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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. Dipietro is not even a top 10 goalie in the league....Islanders are sealing their fate with this one.
  2. That's why I never turn it off, all those buttons can be tricky. I think we need to give Willis a chance with the new system that is being run. To jump on him because he had a down year last season under MM is unfair. He was asked to hit it up in there regardless of whether there was a hole and basically ignore the cutback. All the great backs show patience and let something develop. During his great run, how many times did you see Priest Holmes running with his hand on the back of the pulling guard as opposed to slamming through? WM needs a chance to flourish under a staff that realizes the best ways to utilize its personnel. I have no problem with his performance as a whole on Sunday. I remember thinking to myself, it really does look like he's back. His physical abilities will show through, and a down second half on taped up ankles is not going to make me forget the cutting and shiftiness he showed in the first 30 mins of that game. If by week 5 we are still having the same discussion, then I may be inclined to change my outlook, but give it a chance.
  3. Can you get it with snowtires??
  4. 1) He did appear a little less quick in the 2nd half 2) Villarial is just about shot, he rarely generates a push and is not very mobile, basically the antithesis of what the new direction of the line is...I wouldn't mind seeing Preston sneak his way in there 3) Reed did a nice job with his routes and his main asset as a reciever is RAC 4) Light reverted to the arm bar and jersey stretch for his blocking techniques in the second half. A couple yellow hankies would have freed him up again.
  5. I thought Gandy did a nice serviceable job last year, but it seems like he got dominated fairly often last sunday however, may be a bit of a concern..but it's all we got so run what ya brung
  6. Any team that signs Aaron Brooks WITHOUT HAVING A GUN TO THEIR HEAD deserves whatever they get
  7. Want more evidence, blow up the picture on this page of Maroney running through a hole and check out the "textbook blocking" on Kyle Williams on this play http://www.democratandchronicle.com/apps/p.../609120347/tbd/
  8. He is talented, but very fragile
  9. I noticed Wire filling the holes and then flat out missing the tackle....but the coaches took him out of the game because we have Whitner. Shelton on the other hand, there is no plan B
  10. He is looking very solid, his kicks are right down the center line and he seems to have more than enough leg to hit any kick you need hit
  11. Anyway, even the most hell bent fan has to admit that not having one live action penalty the whole day is suspicious. Schobel was getting the arm bar coming around the corner consistently. I admit the Bills didn't close the game when they had the chance, but come on, not one damn flag, that's absurd.
  12. Josh Reed had a nice game. He made some good catches and ran hard after the catch. On his one grab he proceeded to drag the db 5 yards after contact. Damien Shelton, you on the other hand, you need to actually make contact with someone to receive a grade. I'm not sure why that at 265 pounds you need to put your head down and lunge at a blitzing LB on a blitz pickup as opposed to squaring up and just taking the man, but you wiffed hard a couple times yesterday. I've been neutral as far as what Shelton means to the team, but that was horrible.
  13. "They made the adjustments at the half and got it done" "I thought it was 3rd down"
  14. I'm not a big fan of blaming refs for the outcomes of games........... Most of the Bills penaltys were legit, some may have been ticky tacky but whatever they happened..... Now......i'm not sure it is humanly possible to play an NFL game without taking one live action penalty. With the speed of the game, there is going to be holds. There is going to be illegal contact down the field. There was even a blatant offsides. Point being, throw a flag here or there just for good measure.
  15. I also enjoyed the botched flea flicker i believe that was in the 1st quarter. Brown went to pitch it back and the steelers were in the backfield so he just went forward for 2 yards....glad that guy is gone.
  16. I've tried the pepsi jazz....kinda reminded me of a captain and coke without the fun side effects
  17. Giving a damn about the words of every wanker who owns a typewriter between here and Idaho can be infuriating, which is why I don't pay much attention to it. We'll see what we have at 1 PM Sunday and so will everyone else. To make distant conclusions using insufficient data, and then publish it takes more fortitude than I have. I like our chances, don't much care if Ned Rogers for the Junction City Bugel thinks we're the worst team in football.
  19. That's where I'm going with that.....you can't just punch her back no matter how furious you are....
  20. Can I just say that very little infuriates me more than watchin an incensed woman opening up a can on a guy. Now the guy can't really just haul off and return fire no matter what the case, so it's totally a no-win situation. Just saying that really irks me. I've seen several occasions where a girl has labeled a guy square in the face.
  21. I wouldn't mind individual introductions again too, as opposed to the "BUFFALO BILLS OFFENSE"
  22. V COACH ALERT: Lifes Not Fair Suck it up, somedays the sun shines, some days it doesn't. While you're whimpering about your half empty glass i'll be over getting a refill.
  23. - (12:53 PM) During Warmups, Bills penalized for too many men on the field, Penalty to be assessed on the kickoff - (12:59 PM) Bills penalized for delay of game during cointoss, Penalty to be assessed on kickoff - (1:01 PM) Gostkowski kicks off from midfield, Ball sails into the 12th row, Bills assessed a safety on the play - (1:02 PM) Jauron challenges the play stating that a kickoff out of the endzone is not a safety - (1:03 PM) Jauron Ejected
  24. Exactly! Ralph was speaking like a real fan when he said that. Who knows what the record will be this year but the team is reconnecting with what made them so successful with the fans long ago.
  25. I was just about to post this too....that is one of the greatest quotes I have read in a while
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