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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. You hear alot of good things about Tommy Boy when reading various articles. He sounds like a great prospect that has deep enough pockets to keep the Bills in Buffalo for a lonnnnnnnnnnnnnnng time.
  2. You done good here. This is a very interesting theory. Have no idea if it's true, but you make some interesting points. Well Done!
  3. Oops, merge with other if need be!
  4. look at it's colors. Looks to me like we have reverted back to the traditional colors. Could this also mean that our uniforms are going to be returning to "normal" and "real" Bills colors in the near future? Not alot of dark blue and puke silver. WOOHOO.......Bring em back Marv. Get rid of the garbage Arena football league uniforms and rid us of the TD era for good! Has the Return of the Bills begun?
  5. Checking back in and reading through more of these posts..........I also don't care about the 25k Ralph bought the team for. Hell, I don't care if he bought it for $25.00 and then turned it into the first NFL franchise worth 1 Billion. I do care though, about this douchebag in the Buffalo News today telling us with a straight face that the Bills are going to lose 5-10 million dollars next year. Now, we truly do look like idiots. There is no one in their right mind that would believe that for one minute. Not when the TV money alone is going to cover pretty much all of player payroll. Total horseshit, and it actually made me angry when I saw that today. I'm willing to support Ralph's not liking the new CBA. But don't insult us and tell us the Bills are about to take a loss next season.
  6. Snyder is an !@#$, plain and simple. Whether the Bills are getting screwed or not, just be thankful that we aren't the Redskins fans. Going to a Redskins game is like going to the mall and sitting around with people in khaki pants and sweaters. The atmosphere there is gone. And while it's not tapped out yet, because that economic base is going strong......a buddy of mine who works for the Nationals was on the Skins season ticket waiting list. I think he told me he was like number 13,000 or so three years ago. Well, they just called him this season, and offered him up tickets. So, to be that far down, but land a pair only three seasons later means that tons of morons in DC have been giving up their tickets. And this coming off of a year where the Skins went to the playoffs. 13,000 spots in three years is a lot.
  7. Bingo. And again, like I said, I'm with Ralph about the new state of affairs. But don't give me this crap that they are going to lose money next season. Total BS. And that's where people will start to lose respect for him.
  8. No disrespect meant here.......and by reading most of your posts, you are about as pro-Bills, believe everything they say, as they come.......but if you actually believe they will lose money this upcoming season, you are just blindly following everything the Bills say is true. There is no way in hell the Buffalo Bills of the NFL lose money this season. NONE. They aren't even up against the cap. NO WAY IN HELL, any NFL franchise will lose money this upcoming year. Don't be naive. I'm with Ralph. And it may be a bad agreement, but there's no way in hell, the Bills lose money this year.
  9. Yeah, sorry but I'm not with your moratorium on this subject. My head has just about exploded with guessing between which four players we are going to draft at #8. I actually love the business side of sports. It's what I went to school for, and I think it's pretty fun to talk about. It's current, it's relevant, and it's the Bills. That's what the message boards are for.
  10. I hear all of this. But I'm not really talking about any of this. I do not want to hear that the Bills will be losing money this season. That is a crock of horseshit, and it will make, not only myself, but everyone else think that Ralph is making up numbers. There is no way in hell the Buffalo Bills, will lose money this season. TV money covers almost all player payroll. How in the hell would the Bills lose money this upcoming year? Like I said, I'm with Ralph 100%, just don't tell me that the Bills will lose money this year. That, I would think, is a flat out lie.
  11. Some guy on either Steven Czaban or Sirius Satellite Radio (I'm not sure which one), had a very interesting take on the draft today. He is maybe just trying to be different than everybody, but he came up with the draft like this for the first 8 picks today: 1. Tennessee - Matt Leinart. He said they want him badly, and wants to make sure no one can trade up any higher to get him. So, they trade with willing Houston for the overall #1. 2. New Orleans - Brick. Said that N.O. is almost certain to take D'Brick especially with their Free Agent losses on their already bad line. 3. Houston - Reggie Bush. He said he thinks Houston is convinced that if they trade down to #3 that Bush will NOT be picked by New Orleans. I think that's a big gamble. 4. New York - Haloti Ngata. Yep, here's where I really disagree. He says that Mario Williams doesn't fit the Jets style of defense that they'll play and the Ngata is the better system pick. For my logic, how a potential Bruce Smith wouldn't fit anyone's scheme is beyond me. So, I think this pick is way off. 5. Green Bay - Mario Williams. No brainer. 6. San Fran - Vernon Davis. Says they have gotten rid of a ton of skill, and would like to give their young QB a legit young weapon. 7. Oakland - Vince Young. I didn't really listen, but something about renegade, bucking the trend, Art Shell, blah blah blah. 8 Buffalo - Winston Justice. Said the Bills need Justice and after a year, maybe two at the most, they would have a stud OL'man for years to come. He's sure that after Justice adjusts that he's going to be an All-Pro. There you have. It's certainly different.
  12. that I believe the Bills will lose money this season. No way in hell. The agreement may suck, and we could be in trouble, and maybe in the future we could end up losing money. I especially believe this if the city of Buffalo doesn't get it's self together economically. But with TV money and revenue sharing almost covering most, if not all of player payroll, do I believe for one minute that the Bills will lose money this season. I'll stand with Ralph 100%, as long as he doesn't play the "I'm losing money this season card", because that has got to be a crock of horseshit. Don't get stupid with this thing Ralph. And if you are going to lose money this year, and you have nothing to lose, then open your books. Otherwise, don't even go the baseball route and play us for fools and tell me you are going to actually LOSE money this year. I'm not buying that one at all. By the way, this is stemming from article claiming the Bills could lose 5-10 million THIS season.
  13. Where the hell did the title of the post come from?
  14. Yeah because I don't know what's more depressing......the Bills moving or the fact that we've signed Robert Royal and like players to improve a 5-11 team.
  15. I just heard that too, on Sirius radio. I about pissed myself when I heard him suggest Favre going to the Bills. And he was dead serious about that. I guess I did hear that correctly. Wow!
  16. Wouldn't it be cool to see Daniel Snyder up in front of congress squirming around saying that he's not trying to force his economics on the Buffalo's of the NFL? I'm sure not much would come out of it. But it would be nice to call out Snyder so we all could villify him. If anything, it would make us feel better. Higgy Also posted on the front of TBD. Just wanted a reference point to this post.
  17. Thanks Fez. Anyway, yeah, for years the Pirates were threatening to leave out of Pittsburgh. And honestly, people in the Burgh got sick of it. I remember what was supposed to be the last game for the Buccos. Last game for Jimmy Leyland. The Pirates were supposedly all but gone. And, in a great sports city like Pittsburgh, and with a franchise with a long tradition of winning, only about 10,000 fans showed up for that supposed "last game". People got sick of it. The strike effected it, and then so did the talk of moving, and of all the money. Well, alot of people stepped in, built PNC Park, and a new owner bought the Bucs and the rest is history. Now, though, the effect of the new stadium has worn off, and the Pirates are floundering again. No one cares. The game's fan base is pathetic. Has anyone been to a baseball game lately? Outside of a few MLB cities, teams have to beg people to come to games with promotions. I would honestly say that less half of the people in the stands don't even pay attention to the games or know what's going on. It's pretty sad. The passion in most cities are gone. Now, if the NFL goes the route of baseball, it will die a slow death in some cities too. Ticket prices are too high for many people to just blindly throw money away on a team that loses year after year. The threatening will continue and the sport will fade away in a lot of places. Pittsburgh, Cincinnati and Kansas City used to be great baseball towns. The franchises used to win, and win alot. Now, no one barely cares that the teams are even there. They have to rely on promotions, kids, and new ballparks to even get people there. The die-hards in MOST MLB cities are gone. It's a shame, I just hope it doesn't happen to the Bills! Just seems though, that it very well may be, and I think that's sad.
  18. I'm not sure I should even justify this moronic follow up, because you obviously can't read, but oh well. Go back, re-read the reasons, and then try to comprehend. If it's still over your head, well so be it.
  19. For me, I fear, I may soon start to pass off pro football like I have some of the other sports. I'm 33. I played D-I college baseball and was the head coach of a major high school in Indiana. Loved baseball, breathed it. Went to coaching clinics etc. I was a huge Pirates fan, being from Pittsburgh. Then the strike came. Here I was a college kid, traveling to see the Pirates in the playoffs every year, sleeping in my car, and driving back to Indiana for class the next day. Die Hard. Then the strike came. Then the talk of the Pirates moving from Pittsburgh. For a guy who went to countless numbers of baseball games a year, I have been to ONE game the past 9 years. The first regular season game ever at PNC Park. There was no way I thought baseball could lose me as a fan. They did. I could care less about baseball anymore. Not one inkling. I fear.....that with greed starting to rear it's ugly head in football, that if the Bills move, I'll be done with most Major League Sports period. You may think apathy won't set in, but for me and baseball it did. I'm an example of a die-hard fan they lost. I hope football doesn't lose me too. I love football. But some of the greed is really starting to show. It's hard to support people like T.O. and Dan Snyder when my fiance teacher has to buy her own school supplies for kid's in her class. I used to watch four sports. I'm pretty much down to one. I put major energy into football and coming to see the Bills every week from 10 hours away, BUT, there are signs that the sport is going in the wrong direction under Snyder and Jones and company. Please NFL, dont' lose me as fan. Long Live the Bills!
  20. Oh gimmie a break. Marv is a cool signing ONLY because we all liked him as our best coach ever. Stability maybe. Legitimacy, not a chance. What the hell has Marv ever done that would legitimize him being our NFL GM.....nothing. Doens't mean he won't succeed, but legitimize that spot, hell no. Right now, all his "solid plan" has done is to stock our team with a bunch of backup QB's, #2 and #3 WR's and backup TE's. Where is the help on the lines? Give him a chance? Sure. Support him blindly.....no. So far, he's done nothing to sell tickets. To say we didn't light up the Free Agent Market is an understatement. I love how everyone says they are glad we didn't go out and get these big name guys. Just love that. We could have had two or three young big name FA's AND still have been able to afford the guys we signed. That's what pisses me off. That's the problem with most of you......you are OK with "sit back and prepare for another rebuilding year". And if this plan of Marv's doesn't work out, then what? Sit back and wait another 5 years? God, the Bills standards are low nowadays. Pathetic.
  21. As pissed as I am about some of these horseshit players we've gotten this offseason.......Is this a sign of players, formerly of Washington, having a better practice work ethic then our Bills, who were tutored under Meathead Mike? I mean really, Bowen and Royal from the Joe Gibbs regime, maybe going at it a little too rough for our Bills players who went through Camp Meathead in the past. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm. I like it!
  22. I was having trouble getting sound also, but I kept reloading it and I've had sound for the last 15 minutes or so. Jim Rome is on. I thought they would be live at the Ralph by now. But oh well, keep going out and coming in, you might have luck like I did. Crystal Clear!
  23. LOL, damn, didn't see that. I want to be on record anyway. I guess I'll have to just go to Chipotle and pick myself up a couple of burrito's for $13.
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