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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Are you trying to play that, what I think was a Sesame Street game, of which thing does not belong here?
  2. Can you post a picture in here that is saved on your computer's hard drive?
  3. I see on the front page that the Bills signed Toyota to a multi-year deal. Anyone have anything on Toyota from Stats Inc???
  4. Why do you want these lineman? We already got Robert Royal, blocking extraordinaire, and Reggie Wells is coming in? What more could you ask?
  5. Yeah, you also can't have all of the WRONG guys visit in one day and expect to improve the friggin line. The stud should have been in here right away. That's the point. And no, we need lineman. We've needed lineman forever. WE NEED A FUGGIN LINE. UGH. All of this, after our GM states publicly how important the lines are.
  6. No, not JSP, it's me.....LV-Bills.....just like what is on my VA license plate. I just couldn't stay put any longer. I posted, and then I exploded. I prided myself on being patient and and trying to understand. But coming from over ten hours away for games, I want to see changes. And having season tickets, and not even really wanting to remotely go to the last three home games was a feeling that I have never had before in being a Bills fan. Robert Royal, Larry Triplett, and Andre Davis aren't helping at this point.
  7. This just shows how far out of touch TD is....... Are you kidding me? For the record, I don't think MW is a bust yet either. However, that being said......when did Mike Williams EVER knock someone 10 yards off of the ball? And this is the best guy McNally has ever coached? So, then, what happened? I mean, come on.
  8. It's allllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll coming together now. The vision is so sweet.
  9. Yeah, I have a thought............. The thought of McCown throwing down the seam to Robert Royal makes me wanna puke. How'd I do?
  10. Amen. Where does that crusade start? I wanna get on board. I personally think the "be patient" crusade has run its course.
  11. I hear ya, but with everything moving so fast in that past few hours, this seemed to fit right in. UGH
  12. Wow, thought it was weird that no one mentioned it, when Culpepper and Brees are all over Sports Talk Radio.
  13. That's not the question. The question is, why did we choose to inflate ROYAL and not someone that would actually help this club get better?
  14. I don't agree. Peters will be the first three way player. The "freak" is the first player that will get that done. Big Bob, let's be realistic, will be an awesome two-way.
  15. Not to mention the ever confident 1 year deal to Andre Davis. Here is a guy, supposedly, that the whole league is an idiot in not knowing about, and that had no other visits scheduled, but we found. A gem. Diamond in the rough. Speed Demon. Wait, is this Jason Peters ummmmmmmmm no, it's still Davis. How sold are we on this guy? 1 yr deal. Ummmmmmmmm, yeah. With him catching (for 1 year), and Big Bob blocking..............well, all I can say is............... "WHO WANTS SOME OF OUR BILLS RIGHT NOW?"
  16. I was in the barbershop that Marv goes to the other day.......... I heard we are gonna slide the protection, inside the pocket itself, over to Robert Royal and seal the backside with Shaud Williams so that JP can just set up shop behind Big Bob and have all day to throw. I think he also said, and I said I think so don't get on me about my source, although it was right from Marv himself......as the clippers were cutting my hair on guard 3 that.......something to the effect of when it's 3 and less than 3 yards to go....Jauron is just going to have the offensive coordinator call out Royal Right or Royal Left, and we're going to pound Willis right up Big Bob's ass for the first down. This is provided that we don't obtain Reggie Wells from the Cardinals. In that case, Wells might also hear his number called too. It's alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll coming together now. Gibbs will be one sorry coach come this fall when he sees what a bargain Royal turns out to be.
  17. No way dude, the 2 minutes of joy everyone got because we beat the Bengals was all worth it. Nothing like beating a playoff team in their house to ruin a stud draft pick when our season was over AND sitting your future QB in the process just so he wouldn't garner the much needed experience he could have picked up. Things went awesome last year. And just think, with new beginnings, you can throw away those Eric Moulds jerseys, and go on over to the Bills pro shop and get you a Robert Royal away jersey. A sweet pro bowl TE, in a sweet, new Bills away jersey. I don't get it, because it's almost like no one in the continental United States knows that Royal even played football, or that our away jerseys aren't from the arena league. Morons.
  18. Or now Mawae, Hartwig and probably soon Runyan. Or Givens, Randel El, or any other WR once Moulds is gone. It's allllllllllllllllllllllllll coming together now. Seeing that Royal is here to block, we lose Moulds 80 catches and replace them with Davis' 9. Laughable.
  19. Not a bad thought at all making EM trade bait for a conditional pick. A team like Denver who is on the cusp of a Super Bowl appearance just might bite at that one. I like that. A first rounder is a first rounder no matter the year.
  20. Great, so we replaced three guys that are rarely on the field making impacts. Whoop-dee-friggin-doo. A cardboard cutout of Lonnie Johnson could have been > than our TE's. The bigger questions are: Who is > than...... ??? > Gandy ??? > Teague ??? > Villarial ??? > Peters ??? > Anderson / other goofs on the roster ??? > Kelsay ??? > Edwards / Anderson / Bannan Triplett > Adams? We'll see. Triplett was a bad player against the run in Indy Again, the guys that need replaced and who actually impact the game haven't been touched yet.
  21. LOL. If you don't think Moulds is all about the money, then go to Seductions on Sunday night and watch him make everyone in the joint make sure they all know he makes huge money playing for the Bills. That being said, EM sure does hate playing with JP, and I'm sure that factors into it as well. But it is a far #2 IMO. EM is all about Money and Strippers and not playing with JP He doesn't try to even remotely hide this when in public.
  22. Not only that, but the market is showing that there aren't viable options out there to replace him either. EM is in a great spot with not many good WR's available and with teams having a ton of cap room.
  23. Wow! That's about all I can say. If I'm not mistaken, Cleveland's cap room space was 31.5 million. I believed Bentley signed for 6 million per. Shaffer for 5 million per. That seems to leave 4 million for the Bills to continue to spend. Cut Moulds, push that number up to about 8.5 to 9 million and sign JJ, Robert Royal (since for some reason we need this guy so fuggin bad, and Andre Davis. I tend to like that a little bit more. Is it doable.....I'm not totally sure, but it would be very close to doable. We've been waiting for training camp for years, and nothing ever comes of it. It gets old. Although, thank god, TD and company are no longer here. However, if this year is a rebuilding year, why not stock up with young lineman now, instead of 3 nobody's so that a good 2006 and 2007 draft would only add to a player of Bentley and Shaffer? Being a doormat, and having the 4th longest playoff drought in the NFL makes it tougher to defend being a Bills fan nowadays. Some of us just want better football moves than we've been getting lately. It sucks to be insignificant late in the season, year after year after year. But hey, be patient, after all, look at the bliss in Cincy, and to think, it only took what......16 yrs?
  24. It has nothing to do with one player. When you have NOBODY, one player is a start. And really, just because we maybe could've landed Bentley, it doesn't mean we had to stop there. Hell, we could have done exactly what Cleveland did, with Bentley, Shaffer, and JJ, and STILL had money to cut Moulds and get Robert Royal, and Davis. Triplett might have been the odd man out in that case. I mean, it boggles my mind. Progressive thinking GM's always seem to find a way. Or, they at least try. Judgement is out on Marv, I just hope he comes through.
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