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Original Byrd Man

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Everything posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. From what I understand the technique is designed to create gaps when a D lineman over pursues or fails to remain in the proper gap. This is a similar case with last years O line. I think the problems are the vanilla game plan. Last year they ran a lot of read options with Tyrod and Shady to give defenses more to worry about. Also understand the Bills just faced two very formidable D lines. I'm concerned about they next two games if Dennison doesn't get more creative.
  2. I don't understand this concept. Can you please explain. Do you really think McD wants to lose so he can draft his own Guy???? Why do so many cling to this notion? They don't need Tyrod to fail to draft a QB next year. Oh wait! I get it, YOU want Tyrod to fail so they will replace him next year. Why not just say that? Now I will go on record as saying that I want the Bills to do what ever it takes to win. If it's with Tyrod, if it's with Peterman, or if it's with the new kid next year fine.
  3. Some coach's will evaluate the skills of the players he has and develope a scheme to utilize them. But most coaches only know one system and try to get the players to execute it. Success can happen in both scenarios. But you need the talent that can perform in your system. This scheme needs to be adjusted because of a change in talent. I believe what we are seeing is a product of that. We traded away our deep threat allowing teams to stack the box yet we continue to try to run a standard offense. I have seen far to many first and second down runs into the teeth of the defense and then an attempt to bail it out with a pass on 3rd and long. This is not a formula for success. The quick passing "west coast" offence developed by Walsh that has gotten so popular actually had very few run plays. For success Dennison needs to become more creative in some cases. Know your opponent both his strengths and his weaknesses and develop an appropriate game plan. I feel it is here that Dennison is lacking. Every coach wants to win, and to suggest he wouldn't make changes to his system to tailor it to a certain player because he is not invested in him in the long run is foolish. If there is a player you would want to move on from it would be to your advantage to emphasize his talents to make a trade more plausible.
  4. Chemistry is a nice catch word but it's consistency at the top that drives continued success. Talent and continuity in a system are the keys to victory.
  5. I get the feeling Boldin doesn't agree with you. He said he came here to win, then they trade Sammy and Anquan says adios amigos.
  6. IT'S THE FREAKING PRESEASON. Can we wait for the regular season before we get our panties in a bunch.
  7. That isn't how sports works. Any player being traded is held out of competition to avoid risk of injury, which would void the deal. I don't care what you have read that the GM supposedly said.
  8. the article says McD wasn't aware of the deal "before" the game. The deal happened AFTER or Watkins would not have played in it. I'm not happy about the trade but I could see it coming when they didn't pick up the 5th year option, and that evidently was something everyone in the FO was onboard with, so that does show cohesiveness.
  9. That all sounds nice. But I have a hard time believing the opening to the game was not meant to showcase Sammy. If McD wasn't aware of the pending trade why would he be playing into it?
  10. Initially hated the trade because I loved the Tyrod to Sammy connection. Sammy is a star receiver who is uncoverable but it makes sense to plan for life after the Marcia reign ends. Love the added picks for 2018. Darby was a nice find but hopefully we come up with another. I don't know a lot about Gaines but we have Seymore waiting. Onward and upward.
  11. I'm so glad to know you have credible information about what is being said in the war room during the draft. I can't wait to read what you post during next years draft. LOL
  12. I wish it weren't true but I don't see Boldin coming here unless he has no other options. He ideally would find some one in a warmer climate, and closer to his Florida home. Stevie and Fitz had a chemistry that hasn't seemed to develop elsewhere.
  13. Even though many people left the comeback game, the fans remaining used the seats and backs to bang on as well as their voices. I remember my arms being very sore the next day and being hoarse after the game for a day or more. If not the loudest at least close. Definitely longest duration of noise. Also remember the Fins game and the Jets to clinch. Teams of the mid 60's, a few of the 80's and of course the early 90's much louder with honorable mention to the Dallas game of recent time. Unfortunately too many laid back fans today takes away the enjoyment of the experience for me. It reminds me of a Sabres game. People chatting with their neighbors or going to the concession stand, not really involved with the game.
  14. When healthy Sammy #1, a close second Marcel, then Shady, Richy, Cordy, Kyle, Tyrod.
  15. Yes I did. Right after hell froze over. Lol
  16. Congratulations Mead! I'd say welcome to the club but, I'm no longer a member. Just recently in-retired. Hope you enjoy retirement.
  17. Ray Lewis was a dominant force and while Derrick Thomas was a beast at home when the o-line couldn't hear the snap count, he disappeared on the road. To be great you need consistency.
  18. I didn't say statistics was worthless but I was implying the idea of trying to use it to predict out comes was foolish for the reasons I posted. Which wise person could accurately determine the number of heads if you toss the coin 5 times. Now if you toss it a thousand times I bet he is pretty close, and that is with only one variable.
  19. The problem with using "analytics" in sports is there are too many variables and the sample size is not nearly enough to support a statistical analysis. It sounds nice and I know Mike Dope is all about it, but you will get the same results using analytics as not. It's like a coin toss. Flip a coin 4 times and tell me if you get 2 heads and 2 tails. I'll bet not.
  20. I always loved the passion he displayed on and off the field. He is a gamer. He seems to have the most problems when behind and forcing things. I'm hoping he develops into a starter but, could Nate Peterman be the next Fitz?
  21. I expect him to excel at setting the edge and chip in 6-8 sacks. If He becomes the next Phil Hansen I will be pleased. Although he may have a little more pass rush ability than Hansen.
  22. Yeah totally! Before this era they were one of the worst. Bill's, Packers, Chiefs, Raiders have been well supported by their fans base even through the bad years.
  23. Welcome, and back at you with the HFD. Not interested in Decker for the big bucks, but would like to see Barnidge and a Safety.
  24. He's a nice receiver but he will want big bucks and I think the money would be better spent elsewhere.
  25. I've said for years that the field house and bubble were a big mistake. The weather here should be their adventive. I remember one of the Bills commenting about playing indoors during the Toronto fiasco. They were glad because he didn't like playing in the bad weather. That is so wrong. It made me think back to Talley playing in short sleeves during a blizzard.
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