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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I understand this completely. However, teams are giving the Penguins too much respect this year. They aren't as good this year as they were last year. And, they are showing age this year in Guerin and Gonchar. Fedetenko has been bad all year, and Ponikarovsky has kind of busted, although I don't think Bylsma is using him right. They also miss Scuderi tremendously. He was a very good defenseman, and his passing out of the defensive zone to get a rush going was tremendous. If the Pens play like they are playing now (which isn't bad, but it isn't great either), they will get smoked in the Finals against a Western Conference team. I hope I'm wrong, but the Pens haven't been able to put together a run this year except for the very start of the regular season. Since then, they've been solid not great.
  2. Pretty clean game tonight Meazza. 3-2. See ya in Montreal. I still think the Habs try to start playing offense a little too late. But the defense has sure gotten to Crosby, I will say that. He's worn down a bit. He couldn't even convert the empty netter. He's tired.
  3. They don't sell worth a crap. The two games at the end of the year the past few seasons have almost been hard to even give tickets away. That really sucks for those of us that have season tickets and live far from Buffalo. But yet, I renewed.
  4. There are tons of seats in the lower bowl for 4 between the 30's. We upgraded to about the 25 yard line (6 from the goal line) and were offered 30 and 40 yard line seats, HOWEVER, they were in rows 11 or closer to the field, which are awful seats. I also don't think new people wishing buy season tickets can buy them between the 10's until all of the current season ticket holders are through with the seat upgrade process. This is a great year to upgrade if you are keeping your tickets.
  5. I hear ya. I really didn't think they were this good. I know they are hot, but they actually have a good team.
  6. My last question of the night Meazza, is how in the hell are the Canadians only an 8 seed? What the hell happened in the regular season? This team is so much better than Ottawa, Boston, Philly, and maybe Buffalo, I just don't get it.
  7. How about Crosby getting his helmet knocked off two games in a row, no call. How Gomez continually failing to control his stick, especially at the end of game 3, no call. How about blah blah blah blah. And yeah, the more aggressive teams that actually skate and get rushes generated are going to get more calls. I mean, you can't be dumb enough not to know that. When you sit in your own end all game creating a shell around Halak, what calls do you think you are going to generate? When you guys got out and skated, you started generating calls. But hey, blame the refs, even though you are playing pretty well. Everyone's against you right, refs, CBC, all American networks, George Bush......wahhhhhhhhh.
  8. Why would I give a damn, or ever watch the CBC first of all? All the Pens games are on FSN Pittsburgh. AND, I was listening to the broadcast on the radio in periods 1 and 2, and they were making fun of the Canadian fans for whining about wanting calls everytime a Penguins touched a Hab. So, who's right? Usually, when people whine about calls, it's because your team isn't doing something right. Because I'm sure the refs didn't miss any calls on the Habs right? Keep whining, throw trash.
  9. Whiner. Period. Keep whining about calls. Wahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Whoa are the Habs. They don't even attempt to play offense but expect to generate calls. Cmon man, throw trash, it apparently makes Canadian fans feel better. I know goaltending has been good. HOWEVER, when they also decide to actually attempt to play real hockey, they actually can carry the play pretty well. Halak makes some good saves. However, the Pens took 49 shots through two periods, and only 26 got through. So, it's not all Halak. It's their defensive scheme. But, when they've come outta their shell, it's surprising to me the Gionta and Gomez still have game left. Cammelleri, or however it's spelled, and Subban. They can actually play some. They've pressed the issue pretty well, when they get their rush going. Good series.
  10. Imagine that, a Canadian network begging for calls. You all sound like a bunch a little league wanna be coaches wanted everything handed to you. Go ahead, if it makes you feel better, throw some trash on the ice.
  11. That being said, after seeing Montreal play four games, and some against Washington, what I thought was good coaching on Montreal's part, might actually be holding them back. I think they have enough good players to play more of an offensive game. They are just as good playing up tempo as they are in their shell. I really think they should open it up some. Oh, and just to show how whining makes you look...... Stay classy Montreal fans, throw some more trash on the ice. That speaks well of you all!!! 2-2, see ya Saturday.
  12. Quit whining about fuggin calls. When you play the passive offense that you play, how many calls do you think you are actually going to get? Sickening. You don't do anything to draw any calls.
  13. This is precisely what can keep things going though. So, only 150 clicks a month come from TBD? Maybe directly. HOWEVER, I myself added Tim's Blog some time ago as a favorite site so that I could keep up with the AFC EAST. I don't hardly ever get directly to you through TBD anymore, if at all. I'm sure many people go straight to his stuff on ESPN now that we know it's there. Without you coming to TBD I would have never clicked your blog.....ever, until I discovered you. And I admit, I don't rummage deep into the ESPN site. Too cluttered for me. So, it's more than 150. For as popular as TG seems here, I'm sure a ton of clicks are generated because TG came here and made himself known. We also kind of look for TG's stuff on ESPN when stuff might be breaking, because we are hoping that he is a little more tuned in than the guy who was posting from the Chamber of Commerce about stuff happening at OBD. Just from when you did your chats alone, you were overrun by posters here. Re-directed traffic might only be 150, but Tim has gained enormous amounts of traffic to his stuff from here. As pathetic as the Bills are, and as starved as we are for information, I would say I probably clicked Tim's stuff 150 times myself that month, to see if anyone had anything on Edwards. All because TG was announced or whatever it was that happened here at TBD.
  14. Western teams look pretty good. That Hawks - Vancouver game last night was amazing, back and forth hockey. I don't think an Eastern team can beat the west this year. I hope I'm wrong, but I just don't think so.
  15. Kinda bums me out. He was slated to pitch against Richmond at the end of the month. Now he's in AAA. I don't think he'll be around long enough for me to see him in Norfolk either. Dammit. I'd like to see him in a minor league setting before he goes up.
  16. Meazza, Soooooo, would you like to call out Fleury again??? I mean, he had some great saves, and yeah, he faced a little bit less shots than Halak, but I mean you have to consider that Montreal doesn't even try to score goals until they are losing late in third periods. Tough game, but cmon Montreal, you are gonna have to come out and actually play offense at some point arent ya? I admire the coaching being done, but you can't hide in the defensive zone all game. Go Pens.
  17. Well, Guerin doesn't suck. He's a role player on a team that is pressed against the cap because of their stars. He's a steady vet. And down 2-1 to a Montreal team, who is at home for game 4, and coming off of tremendous momentum from the Caps series and in game 2 in Pittsburgh is pretty much as must win as it gets.
  18. Guerin and Staal out tonight for Pittsburgh. Starting to look better for Montreal. Pittsburgh might be in a must win game 4.
  19. There are also a lot of game misconducts that are missed.
  20. For the record, I never called Mort a piece of ****. I just wanted to clear that up, because I just posted about getting on you once about Mort. I'm not the one who called him names. At least I don't think I was. I just don't like how he reports on the Bills. He is painfully biased. I wish he'd just come out and say why he dislikes this org so much from the TD era. Most of us would probably agree with him. Come on Mort, say it. Tell us what a mess we are behind the scenes. Most of us are dying to know anyway. TG, please pass that on.
  21. You honestly can't be that dumb as to not think part of the reason he is here, is to advertise himself, in which I see nothing wrong with. From his own arguments, he spoke about how ESPN sites dwarf the local sites in terms of traffic. Evidently traffic is a big deal. I had no idea who Tim Graham was until he posted here a bit. So, for me, this site gave him life. I then hit his blog a few times which gave him traffic. I'm sure they look at those traffic hits like TV people look at TV ratings. Colin Cowherd surely looks, because he talks about site traffic a lot in relation to the NFL dwarfing everyone. TG benefits just as much from this site, if not more, than we get inside info from him. It's also easy for him to follow this board in order to get ideas for blogs about what's important to Bills fans. It's easier to make some of his blogs relevant. You can tell that some writers do this, because thier columns, blogs, etc, often times now echo sentiment on message boards. I was kinda glad TG was here. I even got on him hard once about our tool Chris Mortensen. I had to back off because nothing good was coming from it. However, jeez o whiz people, when real news breaks anymore, none of these "insiders" get anything right anyway. It's all a bunch of guesses until the real story finally comes out. So, just be patient, take these people and their info for what it is, and calm down. It's usually harder sifting through all the guessers than to just sit back and let it work itself out here. I don't understand those of you who act like they've lost a loved one because he's gone. I also don't understand why some of you have so much anger towards him. When news is about to break on anything Bills related, you really don't have to go from site to site to get the news anyway. Just refresh here until you have matching threads from different sources and then you know it's real. TG's here. TG's not. Who cares. As long as Nevergiveup (aka Russ Brandon) stays, that's really all we need for now.
  22. We can only hope.
  23. Me and my group have six season tickets, and I could care less about Rob Gronkowski. Really, I would have been more kikely to drop them if they took him in the second. I would bet there are many more people like me that could care less if Gronkowski was born in Hammers Lot or in Utah. I just want to win. Period. I could care less where our guys are from. I upgraded my season tickets, not because I have any confidence in this team. I did it because I hope this somehow keeps them in Buffalo and this is a great year to do so, as many people have opted out. But Gronkowski selling tickets? Maybe to his family, but I think he pretty mcuh would have zero effect on season tickets.
  24. I somehow doubt it was all Lalime. Halak was alright today, but nothing really outstanding. They played a great system game in front of him. I can't really sit here and admit that I was wowed by Halak today. And he was shelled in game 1. Halak was extraordinary vs. the Caps. Today he was good, but the reason for the win was that the Habs forced their game on the Pens. Well done. A goon is a goon. Adams isn't really known for that stuff. But playing like an ass is playing like an ass. Today Adams played like one, and Friday, Gomez did. Every team, every series, guys show their ass. I didn't like Adams hit either, but I'm not going to whine about guys playing like goons, when every team has them.
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