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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. OK, I'll add to this thread..... #1 NEVERGIVEUP - Thanks for the inside info, even if it did ruin my night. #2 Since we will now continue to suck for the next 4 years, please throw the fans a bone and..... CHANGE THE FRIGGIN UNIFORMS TO THE THROWBACKS, and make the 90's uni's the alternate jersey. My god Russ, please tell us you care anything about the fans for once. It's really all we have to look forward to.
  2. I agree with this. It's not even worth delving into a 30 page thread that is flying off track all over the place. But, it also saves alot of stress not to go in there and work ourselves up over the new BS flying from OBD. So, maybe we should be thankful!
  3. Where in the last eight most recent years would you like to start?
  4. Just a thought, but this may be why the UFL started at this time. This may also be why they are playing in the fall, when it just seems so stupid to do so. Maybe they are gambling and trying to capitalize on the NFL having a lockout. Who knows.
  5. Ummmm, not trying to one up you here.....but I'm originally from Pittsburgh, and like the Bills and Pirates. I like, probably, the two worst organizations in both major sports. The Pirates are usually considered the worst run baseball franchise in the major leagues, as are the Bills in the NFL. Thank God for the Penguins.
  6. Who said it's something I dont' like? It's something that I don't respect how it's run anymore. I love the atmosphere, people I've met, city and all of that. But it's a shame that the games don't matter anymore after October.
  7. Yes, I actually like to hear it every day. I probably throw $5,000 at the Bills every year in season tickets, travel and hotels etc up there, and he's one of the only voices the fan has. At least maybe this comes across RB's desk everyday so they MAYBE are shamed into doing something better at OBD. Keep it up Sully, you are about the only one in the Buffalo media that has a pair. Is it old? Yeah, a little. Is it deserved? Yes, a lot. After all, god forbid the actual guy running this mess ever talk.....Russ Brandon. The Bills are a mess. Period. From top to bottom. I would love for it to change before they are gone.
  8. Please tell me you aren't serious with this list of players? There are like two studs on here, one debated stud and one addtional starter. The rest are tit suckers on good teams.
  9. There ya go, when you have nothing better to say, play the race card. It's the new way. You'll get a bunch of rah rah crap behind you.
  10. How about Tony Sparano last year for one? Good enough start? IF we are to take a chance on an unproven coach, some of us would prefer to look for someone who gets more out of less, instead of a coach who is doing pretty well, with a loaded roster. Thus, you have Jim Harbaugh, who's work in college is turning around pure dogschitt, into gold. The Bills can not whiff on this next selection. Period. There is a bigger whiff factor with Frazier, because he is working with a ton of talent than some other coaches. That's all. Pretty sound argument if you ask me. Frazier might be a solid head coach. However, he is an immense risk in the Bills situation. Unfortunately, he pretty much looks like the Bills only choice. If you can't reason through why Frazier is a huge risk because of his roster in Minnesota, well, you fit right in with the Bills organization over the last ten years.
  11. LMAO. Different way of stating the obvious about Frazier. I love it.
  12. We will also get the PSU - Alabama game this upcoming year. Not good for PSU fans, as I think they'll go through somewhat of a retooling year. Usually takes PSU a while to get a new QB up to speed. Although I think Penn State only had about or just over 10 seniors on this year's squad.
  13. This would be really cool. The Big Ten would need Michigan to get back on track to make this competitive. The Big Ten is missing that elusive third really good team which may tilt this in the SEC's favor until that would happen. Would be cool though. As a Big Ten fan, I'd also like to see this happen every other year, late in the year, so the SEC teams could see what it's like to play in the elements for a change.
  14. I'll take head to head, between the upper echelons between the SEC and B-10. Not the bowls where Mississippi plays Ball State when Ole Miss is 8-4, and had 4 non-conference against putzes making them get to 8 wins. Head to head, team vs team, mostly on New Years Day. It's pretty much even. Period.
  15. Well of course it is when your "dominant from top to bottom" argument is blown out of the water. As I've said 4 million times, the SEC has been great, of late, of producing the super team, a team that has also smacked around most of the rest of the SEC as well. So, yeah. But top to bottom, you aren't any more impressive than the B-10. The best of the SEC, which is usually one team per year, dominates the rest of the SEC also. And really, we are pretty much talking about Florida anyway.
  16. No, it's really only stupid when a 17-16 record against the Big Ten in bowls doesn't support your points. At all. If you are a Florida fan, spout away. Matter of fact, spout off on the rest of the SEC too, because you've pretty much owned them as well. As far as the rest of the conference, your just like pretty much the other couple of power conferences. Namely the B-10, and B-12.
  17. I think the last ten years is a pretty reasonable time frame to compare. After all, that's about the time frame where we've gotten to this notion that the SEC dwarfs everyone, which isn't true. It's a conference dominated by 2 or 3 teams, just like the Big Ten. The Big Ten, in the past few years, doesn't have the superior elite team, but will again, and probably soon. 17-16 over the last decade, is more than fair. It's the most recent seasons. Hell, if you want to use just the last five, it's pretty much even. If you want to use just this last year, it's even. And it's not like Auburn has been the only team ripped off. Penn State might have had the greatest offense in college football history, along with the undefeated record their first year in the Big Ten only to be ranked second behind Tom Osborne's Nebraska team. The same Tom Osbourne, that had sentiment to finally win a national championship, before it was too late. So, boo hoo. After all, didn't LSU get in with multiple losses a few years ago. The system is a joke. Period. And much of the SEC's dominance is a myth. Period. Good yes. Florida and LSU have made it very top heavy, and the rest of conference seems willing to suck off of their teets, even though they haven't done much to support the SEC being so good top to bottom. At least, agasint the Big Ten anyway.
  18. And another rah rah, stupid post. Proves nothing, as usual. I'm not arguing about National Championships, because the Big Ten hasn't produced the super power team in the last few years. So, OK, Florida, LSU, and Alabama came out on top. Great. And you get all of the best recruits, yet, the best you can do against the Big Ten is 17-16, right? Seems pretty even to me. It just seems that lately, a super team has come out of the SEC, mainly between LSU and Florida. A team that is pretty much head and shoulders above the rest of the SEC too. I also live in the mid south and love it. I've never seen a clan member, and the state of VA is beautiful, wealthy (all things considered, and growing as well as modern. So, why that is even brought up is plain stupid. However, the SEC should try getting some stats to prove their superiority. Especially in a system, where we don't really know who the true national champion really is. I would also like to see a couple bowls in the north, where teams that have to be built to withstand cold weather could welcome some of the lighter weighted southern teams to some elements. After all, do you really think Michigan could be built the same way Florida is built?
  19. Unbelievable. This is exactly the stupidity that makes SEC fans and ESPN lemmings look like retards. Sorry for cutting on you Chaz, but seriously, try thinking a little bit before you post horseschitt. This kind of myth is what casual fans see spewed, and they believe the crap. So, according to you, any of the top five teams in the SEC would have taken care of Ohio State huh? Really? Seeing that the Big Ten met the SEC that year in bowls and went 2-1 against the SEC. So in other words, in the only three games the B-10 played the SEC, and on New Years Day we had these scores, in addition to FLA whipping OSU: Penn State 20 Tennessee 10 Wisconsin 17 Arkansas 14 This was a 10 win Arkansas team with 1 SEC loss. This was also a 9 win Tennessee team, that lost to an 8 win, coming in, Penn State team. In another non-conference matchup, an 11 win Auburn team barely beat B-12 Nebraska by 3. Get a clue, dude. Seriously. Florida was clearly ahead of EVERYONE that year, and the Big Ten whipped your conference overall. And again, in the last ten years, the SEC is ahead 17-16. Not that big of deal if you ask me.
  20. Ummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, we already had practice playing NFL football without power. One of the coolest games I've ever attended. We'll be the beacon when this happens. We have perfected the non-electric NFL game.
  21. Just a little tidbit for ya. In the last ten years of bowl games between the Big Ten and SEC, the SEC leads 17-16. Although the Big Ten hasn't had a National Championship winner lately, I really don't think the conference is in awe of the SEC.
  22. He said that the Jags are lowering prices and the Skins aren't raising their GA prices. Oh boy, so Snyder will raise everything but the General Admission prices. You go Danny Boy.
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