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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I'll be here when the franchise turns around (hopefully), and I'll still say that I didn't believe in these clowns over the last several years. Why should anyone believe in the morons in charge of this franchise right now? They have given no reason. None. You don't have to believe in the crap now, to enjoy the success that might come later. Doesn't mean you aren't a fan. I'm just curious here. When exactly is the sky falling? I mean, you are the worst team in the NFL. You haven't won a game. No one respects anyone in your front office. Fans have no confidence in the team. You can't give away tickets. So really, to me, it seems like the sky not only fell, but it's rising back up as fog just to keep things murky. So tell me, when can the "sky is falling" people know that the sky fell? When they move after Ralph passes? Is that the only time the sky will fall?
  2. Jeez, some of you guys are the some of the biggest little wussies I've ever seen. What Schopp said is exactly correct. Exactly. No one can argue it. Get over it. And then, what SJ said was exactly correct. Good for Stevie for having enough pride to defend himself. He cares. Both things are great. I hope the Bills continue to take heat for being an awful organization. Hopefully it will shame them into getting better. Now, we also know they are listening. On the other hand, I love Stevie even more. He cares. He stuck up for himself. He has pride. Something we have all wondered if anyone on this team has. That's why it's more fun to root for these guys than maybe the last 10 years. The QB cares. The blossoming WR cares. The NT cares. They have a pulse. Two good things came out of what Schopp said. Keep the pressure on. And SJ, keep caring. I love both.
  3. Exactly. I would be crushed having no BUFFALO Bills. It's going to royally suck. But to ante up and embrace it in Toronto. Jeez. There's no way in hell. None. Zip. It's not going to be hard at all. I'm done if they split four games. That's just garbage. Period. There's only so much you can take. Attendance is already falling because of the fact they are so dysfunctional. 4-4 would push even more off the cliff. A move to Toronto would end it for all but about 10% of Bills fans. Maybe less.
  4. You're right. Easy decision for me......GOODBYE. Have some friggin pride in yourself. Nah, sorry about that comment. It should be directed at Ralph. Have some friggin pride in yourself Ralph. It's Buffalo's team, not Toronto. If you want it to be Toronto's team, have some nuts and move it there, otherwise quit fuggin with everyone and just move it.
  5. Is Shanny losing it a little bit? Geez. So, let me get this straight. McNabb came out because of conditioning, however, you go out and bring in Jamarcus Russel? LMAO. OK Shanny!
  6. Really? I have the misconception huh? You can't be serious. This post is about as dumb as the first one. Who are Haley's weapons in KC? This is his SECOND year. In his first year, his leading WR had 47 catches, Dwayne Bowe. By the way, Bowe only played in 11 games. The next best WR was their RB Jamaal Charles with 40. How pathetic is that? Well, it's pretty pathetic because this "loaded" roster had the likes of Chris Chambers (36 Rec), Bobby Wade (36 Rec), and Mark Bradley (24 Rec). What NFL Coordinator could do ANYTHING with that cast of characters? Name one? There is none. They were purging their roster and getting rid of guys like Larry Johnson etc. One year later, Haley's second year, they are already 5-2 with pretty much the same WR's plus TE Tony Moeaki. So, Haley takes a horrible offensive roster and has produced a very good running game, and pretty much is still trying to develop Cassel. So, tell me again just how good you think Haley's offense should be with no WR's. KC has two of the better offensive minds in the game on their sideline. There is nothing wrong with Haley or Weiss, and it's laughable for you to even suggest that. And when you can find that I said a good coordinator will "AUTOMATICALLY" make a good head coach, please copy and paste that. I'm pretty sure Kansas City has assembled a damn good front office and staff by anyone's standards in NFL circles. I'm also pretty sure their offense is a work in progress seeing that Chiefs were 10-38 the three years prior to this year. One with Haley, in which he was brought in to clean up the mess that had the Chiefs at 6-24 the two years prior to him arriving. So tell me again how in the hell the Chiefs should be a dominating passing team with the cast of characters on that team right now? If anything, he is coaching to the roster's strength by developing a very good running game. Something good coaches do. I think the Chiefs coaching is in good hands. It's a fantastic, established staff. To suggest otherwise is ridiculous.
  7. How in hell could someone even post something like this? Really? "We're bad, but there is not much of a difference between KC and the Bills despite the W/L records." LMAO. Really? Yeah, besides their 5 wins and our 0 wins, we are practically the same teams. Jesus. "KC has a better defense than us." LMAO again, really? The WHOLE LEAGUE has a better defense than us. That's a pretty big leg up I would say. "But other than that, KC's coaching is sub-par." ROFLMAO. Really? Todd Haley who lead Arizona's offense? Two of the most established coordinators in the league in Crennel and Weiss? Let's not even go to the front office with Pioli, because technically, he's not a coach. Wow. Although, today, I will say that I thought KC should have ran the ball more. But still, their staff is unreal. "They have a hefty contract with an underachieving QB, no passing game." I kind of agree here, but maybe Pioli did overestimate Cassel a bit. However, he needed someone and took a flyer on someone who had a good year in NE. We'll see how this one turns out. KC, just a short time ago, was awful. They are on the climb. We are 0-7.
  8. LMAO. That's right. I forgot about that. He took over for him, and then got rid of him or Gailey quit or something, right?
  9. I thought you were smoking crack when I read this so I had to go back and check myself. I watched Howard on a few plays, and he seemed OK. #1 - You were dead on about Fitz. I knew when I was watching him that he got rid of the ball very fast, but I didn't realize how fast. Incredibly, he did only take about 2 seconds to throw the ball yesterday. A lot of times, the ball was actually out before two seconds. Even on deep balls, he threw it in about two seconds. You talk about one hell of game by Fitz, that was simply amazing when you go back and watch him play. #2 - It was almost hard to grade Howard because of how quick Fitz threw the ball. Howard seemed to get stood up at times and started to get pushed around just a bit when this happened to him. Somewhat similar to how Levitre played at the beginning of last year. If you are going to take a positive from his game yesterday, you could say a couple of things. Even when stood up a few times, he has enough strength to hold his own IF he learns better technique. He also was able to get enough of the DE's on numerous occasions to push the pass rusher off the edge and away from the pocket so to speak. His downsides were that, to me, he looked extremely unathletic out there and that's where he got exposed and beat. Overall though, for what he is, he showed both signs of being OK and being poor. Pretty much what you would expect from a Rook playing against one of the best D's in football. We'll see how he develops.
  10. They have a few teams because of the multiple night games now. Sunday Night, Monday Night, etc.... Marv and Boomer are awesome. Nothing like that broadcast for sure. I'm pretty sure they have three teams.
  11. They have a few different crews. One has Boomer with Marv Albert I think. LOVE that one. Tonight was Kevin Harlan with Irvin of all fuggin people. There's also one other awesome duo, but it escapes me which one it is at the moment. But I've never heard Irvin until tonight. It was awful. The other might be Dick Stockton and Trumpy maybe (I honestly can't think of the tandem). Probably way off with that one.
  12. Friggin Michael Irvin is the color man. Seriously, Michael Irvin. When I'm trapped in my car, I LOVE Westwood One's broadcasts, until now. How does marble mouthed, cokehead Irvin keep getting jobs? Really? There's only one equivalent to Michael Irvin that I can think of that keeps resurfacing despite all logic and that's Dave Wannstat (I cannot think of how to spell his name at the moment) as a regurgitated head coach. Really, I had to turn it off and listen to the Cowboys announcer. Michael Irvin. Really Westwood One???
  13. I agree 100%. That was one of the most boring games I've watched and mostly because the play at QB was subpar for both teams. Newton is a great college player and athlete. The LSU QB was also pretty bad. Bad in terms of throwing the ball. How about we look for the next Tom Brady or Peyton Manning, and not the next Vince Young or Bo Jackson (as a poster mentioned above) to play the QB position. If Luck isn't there, pick players at other positions and make a play for him the following year. I want a friggin QB not a project who "might" be able to throw the ball from the QB position.
  14. For your information, Schein is the furthest thing from a Bills basher. He most likely wrote the article because he cares. When I first started listening to Sirius NFL radio, I actually thought Schein was from Western NY. He ALWAYS speaks positive about not only the Bills, but also western NY. Until this year, he was about the only host that would somewhat try to cast a positive light on the Bills and they continued to burn him. Now, he's off the Bills bandwagon, like most of us are. HOWEVER, he still speaks well of western NY, and always of the Bills fans, and frequently says that. He also is one of the only natioanl media guys that will give callers the time on the radio who call in to talk Bills football when no one else in the country cares. Schein is one of the good guys of the Bills fan!
  15. And here is exhibit A on why and how Russ Brandon is considered a marketing genius. Green Lightning will buy the Bills crap all day long. After all, if you can sell people who's standards are this low....... If the Jags were gonna move to LA, they could have done it by now. So, if the Jags are going to move, when's it going to happen? Because LA has been looking for a team.
  16. I'm actually glad this is being talked about. The Bills organization, not the players (it's not their fault), have put this franchise into this situation. Maybe now, with all the BS that will surround this garbage front office, they will wake up and someone will have some fuggin pride and get this thing going. I'm glad stuff like this is calling into question some of the crap this front office has created. Now we'll see if the owner really wants this schitt to continue, or he can simply stop it by getting serious about winning some damn games. Everyone from the owner down to #53 on the roster is being called out. Let's see how they respond. It seems the only thing universally respected about the Bills is their fan base. Us calling them out did no good. Let's see what happens, and who digs down deep, when their colleagues start calling them out. And I'm not talking about getting up off of the canvas this year and winning some games. I'm talking about getting this roster fixed, spending some money, and cutting the deadweight in the front office. I say bring all of this crap on. YOUR CALL RALPH. Do you like being the laughing stock, or will the Bills have some damn pride and run itself like a real organization?
  17. In my perfect world.... Parcells as GM Head Coach - John Gruden Def Coord - John Fox (assuming he gets fired, which he will) Off Coord - Gruden's choice. See ya in the playoffs.
  18. LOL. I wasn't sure that anyone would put this together or not. Not because it was complicated. Just didn't know if anyone would let it sink in.
  19. And this is what keeps Ralph's pockets full right here. Is Troupe promising? You know that for sure right? He just started playing more. I tend to think he is, but he just hit the field. We really don't know. Carrington, really? Based on what? Moats? You can't be serious. And Easley? Based on what? Training camp reports? Cmon man. Try to be a little realistic. I hope your right, but you really have no idea how these guys are going to be. None.
  20. I'll take a stab at it. I'm going to guess that the Ravens fumble a punt inside their own ten yard line and the ball comes to the Bills for a first and goal at the three. Three plays later, Rian Lindell kicks a 51 yard field goal.
  21. We'll see how good this offense looks at Baltimore next week. You'll see just how far the Bills are from competing on BOTH sides of the ball next week. The offense has looked pathetic against every defense they've played this year that has a clue. This team is horrible.
  22. Reading is fundamental. So is writing. And everything is always written to spin things to cover how bad the guy sucks for the Bills. Regardless. How good is Modrak anyway even if he didn't make any of the Bills picks? So, if he was in charge, he flat out sucks. Period. End of story. And if he wasn't in charge, he has ZERO sway to change anyone's mind. None. So, really, how good is this guy? He obviously either A.) can't pick worth a schitt or B.) isn't convincing enough for anyone to listen to him on draft day. So, really, he's in this front office for what reason? This is now his third GM. But thanks for the help.
  23. I just love how he was an assistant in Philadelphia and is responsible for building the Eagles. However, he's an assistant in Buffalo and has nothing to do with the players we drafted. Some of you try so hard to justify some of the crap that goes on in this organization its laughable.
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