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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Pretty decent bar because of it's location. Has above average wings of course. However, be prepared to wait at least 30 minutes for anyone who works there to approach your table for your order. Then, be prepared for your order to take about 60 more minutes to come out. Other than that, you should have went to Duffs. Much better service.
  2. This has always cracked me up. So, Buddy gets all the credit for making San Diego decent as a scout, but yet gets all the credit for hopefully making the Bills decent.....as a GM. I like Nix. I love Gailey. But the way people spin Nix on this forum is absolutely incredible.
  3. South of Richmond VA. Originally born in Pittsburgh. WTF was I thinking? Season ticket holder now for over 15 years!!!
  4. I know he's signed already, but hell, I'd take Lee Evans over Ocho Crappo.
  5. Congrats on the degree and consider yourself lucky. My only response to this thread is to ask you one question. You seriously want to buy a Dodge product? You really need to re-think that. Eeeeesh.
  6. Great athletic family as someone mentioned Shawn Marion. I also point out Brock Marion as well.
  7. I'm pretty sure if you draft a guy in the first, and contributes immediately, that chances are.......he'll have a pretty good career. Get someone that can help and contribute now, rather than taking a chance on a QB that "might" be OK down the road. We have needs on this team that are much more needed than a QB. We are making progress, but there are still a lot of weaknesses.
  8. I've never bought a Chinese jersey myself. It also really doesn't bother me when people do. But Jack is right. It's so easy to pick out each and every Chinese jersey that people are wearing at the stadium. They are all different colors, different numbers, different ways that they fit, different types of blue color, etc. They really are easy to spot. I would also say that most of them are actually pretty bad quality in terms of matching what the Bills jerseys actually like. Now, that being said, they are decent jerseys, but they definitely aren't the same you get if you buy direct from the Bills or the NFL. But also, the NFL jerseys are ridiculousy overpriced. So are the T-shirts, hats, etc. It's pretty criminal what they charge also. Really, $35 for a T-shirt? And so on, and so on. Just robbery. Again, I have no problem with whichever ways people go. To each their own. But for those of you that do wear the Chinese knockoffs, they are kind of like most things that are made in China.......subpar. They stick out pretty loudly. I'm with Jack on this one.
  9. Deleted this on accident, sorry. Re-post. Other than for some community pride, this is one of the stupidest things I've ever heard of. #1. I kept stats for FOX sports TV crews about 8 years ago. I've been to every stadium in the league but three. Ralph Wilson Stadium is a fantastic stadium to watch football in. Matter of fact, it's so good, I would have to say that whoever designed it was way ahead of it's time back in the day. The sightlines are awesome. You are close to the field. The upper decks only run along the sidelines and not in the endzones. It's amazing for the viewing of a game. The thing that sucks about the Ralpsh is it's concourses. They suck. The concessions suck. The space sucks. Period. That, however, can be enhanced by a 100-200 million dollar renovation. Maybe even replace the heated seats inside the stadium and the benches to regular seats as well. Easily done for 200 million. And that's much cheaper than 900 million for a new stadium. #2. Orchard Park is an awesome place for football. Period. It's out in the middle of nowhere. There is PLENTY of parking both on premisis and off of it. Because it's in the town, parking is cheap because the competition to park is enormous. Lastly, the parking lots are plenty and the tailgating atmosphere is the best in the NFL. Hands down. I've been to Green Bay and Kansas City. Ours blows it away. Why in the hell would anyone want that to change? Also, have any of you been outside of Western NY for a game anywhere? Especially at a downtown stadium. Count on the tailgating to almost go away completely. Count of your cost to park pretty much triple. And count on traffic being just as bad if not worse at a downtown location. Stadiums in downtown Charlotte suck. Minnesota's is flat awful, inside and out. Hell, I think Baltimore even sucks, as well as Heinz field. Most tailgaters at Heinz Field now have to tailgate in business lots all segregated from each other. It sucks. #3 If we get a new stadium, prices are going to skyrocket. Period. We'll have PSL's. Prices for each ticket will most likely more than double. And along with beefed up concessions, come beefed up food prices. It's pretty stupid to want a new stadium. #4 Lastly, if it's the downtown you would like to build up great. I get that. If you truly think the stadium, with a roof, which would be awful, will boost other events during the course of the year, you're pretty much wrong. Hell, most domed stadiums still sit empty most of the year anyway. This isn't going to be much different in Buffalo. The only guy who utlilizes his stadium the way it should be utilized, is, Jerry Jones. As much as I hate the douche, he does a great job of using it each year. All in all, The Bills stadium, in Orchard Park, is a fantastic NFL experience. Why the hell some of you even want to suggest to ruin that is beyond me. Doesn't make sense. Some of you seem to never have been out of Buffalo.
  10. Just saw this. For me, it never gets old.
  11. Why does there always have to be a Fitz thread about how good he is, or where he ranks? I don't get it. Is it fun to go through this every week? We all know where he is when we look at it deep down in. He's nowhere near the top, nor is he anywhere near the bottom. He is somewhere in between. Some weeks he'll play like a world beater, and some weeks he'll be off. It makes him average. He can win big games. He can also lose them. He is a classic "in the middle" guy. He is what he is. And he is, our only option at QB right now, and there isn't much help out there. He is also paid accordingly, so we'll spend money elsewhere to try to boost this team up. AKA, Mario. It really isn't this complicated. He is what he is. Average. Not the worst, and not the best. But on certain Sundays, he can be either of those.
  12. Damn......ouch!
  13. While I would love this, we would not be the best choice. The Jets again or the Saints would make for an awesome show this year.
  14. I actually feel better AFTER reading that list that most of those guys will actually be off of our roster.
  15. Huh? Sideline club seats are outdoors and heated in theory. LOL. They are supposed to be heated, but hardly any of the heaters work anymore. But how would seats be outdoors in the fall and indoor in the winter? The sideline clubs have access to the Jim Kelly Club etc, which are indoors. If you would need to get out of the elements, you could go up to the club and remain there and watch the rest of the game indoors I guess.
  16. I'm thrilled that we didn't get Meachem. However, I really really wanted Pierre Garcon. He's young, fast, and could have been here with Stevie for a long time. Oh well, guess I'll have to "settle" for Mario.
  17. I am so glad I've stuck through this horrible run we've had with my season tickets. I've thought and come close to dropping many times. My seats are now SWEET since so many people dropped and I can't wait until football season. No. Preseason games are still garbage. I don't care if we added Freeney, Manningham and Peyton.....the preseason games are still garbage.
  18. Great coverage in all of this. For the last three days now, I've still been listening non-stop. Thanks again. Man, this is fun.
  19. Let's finish this thing in style.
  20. 1. Ticketexchange or most of the time, the others who sit around me. 2. Both 3. Adjust Jack, I will say this. I upgraded my tickets last year. I have great seats, which are available now. Lower bowl, 35 yard line, Bills side, 17 rows up. I didn't have trouble selling ANY games last year. Even Denver, and one preseason game. The year before I had tickets near the goalline and couldn't give them away. If you have the resources to upgrade, do so, and you will be gold in the resell market. At least that's been my real experience.
  21. C, I make it to most games until the Bills are eliminated. However, I know for sure that, for instance, if the Bills play at home this year on week 1 that I can't go. You are welcome to save my name, and if you want, inquire about buying some games I don't go to, if you don't get season tickets. I have great seats. 35 yard line, Bills side, 17 rows up. I used Ticketmaster last year to sell my extras. I sold each of the last three home games that way. Believe it or not, I even sold one preseason game. Before last year, my tickets were on the 5 yard line, Bills side, lower bowl, 28 rows up, and I had trouble selling them. Hope that helps a little bit. Like Jack said.......Iphone app store. The app has a button for Bills radio (which is just really streaming WGR over your phone) It's awesome, because on my 35 minute ride to work everyday, I can stream WGR as if I'm driving through Buffalo and not Richmond.
  22. Again, I could care less if their coverage is negative or positive. That doesn't bother me. I actually don't need to hear a bunch of homers give the Bills brass handjobs all year. My kudos is for their coverage. They are excited and doing the same things we are doing. They are there, 24/7. Reporters are all over Buffalo trying to get info. They are there instead of national guys. They are largely positive today, because there is something to be positive about. Again, my kudos to them for actually covering this better than anyone, and giving Bills fans across the nation a way to follow this story. I can't work a lick. It seems like the whole city of Buffalo has some sort of pride tied to Mario......sports fan or not. That's how we all feel, and WGR has also conveyed that. Kudos. Yes they did, and the fact that they've only got one thing wrong about the free agency period so far means that they are still way better than any national guys who are out there regurgitating everything WGR is putting out there. So yeah, Kudos again.
  23. Kudos to them. They no doubt are a much better team today than yesterday. Their fans should be excited. The down side is that they absolutely sucked last year. They were getting beat in the NFL like UB would get destroyed by a team like LSU or Alabama. They might win free agency, but I'm not sure how competitive they will be next year. They were awful last year. Still, hope for their fans.
  24. For a station that takes flack around here (not from me), I have to say their coverage of this has been terrific. They have been live for two days, almost around the clock. They have reporters in different spots around Buffalo. They are having fun with this, but also showing that they are just as invested in this, as we the fans, are. I have been enthralled with all of this Mario Williams stuff. So have they. They are really extending how we all feel today. They are also getting more info than the big guys as well. A lot of the big guys are citing WGR. Kudos GR, I have been streaming you at work, at home, and over my car bluetooth through the Bills mobile app. I couldn't get through this without you guys.
  25. LMAO. You can't even make this kind of stuff up. I never wanted Meachem in the first place, but I would have been happy because he's an upgrade over Jones. I would have paid Garcon what he wanted myself to pair with Stevie for the next five years. However, what a fuggin dick. Unless, he told the Bills tonight that SD offered more and he and the Bills parted ways amicably, he's a flat out dickhead, and I wish him nothing but ill will in the future. My god, this organization keeps getting kicked in the dikk. And AJ Smith to boot. Jesus.
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