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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I dont' know how to get fancy and quote multiples like you do! That's probably not a bad thing.
  2. Positive huh? Ok, let me take a stab at it. I've thought about it all morning, and all I can come up with is that, at least they aren't the Pittsburgh Pirates (my fave MLB team). The Bills only have 10 playoff-less seasons in a row. The Pirates have 19 losing seasons in a row. I'm so blessed with my teams.
  3. Kind of like in the NFL when the lowest seeded AFC 2005 Steelers won the Super Bowl? Or in 2007 when the wild card Giants beat the greatest regular season team in NFL history. Wow, eerily similar huh?
  4. Did it hurt the NFL when the Steelers as a #6 seed (out of 6) won the Super Bowl in 2005? How about in 2007 when the wild card Giants beat the greatest regular season team ever in the Super Bowl? Did that hurt?
  5. THis is one of the dumbest things I've ever heard. The Bills beat the Jets last year. The Pittsburgh Pirates beat the Philadelphia Phillies this year. The Boston Celtics lost to the Indiana Pacers this year. So, tell me again how this differs? It's funny that the people that have no clue about hockey are the one's that spout off stuff that rarely happens in the playoffs. Mostly because, you really only watch it when it pertains to you.....which is no biggie...........just don't act like you know the game more than that.
  6. Seems about right. Kelly always pretty much called em like he sees them. Kelly used to get on his lineman too. Jim is just Jim, a great leader and not afraid to back up what he says. LB mentality. Kelly was also my favorite player. On the other hand, good for Trent for saying what he said. Showing some nuts.....finally. Now, take all of this Trent, and let's see that confidence on the field. It would make everyone proud, including Kelly. Former Bills players and fans just want to see some fight in the current group of players. I'm glad Trent kinda stuck up for himself. Although he was still careful in how he worded it. The Bills need someone with enough game to come in here and make all Bills fans and former 90s players forget about that era a little bit.
  7. Best jerseys on the market, hands down. However, they are still pricey. Promo code: FBPIR100 at checkout
  8. I would bet anything there's no way the Bills get out of the bottom five. I've been looking all over and can't find anything other than the top 10 either. Owens did do very well last year though, consistently in the top 15 in sales with his Bills jersey. With him gone, and the Bills not really having anyone else of interest, and no uniform changes this year, there's no way they aren't near or at the bottom this year. I bet we don't have a top 50 outside of Owens. Maybe 100.
  9. Link? I can't imagine the Bills aren't in the bottom five in merchandise. Market size has nothing to do with it. And if it wasn't for TO, I bet we would have been dead last a year ago. We have zero marketable players that any NFL fan would want outside of being a Bills fan. Hell, most of us don't even know who to buy if we feel like purchasing one.
  10. Right, but it's been back on track the last two. Kinda like the Steelers winning the SB as a wildcard, it happens once in a while, but for the most part, talented, well coached teams usually win.
  11. When's the last time talent didn't win?
  12. Didn't we play most of those teams that Orakpo had all of his sacks against? How'd Maybin do again? Thought so. Also a little bit telling that Maybin wasn't good enough to instill enough confidence in any of our coaches to get him on the field ANYWHERE. Nic Harris did. George Wilson did. Maybin? Anyone, anyone? And while Maybin might have projected going in the first round last year, he was also a bunch of people's pick for bust. There sat Orakpo, accomplished in the college game, also a projected first rounder, and producing in a damn good conference. And there sat Maybin. One decent half a season at Penn State. And who did we take? LOL. THe beat goes on and on and on. I hope Maybin develops, and I also hope that someday we actually have a front office better than their fans. Because, as it stands now, if our fans would have been drafting the first and second rounds the last 6 or 7 years, we would be a hell of a lot better football team.
  13. I hope you know sir, that you just got kicked off the TBD cheerleading squad for posting this. Shame on you. Two favorite whipping boys, a "negative" reporter, AND ESPN. You will be blackballed by a few shortly.
  14. No offense, but I seriously stopped reading this when you cited realfootball365 as a source. Citing realfootball365 is about as credible as someone saying the Bills are a legit contender this upcoming year. Or that CJ Spiller, while we may like him, was a pick at a position of need. But really, realfootball365?
  15. Makes sense to me. Still a lot of question marks out there though. The Bills need to prove something. Anything positive will work and create a better mood. Until then, all we have is a ten year body of work. My favorite baseball team is the Pittsburgh Pirates. Do you know how long the rah rah crap has been going on? 19 years. I pray the Bills don't ever get there.
  16. Another igorant post. So, is Nix more qualified than say......oh......Tom Donahoe? Donahoe can really say he built the Steelers teams that were very solid under Bill Cowher. You know, an actual GM who was really in charge of things.....not a scout like Nix. And tell me, how did TD work out? Not so well huh? So, does past success (TD actually had some past success, Nix was never even in charge of anything). So, tell me again, how do you have any clue of what Nix did in SD or what he'll do here. Oh yeah, from people like you, Nix is only in charge when good things happen, but not the bad, IE Aaron Maybin. That was clearly someone else. Nix is rebuilding the lines huh? What's he done on the offensive line? He got a guy in what the fifth round? I would bet a lot of teams drafted lineman before or int he 5th round. So, how has he done something that is so shocking that it just blows you away? He's all of a sudden an offenisve line guru because he found a guy named Wang. And on the defensive side of things, you have no idea how good these two DL man will be. None. But hey, you like what he did. I would guess you most likely never saw either one of them even play football before. One of the stupidest posts of the year. Again. RAH RAH RAH. I'm a Bills fan, and I can't take that they suck, so I'm gonna yell it loud that they don't suck. You do realize how stupid that looks right? Anybody can say whatever the hell they want. What's wrong with holding the Bills a little bit accountable? Of course, for some people that have no standards, and that accept mediocrity, well, there's you. For some others, the Bills have put themselves in a corner where they have to show me some results before I believe in them. So, go ahead, keep buying in to that Dodge automobile and scratch your head when the transmission goes out after 30,000 miles. Some of us would like to think that we could get a BMW level every once in a great while.
  17. Here comes yet another Buffalo Jills rah rah post. Great. Oh, and haven't the Skins made the playoffs in the last ten years under Snyder? Yeah, thought so. Remember how fun it actually is to make the playoffs every once in a blue moon? I have season tickets. I live in Virginia. I can't wait until the season starts. But jeez o whiz, you have to be Helen Keller to not realize that the Bills have sucked, will suck, and most likely will finish last next year........AGAIN. It's old. We can all like the Bills, but dont' have to be happy about 80% of the crap they do. It gets even worse when they give us fans ammo to think we know personnel better than they do. Hence, most Bills fans would have Ngata and Orakpo on this team. Just examples. And on top of this, every time someone like you posts one of these RAH RAH threads, it just invites the negative to come out in people. And then BAM, here we are. Keep up the good work!
  18. Sundowner. I'm sure they've already been there. Probably in a makeshift VIP section unless it's already taken by Eric Moulds.
  19. Ummmm, HH Gregg. They bought all the Circuit City stores in Richmond, and provide the necessary balancing act to still hold Best Buy Hostage. Although, the best thing I've learned from Circuit City going down is that most people should be buying from Amazon or Overstock.com anyway, they both blow away most big box retail stores doors off in prices. Especially for accessories.
  20. Yeah, the only problem is, Ngata isn't average. Ngata would excel on any team. Period. And I would say 75% of Bills fans would have picked him. Just like they would have picked Orakpo over Maybin. It would nice if Bills fans were really made to feel like fans again. That is, it would be nice for the front office to outsmart the fans once in a while, so we can shut up. Not the case in past years. One could have listened to Mel Kiper and had a better draft than our front office.
  21. Its funny, but a long long time ago, say throughout the 90's, when the Bills won more games than they lost, the Bills attracted all kinds of quality free agents. Free Agents and coaches aren't coming here now because we suck and seem without direction. Period. Until the Bills decide to get serious about football, don't think that top echelon football people are going to want to come to Buffalo. It's really that easy.
  22. Jealousy. Otherwise, nobody would care, and they would move on. No biggie. We'll be in contention for about 12 more years because that guy will be a Penguin for that long. Everyone hated Lemieux too, and he's one of the nicest human beings in sports. It's no biggie. You've gotta admit though, it has to be great to be a Montreal fan right about now, because they just took out Ovechkin and Crosby. LOL. That has to be fun. As a Pens fan, they've won three Cups in my lifetime, and I've seen countless awesome games and moments in memory. I'm not jealous of anyone, probably because of the Pens success. And I'm OK with the loss this time. But next year, it's time to kick ass again, and as long as 87 is there, kick ass we will. Let Montreal have their fun, they've really earned it.
  23. YES. All of the time. Lemiuex got so pissed off one time of being "clutched and grabbed" as he put it, he actually shot a puck at the end of the period at Koharski's head. Captain's always talk. Lemieux was no different. The game gets slowed down to the point where the stars get interfered with, and I'm sure it gets old. But yes, I'm not going speak for Gretzky, but yes, Lemiuex ran his mouth.
  24. He has some knots on his head from this series from sticks that weren't called. The jealousy of Crosby amazes me. I'm sure 87's summer will be just fine. He will be polishing pictures of his Stanley Cup victory last year, and his Olympic Medal in which he scored the winning goal (although, that pretty much sucked, lol). But um, yeah, Crosby's summer will probably not suffer much.
  25. I don't he's a sore loser because of the penalty. He was frustrated, which is a compliment to what the Habs were doing to him. He wouldn't intentionally take a boarding penalty in a scoreless game to get back at someone when the outcome was yet in doubt. He was just frustrated from being shut down all series, and he tried to make a point early that turned into a stupid penalty because his head wasn't right. I love Crosby. The guy gives you the same effort every game of the season. And if he's off, you better believe the team playing him is doing something right, because it's tough to make him look average. The Habs did just that.
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