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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I'm not sure why this just came outta the blue like this....but.....
  2. Now, from some research, I come to see a little bit about KC's draft. So, KC's draft was an F huh? Really? THe Chiefs, had two rookies on the All Rookie team. The Bills also had two. The Chiefs landed their first rounder on the all rookie team, while the Bills whiffed on Maybin. First rounders are kind of important. Also, just read an article on Pioli that said he was hired in KC too late to change his scouts that looked for players. So, while Pioli had his own list, and he did say he picked last year's players, he immediately got rid of his scouts after the draft and hired Phil Emery from Atlanta. Emery, Pioli and Haley now will have a whole year of looking for his type of players. Modrak and Nix will still be the one's picking in Buffalo. Despite landing two rooks on the All Rookie team last year, Pioli said he wasn't happy with his draft, because he wasn't on the same page with the staff that was already working there. He said that it created friction when discussing players, and thus everyone was second guessing themselves. He said the organization is now running how he sees it should. He's clearly in control. Nix has never had to do this sort of thing, he's just starting. We'll see how he does. One of the knocks on Todd Haley was that his workload caused him to make gross mistakes in game and practice management. So, what did Pioli do? Went out and got him Weis and Crennel. Great move. But again, the Chiefs landed two guys on the all rookie team, just like the Bills, and also acquired Matt Cassell. I'd say that was a pretty good start in KC. We'll see what happens this year. He's had a hell of a start acquiring SB caliber coordinators already. He's already ahead of Nix in that regard. Again, not comparable.
  3. We all know the title BS. Bobby April was our assistant Head Coach. What was he in charge of? He didn't get the interim job NOR did he get an interview for the job at the end of the season. He was given the title so he couldn't move laterally to another team. Period. Nix was still a scout, basically in the Southeast quadrant of the country. And precisely, I don't know much about Nix. Neither does anyone on this board, because he's never been in charge of anything for us to judge him on. That's my whole point. But yet, a lot of people will argue that he's not only a good GM already, but he's a great one. Top five even. Gimmie a friggin break.
  4. Oh come on. He was an assistant GM in title only, so that nobody could pluck him away for anything less than a GM title. Period. See Tom Modrak, Bobby April, etc. He was a glorified player scout. Which, there is nothing wrong with that. However, it's admirable, because that Asst GM title, protected him from leaving laterally in some cases. But that's what he was, basically, a scout. And from what I understand with the Chargers, Nix was in charge of the Southeast quadrant of the country. This is a known fact. He was heavily involved in scouting in the southeast, and he particularly loved the SEC. AJ Smith was in charge of the overall operation. Period. Nix was a scout. Didn't pick coaches. Suggested some players. AJ pulled the trigger. And my point is still simple. Even if Belicheck had FINAL SAY, Pioli was still in a better position, AND SUCCEEDING as GM of a friggin better team, better franchise, and worked with better football people than Nix, the scout, who was in charge of NOTHING. NON COMPARABLE. Apples to friggin Oranges. Any team in the league could have had Nix. ANY. Pioli not only turned down jobs, he then, now, finally broke away. So, why didn't anyone go after Nix? I mean, seriously, there are no arugments on this. Some of you seriously can't be calling a scout one of the top five GM's in the league. Do you not see who utterly stupid that is? And then, to boot, some of you are trying to discredit some of the most successful GM's in the league, who are already established and already winning, and saying that Nix is better. It's embarassing. Take a homerless step back from the Bills monitor on your screen and honestly think about that a minute. Again, we all hope Nix is OK, he's NOT one of the top five GM's in the league. This is almost as stupid as saying the Night Shift manager at Dell, is a better Chairman than Bill Gates.
  5. Gee, ya think? OK, so let's even judge by this new revelation (like we didn't know this already). You still make no sense. On one hand you have NE. The franchise of the 2000's. On the other you have SD. Solid franchise in the 2000's. Pioli was in charge in NE, but we pretty much know, Belicheck probably had a heavy hand in the final say. Buddy Nix WAS A FRIGGIN SCOUT for SD behind a heavy handed, controlling, GM in SD. So, at the very least, we have two guys that answered to someone else. Although, Pioli and Belicheck were most likely more intertwined than Buddy Nix, scout, was in SD. AND, to boot, NE was better than SD. Was better. Is better, and always has been better. THUS, Pioli is still friggin better than Nix. He has better credentials. Has better teams. Was in a much higher position of authority, in a better organization, and for a better team than Nix. There is no justification for Buddy Nix, the scout, that makes him better than Pioli. Abso-friggin-lutely- none. I hope he becomes better. I kinda like him. But the crap spewing from the homers is ridiculous.
  6. Again, mind boggling. So, Nix's (is that how Nix gets pluralized?) track record in SD speaks for itself. Nix, who was a scout in charge of nothing, speaks for itself. No one here has any idea how much influence he had in SD, yet, his record speaks for itself. BUT, on the other hand, Parcells doesn't equate to a top 5 GM (I think he's actually higher than a Gm, but we all know he's running that team). Did I understand that right? So, anything the Dolphins did is luck right? Going from 1-15, to 11-5 in one year, after gutting their staff and roster is luck right? And then despite being so young, and losing their QB, but being in contention until week 16 this year, was a bad year for a squad that is still rebuilding right? Not to mention, Parcells record in building rosters his whole career. I don't get it. It's kinda like all the 'Tards on here that were saying Bobby April sucked as a coach now because his special teams units were finally average this year. For the first time in six years, we had average special teams, mainly from ridiculous player mistakes, and all of a sudden April sucks. Again, there isn't a team in the league that would take Nix over any of the previous 5 GM's I named earlier in this thread. Not one. That's not even debatable. Hell, 31 teams have had their shot at Nix since Buddy has been in the NFL, and he just now finally landed with us. Kind of wild don't ya think, considering that so many people on TBD have him now as a top 5 GM in the league.
  7. Not sure I'd say I'm a Trent Edwards fan, but yes, I still think he can be serviceable in the NFL. I feel so bad for the guy that he was brought up with the coaches in Buffalo. He QB'ed like Jauron coached, and that was scared to death. The thing is, he wasn't always so frightened to play the game as he was at the end. We may never know, and I'm OK with that, but yeah, I would have liked to see Trent get groomed under a different staff. It's just hard for me to fathom that Trent Edwards can't do the same things that Pennington does in Miami, or that Flacco does in Baltimore. Either Trent is that bad, or the coaching was absolutely horrendous here. I think we can conclude that the coaching was horrendous, but I'm not so sure we can totally conclude that Trent can't be serviceable with a good set of coaches. I mean, if anyone watches football, Flacco and Pennington don't do jaw dropping things downfield. We'll probably never know. And like I said, I'm OK with that too.
  8. This is so utterly stupid I have to stop now. I mean really. You state that I have no idea what Pioli contributed to NE even though he was in charge of personnel for NE. Yet, you then state in the next sentence that Buddy Nix would run circles around him, when all Nix has ever been was a scout. Oh yeah, and the BS asst GM title. LOL. Totally laughable. Wood isn't a stud. Yet. He was average. We think he has upside. Far from a stud. Levitre was a starter out of necessity. I personally think they both will be OK, but both were granted starting jobs on the worst line in the NFL, because there was nobody else. Byrd had a great year, interception wise. I'm really not sure how good he is yet. Certainly a promising start and a great pick, but with just a tad less luck next year, his stats could really decrease. Maybin was a horrible pick, considering Orakpo was available. And yet, somehow Buddy "the scout" Nix was in charge of this draft. Of course though, like I said before, according to homers, he only picked the good players. The bad pick, which by the way, was the most important pick, wasn't his. I honestly don't know about KC's draft this year, because I haven't looked at it yet, but that team, from coaching, to players, is improving already. But yes, you are right, Pioli and Nix arent' comparable. Mainly because Nix hasn't ever been in charge of ANYTHING in the NFL, while Pioli actually has a track record. And a successful one at that.
  9. I hope so, because it's pretty big of you to have that much confidence when the Bills haven't gotten to the playoffs before ANYONE except for the Lions the last ten years. Oh, and the Texans. Oh boy.
  10. Regressing badly? Seriously? They lost Pennington, and had to go with Henne. Even so, they played competitive football, and got themselves back into the race. Again, the Dolphins were friggin 1-15 two years ago. I mean really, they were 1-15. Got rid of everyone, and are either making the playoffs WHILE rebuilding, or coming close to the playoffs, and being competitive against the best teams in the league, WHILE rebuilding and staying in contention late in the year. Pioli. Again, he's been there a year. One year. They already have two coordinators that won Superbowls on their staff. Two former head coaches that are coordinators. They already have a QB on their roster that has made the playoffs. They have a running game already. Chances are, Pioli will have this team's roster looking good very soon. Total housecleaning with all proven coaches and personell men. How anyone can even think of putting Buddy Nix, scout, over someone in charge of personnel in NE, is beyond comprehension. The Pats had their worst team in years this year. This is the first time they regressed in a while. Even with Cassel, they got better each week. They got worse last year. So, maybe, we'll see how Belicheck does without Pioli. But the funny part is, according to Bills fans, Buddy Nix is the second coming of god, yet, when Belicheck lost Pioli, he went out and got Floyd Reese to help him out. Does that now mean that there are now six ahead of Nix?
  11. Yeah, because obviously the Chiefs are only a QB away from being competitive again. They have a subpar O-line especially early. One NFL caliber WR who was not only hurt some of the year, but then was suspended under the substance abuse policy. And a defense that is dreadful. At least toward the end, when Bowe came back, they started to improve. Especially in the run game. They are already starting to improve. Maybe Belicheck will end up needing to prove he can do it without Pioli's players. They are, after all, starting to get a little long in the tooth, and didn't look so hot late this year. We'll see. I think the Chiefs will start to improve quickly, and soon.
  12. This is total BS. I mean, sorry but it is. All five guys I listed............their credentials speak for themselves. My god, Pioli built a dominant offensive and defensive line in NE. I'm sure with the help of staff, but they did great on their lines. We'll see how it holds up without him there. He was the personnel guy. And, he's been in Kansas City, ONE FRIGGIN YEAR. Are you kidding me with that? One year. They were a bigger mess than us, and he's had a year. I'm not even sure he's even been there one calendar year yet, but cmon. The Dolphins had one win prior to Parcells coming in. He changed the whole organization, and if you can actually be objective about it, the Dolphins had/have a TON of rebuilding to do. They have won, without a QB, and without any WR's. To get even one playoff team outta that talent is amazing. His LT and C pick has been outstanding. I mean, come on.
  13. I have no problem with giving Buddy a chance. I've already stated that, in this thread even. I just can't stand making making him out to be a legend just because he joined the Bills. Examples: He's one of the top 5 personnel men in the league. False. He's responsible for a great draft his first year back in Buffalo, yet, he wasn't responsible for the Maybin pick. False. According to homers, that was obviously Jauron. But Buddy did pick all of the players that succeeded. Apparently, according to the hardcore homers, Jauron showed up, picked the first round guy, and then left. Buddy Nix then leaped across the table, and took over and picked everybody else. I'm not sure if this guy even needs assistants he's so good. It just gets old. Homers make up such far fetched stuff about him, it's hard not to get worked up. On the other hand, most dont want to give him a chance, to which, at least I can understand, given that we have sucked for the better of 10 years. I'm willing to give him a chance, but I'm skeptical as hell. If Gailey adds one more decent, experienced coach, I'm good. But still skeptical.
  14. I couldn't wait for someone to post this. I was baiting you like a good CB baits Ryan Fitzpatrick. Oh let's answer this with another TWO questions..... Pertaining to Bobby April..... How did that Assistant Head Coaches title work out for him? Pertaining to Tom Modrak..... How did that assisant GM duty with the Eagles work out for him? Pretty much like chicken feed!
  15. There isn't a team in the NFL or a fan on this forum, that if you had to start a franchise today, that would take Buddy Nix over either Parcells or Pioli. Not one. And if you would, well, you would be the Bills of that league.
  16. I'm not totally thrilled with Nix and Gailey. But I'm so jaded anymore on the Bills now that I'm willing to give them a chance. Hell, they can't be worse than we've had lately right? Especially if some good football prople continue to get involved. Maybe Reeves, etc. Assistant coaches are huge. But it's posts like this that make me want to smash my head through brick walls or even swallow pieces of broken glass. So, now Buddy Nix is a TOP FIVE talent evaluator in the league huh? I named five better in a matter of 10 seconds without even thinking about it. Polian, Smith, Parcells, Newsome and Pioli by the way. As bad as it is when people totally discredit the new shaping of the Bills front office (with plenty of good reason), it's posts like this that can much more easily stir up the pot. So, Nix is a top five guy in the league, yet he's never been anything more than a scout for the most part? Yeah ok.
  17. Man, the idea of Gailey and Reeves together excites me. That is a lot of football knowledge to help the offensive side of the football. Gives us a ton more credibility. I mean, that would be a feel good thing. GET ER DONE BUDDY! GET ER DONE CHAN! Come on throw us a bone here guys. Then, let's go get some experience on "D". Do all of the above AND change the uniforms and I might even buy an extra two season tickets. LOL. Well, not really, but at least I'd have a staff I would trust a hell of lot more.
  18. GET ER DONE CHAN. I'm not sure in what capacity Reeves is referring to. But this man is a pure football mind. It couldn't hurt. I mean really, Dan Reeves as some sort of assistant......ummm, yeah, that wouldn't be a bad thing.
  19. WOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOO, One down one to go. This lightens the sting from yesterday a bit. Way to get er done Buddy.
  20. Is it the initial front page and it will just appear or what?
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