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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Weren't the offseason reports saying that Nall struggled early but once he started to feel comfortable in Fairchilds system he did quite well. He was in the GB west coast offense for 4 years and it took a little adjusting to Fairchilds more open attack.
  2. "Bruschi cures Cancer" "Saban hits Mularkey with Steel Chair" "Bengals forfeit due to parole violations"
  3. Exactly...it's like dropping $120 to play in a golf tournament and receiving a "free" towel.
  4. Pasta with Broccoli, grilled chicken and mushrooms with olive oil
  5. This thread started to look like "I see your long post and I raise you a wicked long post"... J/K that's interesting though because the general national consensus was that you just need a guy who can manage the game, good take on things
  6. It's funny how much garbage is coming out about Mularkey now....that lockeroom must have been a disaster last year
  7. 25 in 8 Hours
  8. I'm not sure but I believe you are correct. He really needs his coaches to turn on the lobbying for him to get a look if the scouts aren't already onto him.
  9. They'll notice him if he's got the stuff.....I knew a guy, LB out of III school who went to the combine. He put himself on the map with something like 40 reps of 225 and an above average 40. He was with the Steeler organization and went NFL Europe. He's out of football now but he did get his chance.
  10. But it also said that the opposing fans are finding it hard to get their hands on the tickets
  11. QB: Rob Johnson, Billy Joe Hobert RB: Antwain Smith, Shawn Bryson Smith sucked...Bryson did what was asked WR: Bobby Shaw, Josh Reed, Antonio Brown, Quinn Early Shaw shouldn't make the list, neither should Early, Antonio Brown is a pansy thought FB: Cardwell Gardner Meh TE: T: Mike Williams, John Fina Fina wasn't awful G: Bennie Anderson, Jamie Nails, Mike Pucillo, Corbin Lacina Looks good to meC: Teague?Def played out of position DE: Erik Flowers AwfulOLB: Keith Newman, Eddie Robinson Robinson was awful but Newman wasn't bad, I'd go with Corey MooreMLB: CB: Chris Watson, Ken Irvin Good picks FS: Izell Reese Good pick SS: Coy Wire Good pick K: Norwood Except for wide right, Norwood was a pretty decent kicker, i'd go with Shayne Graham P: Mohr (only because Moorman is the only other option) ST: Watson, Charlie Rogers Good call HC: Greg Williams OC: Kevin Gilbride DC:
  12. Every time I see Marv he looks too old to be doing what he's doing. Then every time he starts to speak he makes me believe he is totally capable of this job. Most of those who say Marv is too old are distant from the situation and don't know just how vibrant of a person he is.
  13. I've never been a guy openly critical of Gandy and I don't plan to start now. He did surprise me last year because in a lot of games I didn't notice he was even playing (which is a very good thing). With that being said, I don't think I could place him in the above average starting left tackle category. He's no Pro-Bowler but he pleasantly surpised me in the fact he was no chump. He is a solid starting LT. Not spectacular, but solidly average. LT is the premier spot on the line and there are a lot of big talents that play the position so I just can't place him in the upper echelon. He won't get us beat though.
  14. Well that's a list good enough for me. Would the last one out please turn off the lights
  15. Spikes said during last season that there were some occasions where the other team was taking liberties with some of our guys. "On this day, New England tight end Daniel Graham makes the list after shoving a Buffalo linebacker after the whistle. "He should know better," Spikes says. "That doesn't happen when I'm on the field. No. 82 -- he's got it coming. He's one of many. There's going to be some housecleaning in the league when I get back. http://sports.espn.go.com/nfl/news/story?id=2257809 Who else do you remember from games last year that got cheap with the Bills. Since the article in the News talked about Spikes looking good for his return, I'm starting to get the itch and wondering about this team setting the tone for the season to come.
  16. Couldn't agree more
  17. 9) May God give you the strength to overcome your challenges.
  18. Truer words have not been spoken. Fairweather fans focus on the end result. The diehards enjoy the ride. Now I've dropped every derogatory word I know at the Bills in the last 5 or 6 years but it's still a blast to fire the grill up on game days and walk into the stadium or turn on the pre-game. I'm not looking for JP to make the Pro Bowl, I don't need Willis to hit 2,000 yards. I just want good old fashioned respectable football again. Marv is on the right track....Maybe Milloy is right that rings can feed his family, but that's playing for the name on the back and not the crest on the helmet. It's been too long since the Ralph has rocked with something other than the "token home crowd noise". Yea we all stand and get loud when the other team has the ball but it's devoid of passion, we do it because we remember that we're supposed to, as opposed to the passion of the game making the crowd rise up. I'm ready to see what Marv can do with assembling talent and I'm dying to see some real football again.
  19. It still doesn't make up for the fact Willis is lazy and Bledsoe sucks
  20. That seems to me like an indirect reference to Meathead. Thank god for that
  21. Good thing the Sabres didn't listen to the pre-season forecasts. It's not original to pick the Bills last and to forecast any of the uncertainties to tank. I don't believe we are in as dire of a situation as this guy wants you to believe. The team is progressing.
  22. I found this deleted paragraph from the attached article. It should also be noted that the overwhelming favorite for the number one slot, the Honda Fit did not even crack the top ten for this article. Several alternative lifestyle experts offered several opinions for the glaring omission. "This article was based on the most researched vehicles and not the most purchased. What this means is that the new models create intrigue and inspire potential buyers to look at the flashy alternatives. However, our research shows that most finally realize that they really are gay and resign themselves to purchasing the Fit." Another expert (Hal) chimed in with this observation: "The fit isn't the most attractive guy at the party, but it's the easiest and you can always go home with it. The problem is waking up in the morning with it by your side. You just want to slip out the back door unnoticed by the neighborhood." While there are several sports cars on the research list, the Fit still remains the undisputed champion of the GBLT Community.
  23. I miss the other Mike Williams thread. Since it's no longer OTR's birthday I believe the thread should be re-opened. (if that's possible)
  24. After several attempts however, it did manage to crack 10 MPH
  25. While Reyes is a definitive upgrade over Anderson, I'm not sure I'd jump to calling him highly touted as of yet. There's a lot to prove and I'd call him an average NFL starting guard until he proves otherwise. With that being said, an average NFL starting guard is something we've lacked at that position for quite some time.
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