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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Yeah, and? So now, we are putting weight on opinion pieces from the financially troubled, one sided garbage that is the NY Times? My opinion there, but nonetheless, it's an opinion of the garbage that this newspaper produces. The NY Times has been called out for some of the most lopsided political NEWS REPORTING, that it has turned me off to the point where I don't read it at all anymore. I don't even get to the opinion parts of the paper anymore. However, I like TV columns, and was entertained by it. But boy, the columnist seems a bit negative to me. Sour. Piling on a man, in Mariotti, that is down. Seems a bit like.......oh.......Jerry Sullivan. It's just amazing that you can't take off the Bills rose colored glasses to see that.
  2. I actually love TV columns. So, to me, that was a pretty good read. Although, I must say, I have no idea who most of those people are that are ripping on Mariotti. And even the columnist calls Mariotti a "star", but proceeds to find a bunch of people to rip him in this column, at his lowest point. Someone else could also write an opinion piece on Mariotti that could find just as many other "journalists", that like Mariotti. So, this, like a Jerry Sullivan article, should be taken for what it is. OPINION. Plain and simple. There was nothing in here that shocks me or enlightens me, but I enjoyed the read nonetheless. I can't disagree with anything, but I do think it's one sided. Big deal. Didn't ruin it for me. In fact, to me, sounds like this TV columist couldn't wait to dog Mariotti because he also dislikes him. To him I say, better be careful not to make any of his own mistakes, although, no one really even knows this columnist. Also, I love Jason Whitlock, and he went to my Alma Mater. However, Jason Whitlock has ruffled more feathers with his radio shows, tv appearances and columns than anyone. So, getting his opinion for this column was great, but if you know anything about Whitlock, it carries about as much weight as well..........nothing. Good read, very one sided. That's what this guy is paid to do. And ironically, sounds a lot like Sullivan in his bitterness to me.
  3. I watched a Bills preseason game last year, on Justin TV from some guy broadcasting that was webcamming his TV feed to Justin TV. LMAO. Everyone was chiming in ripping on his TV that looked like it was from 1940. I think his name was Paul or something. It was awful. Funny thing is though, I enjoyed every damn minute of it. That's how sick football has us wrapped around it's finger. LOL. I'll never forget that.
  4. Yeah, they used their real names to promote their shows. OK Bills44, you can't really handle me criticizing you let alone post your real name on here. So again, can you please give a good reason why anyone should have to do it? He doesn't need the publicity, obviously. So until 90% of us do it, why should he have to do it? And he might respond in a civil manner, and he might not. Isn't that how talk radio works. As a matter of fact, the majority of time when I travel from VA to Buffalo for Bills games, I listen to as much of WGR as I can, on gamedays, because I just don't hear Bills talk in VA. Obviously. And when I do listen to it, the majority of callers seem to agree with the majority of what he has to say. Pretty much because the Bills make it easy for him to target them. So, how about rooting for the Bills to get their schitt together, so he'll shut up, rather than critiquing the man for giving his opinion, which is his job? If anything, the only people you can prove that have no talent are the Bills and their front office. Show me the records, and that is proof enough. The fact that Sully is getting paid to induce discussion and the fact that the Buffalo radio stations ask him to be on air with them shows he is successful in his job. Again, there is no reason for a guy like Sullivan to post his real name. Wanna rip him face to face, call in, write in, or show up gamedays at the corner of Abbott and Southwestern (Is the show still located there?). Let him know how you feel. Otherwise, don't call the man out, when you don't have to guts to do what you want him to do. You're really citing a blogger? Really? A blogger? And let me get this straight, because the link won't work for me, for some reason. If I'm reading this correctly....I'm gathering a blogger is calling some journalist out for being a one trick pony. So, in other words, a venting blogger, is calling out a venting columnist. Boy, sounds like a good blog to me. Must be a reason I've never heard of Jason McIntyre. And if by chance the blogger is talking about Sullivan, he's a columnist that is a one trick pony venting about a franchise that pretty much has been a one trick loser for 10 straight years, correct? Maybe Jerry should take that as a compliment. After all, sounds like he's dead on with what the Bills have given him to talk about. Unless of course, all he did was rip the Bills in the heyday, which I doubt. He wasn't even in Buffalo then, was he?
  5. And why isn't he good at what he does? Because you said so? Sounds kind of like an opinion to me. You know, the same opinion that Jerry Sullivan is paid to give. If Jerry wasn't any good, he wouldn't have lasted this long. I'm sure there are many younger, cheaper, no good columnists that could have taken his place. But, the Buffalo News keeps paying him to write week after week, year after year. He must have some kind of talent. Damn, I can't believe I'm defending him this much. LOL.
  6. When you, and everyone else uses their real name, maybe he should. It's pretty simple. Come on, then we can all google you and critique you. Maybe if it's a gov't job, we can look up your salary, job title, and all kinds of stuff. I just think it's kind of funny that you call him out for not signing up under his real name, when you are Bills44. Jerry is available via call in on WGR, and by writing to the editor in every edition of the Buffalo News. You can also critique each of his columns on their webpage. The only guys I know that own up to who they are were JW (who takes it and dishes it out like a man....kudos), Tim Graham (who was incredibly thin skinned) Fezmid (which I give him credit for) and Poojer (when he worked at Circuit City). And even the last two didn't use their real names. Why should Sullivan have to do that? Not that I always agree with Sully, but he's pretty available for people to rip him apart. How available are you in your every day job for the general masses to pick you apart?
  7. Kind of like Bills44??? How many real names are on here again? Maybe 1%?
  8. There aren't many reporters, if any at all, that can be more insightful to us than we already know about the Bills. Really, do some of you just crave anyone's coverage of the Bills? I have read very few articles about the Bills over the last ten years that have provided all that much insight, because it's been the same mistakes made over and over and over and over and over and over. No one has any connections. That was obvious when our coaching search was being conducted this year. It's like fuggin groundhog day with this organization. Same mistakes. Same established players being let go. Same stupid draft pick mistakes in which the fans would have picked better selections just by watching Kiper. I mean, really, what other "insight" can there be? And if don't think reporters or radio talk show hosts don't think this sucks too, you're wrong. Wait until WGR's postgame this year. It will sound like another broken record of the last 10 years. Until this organization gives their fans ANY glimmer of hope, this groundhog day cycle we are in will continue over and over. I just don't know why some of you are so offended by it. This organization's front office is a joke. Until that changes, this type of coverage from the media and fans will continue. But to some of you, everyone else covering the Bills must be wrong, although none of you can prove them wrong. I mean, we all hope they are wrong, but deep down in, we know they aren't. So, instead of being mad at the Bills front office, instead we should hate...... Jerry Sullivan ESPN NFL Network Marshall Faulk Peter King Monday Night Football Mike Shanahan Bill Cowher John Gruden Pro Football Talk Billy Volek The Anchor Bar (Simply for not offering all Bills fans free wings) Tim Graham (Only if he writes something negative) Eugene Parker The sporting News Rochester D and C Toronto (Of course for not giving two schitts about the Bills, like the rest of America and especially everyone we hate) All fantasy magazines, leagues, and the leagues players for not picking ANY Bills except MAYBE Lee Evans Who else am I missing?
  9. My wife and I up from Richmond VA. Trying out our new upgraded season tickets (yes, we actually upgraded like idiots). Section 136, Row 28, seats 10-11. Staying with friends we've made on 20A, and getting some wings Saturday Night at Danny's. Although we've been wanting to try Gabriel's Gate, so we'll see.
  10. He's almost always dead on. LOL. It's hilarious to watch the homers here get offended, and there are multiple people here saying it's not true. We've even had people say you can't sure up every position in one year in Free Agency. We've already signed two LB's to help out this year. LMAO. Davis and Torbor. Yeah right. So Sullivan's wrong huh? Well, all you naysayers, give us five other teams with worse LB's than the Bills. Go ahead, let's see it. Give us 5 other teams. I'm curious to know who they are. Dead on, 100%. You would think that some of the people are relatives of Ralph Wilson or Russ Brandon. In fact, I would swear that Promo is Russ Brandon posting in disguise. Notice though, nobody has offered up a corps of LB's worse than Buffalo's. There might be a team or two debatable, but no one has offered up any. Mainly because no one here can probably name all 3 or 4 LB's on teams they might think are worse than Buffalo's. Or, they know there aren't any. I mean, people here actually think Poz is all pro caliber. When you have things like that going through people's heads, you know Sullivan isn't going to be popular with them.
  11. And Mark Sanchez was the all rookie team quarterback. Was he a beast? Go figure.
  12. I agree with you 100%. It is hilarious to watch people here call those two guys beasts. They were both average. The great thing about them is that they improved. Levitre was actually awful in the beginning of the season last year. He played high and got pushed all over the place. He then settled down, held his own, and got better technique wise. That's what made him a valuable player. You could see him get better as the season went on. He then settled in to an average guard, which is good for a rookie year. Hopefully he now takes the next step. Wood is just better talent wise, and hopefully he'll take the next step also. Both have the potential to do it. Neither one was a beast last year. Both were good picks however.
  13. This isn't true. I agree the Pirates are a close analogy. The Pirates payroll started at 34 million this year. They received 31 million in revenue sharing. So, their payroll was almost completely covered from revenue sharing before the season even started. Their payroll now stands at 44 million with some additions to their 40 man roster, etc. Baseball payrolls can flucuate greatly during the year. No salary cap in baseball makes it harder for the Pirates to keep their players, but not impossible. That's exactly why much is being written about the Pirates lately, because they are profiting great amounts of money over the last three years, and aren't sinking anything into their MAJOR LEAGUE ROSTER. Top players would go to Pittsburgh to play. They've never had trouble getting mid grade free agents, when they pursued them. THey are also known to have what is widely considered the best ballpark in Major League Baseball. The problem with the Pirates is that they NEVER attempt to get anyone worth a damn. Ever. And, on top of that, they don't pay their own players once they achieve success at the major league level. The Pirates are more profitable losing than they are winning. If they start to win, and upgrade their payroll, their profits will decrease. While there is room for more money to be made, upping their payroll to levels of Cincinnati or even Milwaukee would cut down on the bottom line, even if more people attended games. The Pirates are a joke. They are a very profitable franchise, which was shown in their financial statements leak to the AP. Other teams are making a lot less profit while trying to win. THe PIrates just suck the city of Pittsburgh dry by putting an inferior product out there and sucking off of the revenue sharing that is in place in MLB to make money. Bob Nutting is a complete joke in Pittsburgh. He has a failing newspaper, a failing ski resort, and he's the worst owner in Major League sports today. The bad part is......the Bills resemble a lot of how this clown runs the Pirates. I think the Bills are more toward the inept side rather than the pure profit side. But the gap is narrowing.
  14. Unfortunately, being from Pittsburgh, these are both of my favorite teams. The Pirates are absolutely miserable and they are the joke of the league and the city of Pittsburgh. They have the nicest stadium in Major League Baseball and supposedly that would generate revenue to raise their payroll. Since PNC was built the payroll has shrunk yearly, and is now the lowest in Major League Baseball. Much like the Bills, the Pirates let go of every good player they have instead of adding to a "Core" group of guys when it's time to pay them. AKA, Jason Bay, Freddie Sanchez, Aramis Ramirez, Jose Bautista, Jack Wilson just to name a few. The Bills with Pat Williams, Antoine WInfield, Nate Clements, Jason Peters, etc.... It goes on year after year after year. Neither franchise ever hires a coaching staff worth damn. The Pirates have sunk into absolute apathy. To go to a Pirate game, one must endure countless circus type promotions to get anyone there. The fact that Bob Nutting has a a failing newspaper and resort (Seven Springs) to support, he does by taking money from the Pirates. The Pirates are a miserable franchise. Period. And unfortunately, and I've said this many times, the Bills are headed the same way. It's funny that the very very very very, few apoogists the Pirates have, they sound the same way that the less number of apologists the Bills are having defend them. Most of which are on this board. Lastly, now the Pirates, after sucking for 18 years and counting, are blaming attendance revenue as to why they can't raise payroll. Soon, the Bills will say the same thing, because you can bet your ass that the Ralph won't be filled at the end of the year if the Bills start slow, which the most certainly will. The Pirates are a joke. The Bills are pretty much almost a complete joke as well.
  15. I do think he's a clown. To me, he seems like that guy that walked around in high school, and all the coaches would say......"man if that kid had half a brain, he'd have the world by the balls." Those kind of guys are hard to like. THey are usually the clowns. I don't disagree with what you are saying about experience. Not one bit. But the fact he's out shows much into what the staff thinks of him. I don't think they've given up on him by any means, but they also don't care if they lose him to injury. That speaks volumes.
  16. Yeah, you did read that correctly. The point there is simple. Erik Flowers, while a bust, didn't seem like a jackass. Thus, no one cared to pick on him and attack his character. If people don't want to like a player, that's their right. And with that being said, when players act like Maybin, they start to form their opinions and start to not like them. When you act like a clown, thuggish, and generally stupid what the hell do you think people are going to do? Then, on top of that, make him a great hope (not his fault) that comes with the round one pick, and throw him on a bad franchise and you have disaster. People root for the humble, work hard type player. People also root for a good player, no matter his attitude. Maybin has shown to be neither of those. Thus, what do you think is actually going to happen?
  17. And how hard is this to understand. CJ Spiller's games against Duke, Wake Forest and the rest of the overrated conference in no way get him ready for the NFL. I mean, all we ever hear is that the speed of the NFL game is so much greater than college football, that no rookie can compare. Right? Every year, every week, every game, we hear that. So, why not have him out there all game? You know, for NFL experience. And by the way, how did Matt Cassel do in New England with ZERO college games under his belt? NONE. Didn't take him too long. I get the experience thing you are trying to accomplish here. It's just an excuse for Gailey to hide behind. Maybin has a long way to go, that's why he's out there. I'm not saying he shouldn't be, but he's out there because they are trying to figure out a way to get anything out of this kid. It just shows where he is at right now. And he's not in a place where the staff has any kind of trust in him at all. Otherwise, he wouldn't in the game in the 4th quarter. Makes no sense.
  18. Are you in a bubble? Seriously? Two plays? Have you read the stuff written from GM's inferring that Maybin was a clown at one of the NFL functions that was attended by 3 DE's. Have you read some of the accounts of Maybin's immaturity around the locker room and at the Super Bowl? Two plays? Have you actually been to any games at the Ralph, the minute amount of times he's been in and watched him gloat over people as the Bills are getting their ass kicked by two TD's. I mean really, open your eyes. He's done nothing in the short amount of time he's been here, EXPCEPT get noticed for his bullschitt that he pulls on and off the field. When the field play and his football impact on the field, outweigh his idiocy, maybe everyone will change their mind. Right now, he's a buffoon. By almost everyone's account, he's a buffoon. Saying Aaron Maybin isn't immature is like people saying that Iran isnt' developing nuclear weapons. All signs point to it, and yet, there are some people that continue to argue against MULTIPLE obvious trouble signs. When you show me something that Maybin starts doing well on the field OR just any progress mentally or football wise, I'll have a different opinion. And that doens't happen in a blog for christ's sakes. Aaron, is that you? Really, just come on out.
  19. I agree with this 100%. I don't think he's getting cut either. Nor, on a team that is talentless, like the Bills, should he get cut yet. But man, he has all the makings of bust written all over him. And he's not very likable. End of story.
  20. THis isn't real hard here. Gailey said he was out there to get experience. That's what you said. So, why wasn't anyone else there, at that point in the game who needs experience? Spiller? Kelsay? Johnson? Wood? Bell, at his LT spot where he's barely played? I don't care if Kelsay is a vet. He's learning something new. He needs experience too. I understand the injury excuse. Making guys like Wood, Bell, and maybe even Spiller not likely to be out there because they are either recovering or their position has injuries. But to say that Maybin is out there for experience is so stupid, it's not funny. He's out there because he's behind in some way. He's either not getting it, or he's dumb that he needs more work than the normal starters need. There are a lot of guys that need more experience on this team that aren't out there as much as Maybin. THere's a reason for that. Basically, it says that Maybin needs a ton of work. For whatever reason. His mental game. His physical game. His experience (which is just an excuse to hide behind). He's not there. Period. And he's a clown. Period. That makes him not likable on a football team that has sucked for 10 years. That's why he is in the position he is in today. It's really no harder than that. No one hated Erik Flowers this much. Maybin is just not a very likable human being or player to this point.
  21. Actions speak louder than words. Maybin's thuglike cheap shot of the Colts sliding 14th string QB last night continues to back up the premise that he's a clown mentally. This after the cheapshot to Fred Jackson in camp. Oh, and Eric Wood's comment about earning your money doesn't come without some bit of truth to it. I guess you've never seen someone say all the right things, and then do the opposite. I have zero need to read Aaron Maybin's blog. For what? A 22 year old who acts juvenile writes something. OK great. I'll leave that for other people to enjoy. In the last few years, I've watched countless athletes sit in front of congress and lie about taking steroids too. Then, they come back to their twitter account, and reinforce what they just lied about under oath, only to still be caught later on. I could give a crap about 22 year old Aaron Maybin's blog. Show me something on the field. Anything. And right now, he gives nobody anything that makes him likeable in the slightest bit. He's a clown. The upside of Maybin is that he's only 22. THere are a ton of people in this world that are immature at 22. I just hope the lightbulb for this kid turns on before he's either let go, and goes to a team that has a clue how to straighten him out. Or, I just hope it goes on.......at some point in his life........period.
  22. Yeah OK, then why wasn't Steve Johnson, or Spiller, or anyone else gaining without extensive "exprience" out there? Gil Brandt, talking about the Bills yesterday, said the major drawback of the Bills having to play Spiller so early is that it's almost impossible for a rookie RB to learn how to pick up blitzes and pass protection assignments correctly. He said that anything Spiller, or any other rookie back does that is great, is almost always offset by something terrible that they do in pass protections. So, tell me, shouldn't Spiller have been out there gaining some experience? Gailey might be telling the truth, or bits of it. And in your defense, Maybin is a tad younger, but seriously, that really doesn't matter. But the fact that Maybin is out there at the same time John McCargo is out there is not a good sign. Maybin has no chance of being cut, like McCargo, but it speaks volumes. There's no way they would risk Maybin to injury if they thought he was actually going to be any kind of decent contirbutor to this year's team. Was Kelsay out there last night in the 4th quarter working on his LB skills?
  23. THAT WAS IT. I couldn't think of what pissed me off about what he did. This was the play I was talking about above. Good memory.
  24. If you don't know what I mean about a clown like Maybin learning to play the game from a pro's pro like Lewis, then you'll never understand that. I don't like Ray the person, but Lewis doesn't let the childish crap that Maybin does on the field occur. Period. Playing high is baseless? So, you don't think Maybing plays a little high? He was getting thrown around by Redskin tackles because they were up under his pads as he either tried to go around them OR through them. Undisciplined baseless? Watch the game last night. He, on multiple occasions, vacated his area as the Colts ran right through the areas he left wide open. He lost contain on at least two occasions in a preseason game, by letting the Colts run inside of his outside loop. Do that just once in a regular season game, at the right time, and it may cost the Bills the football game. Watch the tape. Be my guest. This time, open your eyes a little bit. If the tape wasn't backing up what most people can easily see, Maybin wouldn't be on the field at the end of a preseason game, because he would already be doing the things that you say he's doing correctly. He's clearly not, otherwise there would be no reason for him to be out there, at the end, risking injury. You know, like all the other guys on the team that actually left int he 2nde quarter.
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