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Original Byrd Man

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Everything posted by Original Byrd Man

  1. Dave, don't you realize that is what the majority of the fan base and media do here is whine and point fingers. I loved one post that called them amateur owners. Where do you go to become professional owners???? LOL Like you I appreciate what they have done for the sports in this area.
  2. Agree with most of your post. Still on the fence with Tyrod. He doesn't throw for 300 yards as the media seem to feel is a pre-requisite for a QB, but I do not. He doesn't turn the ball over and puts points on the board. To me that is the most important thing because they still determine the winner as the team that scored the most points not threw for the most yards. The EJ pick was a desperation move in a poor QB class, regardless of who was responsible for it created by Nix not drafting a QB years earlier. I think in another system you may look at Dareus and say what a bargain or he may toke his way out of the league, unless the NFL gets in touch with reality and drastically changes their testing practices with regard to pot. Also on the fence with the Tyrod contract. If he remains the starter and continues to develop he will be playing for peanuts in comparison to his peers, and if they void the rest of the deal he was clearly a bargain this year. Just my two cents.
  3. First of all it's a little to early to determine where the Lawson pick will fall, but I think most people are under the impression Lawson was a guy Rex wanted.
  4. Exactly. He is wasted as a nose tackle.
  5. You missed the fact they scored against everybody except Baltimore but the Defense didn't fare as well. I think that is what the OP meant. 21 points should win most games.
  6. Instead of Whaley the Pegulas should let the media choose the next coach. They won't be so quick to throw him under the bus because it would mean admitting they made a mistake, and you know that would never happen. Hopefully we can get a coach who wants to run a 4-3 defense so they can revamp the roster again. Gee I Just don't understand why the Bills are constantly rebuilding!
  7. But how can this be true. All the media guru's have spewed over and over again that you have to have an elite passer because this is a QB driven league.
  8. Don't you know those are all Rex's fault. This defense drastically misses Aaron Williams. Also nice to see Gilmore finally playing up to his potential.
  9. You just don't get it. A coach gets 1 year to remake the roster and make the playoffs or the media and misguided fans begin clamoring for a clean sweep, to start over again. I bet Ground hog day is your favorite movie! Albert Einstein's definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. That pretty well sums up you and your supporters. I'm not saying Rex is the answer but give the guy a chance. Same for Tyrod. I'm sick of the bone headed media who insist the only way to win is to have a QB who regularly throws for over 300 yards. Our offence is ranked in the top 10 so they are scoring enough points. Yeah give the rest of the CLOWNS time to drag you down.
  10. Sorry I don't see his name on the list but my choice would be Roger Goodell. The NFL has become a joke under his care. Good point.
  11. Happy Birthday Rex and Rob.
  12. The thing that has doomed this team is a pronounced lack of patience by the fans and mostly the media, who love to fan the flames. Every time you change the coach/GM you need to remodel the make up of the team. For 16 years this team has had to reshuffle the team composition to adjust to the new direction, and still we wonder why we are unsuccessful! Amazing
  13. You are correct! Tyrod and the offence deserve some of the blame but not to the extent he is being bombarded with. This Defense is not in the same league as the Raiders offence. This game was close at half time mostly because of dropped passes and an illegal formation penalty.
  14. Thank god for the NRA. When the right to bear arms ammendment was passed it was out of necessity as there was little to no law enforcement.
  15. Kyle Williams is a total class act. I like many others thought his time had run out but how wrong I was. He looks like he can contribute for several more years if he wants.
  16. It's so nice to see this happen to such a humble, hard working player.
  17. I like option #1. #2 is my least favorite.
  18. It's too bad he isn't doing the post game show. I don't even listen anymore. Just to tired of Schopp and bulldog rhetoric. It would be nice to have some informative input for a change.
  19. 9- Special teams. Not saying Carpenter is the best kicker in the league, but the last I knew a blocked kick is not a miss.
  20. I think lucky, with a great head of scouting in Butler with the Bills. And with the Colts as you said he made the right choice of Manning over the slightly more highly touted Leaf. Was that genius or Luck? Sorry about that. But what did he do after that? His colts never had a D of any substance.
  21. The good thing for this guy is when the pats start losing he can just let his hair grow. Unless he goes bald! lol
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