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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. LOL. Hmmm. Would be kinda cool for you to sample some Shenandoah Valley pure Virginia beef. I'm a little low right now, but I think there may be some fresh stuff coming our way relatively soon. I might just do that one day.
  2. Chris Watson was easily the worst Buffalo Bill in the last 20 years. Not a close second. Except maybe Eddie Robinson. Or, I guess maybe even Erik Flowers. Or.......OK wait, so there are a lot of close seconds, HOWEVER, Chris Watson is hands down the winner here.
  3. I feel the same way, and have pondered everything that you have brought up here. Great post!
  4. WTF else is someone supposed to do? You can't go anywhere else. You have no choice. So again, the price is $299 or $300 plus, but if you call and wraggle with them, you can get it cheaper. Yeah, what a great company. So ethical.............. as the schlepp down the street from me pays over $300. And again, so you can understand, my gripe with DTV is that they have handled this whole thing unetchical and with hidden increases when schmucks fall for the Superfan is free garbage. LOL. It actually works, that's why companies like DTV do it. Works like a charm on 75% of the people out there who actually believe the price is cheaper this year. The stupidity is mind boggling. Roll the Sunday Ticket over to FIOS, and DTV would be much lighter in the bottom line.
  5. $179 also. I can live with that deal.
  6. Best man in my wedding is a Jets season ticket holder. I got him a Jets helmet for his present. He friggin loved it. I wrote the date on the inside of the helmet with Sharpie so I wouldn't ruin the helmet. He thanks me to this day.
  7. This is what pisses me off. How exactly are you getting HD for free when WE ALREADY PAY DTV $10 a month to receive HD? The only way we get it for free is if DTV creates some incredibly stupid, ripoff scam like Superfan. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, and magically they did do that. Without anyone asking for it. And now, even though it should have never been created in the first place.......well now......it's just "thrown in". LMAO. If people are dumb enough to fall for that kind of crap, well great. And while I agree with you that most likely most users probably paid for Superfan, nobody I know did. Not only did the message fly around the Bills message boards about calling and bitching, but it was flying around all of the NFL message boards and they were very popular threads everywhere. I told a Bears fan in my office about it, and he already knew about it. We spread it around to multiple people, and almost all of them took advantage of calling. So, why make people call? I know why. Because they have a monopoly on it. It's about the most ignorant thing in the world that they are giving all kinds of different prices to all kinds of different people. It's not ethical. And it drives me crazy when people actually buy into the "it's cheaper this year" thing. It's really not. They used a scam called Superfan to continue to raise the price. Something that should have never been created in the first place. And if you called to tell DTV that, they pretty much agreed, and gave it to you for free. All you had to do is ask them......"then why am I paying the $10 a month to get HD in the first place?" This is the kind of crap that makes people hate the company. And if there is ever competition, tons of people will flee. Just like when FIOS came into Comcast neighborhoods. I'm not sure FIOS is any more ethical, but they had the fortune of coming after Comcast screwed people for years with unjustified price hikes.
  8. The problem is, again, is that most of us never paid for Superfan. Superfan is garbage. To pay for HD when all of us are already paying for HD is ridiculous. So, that's not a savings that it is added in. Means nothing. Second, then DTV discounted the package for most of us from the $270 another $120. So, in all, a ton of people got the package for $150 last year. Superfan, was, is, and always has been nothing but garbage, that no one asked for. So, to say they threw it in this year, when a lot of us never paid for it in the first place is not a discount. I've always had Superfan, and never paid for it. So, for me, and everyone I know, they didn't just throw it in this year. It's always been free to anyone who would just ask to get it for free. By they way, I called and also got the package for $179. Basically, the $20 a month off for 6 months. So that's 299-120, for $179. I can live with that.
  9. Are you seriously complaining about traffic in Western NY? LOL. Try getting on Die-95 anywhere in VA, or I-64 heading to the beaches. Trust me, you'll be begging to go through a toll plaza on the NY state thruway.
  10. LMAO. I don't even watch NASCAR, and just happened to have it on for the national anthem, and Spiller was the master of ceremonies. LMAO.
  11. Borderline high and loving every minute of it. I was on the Atkins diet from this for awhile and lost like 25 pounds. However, I couldn't put up with the accompanying gout. LOL. Now, I just eat it like a champ.
  12. I feel what your saying. My wife's dad is a grass fed beef farmer in the Virginia Shenandoah Valley. We haven't paid for meat since we've been married. We have two tall freezers in our garage. One is filled with nothing but different kinds of steaks, and the other is the ground beef, roasts, etc. We know what their eating, we know how they've been cared for, and we know who we're gonna eat in advance. It's just awesome when it's time to butcher to see all the steak coming our way!!!
  13. OHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH, right, you must mean players like T.O., who last year said on his twitter page, after the TD vs. Tampa......something to the effect of....."man the Ralph was rocking today after the touchdown." Hmmmm, wonder what that meant. You really are a combative idiot, who clearly is in the minority. You're almost like the MSNBC network. A TON of talk like you actually know something, but in the end, your ratings suck, no one watches you, and the more you try, the more idiotic your arguments get. Come on Donahoe, just come out and tell us it's you.
  14. So tell me then, what other song do they play on gameday that gets ANY participation from the fans? Oh, that's right, out of about 50 during the course of a gameday......that correct answer would be.......NONE. Oh wait, I take that back. Sweet Caroline, after a win, after the game, gets a pretty good response too. Other than that......NONE.
  15. Why don't we poll ESPN announcers, who try to bring the gameday atmosphere through your TV screen. If you recall, which I'm sure you don't, but during the Dallas Monday Nighter two years ago, Mike Tirico stopped Jaws from talking so that the ESPN guys could stop and just listen to the crowd sing the Shout song. The cameras panned the crowd and the announcers said nothing during the duration of the last half of the song. Yeah, let's get rid of that. His comments were something like this: "Let's just be quiet and let the country here this place sing".
  16. Really? It just seems like BS to me. It's one of the most anticipated parts of a Bills game. From my season tickets, I usually see about 95% of the crowd clapping to the song. Usually about 90% of the crowd singing the song, especially the "Lets Go Buffalo" part. So, I'm not sure where you sit, or how alert you are, but you seem kind of out of it. Not to mention, all of the people in the tailgates blasting the song. Or the impromptu singing of the Shout in hundreds of tailgates before and after the games. This doesn't take into account, after our few and far between wins, the constant singing of the shout song in the hallways of the Ralph's concourse, that usually gets started by about 10 different groups before you can exit the stadium. Or the busload of Bills fans in Indianapolis that came off the bus with a boombox blasting the song. The impromptu Shout takeover in Carolina when the Bills were last there. Or even all of the You tube videos of countless Bills fans singing the song at parties, weddings, graduations, at the stadium, all across the country, or just for the hell of it. How about the New York City Bills Backers bar where all of the Buffalo transplants are screaming the song after the Raiders win? Wonder where they learned it? Same in Atlanta. I've actually worked in about 2/3 of all NFL stadiums in the late 90's and early 2000's, and there wasn't another stadium in the league where the fans sang the fight sone so well, and so loud. It's awesome. Yeah, let's get rid of the Shout song. About the only good thing about this franchise over the last ten years. As I said before, Tom Donahoe, is that you?
  17. Spoken from someone that has obviously never been to a game in Buffalo. When the Ralph is rockin, and everyone sings the shout song, you can watch visiting players just sit there and look around in amazement at how wild of a scene it is. Tom Donahoe, is that you? Same man whose brilliant idea it was to change our uniform color scheme. The board should drop you just for suggesting this.
  18. People like to say this, yet, I don't know any military people who live here. I know they do live here, but there are next to none that live near Richmond. They live near and on Fort Lee and Fort Pickett, but most of Richmond is not military. Also, in the Tidewater area, I have two relatives that live in VA Beach. I don't know any military people. Neither does my mom or my aunt. I know they are here, but I would say the population is less than 10%. THey do live on base and things like that, but they aren't necessarily spread through the city like people try to say they are. Its not like San Diego around here. The Southeast corner of Virginia is full of money. It's full of population. And as for traveling to Redskins, Ravens, or Carolina games.......I am a huge sports fan, and I hardly know anyone who does that. This area is kind of Redskins country, however, I would say 50% of fans in Viriginia are fans of the Skins, 5% Carolina, and 45% of other NFL teams. This area is ripe for pro sports. The high school football talent in the Richmond area and especially Hampton Roads are one of the most fertile in the country. The CAA on the 1AA level is also off the hook. The CAA had a winning record agaisnt the ACC last year. This area loves football. As much as it pains me to say it though, Daniel Snyder wouldn't let another NFL team move here. When the NBA considered Norfolk last time around, they would have struck gold. It will happen someday. It's just a shame that the Tidewater area doesn't come together and make one big city. As dumb as that sounds, it would help attract things like this.
  19. There are no pro sports anywhere around, that's why it doens't feel like Buffalo. No one cares about the hockey, and the Tides have a beautiful park on the Harbor and draw pretty well, especially on weekends. This area would be a great area for pro sports. However, no area, without pro sports nearby feels like a pro sports town. I've been to some Bisons games last year. I could have stretched across about 10 seats without hitting anyone. It's minor league stuff, no one cares. Here or in Buffalo.
  20. I always thought that. The Williamsburg area. It would draw easily from Richmond and Tidewater. But even there though, 64 isn't big enough now to handle all the traffic. VA definitely has the money to support professional sports though. Most undertapped market out there.
  21. Damn, I wish this league was in the spring. If it was, I'd seriously consider season tickets. I love it. Southern Virginia is seriously overlooked for pro sports. If you put a professional franchise somewhere off of I-64 between Richmond and the Tidewater area, it would thrive. So much money here, and it also has the population. Move to the spring please.
  22. After the first week, you could buy as many as you wanted.
  23. LOL. Big change from you from a few weeks ago when you were telling everyone how the Bills weren't hurting in this department. But anyway, my season ticket rep said this is the best year, by far, to upgrade seats because of low season ticket renewals. They'll pick up a bit. But with the division looking pretty good this year, unfortunately, get ready for tons of visiting fans this year. UGH.
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