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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I just hope that Garrard is horrible this Sunday or that he tweaks a hammy so that Edwards has to start against us. That's the only thing that will make that game even remotely interesting to watch.
  2. Beacause it's just mistake after mistake, and Kelsay is the latest mistake. If I'm a GM, you give me the Chris Kelsay money, and the Cornell Green money, and buy one GOOD player instead of two rejects and your team would be getting better. Then, play a youngster at the position you lose......how could they do worse? That's why. But no, we have two subpar players at thier positions. So, we have money tied up into two positions where we still suck, instead of having one player who can play, and a developing youngster who couldn't suck worse than either Kelsay or Green. And those are just two players among dozens that the Bills have.
  3. I'm driving up this weekend from Richmond VA to go to the game with my best friend (he's a Jets fan). We attended the last 19 of 20 Bills - Jets games in Buffalo, missing only last year's joke in Toronto (I refuse to go there). Other than going to preserve our tradition, I have no motivation to go to anymore games for the first time ever. And yesterday put a final dagger in me. I love the Bills. Still do. They are just making me not care anymore. And let me tell you, when you drive as far as I do for every game, you have a lot of time to think about how much money, time, and resources you are throwing at a garbage front office. At certain points, people reach their limits. I'm at mine. Yesterday was the last push.
  4. And that was my point. For the first time ever, I feel this way. I have season tickets, and I have ZERO drive to go to a game for the first time ever. And to boot, the tickets are worthless. Steeler fans will buy that game, and hopefully some NE fans will buy that game. But I'm sick and tired of spending thousands of dollars a year (I'm from VA), to see this crap. That saddens me. I HATE the fact that Steeler fans will take over our stadium. Same with New England. But I just don't have a reason to keep throwing money at these clowns anymore. I've been broken. Yes. Are you fuggin kidding me? I don't care if Kelsay signed for $1 per year. The fact that they are happy with his play PERIOD, is a joke. The fact that a guy who is lost on the field as a LB is extended is a joke. It's more of the same crap. Your chicken little crap is old. There is no defense anymore. Keep your head in the sand. If that's how you deal with stuff, go for it. Chris Kelsay sucks, especially at OLB. Period. I don't care how much he's being paid. He sucks for free. But hey, for god's sake, don't upgrade the team. I mean, why, people like you are still buying into this crap, so the status quo will continue to take place.
  5. It's a shame too, but I've never thought this way until now. It's almost as if I'm ready to accept them leaving if they are going to do so. Of course, I don't want them too, but I'm ready to find out. I mean, putting money into this crap for another five years until Ralph dies is just not appealing to me anymore. It's become a joke. Let's roll the dice and get it over with. Yeah, it's that bad.
  6. The Miami and NE games weren't in doubt. We had no offensive threat at all against Miami. I never once thought the Bills had any chance to pull that game out. Never. The New England game was the same thing, but opposite of Miami. I had no confidence at all we would win that game. We had no chance at stopping New England, and everyone knew Buffalo would eventually make a mistake or two. It happened. Just like the last decade of Bills teams. Those games were close in score only. Neither one of them was ever in doubt for the winning team. As inept as the Bills were on offense vs. Miami, they were equally as bad on defense vs. New England. If anything, those two teams played down to our level which often happens when good teams play teams like the Bills. This team sucks. It can't get worse than it is now. No way, shape or form. This is awful. Period. And like my original post, I'm ready to find out the future of this team. I'm ready to roll the dice and see if a new owner is going to keep them in Buffalo or not. Yes, it's that brutal. And remember, if you need proof of how bad it is, the non-sellouts will start next week vs. Jax. There will also be more Steeler fans here T-giving weekend than Bills fans. It's going to get ugly, and soon.
  7. Exactly. He is ONE of holes. And so we just locked up a HOLE for another 4 years. I don't fuggin care if he was paid league minimum, HE IS ONE OF THE HOLES. The fact that he makes anything resembling starter money is a joke. Some of you try to rationalize everything as if this is a competent organization. It's not. What a joke. Seriously, some of you........remove yourself from the boyhood crush you have for the Bills. We all like them, but really, what else will it take before the last few hangers on, will give up too? HE IS A HOLE.
  8. Me too Zona. I'll still pull for them. I'll still follow them. I'll still probably, but it's not a lock, buy season tickets. BUT, for the first time ever, I'm willing to roll the dice and find out what the future of our team is. I mean really, I have no inkling, and I do have to admit I drive up from VA, but I have no inkling to attend any more games this season after this weekend. I also am rooting for PIttsburgh and New England to have great seasons so that I can at least make some of my ticket money back selling them to Pats and Steelers fans. THat's awful to think that way, but jesus, come on. OUr reward today was an extension of Chris Fuggin Kelsay? Really Buddy Nix?
  9. I respect what Ralph has done in his lifetime. Period. He's been a great business man, and he's the only owner of our Buffalo Bills. Kudos Ralph. I'm not a Ralph basher. I kinda just went with what he's ever done. Great. After today, with the Kelsay deal, I've pretty much lost all hope, and I don't respect anyone in the organization. I can't enjoy anything they do, because I don't believe in them. The person I respect most is Chan Gailey, as odd as that seems. However, this organization is without direction. Period. They don't do anything well. They suck at customer service. Even with the uniforms, they find ways to screw up everything. It's just one thing after another. They don't get along with the local media because their feelings are hurt because they get bashed, in which they should. It just seems like there is no light at the end of the tunnel. It's awful. For the first time ever, I wish Ralph would sell the team, so I can find out already whether or not the team will remain in Buffalo and have a competent front office. I'm ready to gamble, even though I believe the Bills will move. I'm ready to take the chance and find out. This post really means nothing, except to say that I've been beaten down so bad by this organization that I'm ready to find out if the grass is greener on the other side. Please do us a favor Ralph and move on. Sell the team to someone who will keep it in Buffalo, we'll build you a statue, and give us our damn team and dignity back. Buffalo Bills tickets right now are worthless, and there's no end in sight. It's one bad move after another. If it honestly wasn't the best tailgating city in the NFL, I don't think anyone would go anymore. We all love to see our friends, and the atmosphere that FANS create. It would sure just be nice if the friggin Bills would do something to actually add to the NFL experience again.
  10. I just heard about this now. I don't even know what to say. They are making impossible to respect anything they do. They are also making it hard to like them period. Un-fuggin-real.
  11. Oh well, in that case, where in the hell could the Bills go wrong? I mean, who argues with a QB coached by Jimbo Fisher for Christs sakes. LOL. Good god.
  12. LMAO, what else would you expect from Chris Brown, err, Russ Brandon, err, I mean Promo The Robot? Kind of changes the whole tone of things does it not? Good find!
  13. EXACTLY - RB's are a dime a dozen. I agree 100%. YET - We we already have two dimes in the stable, we took another one with a first round pick in Spiller. This front office is so brilliant.
  14. The lucky bastard. He's actually free from our mess that would have no doubt ruined his career before it got started. Congrats Joique............ You made it out. Worked out in the past for Fred Jackson, no? How about David Nelson this year?
  15. Are you serious? Really? There are two positions on this team that we have enough talent to win. RB and Secondary. I've said this all along. The fact that we took another RB is mind boggling. It reeks. It's plain stupid. Meanwhile, both units that are strong, aren't as good as they could be BECAUSE NEITHER ONE HAS A DAMN LINE IN FRONT OF THEM. I don't see how some of you could be so blind to not realize this. Mind boggling. Imagine how good this secondary would be with a pass rush. Imagine how good Fred and Marshawn could be with a line. But nooooooooooooooooo, we took another toy. A bunch of picks that can't get on the field on one of the worst teams in the NFL. Greaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!
  16. I'm starting to love watching Andrew Luck play. And they should be able to get a good pro evaluation out of Jim Harbaugh for him. I'm turning into a big Andrew Luck fan. Damn, I didn't know he was only a sophomore though.
  17. AMEN - Bump Are you Modrak's son or something? Really, how can you defend the guy? The common denonimator this latest period of suck, has been Ralph Wilson, Russ Brandon and Tom Modrak. Undefendable. Period.
  18. Here's another fact. We already had two good RB's. Why in the hell did we take another one, when this team is so void of talent everywhere but secondary? Mind boggling. It's now indefensible the way this team operates.
  19. Instead of comparing the two, I think we can make an even fairer assumption based on Best vs. Spiller. A lot of us preached after the draft that you can find a RB anywhere. The fact that this team is so void of talent and we took a RB, while we already have two good one's is a joke. It's why the are the Buffalo Bills. Best was a second round pick this year, was he not? Running backs are a dime a dozen. Hell, look at all the backups that played yesterday and how good of days they had. BUILD A DAMN LINE, and then choose your toys. Especially when your team already has Fred Jackson and Marshawn. The ineptness of this team is mind boggling. And the fans who buy into their crap is even worse. This team is run so ridiculously horrid it's a joke.
  20. He does? He had how many catches did he have last year? He's not a true #1. He's a nice player, he's not a true #1.
  21. So that I can sell my two season tickets to Steeler fans at a high price. Really, as I now live in VA, it's hard to justify making the trip to WNY for garbage like this all season. I also know that our season tickets are pretty much worthless, except for the Steelers game. I'll attend the Jets game and then play Russian Roulette with the Steelers wins and losses in hopes that I can cash in with Steeler fans on the T-giving weekend game and get some of my money back from this pathetic product. HERE WE GO STEELERS, HERE WE GO. Maybe someone will finally get fed up with this horseschitt when there are 60,000 Steeler fans in our stadium for that game.
  22. Russ Brandon, is that you? Already trying to sell tickets for NEXT year?
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