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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. That photo is in such poor taste......everyone knows silver bass are freshwater fish!!
  2. Modern society has negated the effects of natural selection, so what do you expect
  3. That's not good for business......up in WNY it's looking like the remnants of Ernesto are really going to F up the long weekend with some soaking rains
  4. Ok you are absolved of any wrong doing in this matter.
  5. Exactly what I was thinking too
  6. I'm calling plagiarism on this one!!!!!!! http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=50345
  7. http://www.stadiumwall.com/index.php?showtopic=50529 It's all in there
  8. That's why Rackers is going to singlehandedly win me my fantasy league
  9. Agree.....It has been stated that the top 4 tackles are all going to be getting alot of PT in this system anyway, so having Tripplett, McCargo, Anderson, and Williams all moving in and out of the lineup to stay fresh is an interesting rotation
  10. Best case scenerio has us getting smoked by the Pats week one, another shining example as to why you shouldn't write a column while mixing alcohol and horse tranquilizers
  11. I think I will actually be happy......especially if it's not the first week of October and I'm already thinking about next season
  12. How do you go from being Maverick and Joel Goodsen to this?
  13. Getting the outright boot, nope because as you said, he would cost more cut than if on the roster, however traded for next to nothing..could be. I would have to imagine the Raiders would be looking for someone like Holcomb to come to town with their circus behind center. It is very strange that the staff says it needs a better look at Nall and would not put Holcomb in when Nall has thrown 23 passes to Holcombs 9 attempts.
  14. It's actually funny you brought that up, I remember Tasker saying it was a hot and humid night in Buffalo and then looking at the thermometer and it said 68 degrees at 6pm.....not exactly sweltering conditions
  15. Yes....it was 3 am and I had just gotten back from the bars while in college
  16. Yea well if Rob was so good how come I never sat down and enjoyed a box of Johnson Flakes??? END OF DISCUSSION!!!
  17. I'm still holding out for Harbaughs return....in the meantime though this is good news
  18. Now that his football career is likely over he is going into business as an independent consultant to the turf industry
  19. Moulds indeed isn't the player he once was. Especially at the receiver position playing against guys 10 years younger, he isn't getting any separation from the DB's. It's the same thing that plagued him last year as well. The steady decline in his production isn't soley based on the quarterbacks inability. The thing is, he could have seen the writing on the wall and gracefully accepted his transition, but he didn't.
  20. This photo was taken from the Oil Rigs security Cameras moments before the seige Iranian Onslaught
  21. Intriguing but Rogers is not a character guy. I also don't see Davis making the team over Reed. As far as Collins goes, no friggen way. He's not going to be happy as a backup and would only cause turmoil the minute losman throws a pick.
  22. or is that college reproduction...
  23. I agree, Nance is a project the Bills are slipping under the Radar
  24. Never said he wasn't far and away the most impressive and dominating golfer of our generation, prob ever. Just saying that I agree with the original post that his status bought him some leeway.
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