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Everything posted by Lv-Bills

  1. We have about 75 Browns fans in Richmond VA, who sit religiously in a bar down here every year, every week. They too are annoying. They too, wear Bernie Kosar jerseys, and bark every week. I don't think they deserve to be on TV what seems like every other week. Of course, admittedly, they don't have anyone of Brett Favre's stature. However, I can pretty much bet my house that if the Packers were only on ONE primetime game next season, with Favre playing, that 99.5% of the country wouldn't be upset one bit. And like I said, I still enjoy watching Favre, just tired of his act.
  2. Oh I'm not sure.......Let's see, there have been about 25 shows that have failed in that time spot on ESPN. This one has lasted forever. Must mean someone is actually watching it. Including yourself, since you know just how "bad" it really is. Consider yourself a ratings point.
  3. I agree with this. However, Brett Favre's press conference just fed the frenzy again with this crap. It was the main reason it gave the media to go this route. It's old Brett. Just play the game and shut up please. He's still entertaining, and worth the price of admission. We don't really need the self induced drama of a below standard NFL team every year.
  4. It must be 1999 again huh?
  5. I was waiting for the holier than thou post. You finally got to it. Your trademark. Well, you seem annoyed. Just think, the Brett Favre saga just reached you too. You been sucked in through secondary sources. The scope is farther than you can imagine.
  6. Yeah but ummmm, there is a game on. That's the only reason this is all re-hashing today. That brings us to the other Favre problem.....why are the Packers on countless primetime football games per year, especially the last few years?
  7. Well, you're a better man than me then. Cuz I watch sports programming most of time. Especially when killing time. And Favre is not only all over the NFL Network with this crap.....but he's all over ESPN TV today. Sirius satellite radio. PTI. Around the Horn. Front of the ESPN website. Front of the USA Today website. I'm sure there are more and more sites out there. So, it's a little hard to escape. Even when searching for some info on the Pittsburgh Penguins situation, you have to sit through Brett Favre BS to get it. It's old. Annoying. Very much so. No one really cares this much.
  8. Or people that crave attention. Gee, wonder which one it actually is?
  9. To be clear here.....I don't think this guys is showing games as they happen. I think he posts them after the game is over. Not that makes any more legal. I have no idea what the rules actually are. The reason I like the site is because when I return from Buffalo, I like to see how those plays looked on TV. How jacked the crowd got at certain times. Something I never would have seen in person.......I believe it the Evans long catch in the 2nd quarter. I think it was this play......the Bills picked up a big blitz by Miami and stopped it cold allowing JP time enough to make the throw. I was amazed and able to watch it over and over. Our line is getting better, but to see them stifle 7 Dolphins on the play was great. It's a cool site......I just hope it lasts. Maybe I shouldn't have publicized it.
  10. Yeah, but the Favre stuff on TV that WE choose to watch is forcefed to us. Think of it kind of like most of your posts. Most of the time they are only made to ridicule people and show just what kind of jackass you can be. We don't choose to have you insult us either, but you do. It's all kind of the same. And both are very annoying. Of course, though, when you don't like what people say, most of the time, you'll ban them. We can't ban Brett talk or slobber from being on our TV sets. I don't hate Brett at all. I actually like watching him play. Even today. But the is he or isn't he, is old. Very old.
  11. It's just as much Favre as it is the media. He's already starting with his press conference today. The ole....I'm not sure I'm going to retire. It might be my last game, it might not. Straight from his mouth today. It's also the media. And this has nothing to do with hating Favre, which I don't. Don't start the chickenshit games again, with this drama. If you arent' ready to decide, just say that. And that you'll talk about it later. The whole GB - Minn game pretty much sucks. But to have to listen to announcers slobber all over Brett every time he's on an undeserved primetime game is annoying to say the least. And he keeps this crap going. Just like his presser today. He causes everyone to speculate. It's old. And he drags it on himself also.
  12. is this his last game, or isn't it. He's not sure if he's retiring or not. This may be his last game at Lambeau or it might not be. JESUS. I hope we don't have another off-season of this total BS again.
  13. Linkage. Relive all the best moments....... Pretty Cool Bills site. I hope it stays alive!!! Enjoy
  14. Yes, I would buy two more if they were right next to mine, or directly in front of mine or beside mine. Yes. If in another part of the stadium, no I wouldn't.
  15. I thought the same thing. I'm not hoping we are gonna become the Redskins, but I hope we can go out and modestly spend on some Free Agents.
  16. This dumbass also has a degree in theatre. THEATRE? Get a real degree in a field that can net you a real job, and he wouldn't have these problems. This dude basically wants to play all of his life. Well, my advice is go back to school, and turn that degree into something that is actually useable in the real world. Then, he'll notice, that yes, school does prepare you for real life. When he gets a real job, full time, he can take acting classes on the side. What a moron. Sorry, but I hate stupidity. I have no sympathy.
  17. Ummmm, who are these "many" teams that cover up seats?
  18. I agree, I really do. Hoever, if a lot of these teams had more seats, they'd beat the Bills in attendance easily. You could easily sell about 20,000 more seats in Pittsburgh every game. The same goes for many other teams as well. I do agree however, how could you black out a game with 71K.
  19. filled up! Anyone hear anything official?
  20. We'll have a round 2 playoff. Let's just see where everyone stands in the preliminary!
  21. Hey now, we didn't say we were throwing JP a bachelor party and needed a skanky slut. This is a date for god's sake. Paris Hilton is not the kind of girl you take out. You give her a call around 2 or 3 in the morning.
  22. Who in this world, outside of your basic queer (not that there is anything wrong with that ) would not be "Alyssa Milano's" type?
  23. We're getting in there. On the NFL Scoreboard show on the NFL network, Jamie Dukes was giving us props last night. And while small, our logo is now appearing on all TV networks. On FOX sports radio this morning, the Bills were deemed the "oh wow, look at Buffalo" kind of team. I can understand not getting all the hype. We still have very little marketability with marquee players. But, just wait, our game is on stage this week. I have people at work in Virginia who saw that the Bills are playing the Titans and wish they could actually watch that game. Watch what happens after we win this week. At the very least, this could get us maybe one prime time game next season. We're on the edge of the radar, and that's good enough for me considering where we were last year.
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