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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I'm not ripping on anyone who likes the World Cup, and I plan on trying to watch the USA game tomorrow. However, was that supposed to be exciting today? I'm off on Fridays, and those two games today were brutal. I'm not a soccer fan by any means, but today did nothing to even entice me as a casual fan. I'm being serious, were those good games today, or was that the equivalent of two Bills-Browns type games?
  2. If there is any kind of crossover play or conference championship game, there is no way in the world Michigan, Ohio State, Penn State and Notre Dame would be in the same division. They would not want those teams finishing 1-4 every year. Plus, your western division is horrible. I also don't think Syracuse would be in the picture here either. Pittsburgh would be a great fit in the Big Ten and would give the Big Ten most of PA's market solidly along with a Penn State - Pitt rivalry game. Pitt will get strong consideration if the Big Ten goes to 16.
  3. LOL. Now we know why Timmy G got a little cranky here. He needed his spiritual food with Ricky. But in all seriousness, anyone notice the cougar in the back of the pic? She looks a tad worn and beaten with big fakes. Perfect definition of a cougar.
  4. And again, BS, because no fans wanted, or even asked for any of the garbage listed above. The only thing that is kind of cool is the player tracker, however, most fantasy football players have their laptops open and are getting real time scoring from things like Yahoo Stattracker anyway. The player tracker would have been much more up to date 7 years ago. Same with all of the stats, etc. Decent thought, but no one clamored for it, in order for DTV to charge you more for the service. It's garbage. All of that above stuff is garbage. And that's why I hate DTV now. Keep trying to tell me how much I want all that crap. I DON'T. And I'm a hardcore football fan, and I would not pay for any of that stuff. Garbage. I will obviously still get Sunday Ticket, but I would switch to FIOS in a second if they had it.
  5. It won't huh? The problem with "going somewhere else" is that no one else offers the NFL Sunday Ticket. So no schitt the grass isn't greener anywhere else if you are an NFL fan. If everyone had the Sunday ticket, DTV would be in some trouble. No one would pay to have their equipment serviced or worked on just to receive DTV's signal. Why would you, when you could have someone like FIOS when all of that comes free? Their package prices would also have to come down. While it doesn't happen a ton, you do lose signal with DTV in Thunderstorms. Especially the big T-storms in the south. You also don't pay for extra room receivers with most cable companies, that would also have to change. DTV would suffer if all others had the Sunday Ticket. I don't think it would be their death by any means, but they would have to change their business model immensely to keep people from switching to someone like FIOS, which would be superior to DTV with the Sunday Ticket. I just wish it would happen, so DTV would have to tighten up a little bit.
  6. Who knows, its a whole new year. Who knows if they'll even deal.
  7. Someone posted the deal inside of thread on here last year, and I reposted it as it's own thread. It got huge and that's pretty much the only way people here found out about it. It then started flying around message boards from every NFL team. Wherever the info started, it spread like wildfire. The longer you waited, the less DTV seemed to want to sweeten the pot for people.
  8. As did I. I called to B word last year that DTV didn't have Versus, and being a Penguins fan, I would be missing 11 games that weren't on my NHL package because they are fighting with VS. They then went through a company BS line of garbage about how this was a VS issue, and promptly told them I could care less who's fault it is. I just know I can't watch my team 11 times even though I'm getting NHL Center Ice. I got it for free last year. I've just had it with DTV. If they ever lose the NFL package, they'll be in trouble.
  9. If you called and complained, you would have never had to pay for SF. On top of that, most people who called last year not only got SF for free, but they also got an additional $120 off of the $270. It's a constant game with DTV.
  10. Don't ever pay for Superfan. All you've had to do in the last 3-4 years, since they started the SF garbage is call them, B word about it, and they'll drop that charge. And your arguments that you have used here are the same arguments you use with them. What makes you hate DTV after a while is that not everyone knows to do this. And why should we even have to go through this garbage every year anyway? On top of that, before you can speak to someone who can actually help you, you have to get through the front line morons who spit you out a company line about SF and what all it is and how you should really crave it. It's just total garbage. And it's the type of garbage that anyone with any kind of brain will eventually start to hate DTV. Thus, if anyone else ever gets the ticket, I'll be gone from DTV in a heartbeat. Thunderstorms don't ruin the FIOS signal. I'll get Sunday Ticket again, but I'll go round and round with DTV first. It's just getting old.
  11. FIOS is awesome, both for TV and Internet. If they could only have the NFL package.
  12. Oh come on. It's not a price cut. I haven't paid for Superfan since they started trying to force it on everyone to get games in HD. The fact they even did that was a complete joke in the first place. I mean, why does no other sports package have an additional package to get games in HD? Because it's a ripoff to overcharge people and take advantage of the NFL's popularity. It's as simple as that. Nobody cares about Superfan. So, for me, Superfan has been thrown in every year. Same for most people I know with one phone call. Then, in addition, last year most of got huge discounts by calling and getting an additional $120 off of the $270. The fact that you have to call every year to bargain is enough to now make people hate DTV. Let's not mistake anything. The only reason DTV still exists in a ton of homes is because they have a monopoly on the NFL package. And because of how they try to treat the customers as royally stupid with this Superfan garbage, they will now be hated right up there with Comcast. If FIOS had the NFL package, I'd be there in a heartbeat. We've had FIOS cable TV and internet installed in every room but one, and we haven't had one problem, outage, or change in billing since 2007. We did call one time to see when our pricing bundle changed, and they just extended it another two years at the old price. DTV finally has rubbed me the wrong way, and most people that only have it for the NFL feels the same. For me, it's not really the cost, it's the way they try to hide it and justify it. Please.
  13. Yeah, because Marshawn Lynch and Brett Favre are so comparable. That's about like saying that well, Bruce Smith didn't go, so there's no way Reggie Corner should have to be there either. Let me ask you a simple question. Does it hurt the team if Marshawn Lynch attends these things or can it do nothing but help in some way? There's only one answer to that question, unless your going to try to babble off some kind of lame ass excuse to justify his laziness. Marshawn's actions speak loudly about his character. Just like him always getting in trouble. Or just like in the Hall of Fame game last year, when Eric Wood came out and was doing work on the field, while Lynch strolled out eating chips and a hot dog standing along the goal line. There's a reason Lynch is thought of as he is. It's just a shame that he's pissing away his talent and costing himself money. But, he's too stupid to realize it. The only positive for ML is that he is young and still has plenty of time to turn into a beast. The bad part for the Bills is that by the time he grows up, he'll most likely be doing it for someone else.
  14. How dare you have standards and expectations! LOL. Don't worry, most people feel this way. There are only a few people who don't, but they post 12,000 times a day to make it seem like they are in the majority. The Bills are the Bills for a reason. Players like Marshawn do nothing to help them overachieve, and until someone steps up, and the front office actually makes a positive impact, the Bills will stay status quo for the next 10 more years. It's a shame too, because Marshawn's potential would be off the charts if it wasn't for his ten cent head, and lazy work ethic. But hey, he went to Cal!!!
  15. It's my opinion that Yahoo is by far the easiest to navigate and most user friendly. Add to the fact that stat tracker's live scoring was thrown in last year, and it can't be beat.
  16. We just moved two sections closer to the 50 yard line (135) and got 6 seats together in row 28 on the Bills side. That option hasn't been available to us in the last five years. The rep specifically told us this is the best year to move as ticket sales are very slow at that point. Season tickets will not be 54,000 this year.
  17. Oh, I don't know, to me it looks like an organization that admitted it made a mistake, and the owner doesn't mind any money that he lost while cutting loose White. I actually commend Seattle's ownership for letting their staff get rid of a mistake and not worrying the financial part of it. Kudos to them!
  18. Scratch that. Yep, June 8th vs. PIttsburgh. I'm almost positive it's in DC.
  19. JR - I just saw your post here. Yeah, I think they cancelled him coming up against the buccos. Not sure. I just know he's pitching in Buffalo this week.
  20. Yeah, when you actually upgrade your tickets like I did this year after 10 years of suckitude, I thought I may be able to throw away the mug and still be OK. Don't count me in as positive though, just I can't walk away from this trainwreck that is my team.
  21. By the way, I agree with The Dean. I don't see the fascination people have in having something signed by someone and think it's cool. 90% of the time, it's someone's handwriting you can't read and who didn't want to sign something for you in the first place. Same with pictures with a player. What does that really mean anyway? Great, you were standing or staying, or worse, paying, for someone to pause and put their arm around you for 3 seconds so you can say what? Kind of belittles your life a little bit, no? Anyway, I digress. I just threw away my travel mug. I've stared at it for days, and now realizing that it's not dishwasher safe or microwavable, I think I'll stick with the other 10 travel mugs I already have that are DW or MW safe. It's cheap. It's advertising for TH's. And it's not even convenient. Gone. In the trash before I even used it. I didn't even give it away, because I don't want someone to microwave it and catch their house on fire when the paper Bills logo goes up in flames. My question is......Am I still a Bills fan because I did this???
  22. I'm not sure where you "optimist" Gomer Pyle types are getting your numbers from, but the Bills were 2-4 in division last year NOT 3-3. I'm not including a link, because as much as some of you post on here, you should know that......or look it up Thurman. Now, realistically, from that, and with what the Bills got from Mark Sanchez last year (5 INT's), we should have beaten them 42-0. However, we barely won in OT. The Patriots were the classic example of a good team toying and pissing around until they got serious and owned the 4th quarter vs. the Bills until the bad team (us) schitt down their leg (which we did) and they came back and won. Similar to some hiccups Kelly and boys had when we were in our glory years. See, some NE games in the 90s. We won one game in division last year against Miami where there was no question who the better team was that day (us). Other than that, we got our asses handed to us again. We will be slightly better this year. Same team, better coaches, and a draft that couldn't be worse than the past few years. However, the other three teams in the division are all better, or should be we say the Jets and Dolphins are better, and the Pats will still be good. With that, it's actually "realistic" to say the Bills will finish 1-5 in division, and maybe 2-4, because some bad teams always win a game, or maybe two if we are lucky, that they shouldn't. Anyone who ventures anything above 3-3, is incredibly a wishful thinker. Let's hope it's true, but I can assure you that the Jets, Phins and Pats have two wins circled each time play Buffalo. At best, we can maybe hope for a split against each one. At best. 1-5 vs. the AFC East for us, and that one win may come against the Jets resting starters. This, of course, also takes into account that each team stays healthy at their franchise positions or positions of dominant stars.
  23. It is what it is. A schitty, free mug, that is nothing more than an ad for Tim Hortons. I'm not sure why they felt compelled to send that to us, but they did. But oh well. Mine will probably find the trash can soon.
  24. Thus, no young ladies being mowed down on Chippewa last night.
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