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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. I like the comparison as far as the outlooks for each team heading into the season are concerned. The Sabres however finished the season before the lockout very strong whereas the Bills limped across the line. Anything can happen though as there are a lot of unknown variables on the Bills. Who knows, if the team can put it all together...
  2. Well Done
  3. It wouldn't be much of a competition if they handed him the keys in week one of camp now would it....as many of us believe, the "competition" is more to give credibility to Losman in the eyes of his teammates than it is to really see if he is better than Holcomb. In order to give the other QB's a fair shake you can't say JP's the man after 3 practices. There are plenty reports out of camp talking about how Willis looks trimmer and faster than before. The compliments of Shaud Williams have, however been few and far between.
  4. I done been told....i'll go sit down now
  5. I see Aiken has moved ahead of Parrish and why the fug is Neufeld 2nd string ahead of Cieslak and Everett!
  6. being around the varsity game and the speed and coaching techniques for the season as opposed to the freshman team is a bigger advantage. Let him get into practice against the faster stronger players as opposed to having him dominate his freshman team and pick up bad habits
  7. Yea and from 98465131651354684654313 miles away Jupiter looks like a nice place this time of year too
  8. I'm going to go with the lower intestine
  9. It's definetly a maturity thing. There's a big difference between earning a spot and being anointed. Being anointed tends to breed animosity between the chosen one and the guys who had to bleed it out. It seems that JP is taking it upon himself to bond with his teammates and they're starting to respond. Kelly used to take his line out to dinner all the time, so it's good to see Losman taking the bull by the horns.
  10. I'm thinking you wouldn't want the wedge buster to be very smart......ok now I want you to run down there as fast as you can, and hurl yourself into those 4 big guys that are running at you full speed...
  11. I believe the desire to take one of camps bright spots and tarnish it with a perpetual losing attitude may play into it. Greer has a boatload of athleticism and seems to be finding himself a nice home in this defense.
  12. It has been very quiet on Everett thus far, but this was pubished today, may give us a glimmer of hope for the guy... http://www.buffalonews.com/editorial/20060...?tbd1040400.asp
  13. At 13 Cents a dog.....I'm not sure you even get the horns and hooves mix...
  14. I actually kind of like Jefferson, he seems like he can be serviceable for about 10 snaps a game
  15. How much do you think it would take to get Billy Buffalo to run over Holcomb during warmups like they do in Tenessee?
  16. If Whitner turns out to be the next Ronnie Lott I don't think he'll lose much sleep over it
  17. He did split time but he got the majority of the carries | Sam Gash | 15 | 0 0 0.0 0 | 20 163 8.2 2 | | Lennox Gordon | 8 | 11 38 3.5 0 | 0 0 0.0 0 | | Jonathan Linton | 16 | 205 695 3.4 5 | 29 228 7.9 1 | | Antowain Smith | 14 | 165 614 3.7 6 | 2 32 16.0 0 | | Thurman Thomas | 5 | 36 152 4.2 0 | 3 37 12.3 1
  18. I just received a PM that from a well known poster that I was asked to share... BILLSBACKERINLA, You are engaging in line infringement. We must ask that you cease and desist from this activity immediately. Further violations could result in legal action. Thank you.
  19. How did the '99 team make the playoffs with Linton as the featured back?!?
  20. Man's gotta remember you can't feed your family on camp brawls
  21. I'm thinking i'll just set my oven to broil, then put the whole box in there. That way I can get em all with one shot.
  22. Yea but the odds of that happening to me TWICE in my lifetime...
  23. Now if the Patriots picked him up then we'd really know it was a mistake cutting him
  24. Never heard of chow chow....and being a bachelor means the microwavable hotdog has a much greater impact on my life. While the lifesaving story is nice, it won't do me much good at 3am on a saturday!
  25. Well technically you can microwave anything in 3 seconds, it just depends on how awful you want it to taste after 3 seconds
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