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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Then you must be a fan of a Schitty team. Lets talk ignorance here. Philly's slow plodding team won't keep up with Pittsburgh. Plus, they just lost two more key players. Second, no offense to Sabres fans, but Boston sucks. Third - Montreal was all Halak. He will be the biggest challenge. If he stays like he is now, the HABS could win. I just dont think he can. As good as he was, the Caps were still up 3-1 this series, and choked. And cruise with ease??? Let's look at last year.....Pittsburgh blew past Philly last year 4-2, and erased a huge deficit in a game to springboard that series. Beat Washington in seven, which was gut wrenching, and then swept Carolina. Every game WAS NOT a heart attack. As a matter of fact, the Carolina series was painfully boring.
  2. I hear that. But, Washington also still doesn't have proven Cup winning players like the Pens. Remember their choke in game seven at home vs. Pittsburgh last year too. It wasn't even a choke, it was an absolute collapse. Such has been the reputation of many of the current Russian players in big games. NHL and Olympics.
  3. I most certainly do. LOL. Really, do you think either Boston or Philly can beat Pittsburgh? And I'm not buying that Halak can knock out Washington and Pittsburgh. So yeah, I think the Pens will have a relative easy time through the rest of the East. IF Halak plays like this in the next round, I won't be surprised that the HABS would beat Pittsburgh, but I just don't think he can do it again. It's amazing what my confidence level and expectations are with the Pens as compared to my confidence and expectations with our beloved Bills. Totally different approach.
  4. As a lifelong Pittsburgh fan transplaned just south of DC, this made my night. Now the Pens will cakewalk to the Stanley Cup Finals again. Especially now that NJ and Washington are out. The Pens are good, but they aren't as good as last year. They also were 0-10 this year versus Wash and NJ. What a dream come true tonight was!!!! LMAO - Bye Bye Ovechkin!
  5. Huh? So, if the Colts are 12-2 again, and the rest of their division is 9-5 like always, tell me again why Peyton Manning won't be eating hot dogs on the bench again?
  6. My only question is if Daniel Snyder tried to charge you money for posting on a Redskins message board?
  7. Good Luck to ya YE OLE. I hope you recover. Tell your wife to hurry up and pop one out as COBRA will give you coverage for a little while. Sincerely, the best of luck to you and yours.
  8. And..............................the first round playoff games are listed. Flyers-Devils, Lanche-Sharks first round Wednesday games are already listed. The Thursday games will soon follow.
  9. I'm telling you guys again........relax. If your games aren't on VS or NBC, they will be on DTV's Center Ice. Always has been, always will be. You are worrying for no reason. I understand your worry, but trust me, the teams not televised nationally will be on Center Ice. You'll get your home feeds, which is 100% better than being on VS.
  10. if Rapistberger will be suspended or not. I mean, it's pretty obvious that when Santonio Holmes was traded to the Jets the NFL had to move the Pat vs. Jets games to both be played in the first four games of the year so that NE could miss the Jets at full strength.........twice. Now, count on Big Ben to get suspended for maybe a game or two, and the NFL will move NE's game against them to the one of the games Big Ben will miss also.
  11. No it didn't. Center Ice covers all the games not on Versus, for the first two rounds of the playoffs. After that, Versus and NBC gain exlusive rights in the conference finals. Center Ice has always had the playoffs until round 3 for the teams not televised on Vs. or NBC.
  12. Be happy then. Versus sucks. Being from Pittsburgh, every fuggin Penguins game is always on Versus, and it prohibits me from watching my NHL Center Ice home feed (blacked out) for the frist two rounds of the playoffs. It blows. If your team isnt' on Versus, and you have Center Ice, rejoice, it's the best deal in sports for two rounds.
  13. Until recently, namely Greg Jennings, the MAC has a history of accomplished WR's who fail in the NFL. There are actually tons of them. Most recently, when everyone on this board tried to seem intelligent, and champion Martin Nance as the next big thing, he failed. Dante Ridgeway of Ball State was a Biletnekoff (I think that's the WR award) finalist, and he failed after several stints with various NFL teams. The spread offense in the MAC took over when Urban Meyer landed in Bowling Green and many teams in the MAC started to run a variation of it. Various MAC wideouts have put up big numbers in recent years. They almost all fail in the NFL. And a lot of them were in camps or drafted. Namely offenses in Bowling Green, Central Michigan, Ball State, Toledo, Western Michigan, and Miami have been dominant in the last 8 years or so, but hardly any of their skill players made it in the NFL except QB. The MAC, despite some good numbers by wideouts, hasn't produced a lot of good WR's, period. Roosevelt is probably no exception. I think there is one more, but basically Greg Jennings and Lance Moore are two that are quite good, although Moore's body of work is not all that large. All in all, the numbers look quite comparable to me, but the league, and I love the MAC, isn't close. I guess that's where the stats can make a difference. Their have been a gazillion MAC WR's with good numbers since the introduction of the spread, but not many, actually hardly any have stuck in the NFL.
  14. This article came from a link that was inside of another article. The article pointed out that Cornwell talked about this at length when he was vying to become the NFLPA director, and no one wanted to really hear or grasp what he was saying. When I clicked the link to see what Cornwell's theory was, I thought it was interesting. Cornwell has been saying this all along.
  15. You seriously aren't asking someone here for a rebuttal about Marshawn's actions as copared to McGahee are you? Something about Canadian women, guns, etc. lol I think Marshawn could probably hold up his end of the bargain on this one.
  16. Its not that big a deal, but I am a little disappointed the OP deleted his own thread. Kind of chickened out a bit. Its amazing that reporters are so thin skinned when they get criticized. After all, the paper lives on critiquing everything that goes on in the world, yet get all worked up when someone critiques them. Maybe, not really JW,but maybe a lot of them would do better to listen to critiques once in awhile. It is a profession that has gotten worse in the internet age. It is also a struggling business in some ways. But yet, there is always an excuse for their own flaws. Weak. Sorry to cause a stir, that wasn't really my intention.
  17. Not sure, but I would think a story could be written in three hours. I mean, I can do much much more at my job in three hours, than write a story on trent Edwards speaking for nine minutes. And yes, I worked for the Pittsburgh Trib Review growing up. Mostly agate, never wrote anything, but cmon.
  18. Correct, I understand that. And JW didn't do anything wrong at all. But, is it really needed for a Bills backup QB? A longer story could already be done, and he would still be the first one to report it. It's not JW, it's just media reporting in general these days.....ugh.
  19. Oh, that makes sense. Even at that though, what's the point of a teaser? Did there really need to be a teaser about the Bills backup QB who spoke to the press today? It's already posted on BB.com. Another longer article could have already been posted by now. I'm not sure how sound a decision it is to constantly hurry up and put something out there (this doesn't necessarily pertain to only JW), especially in this case. In the long run, if people don't know it's a teaser, they'll quit reading your stuff, because they think nothing will really ever be in there. I thought you had a valid point, although I didn't read the article until after you said something.
  20. The person who posted the initial comment had some points. I wasn't as aggravated as he was, but there's no reason someone can't voice an opinion on his "article" just like everyone voices their opinion on someone like Mort's jab at Buffalo. Weak. JW's a big boy, he can see constructive criticism.
  21. I don't think 90% is anywhere near accurate. I would actually bet it isn't. I called the Bills today so that I could find out when my seat upgrade date is. There are three sets of us with two tickets a piece. So, we want to relocate all six of our tickets to closer to the fifty in the lower bowl. One of us has 28 years seniority, one has 18, and I have 11. I asked the guy about what the chances are of getting between the 20's down low and he said, that honestly, ticket sales aren't going so hot thus far, and this would be the the best year in the last 15 to upgrade. He wouldn't commit to anything, but said that most likely we will be able to make a big leap this season to seats somewhere between, at least, the 20's on the Bills side. This is about the only reason I'm keeping my season tickets. I'm thinking that this is a great year to upgrade. He confirmed what I thought to be true. With no splashes in FA, the economy, and the Bills sucking as bad as they do, this is the year to finally upgrade to somewhere nice I would think.
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