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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. I think I'm in the minority, but I'd rather see us get Pierre Garcon. However, I would also be ecstatic if we get Vjax instead. I just think Garcon would fit better, is younger, and would have a better fitting price tag and let us pursue other help. Either would be great though.
  2. Amen. A roof on the place would have done nothing to get me to attend games the last couple of years in December. Absolutely nothing. I am a season ticket holder as well.
  3. Nothing a quick slant to Stevie couldn't fix or a couple of dumpoffs to Spiller or Jackson. That offense would be unstoppable.
  4. Could you freaking imagine Johnson and Nelson to the right, VJ to the left. AND Freddie and Spiller in the backfield on 2nd and 3? Fitz drops back to pass........how in the hell do you even attempt to cover all five of those guys?
  5. One more extra tidbit. Is hell freezing over? Maybe I'm a little more giddy today, because I am from Pittsburgh originally, and I wake up and see that the Buccos signed Andrew McCucthen to a 6 year, 51 million dollar deal. LMAO. It's like I've hit the lottery today. Two of my two favorite teams, the Bills and Pirates. Two of the worst run teams in pro sports. The Bills and Pirates. And both deliver with awesome news today outta the blue. Well, at least on Cutch's part it was. Someone's gonna pinch me and wake me up. Or, did someone turn back the clock to 1992 all over again?
  6. I too think it will be a soft year. I too am from out of town as well. But, I had a different experience last year than you did. I've been a season ticket holder now for 14 years. Last year, our little group of six were able to seat relocate to about the 35 yard line, Bills side, 17 rows up, and I sold every game I didn't attend last year for the first time in a long time. Even one pre-season game and the Tebow game for $10 over face value when there were tons of tickets left for that game. Shocked the hell outta me. Again, I am one with little to no faith in the Bills orgnaization. So, this is cool for me to feel like I'm not being ripped off and fed a bunch of BS for the first time in a while. I like the feeling. I want it to keep going. For the first time in a long time, I'm not skeptical today of the Bills nor am I pissed off. We didn't create another hole. It's fabulous. I wish they would get Bell and Chandler done too, but those two aren't a must for me. TOday though, we can say we FINALLY kept one of our own. Still want another WR, but this is great. And we have a guy that actually wants to be here. Love it. Keep it up. LETS GO BUFFALO!
  7. I don't think we are world beaters yet. But, I had the most fun at Ralph Wilson Stadium that I've had in a long long time last year. I also actually like the guys on this team. They are fun to root for, and don't think it's hell by having to play in Buffalo. I'm not sure how good we'll be, but I do think that with a decent free agency period, we can definitely play sound football this year. I'm excited for the first time in a long time. We finally have some legit NFL football players, and I think we'll be getting more. Freddie, Stevie, Fitz, CJ, Barnett, Dareus and Kyle. That's so much better than what we've had here in the not so distant past. We can only hope things are looking up!!!
  8. Again, it hs nothing to do with buying tickets again. It's how the Bills do things. I wish the media was tougher in Buffalo, because someone would be all over this in NYC. This is just total garbage. Again, I can afford the extra game, so I'm staying with my tickets. It doesn't mean it's OK or good business.
  9. Not the point. It is something that is totally bitchable about. They just threw this garbage game back on fans, and fans have no recourse. That is something that is bitchable about. Very. It's garbage. I also have DTV Sunday ticket to watch the 8 other games that I don't attend. Now 9 games with the Toronto garbage. But again, don't tell me there isn't anything to B word about. This was supposed to be Toronto's game. They supposedly want it. It's supposedly going so well. Then, why the fugg is it back in Buffalo at a cost to us when it wasn't supposed to be there? Don't give me the "booked up" garbage.
  10. You've gotta be kidding me. The Homer patrol is out in full force today. I would bet that Russ Brandon is paying some of you guys to shill for the Bills. It's the only way to explain some of your homerism. If we want to B word, this is the organization that gives their fans every reason to B word. I am a long time season ticket holder. I live 10 hours away. I make most games. I don't have an issue with ticket prices.....at all. I'm fortunate enough to be able to afford this luxury. I say that because what the Bills do, is so annoying, it's really indefensible. We have a crap owner who sells his home games. That's reason enough for any good set of fans to B word. And before some of you go all homer on everyone about the Bills not selling out games..........give it a fuggin rest. If most teams in the NFL would suck as much as us, and as long as us, they too, would not sell out most of their games. No matter the price. But I digress. The buttwipes that run the Bills sell the games. The most ignorant thing in the world. Doesn't help the Buffalo economy. Doesn't help you win as you get rid of homefield advantage, and certainly doesn't give the area hope that the team has any viable plan to stay here in the long haul. Strike one. So, to appease this, I guarantee that pre-season games were wrapped into this package for multiple reasons. Some of you are too stupid to realize this. On the public relations front, they gave away some home games which is a PR nightmare. So, to offset that, they mixed in preseason games for two reasons. One: So Ralph could make more money by not having a 1/3 full stadium for a meaningless game. The game was paid for up front. TWO: So that season ticket holders would feel like they are getting a break without having to buy the drek of preseason to offset the loss of a regular season game in the fan base psyche. The second reason was also used as a price increase trap, because each year the Bills played the preseason game, they used that to keep ticket prices with little or no increase, which means they did increase pricing, hidden in less games. Total horseshit that they think people can't figure that out. So, this has nothing to do with price of tickets, or Russ Brandon heading up the PR of a douchebag owner, etc. The Bills weren't supposed to have two preseasons games this year. People plan on that. Makes them feel and accept the Toronto series a little bit more. Then, out of the blue, we are supposed to buy an assbag excuse that Rogers Centre couldn't make room for the game. LMAO. You've gotta be kidding me. Preseason game can be played almost any day of the week. And they can't find room??? Please. Then, the game is just thrown back on season tickets holders, when there isn't supposed to be one. It's garbage. Plain and simple. Don't give a bunch of BS like we can't B word about garbage like this. It is what it is......garbage. A real journalist would dig on this and ask Russ Brandon if he feels bad that he threw this garbage game back on Bills fans when it wasn't supposed to be there. Oh, it's no good for Toronto, so we'll make the Buffalo people just eat the cost. Also, wasn't Roger Goodell telling us all along about how awful pre-season games are? Oh, don't worry Toronto, we'll put it on the backs of Bills season ticket holders again. Those same season ticket holders that are in sharp decline. A journalist could also dig a little bit, and find out why the game couldn't be played during the week or on Monday Night. There are a ton of questions that the Bills just didn't have to face and took them at their word. It's just horrible business. That's reason enough to B word. I still will have my season tickets. I still think ticket prices are cheap. I still love the Bills. That doesn't mean some of you have to sit here and give Ralph, Russ and boys handjobs over everything they do......which a lot of times, is total garbage. Thanks Ralph and Russ, you douchebags. Signed, A bitching, long time season ticket holder.
  11. It doesn't?
  12. Translation: Love us back with a season ticket purchase even when we let Stevie walk. Translation2: We really really really love Western NY, and please love us back when we give Toronto even more regular season games per season starting in two years.
  13. I forgot to mention Bell as well. I agree with you on Bell too. It would nice to have Bell, Hairston and Pears. That's true depth. Something we deperately need.
  14. As a long time season ticket holder, I will be disgusted. I also pretty much expect it. If they were serious about winning, and with resources available, they could and should have Stevie and Chandler locked up before Free Agency, and, IMO, pursue another good WR as well. Knowing the Bills though, we'll create another hole, and then be forced to fill it with a pick or FA money that could have been used elsewhere. It's like groundhog day.
  15. No offense, but you keep beating this drum over and over and over. I'm not a Sabres fan, and can see things somewhat objectively. Pegula did indeed spend money, that is true. To most people or fans outside of Buffalo, you were still looked at as a somewhat average, punchless, offensive hockey team. Not only have the Sabres been offensively challenged on an elite scale for a while, the guys available to Pegula through Free Agency simply weren't that good either. I also think I've heard you guys say that your defense (maybe I'm wrong) has been brutal. But really, who cares. You really need some offensive weapons. Some big time weapons. My opinion. He spent some money. But it wasn't a Daniel Snyder kind of spend. There just wasn't any top tier help out there. There will be, but it will take time. All of the superstars were locked up. The Sabres will be fine once some good players become available.
  16. End of story. Period. Kudos to the Steelers for not blaming referees, like so many chickenshits always do after defeat. By the Steelers attitude that they messed up, you can see in their attitude why they are such a great organization.
  17. Huh? This couldn't be further from the truth. Our group has 6 tickets. In the last three years, I've gone from the goal line in 2009, 32 rows up, to the 10 yard line yard, 28 rows up in 2010, to the 35 yard line, Bills side, 17 rows up last year. So, in the last three years, I've moved from the goal line to the 35 yard line, all lower bowl. If you only want two tickets, you will definitely get in the lower bowl. Hell, if you want 2-4-6, you'll get in the lower bowl. If you are looking at only 2, you'll have a pretty good chance at getting pretty darn good tickets, especially if you don't mind paying the price increase in the sections that separate the goal line corner area to the more true sidline tickets. Whatever you do, do not sit too low in the lower bowl. Those tickets suck. Try to stay at row 12 or higher. Season tickets were WAYYYY down last year. Low to mid 30's I think. Down from 50 plus a couple of seasons ago. And they will probably even shrink further this season. If you can stand the product, now is the time to get in.
  18. I do. I live in VA. My seats are now fantastic. I'm at about the 32 yard line, Bills sideline, 17 rows up. I didn't have any trouble selling any of my games this year. That includes the three December games. Two went for slightly above face value, and the last game went for face value, despite numbers of tickets being available. At the beginning of the year for the NE and Philly games, I know people were getting about $200 per for their seats. That being said, last year my tickets were on about the 10 yard line, 32 rows up. Still pretty good seats, but not as good as they are now. I couldn't give my tickets away anytime after week 6 or so. I've actually given them away more than a few times. I generally make every game until I feel we are out of it. So, take it for what it's worth. A group of six of us moved about 25 yards toward the 50 this past year, lower bowl. There is no better time to buy season tickets than now. I've debated giving mine up, but we all stuck with it through all of this crap.......we now have awesome seats. If they are ever good again, I'm sitting pretty. Season ticket sales have plummeted, and most likely, unless the Bills make a huge splash in FA, will continue to do so this year. Now's the time to buy if you can stand the drek on the field. Although, the games this year, at the Ralph, were mostly wildly enjoyable.
  19. Marketing nightmare for Russ Brandon. If the Bills don't sign some guys to excite their fan base, season tickets will drop even further I'm afraid. That's a schedule lacking any kind of luster.
  20. I just gotta give you a little bit of credit for producing that pic so fast. Agreed on Heard. Now I don't know whether I was originally for this or not. No, I wasn't. Alright. I'm better now. Heard brought a lightness to the subject.
  21. Correct. Or maybe next year when Heard is sack dancing they'll play "I like big butts" and so on and so on and so on. That's horrible. OK, I'm over it. I just wondered if I heard what I heard. Has nothing to do with Cruz or him dancing. I'm not one of those guys hating celebrations. I don't need NBC supplementing it while the game is in live progress. Period. I think Simon said it best that they could have waited until they went to break. That was absolutley horrible on NBC's part. OK, I'm over it again. lol
  22. Correct, which is absolutely retarded. Maybe next year, they'll be ready on New Year's and play the New Year's song for Stevie? Horrible. Don't mind the Cruz thing. I don't want NBC playing music for it. What, is the producer a NY fan? Brutal.
  23. It sounded so clear that I think NBC did it. If so, my god, cmon. I'm with you though, I don't which one it came from. Kind of weird, because if it was NBC, that's just bush league crap. Period. And if it was the stadium, how is that not a premeditated celebration, and not worthy of a flag? Either way.......horrible.
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