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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. See, that's what I'm thinking............and remember, the crunchwrap supreme too. The new spicy chicken thing. That stuff would usually be flying outta within about 2 hours. Anything taco bell with hot sauce is usually nasty. But no. I was like.....damn, then I started laughing, and went to work. LOL, ummmmm GO BILLS!
  2. So here we go.... TWO days ago I didn't eat all day...... So, I absolutely pound down a Grande Meal (10 crunchy tacos) AND a crunhwrap supreme from Taco Bell at 11:30 at night. YESTERSDAY I grabbed some General Tsao's chicken from a Chinese Restaurant. Here's what I think is wierd..... TODAY, I was brushing my teeth this morning and almost puked because I brushed my tongue way too far back and caused a gag reflex......but what puzzled me is that the food that actually came back up were my taco's from TWO days ago, and not what I ate last. Is that weird? I was kind of baffled. LOL, true story!
  3. Wow, what a rapsheet the Bengals are turning out lately. This is the latest thug to be added to their team. I'm not saying I wouldn't mind having Brooks, but my god, Marvin Lewis is putting together his version of "The Longest Yard Bengals" over there.
  4. WOOHOO.......$250 on the Pats to win it all. Or wait, damn, maybe the Giants?!?! After all, when money is on the line, you have to actually be objective right? lol Go Bills
  5. Is this game gonna be made for the PC yet? Anyone, anyone?
  6. Sirius Raw Dog Comedy - Channel 104 Dane Cook is hilarious!
  7. I guarantee this job blows. I use to do this same type of job for the Atlanta Braves. You cold call people, and that just flat out bites. And you usually have a quota in the off-season to do so. Also, you are cold calling businesses alot to try and sell them suites and billboard / signage advertising inside the stadium. Probably helping with season tickets in some capacity......all ticket people do that. Almost any job in tickets in professional sports sucks. There is virtually no time to be a fan whatsoever, and even though you would be working for the Bills, it really sucks. Notice the telemarketing keywords and things like that. This is an entry level, peon job, for those just out of college trying to get experience.
  8. I always wanted to start booking bets myself. I think if you are my first client, give me a call, I'm ready to start now.
  9. Does anyone know if this will be offered for the PC also?
  10. I bought Sirius so that I could listen to the NFL games and NFL network when driving back from Buffalo to Virginia each week. I never thought I'd really listen to for the music or comedy stations or anything. Seriously, I can't even stomach listening to regular radio anymore. The commercials and the local DJ's are total idiots in most cases. I love satellite radio. The radio stations, the comedy and the sports can't be beat. Best gift I received in a long long time.
  11. Oh, by the way, Eric Cole was lost on March 4th. That's at about the 60 game mark of the NHL season. I believe NHL'ers play around 80. To redneck hockey fans, that's way more than the "halfway" point.
  12. You're right. There is always an excuse for Buffalo fans. Nobody else can use excuses, but hey, Buffalo fan can. After all, this post is all about excuses, of course though, it's only allowed if you're a Buffalo fan. I can't even re-butt this stuff. You're obviously still jealous the Sabres are out and you can't even objectively look at anything objective yet. But but but.....in Buffalo, this is what happened......but but but.....everyone else is stupid..................but but but...............sometimes it gets clearer why the great city of Buffalo is in the shape it is.
  13. Typical response when there really isn't anything you can say about that stuff. Get over it, the Sabres are out.............but as they say down here in the "redneck" south......Hey, there's always Nascar......after all, it gets about 10 times the TV ratings that the NHL does every week. They even have a TV deal if I'm not mistaken. These ignorant southerners must be on to something. At about 125,000 people per race. Disclaimer: I actually hate Nascar.
  14. Nah, to me, it's ironic that the people who claim that Laviolette is a whiner, have done nothing but whine since the Sabres got bounced. And please enlighten me on Eric Cole. This outta be real good. Real hockey town? How'd the Sabres franchise look about 5 years ago? Just wondering.
  15. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. And who fuggin cares? Seriously. WHO CARES? We had a couple of playoff games in the 90's that Ralph had to buy the remaining tickets for did we not? Hockey is new to Raleigh. No one plays it growing up. No one really knew the NHL existed 10 yrs ago. Most people spend their money on UNC, Duke, and NC State season tickets for basketball and football in that area. So, who cares? They are building their fan base now. It will continue to grow, and it is one of the best arena's in the league as far as atmosphere. The guys on OLN said it the other night, that there hasn't been a louder arena than Raleigh that they experienced all year. It's a start. It's relatively new. It's a basketball and college town area. Big fuggin deal. All of their games sold out, and would have sold out with or without Buffalo fans. Sabre fans were just smart enough to know the urgency in getting seats alot quicker. Something Canes fans aren't accustomed to yet. You've heard........."Let's go Buffalo" in Raleigh. Again, who cares? I sit in my season tix at Bills games, and here J-E-T-S chants too. Does that mean we are bandwagon Bills fans? After all, our season ticket base is one of the lowest in the NFL. Are Buffalo fans bandwagon. I saw 25,000 Pittsburgh Steelers fans in the Ralph 2 seasons ago that made me sick. I saw about 15,000 Raiders fans in the Ralph three years ago. I see 10,000 plus Pats fans in the Ralph every year. Does that make us a bad football city? Give it a rest man. Are Sabres fans really all that great? Wasn't the team all but pretty much folded up and about defunct about 5 years ago? The start of this post wasn't necessarily about bandwagon, it was more about the Redneck part of things, and from Buffalo people nonetheless. Because the I-79 and I-90 corridors are a beacon of modernization of success. Jesus. No one asked for sympathy, it's just old seeing how jealous Buffalo fans get. Our day will come. The Bills will win it all, and we'll be on top one day. Until then, quit being so damn bitter.
  16. Bandwagon "redneck" fans. As opposed to above everyone else, unemployed, and mostly fat, northern, run down city, out of business union fans. Give it rest man. The Sabres fans' jealousy is sickening already. Raleigh is a beautiful place t live, and is night and day from Buffalo. And yes, you go. You can't beat a game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals. The atmosphere will be once in a lifetime.
  17. WAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Get over it man. Seriously, Lindy Ruff is one of the biggest crybabies in the game. The stuff with Laviolette is old. Ruff is one of the most annoying whiners in hockey, but all of sudden, hard luck Sabres fans like to single him out. What a joke. Like you said, Weight was already there. Mark Recchi is about 1/4 of the player that Eric Cole is at this stage in his career. When Recchi came from Pittsburgh to Carolina he was a noticeable step slower than most of the Canes on the ice. He has had his moments, but they have been few and far between. Eric Cole is a playmaker and one of the league's superstars in the making. Losing him was as big as any team losing anyone. And yes, they got Recchi, however, as has been stated by their GM, their target was a rugged defenseman at the trade deadline, but instead they had to settle for Recchi, and all because of a cheap shot from Pittsburgh's Brooks Orpik on the boarding that occured on Cole. They still would have been better with a defenseman instead of Recchi, IMO. I dont' give a damn who it is. The Canes were down 2-0 going on the road and came back and handled an up and coming Montreal team. #7 seeded Montreal, who kind of look like a cheap version, but same kind of makeup as Edmonton. I think that is a pretty formiddable series win. #7 Montreal can't be that bad, after all, #8 Edmonton looks pretty damn good to me. I don't care if it's the Oilers #12 goalie. The Canes went away from Gerber, and went to a rookie in net. A rookie who had to handle himself on the road to start his playoff career and handled it well. I hardly feel bad for Edmonton having to go to their 3rd stringer. I don't care when or why the timeout occured. An ass beating is an ass-beating. Edmonton rolled tonight, and had all kinds of 'Mo coming back from Raleigh with the OT win. Who the hell didn't think that would happen, especially when Weight was out. The Canes really missed his passing tonight. Game 7's anything can happen. Should be awesome to watch. I think you are correct though, I kinda agree that we probably won't see Weight anymore this season.
  18. LOL, not handle adversity? They lost one of the top three forwards in the whole NHL in the latter stages of the season. They overcame it. They were down 2-0 in the first round of the playoffs and heading on the road in the first round. They won. They switched to a rookie as a go to goaltender in the playoffs. They still won three Eastern Conference Series. They were on the road tonight in a great hockey atmosphere without Doug Weight, and Eric Cole back for the first time. Anyone betting, would have bet on Edmonton. They'll be fine in Raleigh Monday night. Brind'Amour, Weight and the rest of their vets won't crap themselves at home in a game 7. It's been a great series. Awesome that we have a game 7. At this point, every team remaining has handled some kind of adversity.
  19. When the the dude starts off singing Oh Canada and then turns it over to the crowd to sing the rest of the song. I get goosebumps when I see that. What an awesome sight in the pre-game of the finals. The Canadians also sing the Star Spangled Banner probably louder than in any US city also when they play our anthem. Here here, to our friends from the north........unlike places like Montreal, you make us proud to be our neighbor in these times of good relations. What an opening!
  20. Unbelievable. LOL. I'll just leave it alone. Many Sabres fans seem to be OK with how they were branded this weekend. Really nice that your standards are so high. Anyway, game 2 was alot better, but there weren't all that many Sabre fans there. I would estimate about 2,000 to 3,000 there on Saturday, where last night it seemed about half of that, if not even less. Obviously a bunch of Buffalo fans were able to come Saturday because it was a weekend. Anyway, I'm done. Whether you want to stick your heads in the sand or not, Buffalo created quite a reputation for itself this weekend, and it wasn't a good one. I personally am done with this, and off to some actual game talk! Good Luck to both teams the rest of the way. HOpefully it's a 7 gamer.
  21. Yeah, you must have, because apparently you are the only one to miss all of this......there are TONS of posts all over the Canes boards......Here are some from just the NHL Carolina site alone. And these are just a few.....this has never happened at any other time, anywhere near this extent. Here are some examples...... Newspaper Article - Most seemed to be Buffalo fans. Some Canes fans also though! Ashamed Buffalo Fan Writes in More Sabres fans apologizing Discussion on behavior More from a season ticket holder Another Sabres fan apologizing Habs vs. Sabres fans Sabres and Parking lot trash
  22. Yes. The Maple Leafs had about 4,000 fans at RBC in 2002 during the Eastern Conference Finals. It was an awesome time. I don't remember one fight, or one incident in the parking lot. They were loud, partied all day with Carolina fans, and there were tons of them It was an awesome atmosphere. Leafs fans came down, shared their traditions, and fit in well. They were loud, boisterous, and respectful. It was a great time. I remember, there were like 5,000 beer cans in the middle of the lot near the football stadium and both Leafs and Carolina fans built a huge cup out of empties. It was cool as hell. Canadians were trading BLue Lights for Americans Krispy Kreme's. I can't even remember seeing a fight, or a problem. Now, flip that on Saturday......and it seemed that a ton of Sabres fans were piss ass drunk and falling all over the place. There were a ton of Sabres fans all together throwing meat and food at Carolina fans cars on the way out of RBC until the cops came and arrested the jackasses. And this was a group of around 50 Sabres fans standing at the exit to the parking lot where there were 3 lanes of sitting traffic located. I saw two Sabres fans getting arrested at the tailgate tent where the band was between RBC and the football stadium for pissing on the backside of the trailer where they were selling BBQ. I've never seen security breaking up fights inside of the RBC Center during a game. I saw it about 5 times on Saturday, and twice in the concourses. It went on and on and on. I was like, man, this is horrible. The newspapers, TV, and radio stations all picked up on it also. There are a ton of threads all over every Carolina message board about the fans behavior. It's not an accident that so many people in Raleigh were appalled. I've never seen anything close to this before form any other team's fans. Ever. But oh well, everyone will get over it. However, Buffalo truly embarrassed itself this weekend in terms of grown men acting like they were 17 yrs old again. That reputation will stick with Sabres fans for a long time, unfortunately.
  23. You can't say this any better. I'm as big a Bills fan as they come, but a lot of Buffalo acted like pure, drunken, idiots all weekend. Definately not a good showing.
  24. After years of studies, the USA Today started a newspaper quite some time ago, based on short and to the point stories, so that readers would pay attention, stay tuned to the article, and read the whole article. They are now making a lot of money.
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