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Everything posted by HereComesTheReignAgain

  1. I can just imagine the scene at the clinic..."well Cletus, I would have used a condom, but the evil Government won't pay for my condoms, beer, and cigarettes so I guess I don't have a choice. I'm sure as hell not giving up my scratch offs or budwieser so I guess I'll have to have some more unwanted children. Hey at least the Government will give me $500 for each brat the wife pops out! Maybe I could sell my food stamps and WIC checks while collecting unemployment and welfare due to this horrible back injury that keeps me from working, but for some reason doesn't affect my softball prowess." If you really manage to screw up your life so bad that you can't afford contraceptives and basic necessities, you are either incredibly lazy or incredibly unfortunate. The vast majority fall into the lazy catagory. Everyone in this country gets a free High School education and the opportunity for college through scholarships or Government aid. Most people living in poverty chose that lifestyle at some point in their life. Whether it was in high school or in their 30's. Increasing the number of handouts doesn't solve the problem, it just perpetuates the victim mentallity so prevalent in this country.
  2. If you think New York is hurting for jobs now, wait until Spitzer is elected and tries to sue every big company out of existence. It is funny how the most blatant act of illegal business practice went virtually unpunished in NY. The transit workers strike was illegal and caused huge financial losses, much more so than many of the other businesses that Spitzer went after. Because he needs the Union votes, the whole debacle seemed to disappear and all was forgiven. I don't remember hearing that any of the fines were actually enforced and you certainly didn't hear Spitzer spewing his normal self rightous babble about protecting us from all that is wrong in corporate America. NY politicians always pretend to care about Upstate NY prior to elections. Hillary toured Upstate and made all kinds of promises. I know, all politicians pull ths stunt. We'll see what happens once he is elected.
  3. Thank you for proving my point about the media turning a nice moment into a negative stroy. It's always funny to hear groups that rely on getting free $ from the government complaining that they don't get enough free $. I bet the top executives for many of these "not for profit" organizations are making a fortune (and taking $ away from Autistic children). Let's not forget that Mediciad is a welfare program. Be happy that you are recieving money from the hard working people of this country. Just because I work hard and plan ahead doesn't necessarily mean someone else deserves my $. If there are things that health insurance won't cover, then by all means use medicare and medicaid. If you had children without first having health insurance and the income to support them I don't feel much sympathy for you. I feel sympathy for the children. Nobody plans for Autism when having a child and I understand the need for things like special programs at schools. Let's hold the Schools accountable for the millions they waste already and the outrageous buyouts they give to incompetent administrators. ie: Greece and Rochester.
  4. The point is that they can report both good and bad if they wanted to. How hard is it to understand that concept? Nobody is saying we should be shielded from any bad news, just give us the whole story. For every bit of "confident rhetoric" from the right there is just as much negative rhetoric from the left. I guess I would rather be confident than negative all the time, but that's the difference between Liberals and Conservatives. Annoy a Liberal...work hard, succeed, be happy.
  5. In order for Georgia to be The Bills of the superbowl years, wouldn't they have to be the second best state in the country for several years? Don't kid yourself Sonny, you're more like the Cardinals after signing Edgerin.... Still crappy, but not as bad.
  6. I agree that the same old cliches and catch phrases are growing old and the public has tuned it out. I think both sides of the aisle are falling into that trap. I would not want to see any administration blame the media directly. As someone outside the administration though, I think it is reasonable to question the objectivity of some of the nations largest media outlets. Even our crappy paper in Rochester leans heavily to the left. If you are Michael Savage or Stuart Smalley, your listeners know that they are not getting both sides of the issues. If you are pitching your product as a newspaper or news program, you should attempt to be as objective as possible.
  7. I'm just going by his or her respones above and RK's use of the term "Bushies"as derogatory. Evidently I don't know RK as well as the rest of you. Maybe "liberal tendencies" would have been more accurate?
  8. I know you must be embarrased, but it is best to come out of the liberal closet and admit you have a problem. There are support groupd that can help you cope with the shame.
  9. There is no possible way to report both stories? Your logic has won me over....which way to the patchouli stinkin' protest bus. I have sipped from the kool aid and am now an anti-bushie! I just hope I can sit between the great intelectuals Alec Baldwin and Susan Sarandon!
  10. And who is giving you your information about the place being a "trainwreck"??? The media! I'll tell you what, when you show me the New York Times article about how happy the families of the fallen soldiers were to meet the President and how excited the autistic kid was to escort the President to his limo I'll stop blaming the media. Do you really believe there is no credibility issue with the national media when it comes to reporting on this administration? How many fake memos have to come out before you see the light? I guess I need to start writing good news on a protest placard and maybe they will cover me by mistake.
  11. I heard the New York Times is reporting that President Bush punched an autistic kid and then taunted him. They are also reporting that it was President Bush who actually caused Jason to be born with Autism...Something to do with global warming I think. Cindy Sheehan praised the President shortly after meeting with him the first time, so there is still the chance that a family member of a fallen soldier will change their mind and start protesting. The National media will start covering the story at that point. No point in reporting anything positive about this administration or the war.
  12. WGR is planning on talking about Jeremy White's vacation all night and possibly the Sopranos. There will be no time for sports talk! They will also be drawing straws to see who gets to kneel in front of Darcy Regier the next time he's a guest on the show. I really miss having a decent sports station in town!
  13. yeah that's exactly the same! Screw racial discrimination, we should all get together and protest the horrible treatment of Liberals in this country! So oppressed! Where is Cindy Sheehan when you need her. Yet another anti-conservative story the press can go to town with! I'm sure this woman was a great employee other than the sticker incident! By the way, I'm OK with banning Middle Easterners, the Politicians just need to be consistent and explain why profiling is OK with the port deal but not for anyone else.
  14. I wonder if these Politicians would support an apartment complex who refuses to rent to Arabs due to security concerns or restaurants who won't serve Arabs because they tend to blow themselves up in the Middle East? I know it is stretching the point, but the concept is the same.
  15. Any Air America stickers will be collectors items soon. The station can't even succeed with millionaire liberals footing the bills. Good riddance to Stuart Smalley and the rest of the Anti-American whiners on that Station! We get it, you hate Bush, find a new topic and maybe someone will listen. I'm not agreeing that the woman should have been fired.
  16. So because Ralph took a risk and made a lot of money he should not complain about a bunch of richer, less experienced owners and players screwing him? Guys like Ralph built this league into what it is today. You rip Ralph for wanting to make the most $ possible, but feel sorry for the players who make millions to play a game! These guys are free to find other work. Most of them would not have a college education if not for football and most of them still do not graduate. Have you listened to some of them speak! They would be lucky to land a $20,000 a year job. Lots of people potentialy sacrifice their future health to make a living, like miners, construction workers, policemen, firemen, etc. If you don't agree with his opinion on the deal that is fine, but don't hold Ralphs hard work and fortune against him, there were no guarantees when he bought this franchise and brought it to Buffalo. He took a big risk and we all enjoy Sundays a lot more because of it!
  17. He was not at all happy about being released and will probably have a lot to prove this year. Sounds like a great fit right now, especially since he would get to prove the Jets wrong twice a year! If he was nasty before he should be a monster after being tossed aside by a team that he was very loyal to.
  18. I apologize you are right(or should I say extreme left). Hey, the constituion probably meant that we have the right to bear(big fuzzy animal) arms. Why would a group of people that just had to overthrow the ruling government be concerned about preserving the right to revolt against the government! It doesn't get much clearer than "the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed".
  19. I heard the Dolphins were picking up every available free agent. They have recieved an exemption from the league to carry a roster of 268 players this year. Seriuosly, is there anyone the Dolphins aren't "reportedly interested in"?
  20. I'll dumb this down a little more for you. Because our country needs an army, the people need to be able to protect themselves from the improper use of the army. An example of this would be a government that grew too oppressive. The 2nd amendment speaks about the "Militia" and the "People" as two seperate groups. The proper use of commas or any punctuation can change the meaning of a sentence substantially. The only reason we were able to defeat Britian in the revolutionary war was the people's guns. By the way, one of the meanings of militia is "armed force". last time I checked the British Army was an armed force.
  21. The "well regulated militia" is reffering to the military. We have the military because it is "necessary to the security of a free state" . When the Constitution was written the country had just fought off another militia (Britian) who was trying to disarm the citizens to prevent revolt. The right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed in case we ever need to rebel against an unjust government's militia even if it is our own. The founders knew that there was always the possibility for Government to become too powerfull. If you pay attention to the commas you can see that the well regulated "militia" part is seperate from the "people" part.
  22. My Grandmother had this condition brought on by very low sodium levels. It was very painfull and kept her awake most of the night. This was an extreme case, but it was a medical condition, not something she concocted in her head. If you have ever had to watch a loved one deal with something like this while confined to a hospital bed you might not be making fun of it. I suppose you would also consider early parkinsons disease hyperactivity because it just causes you to move around and twitch a lot!
  23. Actually what I said was that it is extremely hypocritical for an anti-gun advocate to accept armed protection at all times. It would be the similiar to a conservative pro lifer getting an abortion after proposing legislation to outlaw it. There is also a difference between "not being strong advocates of gun ownership rights" and being the face of the anti-gun lobby.
  24. Thanks for the nomination. Not sure if you are making fun of me or complimenting me, but either way it sounds as though you were entertained!
  25. Sorry, I got way off your point. I do agree with you though.
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