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Original Byrd Man

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Posts posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. Richmond Webb had Bruce Smith for lunch every time they played for years. The only Tackle that ever really muted the greatest Bills player of all time. Oh yeah, and Brady that bastage. I think he is 25-3 against the Bills. Just typing that made me want to throw up.

    I think that's funny. I remember watching a show on ESPN highlighting Webb with a friend who is a dolphin fan and most of the plays involved Bruce and he had help from the guard on most of them and on the plays where he was one on one he was holding on many of them. I think this matchup was not what the media led everyone to believe. The LT that did dominate him was Toni Bocelli.

  2. I picked them to win it all in a pool at work so thats the only reason I can get behind them winning it all





    If I had the same situation I would still root for the Bronco's consider the money lost well spent.


    OK, I can most definitely relate to that. But shouldn't there be a leeetle twinge for predicting a SB win by the Pats before the AFC title game?


    I am mailing this to my Patriots fan friend.


    I would like to see Peyton take home a SB ring, but I am concerned the Panthers are red-hot and won't be denied.



    People working in factories before the Fair Labor Standards Act also knew what they were signing up for, doesn't mean it was OK what the employers were doing. You can label it a "volunteer" job all you want, but when there are various requirements around that "volunteering" it quickly expands beyond that.


    As far as your "spill a cup of hot coffee on your lap" example. I implore you to educate yourself before making such references. Take a look at the pictures from that case of that ladies upper legs and thighs. I'll make it easy for you, there is one in this link...caution, it's graphic. http://x4mr.blogspot.com/2012/07/hot-coffee.html


    It should also be noted that McDonald's had hundreds of complaints on the temperature of their coffee before this case and settled hundreds of cases regrading it before a trial was necessary and yet still didn't lower the temperature of their coffee until after this case. That is the very definition of negligence, not acting in a reasonable manner when they had knowledge of how to do so.

    I feel sympathy for the woman but can you tell me she was not negligent in her handling of the coffee? I want my coffee as hot as possible and i am confident in my ability handle it in an appropriate manor. And in regards to the "numerous" complaints about the temp,just ask for some ice in it.


    While I can understand why/how Marrone is viewed as a complete asshat here...


    There were rumblings of discourse between him and the long-time team FO from training camp on. Even with one of 32 jobs in hand, with a moderately successful team, with a wealthy incoming owner, he voluntarily walked the plank. Management was retained (who has not been able to produce a winning product in a generation). Marrone left. People just 2-3 weeks before (in the leadup to the Raiders game), in a similar discussion were calling Marrone a large accomplishment/feather in the cap for Brandon/Whaley and potential NFL coach of the year. Instead, in typical Billsy fashion, it was reduced to embers.

    IMO the truth of the matter is in between on both sides. I also recall Mularkey voluntarily walked the plank. The only 2 guys who produced winning records in what feels like (is) an eternity just left.



    As far as blaming the Pegulas... yes. They needed to bring in someone from the outside to run/fix the organization. I do not believe they know a lot of detail on football schemes/alignments/strategy.

    With that said, as they have committed this far, I support giving the staff another year or 2 to experience success... but if it doesn't come, the whole program needs to be built from the top down and NOT by Russ Brandon

    Again unless this team is floundering majorly, maintaining stability is the key to winning. Replacing GM/HC brings the team back to the same rebuilding hamster wheel.


    But who made the environment where the coach chose to leave?


    Who made the choice to hire the coach who came in with a conflicting scheme?



    But who made the environment where the coach chose to leave?


    Who made the choice to hire the coach who came in with a conflicting scheme?

    If you remember, Ralph went and died. I think that had a lot to do with changing the environment. The nerve of him. The decision to leave was Marrones alone. You can't seriuosly blame Whaley. And the decision to hire Rex was Whaley's and the Pegulas. So with your train of thought they should all go Right? Of course you might have a problem firing the Pegulas. PS my post wasn't quite so short sighted. As i said DW has only been here for a small portion of this losing/revolving door secenario. Wade Phillips should never have been fired. The man had a winning record and was the last coach to lead this team to the post season, but the Media didn't like him and he refused to fire a friend.

  6. The jury is still out on Whaley imo, but to blame the teams lack of playoff appearances on him is foolish since his career has not spanned the entire drought. He is blamed for the EJ pick which may or may not be true, and is critisized by fans and media for the Sammy pick.. Again it's still alittle early to gage his true value. The main reason for the playoff drought is most attributable to the revolving door at the coaching and GM position. This season is a perfect example. The Bills had a dominant 4/3 D last year then broughtt in a HC who wants to run a 3/4 D. This personal are often not interchangeble so thet regress. TEAMS THAT CONTINUALLY MAKE THE PLAYOFF HAVE STABILITY IN THE FRONT OFFICE.

  7. Chris Hogan is a baller. Horrificly underrated on this board. The long catch was a great adjustment of his body and he did well to haul in a low pass for the TD. He blocks well, he plays special teams and to this point this season is outplaying Woods who seems out of sorts.


    I agree on Tyrod. He has to run to win. He isn't going to win us many games stood in the pocket throwing.


    The line regressed the more the game went on.

    Great concentration and catch, but why no PI call? The DB was grabbing his arm. I'm pretty sure we would have gotten flagged/

  8. I agree that we will see a lot of Heavy 2 (2 corners/9 in the box) that they didn't show against Pittsburgh, but I think TT can really hurt N.E. with his arm if they do this. Too much speed outside in one on ones.

    This could be a 300yd passing week for T-Mobile...errr T-Airways.

    OH YEAH! if they put 9 in the box Sammy will eat them alive. They don't have a corner who can match up. Truthfully I think you will see the opposite, because Billy boy will be scared sh*tless of our wide outs

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