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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. You've never seen a Bills playoff game? How old are you, ten? I don't disagree with you, but cmon man. You don't have to add BS to make an argument for suffering Bills fans at this point!
  2. LMAO. Where do some of you get this stuff? Really? Buddy Nix was a respected GM? By who? He was a scout. An old scout. As a matter of fact, I remember more opinions from other NFL personnel people making fun of the Bills than liking the Nix hire. Although, I take that with a grain of salt as those sources were anonymous in articles. Next, Chan Gailey? By who? This board's homers? Chan lead the Cowboys to two straight playoff appearances. He was canned. The kinds of coaches that come to mind as getting canned after making the playoffs every year with a team are the likes of Wade Phillips and Barry Switzer. Are they respected? They are pretty much thought of as goofballs. Although Wade is a very respected and very accomplished D-coordinator. Nix has already done VERY questionable things. VERY. Spiller and Kelsay. Those are only two things, but they are major things that will either help his plan or hurt it toward how he rebuilds this team. Gailey has no chance right now, so I'll reserve judgement on him. He needs some talent, but his choice of D-Coord's seems weak. But again, it's not even fair to try to evaluate him at this point. Nix is arrogant, and full of himself, which will get old if his picks don't pan out fast. We'll see how it all works out. But please, there aren't any people in the NFL thinking that the Bills front office and coaching staff is "very respected". Hell, we are dead last in our own division in that aspect.
  3. Yeah, oops. I was reading an LSU article just now. Sorry. Brain fart. I watched Newton. That's what I meant. LSU had the white dude alternating with the black dude today. The SEC games today were pretty damn good. I just got the coach mixed up because he was on my brain at that moment. lol. My theory stands. No way to Newton.
  4. Again though, no thanks. He's an athlete, not a QB. Les Miles Auburn's offense was as about as high school as it gets. Nice looking kid. Very athletic. Suited perfect to run that type of offense. Will have a very nice college career. As for the NFL, let the Raiders pick him. No thanks. I'll take Luck. And it wouldn't even be close.
  5. Please. I just watched that game and saw Newton for the first time. Never heard of him before tonight. Very entertaining game, and Newton played well. HOWEVER, LSU's offense looked like some kind of high school offense where they line up the best athlete at QB and just let him run the ball all night behind the other 9 guys (with the 10th guy faking a handoff) all night. NO THANKS. Get a real QB. Andrew Luck. We need a real passer, not a an athlete who plays QB. Spiller can run the ball and be our athlete. No more projects. Andrew Luck looks incredible. Don't overthink it, get Luck somehow, some way.
  6. Maybe, but we got a hint at their plans when they thought it would be wise to take a RB before having a line. We just get another dose of their plan when they extended Chris Kelsay, who is friggin awful. So, excuse me if I'm not getting all warm and fuzzy about the new Front Office plan after two bonehead moves like that. I could care less what happened to Marshawn. After drafting Spiller, that was a foregone conclusion.
  7. Easiest position in football to fill......"by a mile". And to me, CJ looks nothing like an Adrian Peterson (who is a sure thing). It was a stupid pick. He might be good, I don't have a problem with anyone who feels that way, but it was an incredibly dumb pick. But hey, what do the Saints, Colts and Patriots know about football when they won the Superbowl with a cast of mediocre RB's.
  8. Correct, and I agree. But what the extension to Kelsay does is it makes the Spiller pick even more questionable as to whether they know what the hell they are doing or not. And they aren't in position to get the benefit of the doubt. The Spiller pick really made no sense. But, he should be a pretty good player, so you want to put it aside, and believe in the pick. Then, they extend Kelsay, and it throws everything they do into question again, and the Spiller pick becomes even more shaky as an indirect result. So, as Buddy himself said, he's only been in charge since January. And he's already done two mind boggling things that don't seem to make a ton of sense. Not good for an org that is considered clueless by anyone who knows anything about football.
  9. Just think though, lmao, we'll get to face Moss while the Vikings have a deadly play action passing game with AP. Bad things man, baddddddddddddddddddddd things.
  10. We do? So, we are now playing Minnesota twice this year?
  11. Exactly right. So why in the fugg did they take a RB in the first round last year? Especially after history just scolded them with their last two RB's in the first round. Mind Boggling.
  12. I guess this has never really been asked before. Good point.
  13. They don't just finish better than us. They are Super Bowl contenders every friggin year. We aren't even close. I love how everyone on here uses the crap excuse of letting the "pros" do their work for the Bills. Yet, some of you try to pick apart top notch organizations. The Pats don't get questioned as much, because they've proven they know what the hell they are doing. The Moss trade doesn't seem to make sense, although it's starting to come out that Moss had words with both the QB coach AND Belicheck in the last two weeks. They are night and day ahead of the Bills. And again, until they implode from something like this, which they've cut TONS of "good" players, they will have a pass. Man, that's actually a good point.
  14. LMAO. You forgot to add: Extend non-performers, Chris Kelsay Draft in areas of non need: CJ Spiller Don't address weaknesses: Oline - D-Line - ETC - ETC - ETC Yeah, keep it up Buddy, I'm right there with ya too! Maybe next year we'll take Mark Ingram with the #1 pick to be the feature back, and Spiller can be the change of pace back. We'll then trade Freddy J for a #5, and we'll really be rolling then. CMON man!
  15. LMAO. You've gotta be kidding right? Except for the fact that the Patriots have a 10 year track record of making things work out and having a plan. They also almost always trade guys still talented to acquire picks and then kill it in the draft. Even though this seems wierd to all of us, there is absolutely no room, at this juncture, to question the Pats. They have an incredibly successful organization. ANd they usually have a plan. Why does it kill some of you to just admit that we suck? It's not an indictment on us fans. We suck. Top to bottom. Deal with it. The Pats are the Pats. Until one of these things blows up in their face, I think it's safe to say they get a pass, or two, or three.
  16. EXACTLY what I did this past Sunday. This is the first year (opener and last Sunday) that I refused to buy anything. I didn't even go in to the Bills store to spend money. No food in the stands either (although, we do still sneak food in with the Super Bowl seat cushions that have that compartment underneath). Then, I spent most of the game on my fantasy football app on my phone following how all of my players were doing. Absolutely pathetic. Yeah, it happens, but it doesn't happen like it's going to happen this year. There are usually about 10,000 Steeler fans here, but this year will be different. I am going to bet that there will be about 45,000 Steeler fans here and about 35,000 Bills fans.
  17. Is it? Does your kids pee wee football game cost $70 per seat? Does your kids pee wee football game charge $25 to park? Does your kids pee wee football boosters sell throwback sweatshirts that cost $88 a piece? Does you kids pee wee football game charge $8 a beer, $5 a coke, $8 for nachos or $4 for a slice of pizza? Your buying a product in the Bills. Their product is absolutley garbage, and you should have the right to say or do almost anything you want, providing it's not derogatory to those around you. And no, I'm not proud of the way this team is being run. Not in the slightest. Let me in for free, and I'll sit there and take it. But I don't see that happening anytime soon.
  18. LMAO. There is NO WAY IN HELL that happens. Not a chance.
  19. Yeah, but this Rah Rah Rah crap is also old. In 1920, or 70 or 80, it didn't cost so much friggin money to unconditionally support a bunch of losers. And no, it wasn't this bad. This is the LONGEST stretch of playoff-less football. So, no, it wasn't worse. They got to get over being so awful back then, a lot quicker, because the playoffs bracketed those awful era's of football in a shorter period of time. This is fuggin awful, and it costs a minor fortune to pour season ticket money, hotel money, food money, gas money, and rain gear money (how fitting on Sunday) to these losers in the front office running the clown show. It's more expensive than ever to support a team unconditionally these days. They deserve every bit of critcism they get. Russ Brandon can kiss my ass.
  20. It's admirable, but your the kind of fan Russ Brandon loves to prey on.
  21. The fact that you even compared Chris Kelsay to Phil Hanson means you should be banned from TSW. They shouldn't even be mentioned in the same sentence.
  22. Week 5 - Buffalo
  23. I actually tried what you said, and then my brain actually kicked in and made my hand B word slap my mouth after I attempted to celebrate the Kelsay deal, from our "new" administration.
  24. The team has been schitty for so long, people are alrady passively watching. Many aren't going anymore. That will start to show after this week's game when the Ralph isn't sold out, and Steeler and Patriots fans invade our stadium in obscene numbers. And because of the first two points here, you already know that as many people aren't caring as much. The problem with this is that the Bills can use this against Buffalo for saying the games don't sellout, even though the organization is a joke. That backlash can lead to a bad reputation like Jacksonville. And then, boom, the NFL lets the Bills leave citing some sad sack excuse that Buffalo can't support a team. On the other hand, people can't blindly keep spending money on crap because NFL prices are going through the roof to attend games. Nobody would pay Ruth's Chris steakhouse prices to get fed McDonald's hamburgers. That's basically what Bills fans get. It's not 1988 anymore where most people could afford to go to a game. To keep spending $4000 a year to attend football games, when the organization is this inept is not feasible anymore. You have to be smart on how you spend your money. Right now, I'd rather have an addition on my house, with a home theatre and 5 TV's in it, then pour more money into these clowns running the team. Has nothing to do with how good of a fan you are. It's more expensive to be a fan nowadays than ever before. The product in Buffalo sucks, with no end in sight. We'll all watch......from home. That won't keep the team in Buffalo. They are alienating tons of fans and it sucks.
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