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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. That I honestly don't know. I would assume somewhere overseas. They really aren't truly authentic though. But yeah, I would guess somewhere overseas.
  2. The NFL Jerseys are made in Berlin, Wisconsin. You can believe anything you want. They are made by Ripon and Wilson in Berlin, Wisconsin. 100% true, pure fact. Not many people know, nor does the NFL really want anyone to know this, although if you inquire enough, it's not hard to confirm this.
  3. ROFLMAO Thank You Ben. Someone else actually knows what the hell he is talking about. I just sit here and laugh sometimes at the idiocy on message boards when people spew untrue garbage when they think they know something they have no clue about. The NFL jerseys that the NFL players wear on the field are made in Berlin Wisconsin. Period. End of story. If you need more details, they are made by two different companies, and SOLD TO REEBOK. Reebok has nothing to do with making the jerseys. They are made by Ripon and some of them are even made by Wilson Athletic. Then, they are sold to Reebok, under their direction. So, no, they aren't made in China. And also, trust me on this too, the "authentics" that teams sell on their websites, aren't really true "authentics". I know all of this because I'm in this line of business. I actually know where a wearhouse is near Buffalo that stores the real jerseys (made by Ripon), and have seen the real jerseys for a number of Bills players. In short though, the on field jerseys are indeed made in the good ole USA. And Reebok doesn't even actually make them! Next year, when Nike takes over, I have no idea if this will stay the same.
  4. We have become good friends with someone in Orchard Park and park at their house for free. Their neighborhood also doesn't allow people to park in yards which is great, because I'm 1/4 mile from the Ralph in a peaceful neighborhood. So, I'm pretty much set. However, this rule will make a nigthmare getting around the Ralph again, unless you arrive at 6am. Seeing that I have a 10 hour drive home after games, and am over 20 years old, I can't get there and party all day at 6am anymore!!!
  5. Yes indeed. This is the first thing I thought of as well. This stupid 4 hour rule is just going to create nightmarish traffic again around the Ralph. Really sucks.
  6. Yeah, I sorta thought that was it, but it is way down there giving one maximum straw shift for sure. Just seems kind of odd.
  7. By the way, while the Tim Horton's cup was lame last year, the only reason we got it is because they were all left over from a promo giveaway. It's not like the Bills thought that would be a great consolation for getting season tickets. They gave them to us, because they weren't all used in the promo. I'm not one to usually stick up for the Bills front office, but I'm not sour about the Tim Horton's cup. Although I think mine hit the garbage a long time ago.
  8. Got mine last week. I am perplexed however about it. My wife and I tried to figure it out last night. What is the hard ring around the straw for? It's not in the right spot to seal the hole on the lid. So, is it only on there so that you can't pull the straw out or what? I like the cup, btw, but I wish you could have gotten one for each seat you have. But anyway, how does that straw work? Why's it set up like that?
  9. for Michael Jasper...................a lite beer of course!
  10. BINGO. You have a winner. And on top of that, do some of you really think a kid who is on a winning 7 or 8 year old team will automatically make his/her high school or maybe even college team because they were 14-2 when they were 7, 8, 9, even 10 years old? They need to learn the skills necessary to play high school ball or whatever their next level is, and not worry about their wins/losses as much. Too many times, you have Superdad coaching, and he lets everyone know his "little league" record while coaching, and rides the jock of one kid who can pitch and just mow everyone down. Meanwhile, the kids move on through little league 50-5 in four years but still can't throw, still don't have a clue on the proper mechanics of the swing, catch, bunt, or properly run bases (which can be as deadly a weapon for a kid than anything else). It happens in every sport too. You know you are failing at a basketball or football practice if within the first two weeks of practice, a coach is already running set plays. The kids at that level usually have little to zero basic skills and coaches are already running plays......meanwhile the kids can't shoot, pass, block, take a handoff properly, run routes, etc, etc, etc. But hey, the coaches little league record is 50-5 because he can manipulate the other coach during a game more. Great. Meanwhile, you'll be the parent bitching when your kid, who's been an "all star" 10 years in a row, gets cut from his/her high school team. This is especially true in big communities with limited high school roster space. Ugh.
  11. Believe me, I feel your pain. I wasn't trying to be a jerk about it. It's unfortunately the way it is nowadays. And then once you play travel ball or AAU, there comes a whole different set of money and ripoff problems. Neverending cycle!!!
  12. I understand what you are getting at here, but in all honesty, most of you guys don't understand what you are participating in. That's the problem. A rec league is just that.......a rec league. People need to understand that. You will have kids of all skill levels playing in a REC league. It's for fun. Some kids are good, most are average, and a bunch are horrible. Some want to be there, most could care less and think the playground is actually more fun, and a bunch of them have no interest in even being out there. That's called a rec league. Most of you who B word and whine about being around kids in a rec league need to play travel baseball or AAU if you want heavy competition at an early level. That's about the only way you are going to get it, unless your kid can play out a rec league and make it to all stars (which is usually a joke also). Rec is rec. Higher level play at baseball academies or travel ball or AAU is unfortunately the way you have to go nowadays. That's also what is helping to kill the sport. Baseball is becoming a rich kids sport. Quickly. Getting your kids out of rec programs an into travel programs is a tremendous cost. Bats are way too expensive. Etc, etc, etc. But, unfortunately, for baseball, it's becoming an upper middle class suburban sport. And even at that, it's not all that popular. Baseball is declining big time. Other sports aren't. I do this for a living and have easily backed that up with numbers for the last ten years. People continue to turn the other way and act like it's not happening, but it is. A lot of high schools in the inner cities don't even field teams anymore, and if they do, they get their heads kicked in by the teams in the burbs 20-0. And those schools without teams are slowly creeping toward the suburbs. It's a shame.
  13. Baseball's a dying sport and the lockout had little to do with getting people back. It's economic model has doomed that sport not their strike year. That's pretty easy to see at the youth level where kids could mostly care less about baseball anymore.
  14. Even at that though, why would someone pay $350 for an internet feed when you can get the TV feed for that much? Maybe they couldn't get the dish, I'm not sure, but there is no way a streaming feed is worth anywhere near $350, IMO. OK, go back and read VARIOUS threads from the search option about Sunday Ticket. All you have to do is call and threaten to cancel and they were giving it to you for cut rates. Everyone was posting their rates in threads, and as a matter of fact, the fact that you could do this, was also flying around all NFL message boards. The first two years, I called and acted like I was going to cancel, whined about Superfan (which was an incredible ripoff)and eventually I got it for $150. Last year, I just called and said I've gotten it for $150 the last two years, and I go to half of the Bills games anyway, and they gave it to me for $179. Simple as that. They charge you the full monthly price each month, and then credit your account monthly a few days after to make it what they quoted you. No one else in my family, including my wife or my 13 month old daughter pays DTV a dime. I pay the bills. Enjoy this information this year, when you hopefully don't pay full price for the ticket. On a side note, the bizzare thing about the whole thing is that this doens't work for the other sports packages. At least not for me. Thank You!
  15. After posting thread after thread after thread the last couple of years about the Sunday Ticket, did some of you guys seriously pay $350 for Sunday Ticket? I haven't paid more than $150 for three years now.
  16. On a smaller scale, but a cool one nonetheless, if we can just change the endzones back to Red, we will have almost completely wiped our asss free of the Donahoe era.
  17. Papa - I did this about 100 times today before we decided to switch. We moved from the 15, Row 28, to the 30, row 17. I wasn't real sure about the view from row 17, as we all liked being a little higher in Row 28. Thus, thats why I was asking you guys. I don't think we would like to be too much lower than say, row 15 myself. Although, with all of the opinions here that 17 is kind of ideal, I'm happy with our choice today. I think we got lucky today. I can't wait to see the new seats in person. I remember seeing NFL films in the 90's showing Leonard Smith yelling to the crowd "Go pack your bags" when the Bills made the SB again. I can't even imagine how fun these seats could be if the Bills ever have a good team again. I'm pumped.
  18. Awesome, this is exactly what I wanted to hear. Thanks for the input. We are all so excited now. If I wasn't in VA, I'd try to get up there and ask my rep to show them me. Oh well, there better be a season! Nice. Thanks for the input. I'm like a little kid right now!
  19. THank you guys. We just switched to Section 135, Row 17. They are on the 30. There are 6 of us. Three groups of two. The lead two have 28 years of seniority, so they anchored our group. We all have alot, but they have the most. So, I think these seats will be great. It was a no charge upgrade, from about the 15 to 30. Had to do it. Fingers crossed.
  20. Our small group has a chance of what sounds like an awesome upgrade. We would be in Row 17 around the 30 yard line. That's not too low is it? We are in row 29 now on about the 15. I don't care about standing up, I just don't want to be too low. Anyone care to chime in???
  21. I'm a Penguins fan. Born and grew up in Pittsburgh. I am, however, happy for the city of Buffalo that they got Pegula. And man, I pray that he has interest in buying the Bills. Pegula seems like one of a few people in Buffalo that has a pair of nuts and has pride in the city. He doesn't consider it second rate, and will do what it takes to produce a winner. The city of Buffalo finally has a big time owner in town. I'm happy for Sabres fans. That being said, please buy the Bills, and invite Ralph back, all expenses paid, for alumni day!
  22. This is the biggest load of crap I've heard. So, Brandon wants me to believe, that, because of the crap game in Toronto, that almost every Bills fan hates (both Candians and Buffalonians), has inspired more fans to come to Buffalo? For what reason? They were awed by the crap that takes place in Rogers Centre? I'm calling BS. That's why he won't give numbers. Total load of bull. How many people really believe the crap in Toronto inspired new fans to become season ticket holders? If they have taken in a game in Buffalo, yeah, I can see it. But inspired from the game in Toronto.......yeah right.
  23. I listened in at work. I'm not really sure how you concluded from that call that the Bills are trading out of the 3rd pick, but OK. I'm also still not sold on Buddy Nix. He sounds like a blowhard to me, although, there is only so much he can really say. It kind of sounds like he wants to talk real football, but he's finding out that he really can't say too much. It seems to me that he wants to pop off, but has figured out that he has to guard what he thinks. No real big news here, but he really wasn't all that enlightening. Chan Gailey is the man. Chan loves football, and knows what he's talking about. Period. The guy shoots pretty straight. He talks football. He answers questions pretty honestly. He's definitely not afraid to evaluate players in the media, especially if it's put up or shut up time. I was disappointed when Gailey was hired. Period. But I'm so glad he's here now. At least now I have one guy in the organization I personally have faith in, which gives me hope. I could listen to Chan all day. It's going to be a real interesting draft. Gailey has shown he can coach, now lets see if Nix gets this team any help personnel wise. I'm looking for year 1 of his draft to step up, and for Nix to find someone in year 2 that can contribute right away.
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