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5 Wide

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Everything posted by 5 Wide

  1. The thing is, with how the rain kicked in and the immediacy getting the ball back....Losman wasn't prepared for that moment. He wasn't prepared to march the team down there in 1:18, he seemed overwhelmed.
  2. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brett_Favre Pro Bowl, 1992 & 1993
  3. I plan on fighting you tooth and nail for next weeks tard award
  4. I believe the overwhelming sentiment of the board is that JP is a talent that needs patience and to be brought along slowly. There are only a seldom few who don't understand it takes time.
  5. Business in the front or party in the back? If you won $100 Million dollars, would you still shower? What's the difference between "almost" and "not quite" Do you enjoy Pirates? What do you think is the point in aquatic evolution where a large puddle becomes officially classified as a pond? What is your theory on the fact that no matter what color your shampoo is, the lather is always white?
  6. Pat Williams = you don't appreciate what you have until its gone. Great player, great teammate, great member of the community. I will never boo him.
  7. But you can't always justify a single player because he may lack supporting pieces around him. Barry Sanders never had an o-line, Dominik Hasek never had a top flight defense etc...great playmakers need to be able to change the flow of the game based off of a great individual effort
  8. I know one of the arguments is that people throw away from Nate Clements and what not. However, he is making over $7 Million this season, and at that price, he needs to be a difference maker on the field. He has to make plays other players are not capable of making, he needs to turn a game or momentum at some point. These are not things he is doing, he is not changing the game, he is merely proving to be a "nice" player.
  9. I'm thinking Reyes>Villarial has something to do with it too
  10. Yes, but only if A Train is his RB. A-train plays with a chip on his shoulder and something to prove, Willis plays soft and lazy.
  11. The Athletic Directors also take a proactive role in seeing that all the student athletes remain academically eligible throughout the year. Special lounges and tutoring sessions are made available to the athletes to ensure they do what they need to do in the classroom so they can do what they need to do on the field.
  12. You make good points, I suppose as long as the ratings are through the roof and Networks are dishing out upwards of $1B to carry games arrests don't even register as a blip on the radar
  13. I'm not looking at it so much as the 7 year old will emulate what their favorite player does off the field, but from the standpoint of the NFL's image. The NFL goes to great length to show fan interaction with it's players (ie take Strahan or McNabb to school). What they try to do is build an image off of the players, and I believe that off the field behavior needs to be dealt with more stringently than what it currently is. Ken Lay or John Rigas didn't market their companies product to the average fan or child, their image was held on quarterly reports. While I'm not naive enough to say that the NFL isn't big business, I am naive enough to believe that the image it's employees portray tarnishes the final product.
  14. But 7 year old kids don't have John Rigas posters hanging on their walls...
  15. I think one of the things that sticks in Pat Williams craw is that he genuinely loved to play for/live in Buffalo. I remember running into him in the Atlanta airport as we were waiting for a flight back to Buffalo and he was one of the nicest humble people you'd ever meet. He genuinely wanted to stay here and liked the area, but Donahoe never treated it like a family around here made a lot of formerly loyal people bitter.
  16. I especially like this one: "All them dumb a—-s are gone," Williams said. "If they were still there, I would have a problem with (the Bills). But they got Marv (Levy) running things, and they're trying to get things back on line."
  17. unfortunately we're 1-2 in the division right now which won't help come tie break time (should the need arise)
  18. Don't care about their record, I like the throwbacks...especially if we play the Charges with their throwbacks.....only way that could get even sweeter is if it was a blizzard on 12/3
  19. I'm bar league now..played AABA and Muny for the Busmen before that team folded a couple years ago. Muny plays too many nights a week for me now that I'm in the workforce and not trying to keep the skills up for fall ball anymore.
  20. Lets take a quick look around the league for a moment: Steve Smith averages for his career: 6.8 YAC/Rec Terrel Owens averages for his career 5.7 YAC/Rec Jeremy Shockey averages for his career 4.9 YAC/Rec So if Steve Smith has 7 catches on the day, he has 48 yards of YAC If TO has 7 Catches on the day, he has 40 Yards of YAC If Shockey has 7 Catches on the day, he has 35 Yards of YAC That equals 123 yards of Yac for 21 completions It kind of seems like maybeYAC has a large % of total yards across the league, and not just on a "fluke, feel good day" by Losman Point is, Receivers run after the catch, its what they do. If you want to talk about screens and check downs then the YAC skyrockets even more.
  21. 2nd degree tear back in 8 days??? Sorry man I have to call BS on that one. I played baseball in college too, and while heat and stim are great, it's not gunna bring back a tear. You can jog and even do 75 - 85% running on a bum hammy, but the minute you call on that burst it goes pop if its not healed all the way. You're talking to a CF here, I know all about hammys and quads. I popped my hammy playing Indian River CC during spring training, shut me down for the rest of the trip down there. Heat, stim, and ultrasound, I was jogging again in 7 days, running in 12. Went out there 2 weeks after, did a drop step on a ball in the gap, pushed off and the hammy went again.
  22. I was going to start a thread like that, but their player photos are in flash and I can't acquire the image to link into a new thread
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