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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. You're right, what could I be thinking. Just what the Bills need, another RB on the team. How about this: Lost to 1-AA James Madison - 10-16 - 124 8-16 vs. East Carolina 12-24 vs. NC State 13-23 vs. Central Michigan What the hell could I be thinking here? Look at those numbers against those powerhouse schools. WE NEED A REAL QUARTERBACK. Hell, Taylor is like 1/4 as good as Seneca Wallace. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. And by the way, I could care less for how many he rushes for. In the NFL, that's what RB's are for. We need a QB.
  2. I live in Virginia. How'd he look against 1-AA James Madison??? NO. Not a chance.
  3. OMG, you've gotta be kidding me. NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO. No on Newton. No on Pryor. No on Taylor. No on any QB that can't throw the friggin ball. How about a real QB? A guy that actually knows how to throw the football. A guy that is under center. Just once. No projects.
  4. Yeah, because we want a pro quarterback, not a great college PLAYER. He had 191 rushing. 150 passing. I want a guy that can throw, not a RB playing QB. Newton is a great college football player. Let some other team worry about how they will work him into their lineup. We need a pro style QB. Can't afford to guess on if a guy that runs more than passes can be effective in the NFL. Simple as that. He is a great player to watch though.........in college.
  5. Yeah, of course, what could I be thinking? Because Littman, Overdorf, Brandon and Berchtold (who has nothing to do with putting together the roster) scouted and recommended players, right? Of course, it all starts at the top. So, I'm guessing, as usual, you actually miss the mark by not naming Ralph for hiring all of these guys. So, I'll just assume you know nothing about football because you left out the ultimate man in charge. And again.....Modrak has pretty much sucked in the draft for the better part of of ten years. That's NOT a good track record. He's a big part of this mess, and as most Bills fans already know, the guys you mentioned above aren't going anywhere while Ralph is here. It's kind of implied that they suck. Modrak is awful. Even in an organization as bad as the Bills, if Modrak was any good, we would have produced better drafts, LEAD BY THE GUY WHO'S IN CHARGE OF SCOUTING THOSE PLAYERS. And if no one listens to Modrak on draft day, which is hard to believe, then he's even less of a man than I thought. Because why would he stay somewhere where his opinion pertaining to his job isn't valued. Either way, he's a zero. But hey, thanks for the tip.
  6. I agree. But for me, you can also add Spiller (or basically drafting a RB #1).
  7. LOL, yeah, so, in other words you are suggesting that maybe the Bills should try another type of 3/4 alignment that actually uses our personnel to our strengths? How dare you! And then show an example? You idiot. What WEO doesn't get is that we are 0-5. When you describe that the three lineman down would be Edwards, Williams, and Stroud, who actually are run stoppers, line up in the three interior down positions, seems about right to me. Those are the strengths of those three. Seems pretty reasonable. Then, stand up two ends. One being Maybin (who by the way, I think absolutely sucks)....but nonetheless, we are 0-5, my as well try it a little bit. Seems reasonable to me. And when he still sucks, cut him. But it does seem like that would be his only way to maybe be effective. At least try it. But to suggest it, illustrate it, and explain, it's well reasoned thought. I guess WEO thinks he's breaking news to us that Maybin sucks. My feeling is that while our whole team almost all sucks, why not give Maybin his last hurrah in this type of alignment. Makes sense to me.....what's the worst that could happen? We can't suck any worse than we do now.
  8. Ummmmm, I didn't go either. And didnt miss it. I watched it. However, I'm not wasting even more money seeing that I have season tickets in VA. It's no fun to go up there anymore and look forward to the drek that's on the field. I don't even blame the players anymore. It's not their fault the front office is inept. The two season ticket holders next to me of 17 years, from the Philly area, didn't go either. Nor did the two in front of us from Depew. I wouldn't skip the game if I lived there, but yeah, people are already doing that too. I would dreaded yet another meaningless drive home this past Sunday. Of course I'm also not a drunk, so while I missed our pregame tailgate, I'm not one who is approaching middle age and still drinking like I'm in college. There's just zero value in Bills tickets at the moment.
  9. Dang, that was a good read. Thanks.
  10. Super Bowl favorite? How many people said that? Super Bowl contender? That I can buy. And they are. Even if they lose their first game in the playoffs, they seem like a contender to me right now. Who looks better? I would say they can hold their own with Pittsburgh, Baltimore (which they did), or Indy. NE? Yeah. So, I would say, right now, they are a contender.
  11. Absolutely hilarious. And they couldn't wait to call the Jets overrated because they lost to BALTIMORE.....ON THE ROAD. LMAO. I was arguing with the season ticket holders around me that the Jets weren't overrated. But of course, I lost that argument then. Ummmm, yeah, they are overrated alright. Scary part is that they are getting better. That offense is adding guys and their line (Imagine that, remember when they had the draft that we should have had) is dominating at times? The Jets are good team. Have a very good head coach. A very good defense. And a good offense in the making. That doesn't change because they lost their first game AT BALTIMORE. 90% of teams lose at Baltimore. People are so jealous of other teams it's laughable. I wish being a bookie was a legal profession, because I would love to steal some of our posters money. Of course though, you can tell by how some of them spout off, that they've never laid a wager in their lives, because some of the stuff people say is pure stupidity. The Jets assessment is one of them. I can understand hating teams when we're decent or even good. But really, what's the point in hating teams so bad now? I actually hope every team in our division is as good as they can be right now, so that maybe our ownership will get their schitt together from getting ridiculed so much. At some point, someone in the Bills organization will have some fuggin pride enough to want to shut up everyone and turn this thing around. Or at least, I would hope someone is competitive enough to think that way.
  12. Wooder....... Nice job with this thread. I agree with you. It doesn't even seem like we are running a 3/4 most of time. From the first game, it was like.....ummmm, ok, what the hell are we doing here? We are in some kind of hybrid, made up cross between a 3/4 - 4/3. Very nice illustration on your part. It has to be something like personnel issue though. There has to be a reason for the hybrid style that we play. I'm hoping that's the case, or Edwards really is in over his head. Or, so it seems. Except for the OP's point was that maybe we should be maximizing Maybin's strengths by lining him up like Steelers LB's. What didn't you get about that? He even showed examples. The OP suggests that Maybin would have some success by standing him up next to a different alignment that we typically use, and implies that maybe that could create more success. Then, showed examples. Something that coaches probably do when they debate how to get the most out of players. Well done to back his opinion. Very good thread. Doesn't mean it would work, but very well done in the thread. LOL @ Maybust.
  13. The game isn't as important as the other things.....at least, sometimes. I'll try to explain. I'm sure the Bills have any number of countless hours of film to study a guy. They can see that stuff on tape all they want. However, that's only a part of what GM's are looking for. I played D-1 baseball. When I was being recruited, the school that ended up with me came to two of my games. I also visited their campus. The last game they came to, I was friggin terrible. A couple of errors, one of which ended the game. Ironically, we were playing Terrell Pryor's school, which is a ghetto school, and they beat us in baseball for the first time in school history. I was ashamed, and obviously thought I blew the scholarship. When I got home, the coach was there having dinner with my family, and he told me that they would be offering me a scholarship, and I kind of chuckled and told him I thought I blew it today. He said that he saw enough of me on film to warrant the visit. When he arrived, he actually watched me take ground balls and hit in pregame and saw everything he needed to see. He wasn't all that interested in the game itself. He saw enough things in my pregame stuff that he thought I could learn when he started teaching me in college. He talked to my coach, and visited two teachers. So, he knew that I was going to be offered a scholarship before I even played the game. Which was awful. He then proceeded to rip on me for losing to the school we lost the game to (Jeannette). I'm sure Nix is doing the same things. Let's just say he's interested in Luck. I'm sure he's going to watch his practice habits. How he works in pregame. Try to have a conversation with Harbaugh, etc. There are so many things you can pick up outside of a game that I'm sure he's looking for. Then, watch for how all of that culminates in the game itself. I know a lot of what I said is common sense, but a visit to see someone is so much more than just watching the game that's being played. In all due respects, it may be the least important part.
  14. Dank, it's ok. I'm not that into the topic of B-10 vs. SEC. I just thought I would stick up for the B-10 for a change. I'm actually a PSU fan, so rooting for OSU is painful. lol
  15. Luck can play ball, and has carried Stanford OUT of being a perennial loser to a damn good team. That's another way of looking at it. He's a man out there right now. He's also coached by a terrific head coach, who had success at the collegiate level, NFL level, and has bloodlines in the NFL coaching ranks. He has the size too. This is a no brainer. There's no reason to overthink Luck. Period. This is as prepared prospect as there has been in a while. If he's there, any team with even an inkling of a need at QB takes him. Period.
  16. Well, for whatever reason, god only knows, that the Big Ten's stats vs. the SEC wasn't allowed to stay in this thread. We'll try again. The Big Ten is 9-9 against the SEC in bowls the last 7 years. Of course, my original thread, which disappeared for some reason, pointed out the the Big Ten is pretty even against the SEC despite what people think. AND, I also said that the only difference is that the B-10 hasn't produced that one Super team recently, and that's the difference between the two conferences. So, in all, it's laughable when the rest of the SEC always tries to ride the coattails of the conference leader, when in fact the Big Ten has played the conference even in the last seven years in bowl games. So, the myth that the dominance is there is exactly that.....a myth. The Big Ten is 9-9 in bowl games over the last seven years. EVEN. So, be careful before some of you rip on OSU's schedule in here. After all, until the SEC proves that everyone else, other than the conference champ, can beat the Big Ten bowl teams.....you have nothing. 9-9. Hopefully OSU will win it all this year, and then the Big Ten will have what, 2 or the last 6? Plus an even record, if not better, with the SEC. It's an ESPN fed generation out there for sure. Wasn't that already pointed out?
  17. I'm not so sure the draft goes on anyway, unless the NFL says so. Let's just say, hypothetically, that the NFL does indeed lockout players and there is no football next year. That would be kind of ignorant to still hold the draft if say, someone like Andrew Luck wanted to go pro after this year. So, if an underclassmen wants to go pro, declares himself for the draft and gets an agent, then there's no NFL season....that player is screwed. I'm not so sure the draft wouldn't be halted. Of course though, it also really sucks for this year's seniors if they are drafted and then there's no football. God, what a mess this will be.
  18. Unfortunately for you, you'll either see a half empty stadium (maybe 3/4 empty by then), or you'll want to puke because there will be about 40,000 Steeler fans for the last game in November. Sorry for you that you'll see the Ralph for the first time during this miserable season.
  19. Yet another mind boggling fact the is disturbing about this franchise.
  20. No, Chris Watson sucks!
  21. Fair enough. God we suck! lol
  22. I always wondered. It seems like the western teams are nuts for the CFL, and the eastern teams aren't as much. I always thought it would be cool if somehow the NFL would expand to a lot of the CFL cities. I also think the NHL belongs in Winnepeg, Quebec, etc. But I've always had a slight interest in the CFL. I just wondered what kind of passion their own fans had towards the league.
  23. OK, soooooo. When is the last time the Patriots rewarded someone like Kelsay a big contract? Who is their Kelsay? Someone who they gave a lot of money to, plays out of position, and sucks? #2 - Think the Pats would have taken a toy (Spiller) when the rest of the team sucks? Those are two very questionable things in a short period of time so far. Actually, the Kelsay deal is purely a joke. The Spiller pick is very risky and will probably work out great or end horribly. I don't think there will be a middle ground there. Nix will either look like a genius or fool when his time is done pertaining to the Spiller choice.
  24. True, but I grew up in Pittsburgh, and remember watching and rooting for the Steelers AND Pirates in the Super Bowl and World Series at age 7. Not really sure I "understood the game", but I remember rooting for them. Well, matter of fact, I know I didn't understand the game, because I remember Fergy and company beating the Steelers a year later (I think, maybe two) and me then liking the Bills for the rest of my life. That's proof right there that I'm an idiot and didn't understand the game. LOL. Who the hell would grow up in Pittsburgh and switch to a die hard Bills fan?
  25. Prome, even though I think you are hired by Russ Brandon as some kind of message board PR mouthpiece for the Bills (OK OK, cheapshot, sorry), how is the atmosphere at the Canadian games? Are they into the game? Do they stand up for noise when their teams are on defense? Are their crowds into the league as a whole? Knowledgable? Etc, etc, etc. I always wondered if their fans are passionate about their league, or kinda just there like Americans are kind at their minor league teams' games? Just curious.
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