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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. It's also amazing that NBC couldn't wait to switch over to the game in the 3rd period. They couldn't help but to slobber all over it when it seemed like a moment they couldn't pass up anymore. Everyone who was anyone was at the hockey game. That includes stars, NBC personnel, Olympic officials, and other athletes. They missed what they could have had to build a sport that is televised on their network. THey also missed a golden chance to build momentum for when the US plays again. Now, people would be drawn in and compelled to watch from here on out. As it stands now, they still have a large audience they'll have to draw back in somehow if the USA continues to play well. The arena, unless they play Canada again, won't have the atmosphere it had tonight. There was no downside to televising that game tonight. This is the one game I would have penciled in as Must See TV. Unfortunately for NBC, they don't get all that......that's why they are dead last in TV ratings and cable ratings. They never make the right decisions or take the right gambles.
  2. I REST MY CASE. One of the better games ever by the USA. WAY TO GO BOYS!
  3. You've gotta be kidding right? A first round bye? The winner of this game can miss playing Russia in the semi-finals if they win this one. This is huge for a much much easier road to a gold medal game for either of these teams. Of course, casual fans don't know that because NBC can't convey that to people because they suck. As usual.
  4. NBC doesn't understand ratings very well, because they are by far, the worst network in the ratings. This is BS. People like the Olympics and the competition it brings. Nobody ever watches skiing outside of the Olympics. But slap a USA on their chest and push em off a hill and people watch. This would have been a perfect, close, drama laden game and the country would be watching in force. Now that it's a great game, most likely all sports fans would be tuned in. They blew it. It would also somewhat promote the league they carry on their network. People watch the Olympics. If it's compelling, people would be tuned in. Everyone would be watching this right now. Every USA game shouldn't be on the national NBC, but this one should have been a no brainer. This game would be attracting casual fans.
  5. Awesome game, awesome atmosphere. This is coming through the TV awesome. I rest my case. There is nothing in these Olympics even close to this so far. Anyone would be watching this.
  6. It sucks for those of us that have DTV. But we have no other choice to combat this problem because the NFL trumps everything and they have a monopoly on the Sunday Ticket. Ugh. Oh well, awesome flow so far. Intense game.
  7. Yeah, and it's for the #1 seed in the medal round. It's a HUGE game, and the first big game for Canada. The atmosphere is rocking and the US is already ahead. Much more intense than anything seen thus far in any of the Olympic competition. I do realize what I'm watching is special.
  8. LMAO, maybe this is why NBC sucks? Just a little bit? NBC Nightly News leads off with how big USA vs Canada is, and how big hockey is up there. Then, NBC runs the awesome 1980 hockey special at the end of today's NBC afternoon coverage. And then, relegate it to MSNBC. They don't even listen to themselves. What a bunch of buffoons. And you wonder why you suck? They are actually hyping up the sport they not only carry (NHL), but then relegating it to a network largely not in HD, and on a network people have trouble finding. Great job guys.
  9. Yeah, after all, with the monthly fee to receive HD, and the money spent to buy the HD receivers, who would raise their standards to brat level and actually want to watch the game in HD? My god, how spoiled. I'm so embarrassed.
  10. Evidently, not much. They are, after all, by far the worst network on TV. Not only the mainstream network, but all of their cable news networks too. So, I wouldn't put much stock in listening to NBC. Olympic hockey is different than the NHL. The USA across the chest of our guys tonight, would get ratings. If figure skating was so damn popular, it would have a season and a huge TV contract just like our four major sports. But they don't, because no one would watch it outside of the Olympics. Again, this has potential to be a huge moment for NBC. I understand going with figure skating, I really do, but I just hope this game turns out to be a classic, so NBC's gamble doesn't pay off. I don't think the US has a prayer, but I just hope it's good, so NBC misses an opportunity to grab a big audience. I hate NBC. Let me go get some eyeglasses, so I can watch this crud in non-HD.
  11. But yet, we own the single biggest moment in it's history. The 1980 game and team is the best sporting event/team ever.
  12. So basically every sport other than football is pretty much a niche sport now right? (which I agree with). Because ESPN'ers wouldn't actually believe that the NHL is outdrawing the NBA in attendance, but indeed it's happening.
  13. Is it just as easy for you to miraculously create HD for a channel that isn't in HD on Direct TV? Can you do that too?
  14. And oh my what this thread has turned in to. I swear to god, I just wanted to punch an NBC exec in the face, not to turn this into a moronic political discussion. Seriously, doesn't just one person want to punch someone at NBC in the face cuz of this? Just one of you spazzes out there? lol
  15. There were a ton of casual fans here in the "south" that watched the Canada - Swiss game the other night because it created drama and theatre. I've never heard anyone talk hockey here before other than when Crosby and Ovechkin met in the playoffs last year. There are a couple of events in the Olympics that could provide great theatre (although I think the US has no chance), and this is one of them. This is Canada's game, at Canada, and they are playing the US. NBC televises hockey in the regular season, and there is no other way to better promote the game than a legit all star tourney featuring teams that actually play hard and display their talent. NBC panders to the woman every week, and they get their ass kicked nightly in the ratings. Maybe, this would help a struggling rating pick it up a little bit more other than when just Crosby and Ovechkin are going against each other. I hope the game goes into a shootout tonight, and people miss it, just so NBC loses. Now, pardon me while I watch Russia and the Czechs on our HD NBC station. I'll channel surf tonight, as you are correct, as the US plays somwehere on the dial.
  16. Well, the Czech's and Russia of course. While the USA - Canada game gets relegated to MSNBC tonight in non HD. Or, at least it's in non HD on DTV. Nothing like putting your own country's game on the second tier network in non HD. Here's hoping that NBC, and all of it's suckarse news networks all keep getting your asses kicked in the ratings for years to come. OK, I feel a little better now. lol
  17. Out of those I listed, all are active. That's #1. Not bad for "playing in the MAC". #2 One is having a great career, another is a former NFL MVP and also had a very good career. One has lead multiple teams to the playoffs. One was average who has had a couple of very memorable games. Three are backups but have started games, and Davis actually surprised some in the Niners camp last year. Again, not bad for just "playing in the MAC". Especially when someone who likes the ACC has the audacity to speak negatively about any other conference. The MAC knows where it stands. The ACC having any kind of say in the BCS is a pure joke. Most overrated garbage football conference ever.
  18. All of these QB's also played in the MAC.......couple of real nice careers (and a prospect) in here for some of them don't ya think? Big Ben Daunte Culpepper (Central Florida was in the MAC) Chad Pennington Byron Leftwich Charlie Batch Charlie Frye Bruce Gradkowski Nate Davis
  19. This would great. I would hope maybe they could end up in our division, and it would be a super rivalry. Listen to the fans on Canada, and what they think of the NFL experience in Buffalo. Those same fans will come. Win a few more games, and/or make the playoffs more than once every eleven years, and the Bills would be fine. A team in Toronto AND Buffalo would be awesome IMO. Another Buffalo home game that is an instant sellout.
  20. 11 so far just south of Richmond. Still snowing moderately here. This is our second 10 inch plus storm this year. I'm not sure we've had twenty inches of snow the last 10 years combined.
  21. Oh please. I would think Philly would get the benefit of the doubt since they have been run, oh what, say........100 times better than us the last ten years. The Bills haven't earned a bit of trust yet. Not even close. They deserve everything they get, until they show any kind of competence which will hopefully be soon.
  22. Should be a great seat, but still just a tad too low for my taste. Get up around row 25-30 and you'll be sitting perfect.
  23. How about the throwbacks? Almost everyone likes them. They look good. Everytime the Bills are on TV with them, the announcers think they look good. The players like them better. They signify a cool era of Buffalo football. Problem solved, now move on to the O-line! Why not just do what makes sense for once, and switch? Oh wait, cuz we're the Bills. I almost forgot there for a second.
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