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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. I'm not writing him off, i'm just looking for a sign of progress. When he was drafted we heard about what an athlete he was, good hands, actually faster than Kellen Winslow etc.....now I know that the injury may slow his athleticism temporarily and hinder those assets, even if he is almost a year and a half out of what was not a major tear. Point being is you hear daily updates on who's having a good camp or who had a good practice and he is MIA. I hope he lights it up in the preseason because we could really use his abilities but I question his viability with the Bills.
  2. I like it!
  3. Awesome thank you
  4. I think in this case the ACLU needs to take a backseat to the NRA and any other azz kicking acronyms we have out there
  5. Someone better call Dawg the bounty hunter.
  6. What about the local coverage in Buffalo...does anyone know if 2, 4, or 7 will be carrying the game live?
  7. I do realize that. He is over a full year out of surgery however and based on other similar injuries, guys are back and rolling that far post-op. Even giving him the benefit of the doubt we are not even hearing about any "flashes" of him coming around or regaining his form. It's like he's invisible.
  8. A camp report. I haven't heard much of anything about this guy coming out of Pittsford. I keep hearing how Royal looks like much more than we thought we were getting and Cieslak is a beast. Everetts name has been glaringly absent. Is this guy going to be a player or is he taking his place in line with Mark Campbell, Tim Euhus, Bobby Collins, and Dave Moore as irrelevant TEs.
  9. Tutan Reyes will help the guy out this year as well.
  10. I'm interested to see if Peerless looks as good as everyone's been saying. I'd also like to take a peek at Watson (MLB), Tripplett, and Reyes.
  11. WGR is going down the toilet. Schopp is trying so hard to make a name for himself with his "witty" and "cunning" sense of humor that the show loses all semblance of an actual sports talk show. Howard used to be pretty decent on WNSA but now he seems out of his element. He tries so hard to tag along on the humor train that he appears lame at times. I was flipping though the stations this morning and heard another report out of camp and some Q & A with Paul Peck on 97 Rock. It was a much more intelligent and insightful discussion on the Bills than anything i've heard spewed on 550. I wish WGR would quit with the self righteous last comic standing rejects stuff and just talk sports. It's not the doldrums of the summer where nothings going on anymore, ramp it up a little.
  12. A million dollar talent with a ten cent head. If this kid could only imagine everything he's thrown away. One day he'll wake up and realize he could be spending an early retirement on a beach somewhere instead of the pen. Clarett has to be one of the most tragic stories of unfulfilled promise in many years.
  13. I like how they say that Crowell may not be big enough to play but then list him at 6'1, 2350 pounds. "--Angelo Crowell, who started 13 games in place of an injured Takeo Spikes last season, is penciled in as the starter at strong-side linebacker over Jeff Posey, who still may wind up as a pass-rushing end. Posey (6-4, 241) has better size than Crowell (6-1, 2350)"
  14. I'm actually surprised he took time out of licking the windows to email you back...
  15. The only thing I ascertained from that email is that the only thing worse than an ill conceived joke is an ill conceived defense of said joke. That made as much sense as volunteering for Quail detail with Cheney.
  16. Calling out TO would probably be the worst idea since Prohibition
  17. Lets hope Price can live up to his contract....could be a very wise move by Marv. Sometimes when you come home again and get back into your comfort zone it can all click again
  18. I don't think you can really compare the K-Gun to the Greatest show on turf. The K gun was actually named for Keith McKellar, not Kelly slinging it all over the field. The K gun was predicated on high tempo, not necessarily high risk high yardage plays. I think it's a good call to say that a "Rams East" type of approach wouldn't work well here, especially with the bulk of the home schedule happening later in the year. However, I do like Fairchilds approach to open it up more than the last several years here and his desire to use Willis on 3rd down, 2:00 offense, and as more than just a checkdown in the passing game.
  19. OTR, you're a good man for breathing life back into this one..I missed this thread while it was gone
  20. It's on the tip of my tounge....apparently he isn't a good "value" though.......All I can come up with is Bryant McKinney
  21. I believe he is referring to Mike Williams
  22. I like your style..If all any of us cared about was the win loss record and not the team, players, staff, and what not we all would have switched over to the Pats or Steelers by now. Many people identify with a team because it has a way of taking on the identity of the region they play in.
  23. Mr. Kat, what you've just said is one of the most insanely idiotic things I have ever heard. At no point in your rambling, incoherent response were you even close to anything that could be considered a rational thought. Everyone in this room is now dumber for having listened to it. I award you no points, and may God have mercy on your soul.
  24. I think that just the talk of all the cohesiveness and belief that is coming from camp this year as compared to the circus of last year is a major positive step in the right direction. Marv made it a number one priority to change the attitude and makeup of the team and it seems as though it is taking hold.
  25. I said the same thing about Erik Flowers...
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