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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. Yeah, you're right, we don't know about Shaud, but we sure as hell do know what Lindy Ruff ate for breakfast this morning. Pathetic Coverage.
  2. I can understand this point. Because I'm kind of noticing that WGR is kind of the Connor Byrne of news reporting. About all they can come up with is the drivel you speak of above. Call somebody, pull somebody over to the booth. Try to dig on Whitner and McCargo. DO SOMETHING. If you sit on your ass all day, and can't get sources to come on your show.....well, I guess you talk about the Sabres all fuggin day like they do. Again, maybe they should just host the show from HSBC arena tomorrow. Pathetic.
  3. Did he have anything to say about the Sabres? Does he like thier new uni's? Does he think they'll be able to sign everyone? Does he think they are a fluke?
  4. Kinda funny............just went to the bank from work at 10:20 and got back now. On "The Opening Drive" 2 of the last 4 callers of the show called in to talk about the Bills. Hmmmmmmmm. 2 out of 4 on a national show. But hey, let's talk Sabres, they actually won two fuggin playoff series. I will have to say though, the last guy sounded like a moron as his claim to info was reading Bills Digest. The only other less objective media source is BuffaloBills.com. First day of camp for GR < RJ.
  5. Damn, I thought it was hockey season. At least, if someone awoke from a coma today and turned on WGR today, they would think so. Sad!
  6. I'm in Virginia, but I'm from Pittsburgh. I grew up in the Mario Lemieux era, and love hockey. The ONLY story that would take precedence back then over a Steelers training camp that would lead sports talk radio would be Lemieux retiring. This is pathetic. Seriously. And don't tell me about hockey.....I had Pens season tickets for about 7 years until I moved. I also go to Raleigh to watch the Canes just to get some hockey down here once in a while. But today is the first real day of football. And WGR's coverage is pathetic. I'm overly underwhelmed. There are a ton of cool things WGR could have done today. But I guess when you have hosts that prepare for a show by going to bed at night without putting in any work, you get the type of crap they gave us today. Hell, even in Richmond Virginia, our hosts travel to Skins camp to cover wall to wall Redskins the first few days or their camp. Pathetic.
  7. Don't even really have to. Colin Cowherd on ESPN did a show on that a few months ago. He said that ESPN's website did a study on it's website about how many hits different sports had on their website, and it wasn't even close. If I'm not mistaken, Cowherd said the NFL portion of the website received more hits per day than every other sport combined. He also said, that College Football was second, and NASCAR was third, baseball fourth. They were some interesting stats.
  8. WGR is a sports talk radio station. The NFL dwarfs hockey. You talk about football.....period. If the Bills were even challenging for a playoff spot and the Sabres were undefeated in their first say 30 games, no one would barely notice the Sabres until football was done. It's the first day of football. When more than a half a million fans parade through a Sabres training camp, like the Bills, then talk to me. Until then, this day alone, should be all kinds of Bills preview stuff. Pathetic.
  9. Who cares about the NHL in July. I'll give you the uniforms thing, and the Sabres did the right thing, but anything else, who fuggin cares. It's the NHL. It's a passive interest for most people until teams finally make a run. Even then, it's regional. However, as much fun as it was for Sabres fans to see them win a whole 2 playoff series, the NFL dwarfs hockey. The Sabres made a run....great. In July, who cares? Talk to us about that crap in more detail in 2 months. How about an interview or two with a Bills player? How about some talk on someone who might know about Whitner and McCargo? How about an interview with someone from the Bills on whether they will wear throwbacks, what stadium improvements were made and what types of marketing they'll do? How about an interview with Andre Reed about going up on the wall? How about an interview with Marv or someone about the excitement of opening camp? How about interviews from other AFC East cities beat reporters about what's going on with the Pats, Jets and Phins? Just a thought or two. It's not hard to come up with some material on the first day of camp. Today is sort of football season Christmas Eve. They could have or could talk about this crap anytime. After all, they are at St. John Fisher. Maybe they should have set up shop at HSBC arena instead. Dreadful. GIMME ANYTHING. It's football fuggin season.
  10. WTF is WGR doing this morning? It's all fuggin Sabres. I love the NHL, and I admit, I am NOT a Sabres fan, however, I have to even think the Sabres fans want to hear some good Bills stuff on the first day of Bills camp. Am I wrong? I don't give a flyin fugg who the hell did or didn't go to arbitration. Can I get an update on Whitner, McCargo? They are live at St. John Fisher and we get wall to wall Sabres in fuggin JULY. God.
  11. This writer has no sources. I don't know why this drivel is even posted on TBD. He basically writes what amounts to a daily blog on the net and TBD runs it on the front page. Byrne is going by what he sees and writes on the internet with an occasional Q and A with a Bills player probably set up by calling the Bills media relations dept. I don't mind Byrne writing this crap at all, however, the guy has ZERO sources, and tends to draw conclusions that he doesn't know if they are true or not. It sucks that because his articles are on TBD's front page, that some people actually think some of stuff is based on fact. From all accounts, Whitner is highly thought of by most Bills players so far. London Fletcher has been a huge supporter of Whitner (publicly), and I remember TKO saying that Whitner was going to be a player in this league. Couple of other guys also had good things to say about Whitner. Take this "blogger" for what it is. It's OK he writes it, but it's not really based on anything more than what Byrne can find on the internet. In fact, it often mirrors TBD's message boards.
  12. ..........with the new developments of the NFL's collective bargaining agreement making Ole Ralphie looking better and better, and with the ribbing Marv is taking for being too old, and Buffalo should move to LA, and all of the other crapola the Bills get.... Wouldn't it be nice.......just this once.......if this team surprised poeple and became a force to be reckoned with so that Ralph, Marv, DJ, and the much maligned roster can tell the rest of America to frankly.... KISS THIER ASS! Go Bills
  13. I'll just add my ratings based on your system with some short quips. I'm assuming a 5 is average in your ratings. QB's - 4 Losman has looked bad to mediocre at best so far. Holcomb is a backup. And Craig Nall has about 1 year of total football playing experience in college and pros. RB's - 6 Willis McGahee is the most over-rated, over-hyped player in the NFL. I'm not sure why this guy has gotten all of the pub he has received so far. The backup stable looks like it might be ok. WR's - 5 An unproven #1. And a bunch of #3 WR's leave this group lacking. This group gets the average nod, because I'm thinking Evans is maybe ready for #1 duty. OL - 5 Peters gets better. Gandy and Villarial are average. And by all accounts the Bills brought in two other average guys from other teams. DL - 5 Schobel is steady and solid. A starting DT who was manhandled last year in Anderson. A backup from Indy. And two rookies. LB's - 7 Getting old and it's best player coming back from a major injury that has been known to end careers. Here's hoping Crowell replaces Posey and injects some youthfulness into this unit. CB's - 8 Clements will bounce back. McGee is ready to take over. And the depth is young, some of it talented and some of it is proven. S's - 6 Vincent was awful and afraid of contact last year, although he claimed he was hurt. I don't buy it. Let's hope Whitner and Simpson are the real deal. Although, rookies are rookie's. P - 10 Can't beat Moorman K - 6 I've still seen Lindell miss more big pressure kicks than he's made. He seems to be the king of FG's when the Bills are losing big or winning big, while seemingly choking in a lot of key situations. Return / Coverage Units - 10 Simply the best in the NFL BY FAR the last few seasons. Coaching - 5 Until Jauron proves himself, and his staff has a chance to show what they can do, I don't think anyone has any idea. Front Office - 7 I like the changover this team has had, I just don't think it will start to come to fruition until next season.
  14. I agree...........there isn't even a doubt which of our uniforms are nicer. I put these uni's at #2 right behind San Diego's throwbacks!
  15. Yeah, that's kinda scary. At least in Buffalo, we can keep an eye on our killer O.J. and choose to stay clear when he enters the stadium. Who the hell knows who the killer is down there. OJ =
  16. Yeah, I had to actually do work and go away from the computer a minute. But yeah, Arizona is 100% sold out too. So, that I know of.....and I'm about 90% sure about all of these teams.......they are all sold out with season ticket holders....... New England NY Jets Pittsburgh Baltimore Denver Kansas City Houston Philly Washington NY Giants Chicago Green Bay Seattle Arizona St. Louis I'm pretty sure all of those teams have waiting lists. The following teams I'm pretty positive have waiting lists also or are within about 5,000 season ticket holders of having them..... Cincy (they are very close if not already there), Indy (First time last season since they moved there, so I would imagine they are completely sold out again), Tennessee (I think they are completely sold out...I know they used to be, but they have been bad the last couple of years), Dallas (No idea, but I bet they are), Minnesota (Believe it or not, they used to have the longest list, so they have to still be close), Atlanta (I'm pretty sure they have been at capacity for like 3 seasons now with season ticket holders). So, we are pretty low in terms of season ticket holder numbers, if not the lowest now the Cardinals are the hottest thing in Arizona.
  17. Almost. Only stadiums that aren't already completely sold out to season ticket holders. And there are actually alot of those...... Green Bay New England Pittsburgh Jets Giants Just to name a few.
  18. That's just common ticket practice. Just call the Bills now on the 800 number. If you want to order season tickets, they have plenty of seats held back for that purpose. Every professional sports team does that. Well, the one's that their stadiums aren't all full of season ticket holders. Some of the tickets that are being held for season tickets will be sold to current season ticket holder who request more tickets between now and the opener. So, all of them won't be released to the public, but alot of them will. Usually after the first pre-season game or so. It's not a huge block, but if you play your cards right, they can be had from the ticket office around early to mid August.
  19. And again, using factual information, which games....in any playoff round, didn't sell out in Raleigh?
  20. Which playoff games in any round in Raleigh didn't sell out?
  21. Exactly. The home opener always sells out. With how big pro football is nowadays, if the Bills go 0-16, the home opener will still sellout. When the Bills put group tickets up for sale before the general public can buy tickets, you can bet your ass tour groups from the Boston area bought tickets out the wazoo in huge blocks. The Pats will have 15,000 fans there again, bank on it. Andre Reed goes up on the wall, in a good weather game. When people can't get the opener, you know they went for the next best weather game and Andre Reed. And the Packers. Another huge draw with Brett Favre. A ton of Packers fans will also be there, but many Bills fans want to see Favre play. And that leaves us to the basic drivel of cold weather, and the rest of the schedule. If the Pats game was in December, the game that would be in the Pats place in October would still have plenty of tickets available for it. So, the Bills are about right where they always are at this point. A sold out opener, a sold out good weather game with sort of a promotion. the Pats game sold out, and Brett Favre sold out. In a few weeks, there will also be tickets available for all of these too. They are holding some for prospective season ticket buyers.
  22. JOE CRIBBS JERSEY - About a year or so ago, the only Buffalo Bills throwback jersey from the Mitchell and Ness company they were making was the Joe Cribbs jersey. It's awesome. I think the price of it at that time was like $260 or something crazy. I got it from a dealer going out of business in Baltimore, of all places, for $130. It's an unreal jersey. I love it. Price is listed at $275 now, but it has said that the jersey has been sold out for months, so I'm not sure they are even making it anymore. I see that they have Kelly, Reed, and Thomas now too. If you can find them cheaper, they are awesome. Joe Cribbs Mitchell and Ness Link The REPLITHENTICS, are the jerseys from BuffaloBills.com under the throwback section. They are between the authentics and the replicas. They have the 90's style of Thurman, Reed, Kelly and Tasker. Sewn on letters and numbers......and a throwback tag on the front. Very nice jerseys for about $125 I think. Great looking apparel. I see that they now have Jack Kemp too, but I think those are the printed replicas. I've emailed the Bills numerous times to try to get them to make replithentics of Joe Ferguson, Joe Cribbs, and other players of that era, but so far, they have balked, saying that the players sometimes restrict them from doing that, which I think is just a BS answer. Tasker Replithentic At any rate, if the Bills suck ass again, I'll continue to stock up on some Bills greats when I get some extra money. It's a real treat when stuff like that comes in the mail. Christmas in July.....lol.
  23. I was a little bit late on my 3rd payment this year, and I just paid up about two weeks ago. They told me I should receive them in the last week and a half of July. So, soon I'm guessing.
  24. I've taken a gameroom approach with the Bills sucking ass under the Tom Donahoe era. Instead of buying jerseys of our current players the last 5 years, I've been buying throwbacks. I even got the Mitchell and Ness Joe Cribbs jersey for 1/2 price. The all-time Bills greats are displayed on my gameroom wall. Last year I took a big leap when the Bills started stocking the 90's replithentic players under their throwback category. Looks like this year will be much of the same again, unfortunately. Maybe Tasker and Kemp. I would however, like to maybe get McGee. Truly an exciting player.
  25. Bingo. That's exactly the first thought that popped into my head. You gotta wonder if we even considered something like that. Those would be the types of questions I'd like to see someone ask Marv.
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