where it specifically names the Jags and Bills as the first two teams to be approached. I've never seen the reason being that their stadiums don't give them earning potential like stated today. I've also not once, ever, seen the other three teams not being targeted first because they are working on stadium deals at this time. I've seen plenty that mention the same 7 teams in general, but this is clearly the first that definitively spells out who the first two targets are and why.
  19. LMAO.......HOLY SCHITT. How funny is that? Billick is in Buffalo!
  20. OK, time to bombard him with questions. Including one that asks him why he said what he did to the NFL Network about "Who would take the Buffalo job?"
  21. What Chris does is a job, and he does what he's supposed to do, and does it well. I just can't believe someone would want to be restricted like that, and be an extension of a PR arm as a journalist. That's assuming he went to journalism school or something though. It's more of PR. Hell, it's not even Sports Information what he does. Just wouldn't be for me, that's all. But yeah, he's good at it. On the other hand, with papers dwindling, and print media dwindling, Chris Brown may have the safest job of them all. His kind of PR pieces will be needed, and his company is in absolutely great shape to not go under. So, job security for him is huge I guess.
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